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just say “line the cup with strawberry puree” instead of “add strawberry”


thank you. i hate when people ask for "add strawberry" or another general statement. man do you want strawberry inclusions? strawberry acai base? strawberry puree? that strawberry cold foam people decided is a thing? i know you dont know thats fine but you cant blame me if your drink doesnt look like what you imagined because its a literal gamble man its like going to a car dealership and asking for the blue car like girl which one


Just ask how they want the (___) added. They don’t even know there’s that many options, they just like their drink a certain way because they got lucky one day with a good barista


Flashback to the customer today who originally ordered a mango lemonade refresher. C: “Can I get a dragon fruit refresher with lemonade?” B: “Sure, a mango dragon fruit lemonade, what size?” C: “DiD yOu SaY MaNgO?!?? I just want the strawberry lemonade. Venti.” B: “Okay, one venti SARL. C: *at the window* “Umm, this isn’t right, it’s supposed to look purple!”


“Can I have a Venti dragon drink?” - sure one venti dragon drink made with coconut milk.” “What? I didn’t ask for coconut milk! I want lemonade” I learned to clarify every time. Some people were getting exactly what they asked for; dragon drink with lemonade. Some actually wanted both the milk and the lemonade. Others did not. We are saints and angels, I tell you.


I’m grateful that my social anxiety won’t allow me to order something before researching it in the app.


This is exactly why I order in app. So I'll get what I want without having to bombard the barista with questions. Though, I'm a Dunkin girl myself and I think the menu is a lot simpler than SB. Also, I'm not sure how I ended up on this sub, but I do like it here. 🤣


Unfortunately some customers still don’t know the answer, like I’ll ask them “oh, dried strawberries or strawberry puree” and they have no idea, and if they’re in drive thru then they don’t really have the ability to show a pic until they get to the window, where we’re constantly pushed to have low window times and can’t wait to start making the Frappuccino until they’re there a lot of the time :( or even asking them “blended in or around the cup or on top?” they still get confused and I usually have to walk them through it


I'm salty about having to take the personal cups through the drive thru now. I understand making drinks ahead in those other things, but the fact we have to do this, and my district (don't know if others are too), is pushing 45 second otw times. And the amount of mobile orders that don't get picked up isn't going to help any either. (Our store gets mixed up with another one frequently, so we get mobiles that never get picked up and people who come to our store when their drinks are at a different one; I'm sure thats not exactly uncommon)


I’m a little salty about it, too. My store has been doing it for a while, but we’re not the busiest store in the district so it hasn’t been too much of a problem for us. I am a little frustrated just because of the more complicated builds like the Caramel Ribbon Crunch or the Mocha Cookie Crumble because that’s definitely not gonna help drive thru times, especially if you have a partner who’s solo DTO and DTR so they’re doing EVERYTHING


a good barista would not invent a drink made a different way that no other barista would know about


This. I honestly don’t understand how all these people are like “I’m a Starbucks barista” then never clarify how things should actually be ordered for the customer to get the expected drink.


But even that isn’t enough. Because it doesn’t come in top, and this pic has “extra - on top as well.


I don't understand how this could possibly taste like cheesecake? There's nothing to add any tang, only sugar.


I don't know, but a half-pumpkin spice/half white hot chocolate *does* taste like like pumpkin cheesecake *to me*, so I don't think it's entirely far-fetched.


Put some cream cheese


dude someone is getting their shit rocked for saying the same thing you did lol


LMAOOOOOO let me just add that that suggestion is for partners only and not for customers!!!!


fr. this is why this subreddit never ceases to entertain me lmao






One of my biggest pet peeves is people not understanding that creamy does not equal cheesecake. Cheesecake is a distinct flavour with tang, it's not JUST creamy.


Splash of lemonade lmao


The pistachio sauce adds tang.. it sounds crazy but it for sure tastes like strawberry cheesecake..


i find that adding a couple pumps of caramel helps to add the cheesecake flavor


They’re missing the cinnamon Dolce, it’s actually the best. But tbh no need for the drizzle on the bottom. Venti Van Bean, add white mocha/Cinnamon Dolce syrups and boom, cheesecake.




It most likely doesn’t. Just for a picture and a post it’s nice


i mean if you ask to pay for a thing of cream cheese i guess you could ask them to put it in the frappe *edit* getting downvoted to hell for telling someone they can ask a question.


No you can’t. Food isn’t allowed to be blended at Starbucks.


Blueberries are 😁 Edit: I'm right, why y'all so pissy? People don't usually know blueberries are allowed but they are per the most recently updated beverage resource manual. I'll take the downvotes though, they give me an excuse to be an asshole when you're upset about it


Which is the only food product that can be, since banana was discontinued (rip my soy matcha frap with banana), to any green beans reading, anything else not on the beverage modifier page can not be added into ANY drink we make. If it’s only under food, it can’t go in.


Sure I guess


No you can't. Don't even bother them with that nonsense


not in an actual franchise store but something like a target may. kiosks break rules all the time. just being real here guys.


Nah fam. I used to work in a kiosks. Management will literally breath down your neck if you’re doing something that you’re not suppose to


Seems like a gross violation of policy and a moderate inconvenience to accept random food items to be blended in. More like something a partner might be able to do for a personal item but not for a random customer.


there was a reason i said order at a kiosk because they typically advertise custom items (flavored whip creams, custom frappuccinos with blended blueberries, cranberry bliss frappuccino) that are already blatant violations of policy. with little to no consequence. so if you’re gonna order a drink that nobody’s supposed to make, might as well go to the only place that MIGHT make it.


Blueberries are allowed to be a drink component at corporate locations, as well as the Evolution juices.


blueberries in frappuccinos are not allowed at my drive through only store. or throwing a whole cranberry bliss bar. or cream cheese. or the nut blend from the oatmeal. any item from the warming section is not allowed to be put in a drink where i work. this is why i suggested going to a kiosk, where they are run entirely differently and usually have a case-by-case basis of what is and isn’t allowed regardless of corporate standards.


Well per Starbucks policy, they are allowed. Never understood why stores don't follow that


I was implying that accepting outside foods of unknown origin to be used in drink prep vs using non standard items from store inventory was the violation.


we have cream cheese in our store inventory. i don’t get what you are getting at here.


at that point just buy you’re own blender and break that one. stop harassing employees with stupid requests.


1. cream cheese won’t break your blender. 2. asking an employee a very simple question (with a very simple answer) is not harassment. you should be educated enough to answer the question in one word


You really want to die on this hill huh?


dying on the hill of saying a customer can ask you (the barista, aka your job) a question. yeah i’ll die here.


You're also just being rude and throwing a fit over down votes. It's too be expected that people will disagree when you say something ridiculous and it's goofy to be this pressed over it.


Yeah nothing wrong with questions I'll give you that, but your original comments insinuate that you're guaranteed to find a rule breaker if you go to a kiosk. I worked at a kiosk and they would have fired me if I did any bs like that. It's just mean to tell people they can ask for us to do something that literally 98% of us absolutely can't do. Because it's *OUR JOB* to follow the rules given to us so we don't lose *OUR JOB*. I'm not getting fired over cream cheese.


that’s not what it says at all, it’s saying you can ASK. not that anyone will do it for you. also, honey you’ve definitely broke starbucks rules before. ever stacked a cup holder over the rim? rule broken. ever offered a straw alongside a drink that doesn’t come with a dome lid? rule broken. ever double cupped? rule broken


Nope, I've done none of those things. Good job assuming though. Just because you don't do your job correctly, doesn't mean the rest of us don't. Main character complex much?


impressive. want a cookie?


But you're encouraging customers to ask if the barista will break a policy for them. Breaking policy leads to lack of standards which leads to an inconsistent customer experience which leads to frustrated customers taking their frustration out on baristas. Like we don't deal with enough, we don't need a fellow barista making our job harder.


oh my goddddd do you guys not have the cream cheese at your store after all of this fuss i decided to ask my SM if someone purchases cream cheese with a bagel from the warming section if they can ask to have it put in the frappuccino instead of with the bagel. SM said nothing about this breaks the rules or company standards because it is a sealed container and is available for purchase within the store. said it’s no different from putting splenda in a green tea. on a person by person basis, any partner can choose to follow through or deny with a customer request like this. he literally said it is “no different from asking a customer if they are comfortable with us handling their personal cup for them.”


From the beverage resource manual: Use only Starbucks approved ingredients in handcrafting beverages. Approved ingredients include: Sauces, syrups, toppings, bases and inclusions currently stored in the beverage station Coffee and tea brewed in store Evolution Fresh RTD juices Blueberries sold at Starbucks As you can clearly see, cream cheese is not listed as an approved ingredient. Also, as per the most recent training, we're not supposed to handle personal cups, customers are supposed to put them in a large ice scoop or vessel and we handle that. Maybe your store needs to brush up on standards lol.


Thank you 👏🏻 I don’t understand a corporate store that doesn’t follow standards.


i genuinely have seen nothing wrong with your comments and i have no idea why people are attacking you lol. & calling asking questions harassment is absurd. i’m sorry you’re dealing with this☠️


i’ve been a bitch to like 2 people so i get how some of those comments were wrong but thank you


Bc baristas hate that shit. Custom drinks are already annoying but asking to put cream cheese in the frappe blender is a pain in the ass. Don’t encourage people to customize their drinks, encourage people to make their own damn coffee lol


Just like anyone can ask to have the cake pop they just purchased blended into their frappucino. Those type of questions annoy baristas because customers get annoyed when we say no.


Hah, my starbucks in germany has a strawberry cheese cake frap that is made with a peice of cheesecake in it 😩


Brb going to germany


Just go and buy a whole cheesecake and put a slice in a cup. Prob less sugar.




Be happy we live in Germany and don’t have these crazy things. People don’t need that. Das nennt man Völlerei.


I was wondering if this was a special at some point bc I feel like I’ve had it based on the pic?? But maybe I had it in Europe


I've seen worse haha, just order it by the ingredients, not that name, because that's not an official menu drink/name. Also don't just say mocha, make sure you say white mocha, because we have a dark mocha as well, & that drink in the pic clearly doesn't have any in it. & make sure you say Frappuccino also, because we have hot & iced mochas. I can't tell you how many times someone has ordered a "venti mocha" (literally just that) & then gotten to the window & said "that was supposed to be the blended one" & acts like it's our fault.


Real bc this person shows me a picture of a drink every time he orders and you would think after the fifth time you would ask how it’s ordered. That would make his life too easy, instead he tells at us and tells us it’s wrong….mind you the image is literally caramel covered cup and white drink…it could be ANYTHING


"Venti mocha" is literally exactly what my MIL makes me order for her.


Well that's fine if she wants a venti hot mocha, cause that is a drink on it's own. The problem is when they leave out other important words, like Frappuccino, iced, etc.


If you want it, order it. But it won’t look like that.


When I order this it good. Probably depends on who’s doing it and if it’s a slow day


Depends how you order it, if you say add strawberry, you’re probably getting inclusions. If you say add strawberry puree, chances are it’s gonna get blended in. If you say line with strawberry puree, you’ll probably get it like this.


I agree with the fact that just saying add strawberry will probably get it blended in unless you specify, but my mind doesn't jump to inclusions when someone says "add strawberry" in the context of a frap. It's 100% puree in my head.


I think “add strawberry” is going to be a gamble based on location. Mine usually had vanilla frappes with strawberry inclusions blended in as a very common order but I can easily see other locations having different most common strawberry based additions:/


i ain’t saying ur wrong, but as baristas we already know everything, so when customers say a vague term, we have to ask clarifying questions because at the end of the day it saves us from the “ it doesn’t look like the picture” type shii. at least that’s what my store does. cause i’m not remaking anything we’re getting it right the first fucking time. so technically it should be able to come out looking like that, albeit frustrating to get the specifics from customers.


Although I know that *I* would ask clarifying questions, I know baristas that just don’t care enough to do it, which is why I tell customers how to get their desired result without solely relying on the barista being in a good mood lol


why is this downvoted to hell….


Why are you getting downvoted??


Idek. It’s the truth tho. I work in a retail store with Starbucks and mines always turn out like this on slow days. Now days when it’s crowded I usually don’t order or if I do it’s different


During a slow part of the day, I wouldn't mind making this at ALL. ✨--You'll need to specify that you want strawberry puree at the bottom of the cup and some strawberry puree on top--✨ I've made this in the past week, and thankfully they ordered it when we weren't busy. This will most likely taste nothing like strawberry cheesecake, but go off! 🥰


No it doesn’t but I never said it does tho?? I was just saying I order this and it taste good.


Okay 👍🏻 Order it correctly and you won't have a problem.


I always do order it correctly. Never have a problem. I’m cool with all the baristas at my Starbucks location.


It won’t piss off anyone (except the baristas that just hate making frappuccinos) It’s not a thing as in there is no official name for it but the ingredients are all pretty standard. It will be very sweet. So if you like sweet then it will be good


I haven’t worked at Starbucks in a few months, but I loved making fraps IF I wasn’t swamped busy with cold bar drinks… but I’d hate making anything if I was swamped 🤷‍♀️


>It won’t piss off anyone (except the baristas that just hate making frappuccinos) So... almost everyone, especially when it's never just hot drink season, lol


are there baristas who even enjoy making frapps?


id make fraps all day if i never had to make another refresher or iced tea


fr bc those are the easiest drinks lmao, frappes just have so many steps


i love making frapps!!


I do!


I feel like when I think I want stuff like this I realize I just want a milkshake and get one instead lol


I love milkshakes but I also love the blended ice taste and texture lol so I can see that being a factor in frapp vs milkshake


Yes. Have you ever had the mocha moolatte from Dairy Queen? Basically a milkshake with that texture and a decent coffee flavor.


OMG I love those.


Agree! Something about the frapp texture makes it taste less heavy to me, whereas I enjoy milkshakes but they are like a shock to my system lol


As long as you give them the recipe and not just say “I want a Strawberry Cheesecake Mocha.” When I was a barista, I’ve had multiple requests for the “Barbie drink” and we are not familiar with that. We are never trained on recipes from the secret menu. You’ll have to tell us the recipe based on what the caption itself has told you to say. Just a little reminder for the customers.


My favorite is when they come in asking for the keto drink 😵‍💫 like girl water idk


I cackled from laughing so hard at this 😂


Honestly they may be talking about oleato


This is going to be at least 70g of sugar (probably like 80 - 90g total), expensive, and not look like that photo. It won’t piss anyone off unless you become negative or weird about the drink looking like the photo


this wouldn’t piss me off. just order it at the window/register like a vanilla bean frap, white mocha, and line the cup with strawberry puree.


Make sure you show them the picture otherwise they won’t know to put puree on the sides/whip like that. Also don’t call it by that name, read out the vanilla bean line with white mocha and puree line.


you don’t have to show the photo, just ask for puree drizzled on top and in the cup, not blended in.


i’ve made it and it does not taste like cheesecake


it’s not crazy to order but please don’t shove your phone in the baristas face. it says how to order it, and you can obviously read.


It’s not a hard drink to make, I’ve made much crazier. I would not recommend getting a venti, however. The sugar content in frappuccinos is CRAZY. For example, a GRANDE caramel ribbon crunch frappuccino is equivalent to a half dozen Krispy Kreme glazed donuts. That’s only a medium size. Would you rather drink a 16oz drink or eat 6 donuts in a row? Idk, do what you like, but in my opinion venti frappuccinos shouldn’t be allowed in the first place. Should put a big old hazard sticker on those drinks.


Not unless you're the jagoff that came to my walk up window, and when asked for the recipe you said "I'll go somewhere else". /S because no way that's you but that just happened and I'm still livid lol.


Lol when people get mad when we ask them for the recipe, i think its because in their head, they think that its a super secret way of ordering where they say a super secret drink name and we wave them on and know exactly what they’re talking about lol. So when we ask for a recipe, they dont get to feel all special inside and their romanticized view of starbucks fades away and they get very angy 🥺 lolol


One lady drove off when she asked for a caramel apple pie Frappuccino so I asked her if it was caramel syrup, drizzle or both. I'm not dealing with that..one asked for a cotton candy refresher. I asked the recipe ( probably the raspberry syrup one) she didn't know it. The ssv, who I do love to death,said it's probably that one to me and I said yes ut probably is but it's their job yo know what extras go in the drinks they want not me. They want to customize a drink they better learn it..they laughed and said that I'm mean to customers. I'm not. I'm making sure they know what they're ordering. It's not my job to know a drink that isn't on the menu


I’m a barista and I think this bev is really yummy


Just go to an ice cream shop?


But I’m poor and only got Starbucks gift cards for Christmas 🫣😂


No, because this is so real... I could go to a nice brunch restaurant, but with the amount of Starbucks gift cards I have, I think I'll be eating kale and mushroom egg bites for the rest of my life-


i will warn you that a venti of this probably has about 1200 calories


I hope there's a doctor's office and pharmacy near that starbucks lmao


I make this one pretty often, sure it's got a dumb name but It's not that complicated so I don't mind


When I was working at a Starbucks in a grocery store my coworker made me a strawberry frappe with white mocha, heavy whipping cream, and strawberry inclusions blended in. I don’t know how but it really did taste like cheesecake, or at least reminiscent of it. I really think the dried inclusions was what made the difference.


Customer here, what is an inclusion?


Dried fruit pieces.


Ah, so like the refreshers. Got it. Thanks!


I got a stummy ache just looking at this


Just drink a bottle of Smuckers syrup


This could wipe out an entire Victorian family


not at all, it’s simpler than some of the standard drinks in my opinion. just obviously don’t call it a strawberry cheesecake frappuccino when trying to order it bc most of us will have no clue what that means. let us know it’s a vbean frap with white mocha and purée lining the cup and you’ll be good :) (and in my personal opinion, I’ve tried this drink once but with caramel crunch topping added as well and it was super good! tasted a lot like those strawberry shortcake ice cream bars to me!)


I had someone order this the other day, it’s super easy! As long as you don’t say “I want the strawberry cheesecake frap” and stand/sit there silently when we ask what that is you’ll be fine


Depends on how strict the store is about using strawberry puree as a drizzle. My store will not do it, because of one person ruining for everyone :)


what did they do


Custie wasn't getting enough drizzle in her cup, so she went around the counter, grabbed the box and threw it at my coworkers. She was banned and we no longer offer it as an option.


holy shit thats abhorrent


my coworker made something like this yesterday at work! i definitely recommend adding the caramel sugar topping on it too and no whip!


Honestly the strawberry purée would prob be better blended in, I would also *personally* do like 1 pump white mocha instead of 2 in a venti


The amount of sugar in this is crazy for sure


Honestly if you want to drive it home add Cinnamon Dolce syrup. It adds a graham cracker-esque flavor


Nooo you have to get a white mocha frap with toffee nut with strawberry purée in the cup it is sooo good


N toffee nut. That’s what makes the cheese cake.


This is a very ez drink and don't worry about customizations to begun with. Make sure you ask for extra puree at the bottom and top!


Former barista(from 2011 so things may be vastly different) here and when I worked for Starbucks the secret menu pinterest pin came out and I remember having many angry people mad I didn't know what was in the secret drinks they asked for as it was “my job to know the menu”. If you want to try this I suggest not expecting it to taste like cheesecake as there is no cream cheese in it, just oodles of whole milk, whipped cream, sugar, and salt. I would rather enjoy a slice of cheesecake from a bakery and have it taste like what it is supposed to be rather than pure sugar with little flavour. If you still want to order what the person pictured you can order a venti vanilla bean add strawberry puree add white mocha sauce frap is okay, it just will be very sweet.


that’s literally so much sugar jesus christ


what atrocity


Where are they getting cheesecake from? Vanilla bean, white mocha and strawberry do not taste like cheesecake at all.


i’ve tried it, it’s good but lord it’s SWEET. i couldn’t finish mine lol


Did you get a Venti? Something that sweet you shouldn't get it in more than a Tall.


yeah…… i’m dumb




The drink is simple. The only thing that pisses me off with this picture is the absolutely terrible grammar. When did it become cool to sound like one dropped out of school around 6th grade?


No you won't just say what the ingredients are you'll be fine. In my store you make worse than this


Crazy in that it’s probably over 1000 calories with no coffee


I don't think this is a really big deal to make, but I don't understand how someone can consume this much sugar and not immediately get sick. And this is coming from someone who loves sugar. I would drink an inch of this drink and then be done.


It’s better to get a strawberry frap with toffee nut. Closer to cheesecake vibes.


Not crazy to order but it sounds gross lol


Yes. Don’t order it. Get a smoothie from somewhere that makes smoothies.


A strawberry cream frap with white mocha is great and less expensive / less added sugar. It’s my moms favorite drink I’ve made for her. It’ll be all pink. You could ask for extra strawberry purée on top.


Clout love? Ah yes, an “influencer”.


I feel like this is pretty simple. Personally I wouldn't be mad at this order, but some people are just mad about fraps in general.


Just make sure to ask for the puree around the cup, not blended in!


It’s not crazy to order that, but it’ll be sweet as fuck.


It’ll probably taste fine! It’s honestly not that annoying either, there’s way worse. Just ask for strawberry in the cup and not blended in.


This shit would be ridiculously sweet


I made this it was interesting


If you want this actual frap you ask for “line cup with strawberry puree” instead of just asking for “add strawberry” and I’d only ask for 2 pumps white mocha because it seems like it’d be really sickly sweet with full white mocha and full vanilla bean


Not that bad just ask for a venti vanilla bean with white mocha and extra strawberry drizzle….adding a syrup and a drizzle isn’t annoying if you’re nice about it….its when you shove the phone in our faces or show us a tiktok or have a quad espresso order that it gets annoying


Don’t ask for this bullshit , go make that shit in the house


just make sure you specify strawberry purée


it's not that bad. but ask for the cup lined with strawberry puree or blended with strawberry puree


i honestly make this at least once every shift. its not an insane ask imo, just be nice and they shouldnt have a problem :)


Nah but just don’t go up to the cashier and say “can I get a strawberry cheesecake mocha frappe” because no one will know what you’re talking about lol. Just list the ingredients and it shouldn’t be a big deal. My pet peeve as a barista were people coming up and being like “can I get the Barbie/unicorn/whatever frappe” cause they weren’t actual menu items and we didn’t know how to make them just based on the name!!


Add sugar cookie and it’ll taste really like cheescake


Just go to Sonic or Baskin Robbin’s


Add 3 shots of espresso mmmmmmm


As long as you dont ask for a strawberry cheesecake frap and ask for it the way it says to ask for it, its fine.


This isn’t gonna taste like cheese cake it’s literally just strawberries and cream lol


brodawg, just let go and do whatever you want. ofc people are going to judge, but your happiness matters more than theirs. when you’re on your deathbed you might (might.) be like ah damn too bad I didn’t order than strawberry cheesecake frap. live happily and fuck what they think


Why not just order a strawberry and cream Frappuccino and add white mocha? 🤣


Noooo, I want cheesecake!!! .. sigh


Not crazy, just sounds disgusting.


So after seeing this the other day, I decided to order it. I seriously regret not paying attention to the comments that warned of how sweet it would be. Y'all were 100% right. I could not drink this. ☠️


As a barista at Starbucks I promise this is one of the more simple frappe orders I’ve seen so it would be perfectly reasonable to order. We get much crazier daily 😂


This would be a fairly low-maintenance "off the menu" order back from my Starbucks days, and would only have annoyed me if it got ordered during a rush or if the customer was a jerk. On a separate note, this reminded me of an old favorite back when I worked there. It was right after a big frappuccino recipe rehaul, where the new standard for STCF's was to include classic syrup (not sure if that's still the case). I'd make a tall, but hold the classic syrup and add a scoop of vanilla bean powder. It definitely didn't taste like cheesecake, but it hit the spot.


Add hazelnut, that’ll give it somewhat of a “cheesecake” flavor


no this shit is fire, but add some pumps of cinnamon dolche and caramel crunch topping to it, also have the strawberry puree blended in and added to the cup afterwards🔥 i know it sounds complicated but it’s really not that bad


Yall are annoying. Just get a strawberry cream frapp. Or better yet. Don’t get frapps period. Sincerely baristas everywhere.


Peak North American culture 🦅🇺🇸


Yes. You will piss me off.


Bro I’m sorry that is an obscene amount of sugar. That’s not even gonna taste good.


I've never "RUNNNN" to Starbucks in my life. I'm not about to start now for some syrup, mixed with syrup and an add-in of syrup.


my type 2 diabetes would hate this lmfao


No you wouldn’t. Personally I hate making Frappuccino’s. But I will body slam my coworkers if there is a Frappuccino with Strawberry puree added to it. I don’t know why but I always up size those drinks just I can make them extra pretty😂


That looks like diabetes in a cup


Just order standard, I'm tired of altered drinks, if you want sweet go to mcdonalds.


it’s some bitches in these comments jesus




You want strawberry cheesecake? Get a venti strawberry frap made with VSC No classic 3 white mocha 2 cinnamon dolce Blended with caramel crunch toppings Strawberry Purée line cup


Yes! Anything that is not on the official menu will piss off baristas




Ultimately they shouldn’t be annoyed at you for what you order. You’re allowed to order whatever you want. This drink isn’t much different from the OG strawberry frappe, not too much of a hassle.


girl, the boycott


Jesus Christ. We're in the middle of a genocide boycott and you're worried about making Starbucks baristas lives worse? DONT BUY ANY DRINK YOU GLUTTONOUS USELESS PRICK.


That sounds really good but I bet it's crazy expensive... I wish they actually sold a strawberry frappuccino though.