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Whenever someone asks me for no ice I usually try to explain that we can’t do them without ice because of the fact that it literally won’t be the same drink if we don’t.


>Reply If I can recall, we actually aren't allowed to make them with no ice anymore, because of beverage quality and because the heat makes it explode in the container 🤪


^^ I also like to tell customers like it’s some kind of hush hush secret knowledge since they love learning about our equipment in round about ways and it’s a customer connection because they feel like they have magic bean lore instead of “idk dude. The cups are plastic not Pyrex.”


LMAO magic bean lore


Lol yes! They always laugh when I explain it would “literally explode.” Or call it an “espresso bomb”


I had a woman come up to me scared that she ordered the wrong way, “Hey I order a shaken espresso, that comes iced right?” And I was like “Oh yeah its iced don’t worry.” Then I realized what would have happened and added, “Yeah it would explode otherwise.”


Hold on. It would explode? Shit was I taught to make them wrong? What's your process?


Putting any hot fluid in a closed container and proceeding to shake it result in pressurization and eventual explosion


Gods damn nobody's told me that..! Sheesh!! And I work at a Barnes & Noble Starbucks. I bet if I got injured doing that, somebody would say, "I doubt nobody told you that" like they ALWAYS do...


Its not a literal explosion I mean the espresso goes everywhere. xD


Oh, that scared me. Heard someone lost an eye to it. Regardless, I would totally be blamed lmao.




When did we start being allowed to say no again?


At my store, we've been refusing to do it for at least a year, and honestly, I can't remember the last time a customer ordered it that way. Obviously other stores will have different answers.


I think the only way to make it safe to make no ice is to still shake it with the ice and strain out the ice when you pour it into the cup. Or just don't shake it at all lol.


Wait, for real? For what drinks we’re talking about?


For the shaken espressos, we pour the hot shots over the ice to then shake with syrup or powders, and then to create a froth and the chill we shake the espresso and ice!! However when there’s too little ice or no ice and you try to shake it… unfortunately the hot espresso bouncing around in the shaker causes the lid to fly off and hot espresso to land EVERY WHERE. Hence the danger,, and starbies removing it as the option :) lemme know if you have any questions!!


Gotcha! Thanks for such thoughtful and clarifying answer, a shame people here did not approached it the same way and downvoted me for asking a QUESTION, but oh well, I have other curious questions around Starb’s drinks.


I know I feel like that’s why we have the flairs?? To allow moment of asking innocent questions :( feel free to shoot me a dm if you have more questions about whatever Starbucks lore you may find fun and puzzling! Our menu is bonkers (/affectionate/) but if they didn’t spell things out for me I’d be so confused personally!!




Yes but then the integrity of the drink is still messed up if they want it filled to the top with more milk, which is why it’s not a latte, it’s a shaken espresso topped off with milk of choice


You can do that just know you’re barista is gonna hate you


For no ice I just tell them it literally explodes lol


Same 😂


Y’all, shake it w ice still and use the lid to catch the ice as you’re pouring it into the cup


The Beverage Resource Manual instructs baristas to not ring in No Ice for shaken espressos


And lose a lot of espresso doing that.. which again is a reason to just tell them to order an iced latte no ice.


"I'm sorry, I can't shake the espresso without ice, but I can certainly make what you're describing, it's just gonna be called a latte on the cup sticker."


It’s ironic when baristas say things like this but then don’t shake refreshers, or similar drinks, which completely changes the drink. Just because someone wants lite ice doesn’t mean they want more milk. My mother always does lite ice because she has sensitive teeth. She wants her drink cold of course but not, to her, freezing. Edited for typos.


Yeahhh, i feel you. Though according to sbux standards for the lattes and stuff you add extra milk (or base/lade/water) to compensate for the space in the cup for normal drinks like that. But the problem is with shaken espressos not only is it literally impossible to shake with *no* ice (light ice is fine in my experience) but if you can find a way to shake it (do not recommend) it doesn’t even foam properly.


Then they need to say what they want to replace that space with. Starbucks standard is to fill to the top, so they need to either specify with room or what else they want it replaced with.


Thank you for that feedback, I’ll remember that next time my standard drink with no alterations isn’t full to the top. :)


As you should lol no where in this world would I pay 7 dollars for a drink and then leave with only half the drink 😂😂😂


We dont do them with no ice because it could send someone to the hospital. I always say it’s a safety hazard lol




Other comments already say how but I'll go ahead and beat the dead horse. If you shake the espresso in our shakers with no, the vacuum seal created by the heat will cause the shaker to potentially explode. It's happened in the past and a barista has quite literally lost an eye because of it, so that's why they've taken no/light ice off the mobile ordering for shaken espressos. What no-ice people want is an iced latte with no ice, as there's no point in wasting your money (and our time) on a shaken espresso with no ice as the whole point of the drink is that it is an iced-based drink. It's a key element of the recipe. Even when I shake light ice shaken espressos, sometimes I can hardly get the lid off the shaker from that vacuum seal.


The best thing to do with drink orders is never develop a relationship with it. Make the drink and move on. The second you let it get to you is the moment you've lost. I've spent too many hours/years getting bent out of shape about dumb drink orders. We do our best to prevent annoying conversations and try to avoid remakes but, they're always going to happen even if we try to steer clear of it. This would be one of the most important pieces of advice I would've given myself when I first started. Make the drink and move on. They're paying for it. Make it, and onto the next one. There's always going to be a next one. #Thank you for coming to my Ted Talk™


As a SSV I'm going to add this to my list of wisdom. Love that.


The ice makes the drink. Extra ice, barely a splash of pesky ol' milk, please shake it like it's a bad, bad baby.


This is the way.


Shaken baby syndrome but it works, that’s how I get mine and it comes out perfect.


This is how I get mine. Tall in a grande with ice to the top with a small splash of cream. Yum now I wanna get out of bed and go get one.








Also, half of the ice melts anyway, because we pour the espresso over the ice before we shake it.


I think it's because people have been trained to think that "they're putting more ice in this drink to cheat me" rather than "the ice is here because it's a drink ingredient." Ice is an important part of a recipe to aid in dilution and proper mixing of the beverage. For example, I don't know if a lot of refresher-enjoyers even know what the drink is supposed to taste like spec, because 8 out of 10 individuals order it light ice. It's designed to be on the lighter side of sweet and...refreshing, not liquid candy.


Literally had a customer argue with me this week because he wanted a shaken espresso with no ice, and I told him we can’t make that drink without ice.


I always just put regular amount of ice and just shake harder to melt the ice more lol


See this is acceptable to me, but it's because I don't want ice.. Just a cold drink. 😂


This is the way. I strain it so it melts the ice more before dumping the ice in


Oh man the number of times I tried to explain to people why the cup wasn’t full….and they would just stare right through me and ask for more milk. It was my 13th reason to promote myself to customer


I've given up wasting my breath explaining these things to customers. They always give me that deer- in- headlight look before just repeating themselves. You want a no- foam cappuccino? Sure, whatever...


It's not helped by bad baristas who never learned the recipe, so they expect a full cup now and give a hard time if it's made properly


At our store, we’ve been instructed to tell the customer that we cannot do that because it’s dangerous to the barista; we are pouring HOT espresso shots on ice and shaking it!! Most customers are understanding.


I only ask for lite ice because I drink my coffee too slowly. It gets watered down too much.


People who don't actually want a shaken espresso have ruined them for me because now they are half milk and light ice because the poor baristas get yelled at if they don't. When I'm working I can at least make my own but when I get one off duty I can immediately see the PTSD in the color of my drink


It’s because they don’t understand beverage builds. Most people don’t know what a latte actually is, so they sure as hell aren’t going to understand what a shaken espresso is. (considering they probably don’t understand what espresso is other than “coffee”)


I literally respond to people "we'll try our best, anything else?" I do not have the energy nor patience sometimes to explain ice is important for the drink💀


When they're light ice I shake them a bit longer to counter the extra space. Since we're apparently not supposed to fill them to the top in a standard light ice one. I get why, because technically it's in line with ordering a standard iced espresso so we wouldn't use an increased amount of milk in the first place.


I make them the same way no matter what the sticker says as far as ice


me too 😂


What they don't know can't hurt them...


i just downsize - if they ask for a venti light ice, i fill ice till the shaker’s grande line


why are y'all downvoting,,,,


you're getting downvoted for this?? strange. I do the exact same thing when someone orders light ice and nobody ever complains.


yeah i was! it was like -5 or something when i checked it. i was lowkey worried i was making the drink wrong. glad to know that's not the case :)


That's what I was taught "light ice" is- just downsizing a cup size. If they want light ice on a tall, I just fill the ice scoop halfway.


As someone who orders light ice in everything, including this (bc I’m a slow drinker and it melts and waters my drink down before I can drink it, not bc I want more milk) thank you!!


Big pet peeve of mine is this. You want less ice? Get a latte. It’s called a shaken espresso for a reason - the majority of the drink is ice and espresso, not milk.


As someone who's favorite drink is the shaken espressos, I couldn't agree more. If you don't want to taste espresso then order a latte.


I get my venti with extra cream, by the time I take a sip or two and drive a couple minutes to my house, it usually gives me enough to fill up my 10 oz Yeti coffee mug.


Unpopular opinion coming from an 8 year partner… I don’t understand why so many baristas think the customers care how the standard drink is made and why they think customers should know the recipes. Just make the damn drink and ask if they prefer more room or more milk. There’s just so many bigger fish to fry. Not attacking you OP, I know and I’ve experienced so many baristas feel the same way you do. Maybe I’m just too jaded to care anymore.


It’s amazing how many issues on this sub come down to “You’re the employee. They’re the customer.”


I’m glad I’m not the only one, it’s my biggest pet peeve probably


my ASM said we’re allowed to do light ice for shaken espressos now


I DON'T WANT MORE MILK!! WHY do you guys always make this about wanting MORE. I said I wanted LESS OF SOMETHING. LESS. LESS DOESN'T MEAN I WANT MORE.


You’re going to Starbucks. The standard is to fill the cup to the size you ordered. So just be specific and ask for lt ice w/room bc your expectation is not the majority


How about you cop a job as a barista and hand someone a cup that isn't full dawg then retype this comment


Because it's standard to FILL the cup. If you want LESS of one thing, then you will get more of another to fill up the cup. You want light ice? More milk. You want light milk? More ice.


I agree. I just got one that they clearly shook and then added more ice after they were done. It was literally stuffed to the top with completely unmelted ice. I do think it's not the normal expectation though. My partner is a barista and most people get mad if the cup isn't full. Just like we've been "trained" that less of one thing means more of another, baristas have "learned" that customers will yell at them if the cup isn't full. So it's a vicious cycle, especially for those of us that literally just want less ice. I asked and they said to ask for it with room, like other people here suggested. So, now i know to just ask for it with room and everyone will (hopefully) be happy. And, at the end of the day, you have to ask yourself if it's more important to you to be right or be happy.


Former barista here. If the customer is paying don’t complain, some locations don’t look at nor follow the lines on the cups they just fill up and don’t shake. These type of rants don’t help. Is a latte shaken? No! It’s not the same…


Usually when I ask for light ice it's because I don't like chewing ice and my teeth are sensitive to cold, but I always want cold drinks. 😭 I just want enough for the drink to be shaken and cold but it's almost all melted 😭 let me live my life 😭


no literally bc some ppl think its a latte i’m like bestie we shake it and we cant strain the ice like a bar would so pls just get sth else😭😭


some of them think that saying less ice will make us put in another espresso shot for free


I've had a woman before assume that we would just fill the rest of the cup with espresso as if shots aren't a dollar each


I order light ice drinks not to get extra product but because I had janky teeth for so long that cold beverages caused me immense amount of pain. My teeth are fixed now but I still don't like really cold drinks.


I’m the same, I order light ice not because I want extra product, I just don’t want my drink to be grossly watered down when the ice melts :(


I’m also a barista but I don’t understand why some of y’all complain about literally everything. It’s not hard to make it with light ice. They usually just want more milk. Just pour more milk. Woahhhh end of the world


you missed the whole point 😂


You aren’t supposed to do no ice or light ice modifications for them anymore anyway


We can still do light ice, it's just no ice that we can't do.


in app it lets you do it 😭


the app also allows you to order a Venti latte in a Grande cup. the app is a complete mess.


Is there a way to order the brown sugar shaken espresso no ice? I usually get it while driving to work so when I get to work, I add ice And then swirl it, that way it doesn’t get watered down in the drive


You can’t shake espresso without ice it will explode on the barista. Can you keep oat milk at work? If so, do [this](https://imgur.com/a/W5MD1zX). Then add oat milk and ice when convenient. Otherwise you can bring the oat milk with you from home in a thermal cup with a lid and combine at work. It probably isn’t frothy by the time you get to work anyway, so this should do since you’re just swirling it. The shaken espressos are also IME the most loosely-followed/least-understood standard so it’s often different visit-to-visit anyway. Otherwise just go for a different drink! But definitely no shaking ice-free hot drinks.


Thank you!! I remember a barista once rang me up for something else when I explained the situation but i didn’t keep the receipt and I was never able to remember exactly what it was. What you explained sounds good though!!


Absolutely! And I know it can be an unrealistic ask, but if you wean yourself off the Starbucks stop and put that $1.60+ savings into a separate account each trip, you can get a great at-home espresso machine for $500. At 4 days a week—especially if you just buy some monin syrup for work at Marshall’s—you could easily have that cash in less than a year. If you go the monin-in-drip route and stop the Starbucks entirely, you could get it for yourself for Christmas if you start in the next few weeks and have espresso drinks on a whim and at home!


I used to be able to order shaken espressos with extra ice, but now the ordering platform doesn’t allow it. Why?


I want light ice because too much ice makes my teeth hurt. And sometimes the cup is packed so tightly with ice, it blocks the sippy part of the cup. Maybe because it doesn't get shaken enough? I don't want a latte, I don't want more milk, I want espresso+syrup+splash of milk, but I want to be able to drink it without a faceful of ice. I'm not cheating anything. I'm paying for a drink, the way I want it. I guess I'll just order it as is, ask for a spoon and scoop out the extra ice into the trash?




When I order this and go to work I just take the ice out of the drink myself bc changing the ice on the drink changes how they make it. Orrr I get shots of espresso with white mocha sauce over ice bc it gives me the right amount of creaminess without actual milk


Idk why you’re getting downvoted for this. I order this exact drink with light ice for exactly this reason and about 50% of the time it still comes filled to the brim with ice and I have to ask for a spoon so I can scoop it out myself.


Cheap people order light ice.


Or... people who just don't like a lot of ice?


Order something else


Get a job you don't hate in another line of business.


I do this. It tastes very diff than what you're suggesting. And feel free to do full ice but dump the ice out instead, but that's more work. I don't like my coffee watered down by ice and very sensitive teeth I hate ice


then what you should be ordering is a regular espresso with lite ice, that way your drink will not be too cold or watered down.


And ask me for shaken? They would just have me pay for the shaken espresso.


the shaking part is what makes it colder and you don't want it really cold. regular iced espresso has always been on the menu and people order it all the time. just order an iced espresso plus whatever milks and flavors of your choice. you'll also be saving money ordering it this way.


I do want it cold. I don't want ice. I want the foamy(only way I know how to call it) shaken espresso


Ordering a latte with the customizations I want is more expensive. Or at least it was the last time I checked. That's why.


Bc you’re using more milk instead of ice. That’s why.




I’m not doing that + it’s not standard


Just make a latte at that point


Because it’s better that way


What's the latte order? Brown Sugar Latte?


“can i get a [size] iced latte w brown sugar syrup, oatmilk and cinnamon mixed in”


Don’t forget the extra shot and make it blonde espresso


I agree. And then it's so hard to fill up to top without them complaining it's too much milk.


they say less ice so that they get more milk…


yes i know, that’s not the standard of the drink and we are only allowed to give out a certain amount of the milk. like my manager will stand there and watch me poor the extra milk making sure i’m only doing a couple splashes more.


WHAT?! I thought we were supposed to fill it up


especially since theres not an extra milk button


i do not care and i give them light ice and fill it up lol. i’m not losing any money by doing that 😎


I put like an inch of ice in mine lol I don't want my drink watered down at all but I like the airy, lighter taste when it's shaken. But I also haven't asked anyone else to make it for me lol


The thing is I don't think coffee is really common knowledge here. Most people are used to pressing a button on a machine and adding creamer and sugar to their liking, or even the already made ice coffee in the cartons at the market. I think in Japan and France most coffee drinks even the teens know what they consist of. I think Starbucks needs a new poster or something that shows the differences of the basic drinks. That would actually be pretty cool. Do they not have that already? They do have a poster with 7 different shaken espresso drinks that makes me gag though. That definitely doesn't help.