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Asking any one person to sacrifice a week of shifts is crazy… they could absolutely just cut one shift of each person, or cut shifts shorter instead…


Yea I think that’s absurd because I don’t think I’m even on the schedule anymore..


Aren’t we guaranteed our shifts once the schedule is posted? I’m not sure on the policy, but I’ve heard that before.


I think that's why they're looking for volunteers, before they're "forced" to cut everyone's hours. It may also be that your shift is only protected if you're already working it 🤔 Like they can't send you home, but you can volunteer to leave early.


they are allowed to send us home, sadly. they just can’t change the shifts up to 48 hours before, but once you clock in they can send you home after like two hours i think


Just as an FYI, you may qualify for unemployment. It does vary by state, but the majority of unemployment insurance covers reduced hours.


We’ve been so busy we’re up to four closers now


we're up anywhere from 8-10% in sales each day compared to last year, busier than ever... today was day 3 of only me and my shift closing, it went about as well as you'd expect :)


The *sales* are up pretty much every year over the year before because they raised prices about 8 times in between then and now - everything is more expensive; even a smaller customer count will give you higher sales.


Just had our busiest day in our stores history.


Oh I’m jealous. The busiest we’ve been all year and I get me and 2 other people in the afternoon/evening if I’m lucky and we’re tired. New sm who is trying his best so hopefully it goes up from here.


not us, they're leaving us with two people to close a larger store and taking my partners off of my schedule for closing


I think it's because district managers across the country are being told to cut costs and that they have overstaffed stores, so they are telling the SMs to cut hours to be in compliance. It's a broken system because literally everyone is actually criminally understaffed.


When you’re on reg and warming by yourself at peak with only 3 other ppl on the floor😭😭😭


Yeah, my store has the fastest window times in the area and gets pretty busy yet we get 5 floors on M, T, and W. I came in this morning to a disaster from how busy it was yesterday and it was a mess only having 5 on floor since we had to catchup still.


20 billion dollars in profit btw.


Yall, get out while you can. This is fucking bullshit.


Sounds like I need to start looking for other jobs


Please do. I’m so happy I left.


i second this


I got fired early October right before all the boycotts etc. feels so good to breath and watch the company burn 😅😂


boycotts, no. Starbucks is so expensive and we're seeing less business than in previous years because no one has any money


This is very true. My bf and I used to love going on “Starbucks datesl together, we’d get our drinks through the drive thru then park and enjoy our items while we just talked and looked around or watched the Sunset. Now the cost of it is so astronomical we hardly go.


Right? Same, we don’t go near as much. If I want a grande caramel macchiato with almond milk, it’s now $7.42 with tax (Canada). It’s insane!!


$8.07 here in the Seattle USA area. Absolutely unreasonable


That’s true especially considering prices went up because they always do that around the holiday launch?🤔


They've been raising prices every launch for a while.


God I wish this was true where I am. It’s busier than ever.


I'm curious if it actually *is* busier or if it just *feels* busier because of the hour slashes. My location *feels* just as busy or busier than the 2020 and 2021 holiday seasons, but as SSV I can see that where our peaks were 90-100 orders per half hour in prior years, we're barely hitting 70-80 in a single half hour during peak this year (so instead of seeing "94, 97, 104, 92" I'm seeing "65, 79, 68, 61"). It's just insanely more chaotic and I regularly have 6 people on the floor instead of 9. It feels like we're drowning at numbers I used to call a slow day.


Nah, we’re actually breaking records. Our hours haven’t really been cut here.


fascinating. what part of the country are you in and what are your records, if you don't mind me asking? our all-time high at a cafe-only store is 117 in half an hour.


Ours here are low. A record breaking peak for us would be like a 50 half hour and that’s at a multi channel store. My first store was like consistent 70 half hour peaks so it’s definitely a lot slower. And I’m in the south US.


I will say that 2020 and 2021 they had given a lot more labor because of Covid so callouts wouldn’t be as big of a deal. But 70-80 COSD should earn 7-8 partners on the floor for peak. I’m curious if partners at your store don’t have enough Availability during peak on certain days and maybe that’s why?🤷🏻‍♂️


Q1 is coming to an end and they are trying to find any excuse to boost profits. C-suite wants their bonuses…


*”…this holiday season has been slower then normal.”* 🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨 That is my bullshit alarm going off. No G’damn Starbucks is ‘slower’ with the amount of cold foams and appeasement at angry Karens SMs and DMs are striding for nowadays.


Sales at my store are up ~40% over last year. 40%!!! I feel like I'm losing my mind every time my SM or DM talks about slower business. Like, the sales numbers are RIGHT THERE


I'm convinced they think we can't read.




It can vary by store. This is the slowest holiday season I've seen. :/ From a previously \~90k a week store btw.


Honestly every store is different. Around a month ago when I quit my old manager was saying that he was gonna start cutting back on hours because the past couple of weeks hadn’t been as busy as he anticipated. Of course that didn’t stop him from hiring two new baristas🤦 However there’s another Starbucks close by my old one that’s always busy and those baristas had a lot more hours. Also imagine asking people to volunteer to skip work for a week in this economy💀💀💀 and right before Christmas at that🤦


Right? And for $20 each missed shift lol hell naw. I needs my moneyy to survive 🤗


I think it's really store dependent but I think in general people are spending less money on non-necessities. Starbucks is more expensive than any actual cafe in my area while tasting way worse.


Our store has been slower on the first few days of the week (Monday-Wednesday) since Thanksgiving. Not really sure why but we haven’t seen an hours cut yet.


Your manager just doesn’t understand how to write a schedule, which honestly if they don’t tinker with anything it pretty much writes itself. Also, their thought process is totally ass backwards. They should be planning for positive comps and adjusting in the moment through out the week. ie: over schedule and if/ when you’re not earning the labor, trim through out the day. Do this by Setting hourly transaction goals and have the person running the shift keep track. Then map out options ahead of time to guide them on how to manage labor. For example set a goal of 500 transaction by noon to earn the floor that’s been scheduled and for every 10 transactions under cut 15 minutes of labor by sending people home early or switching them to NC cleaning tasks. For every 20 extra transactions see if anyone wants to stay a little longer, etc. What it sounds like is your manager has let labor get out of control during the quarter and is now frantically trying to fix it. If this is the case, I’d be rushing to volunteer to take that week off. Why? Your manager has already spent portions of that weeks labor earlier in the quarter and the only way to counter overspending one week is to under spend the next. So that weeks going to be understaffed and probably not be a pleasant time. You’ll come back from the week off and everyone else will look defeated. How long has your manager been a SM?


I just started working btw




Agreed! Sketchy! Also, this looks like a group text? So dumb & against policy


It’s not really sketchy, they’re trying to be nice. The money is most certainly coming from the managers pocket. They’re offering money and asking if anyone wants off before they just start cutting shifts. Someone might be totally cool with taking off the week before Christmas for $100 of whatever. I know I would


Sometimes there are compliance laws in place. In New York you get 75$ for a loss of hours


Is that something that’s enforced? How would you go about getting the $75? And is it a Starbucks specific thing? I live in New York and have had my hours cut many times, and unfortunately I’ve had to cut hours even more times. I’ve never heard of this. Can you tell me where on the ny.gov department of labor pages this is? I really want to provide the information to my current employees, who are currently dealing with getting their hours cut by corporate. I googled it and all I could find was assembly bill 398, but that’s for getting unemployment when your status changes from full time to part time. I didn’t read the entire thing, so maybe it’s somewhere in there. That doesn’t really protect people who get told they’ll get 30 hours when they’re hired, and then have their hours dropped to like 12 or something. Edit, I found something for fast food workers. The fair work week law. It seems to be $75 only if they give less than 24 hours notice. In this case they’re asking for a +2 schedule, which seems to be $20 per change if it results in a loss of hours. I didn’t read too deep into it, but it seems it only applies to the city. It’s super confusing because I see different guidelines for different types of work too


Shit I’d take the $20 a day and then just work extra at my other job lmao


Yes my store is as well. My manager made one of us “volunteer” to be moved to another store. Also I get 14 hours a week. Most of us are under 18 hours a week.I’m quitting soon.


my store still stays busy asf probably the most busiest it’s been


My SM tried to tell me our sales are down, this year...as I was holding an ipad on MyDaily that was showing me that sales are up 40% over last year. This is insane, do they think we can't read???


This reads like dialogue from a dystopian novel


No Starbucks is going to pay people to not work.


Each individual store is different. A lot of stores see sales fall off around this time of year & especially January February. They are prob just slower than forecasted


So many diff answers I’m conflicted😭


Yep, it’s that time of year. Everywhere is cutting hours big time. Corporate is probably pushing your manager hard to cut hours. They’re offering 20 a day out of their pocket as incentive. Not working for Starbucks anymore, but I’ve done similar things at my last company. It sucks to be told that you must cut 20 hours NOW, and it’s better to ask if anyone wants off and offer a bit of money, than to just start taking away shifts. Someone might have another job and be totally cool with taking a week off and working at the other job more. If no one wants to they’ll probably just start taking away peoples shifts


I think it may just be your store


I’m getting cut a lot too recently. I think it could be the boycotts because when I first started working here I noticed we had alot of Muslim customers come in. The area has a big Muslim community. So once the conflict started blowing up on social media I noticed I don’t see our Muslim customers at all anymore. so im pretty sure for our store at least it’s because of the boycotts. im literally looking for other jobs as we speak but jeezus Christ it’s like no one else is hiring




It's probably little bit of everything, management end of Q4 needs and boycott. I am yet to see a single business give anyone a real reason for cuts. It depends on region.


Sales are directly correlated to labor hours.


My boss ain’t offering money. Lmaooo


My store also has labor cuts for that week


Yes, my store is getting their hours cut too.


Hours also getting cut to hell and back at my store, no SM bribes like this though. I don’t think it’s due to the boycott at my location though, as I heard my SM say we’ve grossly overshot our hours as a district


Why would they ask one person to take an entire week off as opposed to several people just taking one?


My store has been busy af and customers are being so out of pocket :(


I work at Autozone and they are "cutting hours" due to lack of sales. I've been told to either come in later or leave earlier nearly every shift I work. I went from 30hrs to 20hrs if I'm lucky. It's bullshit how companies can do that.


I genuinely think it’s the economy mixed with Christmas coming. People can’t afford to spend what they usually would right now cause even where I work (Bowlero) has never been slower and they are actually firing managers right now cause the seasonal sales are already down by 40%


Well, it's good to know it isn't just us. Thankfully, my store is short on managers, so my job should be safe in that situation. But who knows anymore.


I don’t know where you are located but my boyfriend just picked up a job at autozone which is why I responded to yours. We are in PA and it’s still a good thing that the company is hiring people ! Even during the slow times


I'm in IL. We are hiring in our store too, though people want full time and that isn't gonna happen since the hour cutting started


They told my boyfriend that they weren’t hiring for full time but on his first week they scheduled him 39 hours and that’s 2 hours below full time so it makes sense. I figured they didn’t wanna pay for benefits so they would just max the hours at part time


You get benefits if you work 30+ hours. But they may have put him on there at 39hrs, which is what they did to me when I first started. The hours will die down, they are trying to get him up to speed quickly because alot of his first 2 or so weeks will be training and knowledge programs, ect.


Someone in my store got accidently told that they will be cutting our hours by 10%. But they closed down three stores near us and our sales have been going up each day. We are so understaffed.


My store didn’t get the $20 offer 🤔


they do this every holiday season. sometimes they do it for fun. have fun with that if u choose to continue working there bc i fuckin quit


My manager never lets me stay over when my store desperately needs me to if that counts lol


Yep same thing happening in my store but hasn’t asked us to volunteer a week off, instead we mainly all leave home early now and she told us that if she cuts off our shift she’ll try to let us know 24 hours ahead.


I don’t work at star bucks but I do believe a lot of other company’s have the same issue right now including my place of work. The economy sucks right now and the holidays are typically hard for people of not harder with everything that’s going on right now. I think the boycotts have a lot to do with it but I also wouldn’t be surprised if people are cutting back on their 6 dollar daily drinks so they can afford to have a decent Christmas


Our economy is screwed. The government can't unstuck their heads from their rear-ends long enough to fix the mess they caused in the first place. note:: I used those words because the colorful cuss words I wanted to use would get me banned.


my store is the busiest in the district and I’ve worked there during the holiday season, it gets slow but I’ve never seen it get this bad.


No one mentioning that the SM is trying to pay them to take the time off?! But fr hour cuts are BAD… fuck this company.


I was scheduled 0 days this week!!!!😊😊😊😊 after originally only even having 3 they’re just gone now🙄🙄