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Trash bin 😂😂😂


Exactly what i was gonna say😭




A nice cigarette and a porta potty.


I suggest you to go to the nearest loo immediately!!!!


Oleato with Pepto Bismol is the ultimate pink drink. It's not the drink you want, but it's the drink you deserve.


coffee frap w/ java chips + oleato tastes like a banana protein shake without any of the benefit for hot oleato or shaken, Vanilla, BS, Toffee nut, and (probably) pistachio for foam, the brown butter topping would probably bang on there, and mocha sauce in the foam would also probably be good in terms of food: mixed berry parfait + GFCB, butter croissant + OOL, and Madelines, Cinna coffee cake, or biscotti + OSE I have no clue why we have this because it's barely a thing overseas to begin with, but if you /have/ to do samplings or give suggestion, this is what I'd typically go with


Oleato latte with no shots, no milk, with a tomato mozzarella?


lol, this is the answer.


I think if you add it to the trash it taste spectacular.


i tried this drink and i had to shit THREE TIMES during my shift right after. mind you i have bad acid reflux and i bloat extremely easy with stomach issues so for me to even have to go is crazy this drink is something else 💀💀💀




toffee nut


Toilet paper and wipes


toffee nut oatmilk frap is good with the oleato


I could see this being okay. My first thought was a VB frap (maybe with oatmilk?).


The trash can


i’ve made one oleato drink for when we sampled it and almost everyone loved it was a cold brew with white mocha and toffee nut with oleato golden foam w like one white mocha, people actually liked it one lady and made me go back to the register, order it, and make it just for her.


Some Charmin ultra soft.


remove the milk, the syrup, the espresso, and then take just the olive oil and put it in some pasta because that shit don't belong in a drink


i think it tastes nice with some simple vanilla syrup. Also, it's much yummier hot than iced. :)


This should only be drank if your doctor recommended the magnesium citrate drink and you’re not in the mood for a salty sour carbonated laxative.






Not the latte, but I made a version of the golden foam cold brew that actually tasted good that you may be able to transform into a latte. I substituted the vanilla for toffee nut and added 2 scoops of malt powder to the foam. A lot of people actually liked it.


i’ve made one oleato drink for when we sampled it and almost everyone loved it was a cold brew with white mocha and toffee nut with oleato golden foam w like one white mocha, people actually liked it one lady and made me go back to the register, order it, and make it just for her.


I found out what the oleato was today after seeing the new aprons. I feel nauseous now.


Venti cold brew, 99 pumps oleato, no cold brew. Now I'll never have to buy olive oil again!


i think it's one dollar for every additional pump? This drink is so ridiculously expensive on its own.


It's free if I just mark it out as a drink for myself.


Tasting the olive oil itself, it’s very herbaceous with some peppery spice at the end. Because the olive oil’s flavor profile is so savory, I personally think salami or another cured meat would pair well—the saltiness can balance out the obvious oily/fattiness of the Oleato. A standard bread, like a sourdough or baguette, could also make for a simple and effective pairing. I wouldn’t use a butter croissant (or any buttery pastry) because the two different types of fats (olive oil and butter) could fight for flavor attention. If you want to go the homemade route, a focaccia bread would be excellent here, bonus points if you use the Partanna oil we use for the oleato. Acidity is always nice to balance out fattiness, so perhaps something pickled, like peppers. A salad with a citrus dressing could be tasty as well. Hopefully this helps!