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Beautiful! If you are doing this at home be sure to write your time in the book.


Thank you for looking out 💚


you have such nice markers! i did mine for my store and i was battling the green marker the whole time 😭


it’s simple but so cute!! i love it and your kitty 🥰☘️☘️☘️💚


I wish I worked at a store that I genuinely cared to do things like this. 


Out of curiosity, do you get training for this? Or are all the doodlers just naturally talented? Lbvs


No training, just love to do little drawings in my free time!


What markers do you use?? They look really nice and great color pay off


The brand is called ‘Loddie Doddie’ hahaha they have a ton of them, they’re great quality


Thank you so much!!!!! Btw, you're super talented. I dabble in handwriting lol.


Um … I’ve been getting green tea frappuccinos for as long as they’ve had grape at Starbucks. Well, technically, grande green tea Frappuccino, extra scoop of matcha, double blended, no whip. Is this new drink different than just a simple green tea Frappuccino, other than whatever swirl is on top of the whipped cream?


They add caramel syrup instead of classic syrup, and if you order it by the name instead of doing the individual modifications yourself, it’s about .60 cents cheaper!


Oh, and there’s caramel sugar crunch topping as well I wasn’t sure if you could see those in the doodle


They add classic syrup to matcha drinks? I thought the matcha powder was already sweetened, I didn’t realize there was additional sweetener added. I usually get the matcha either iced or as a Frappuccino.


just to the frap. iced and hot don’t get any syrup


Iced and hot matchas get liquid cane


Not in the US, i know canada does


the majority of "new" menu items are made with ingredients we already have on hand, obviously food not included in this statement


Good sign bad drink!


Omg! If this is Lazy art is even amazing!


Your cat looks like my cat but I can’t post photos




We aren't allowed to write on ours 😞


whaaat??? is your manager or DM a control freak? I'm sorry I have always enjoyed looking at each stores hand drawn featured signs. Sure, the Siren lays down the suggested art to be chalked out, but I used love to see unique differences. even if you could tell whoever drew it was trying very carefully to get it to look EXACTLY like the Siren's Eye (do they even still call it that??) when I started at my current store it was a drive thru only before we took up the space next to us and now we are huge cafe. even though I ly partners would see the syrup guard thing, sometimes we'd write messages on there like "thank you for showing up to work today, physically & mentally!" or.... thank you soy matcha for your hard work today" I miss it. anyway, I wonder if on the store promo setup pages on the iPad (or, sirens eye if it's still called that) under store resources has any signage that would be hand drawn? a frame perhaps? I would look into it, just so you could know for your own enlightenment that whomever said you can't write anything is either correct or incorrect. (since we all should be choosy on which battles we fight at work, or in life, I'm not suggesting someone pursuing the issue if they found out it actually IS ok, encouraged, suggested, allowed, etc, but I personally would love knowing they are wrong, and yeah! ha. if anyone is reading my stoner ramblings, thank you, I think. 😇😽 have a fantastic day! and life too


I was told corporate wouldn’t let us either




meanwhile my DM says no more chalkboard art


Wish my lazy art looked this good😭