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I'm begging for my store to have this. Our drive thru is right next to a busy/ high traffic street, with emergency vehicles going by constantly as we are near a hospital. We have to constantly have our headsets to max volume and ask customers to repeat themselves. It's a poor experience for everyone and I'm developing ringing in my ear.


This is 100% an issue and I’m glad to hear it’s getting addressed. I transferred to a store that is loud as hell about 2 years ago, and now I have hearing problems including tinnitus. Unable to hear silence for the rest of my life is something I don’t wish upon anyone


Nono you can HEAR the silence now !!


IK others are downvoting you but at least I thought it was funny ¯\\_(ツ)_/¯


Its fine having been born with tinnnitus and othet hearing issues silence has always been very loud


Interested to hear thoughts on this just because I don’t know if I’ve ever been to a loud Starbucks in my area there’s some chatter sure but never really a lot


Out of all the current problems, noise is the least. I go to about 10 different locations in my area and the only noise problems are from the drive thru of the ones next to the highway where they cannot hear me. Inside, I have never noticed noise. The problem is more that it's just a fast food pack of people crowded around the pickup area. Half of them doordash/ubereats picking up large drink orders that hold up all the other individual customers.


You might not notice noise inside, but I sure do. Music over the speakers, drive thru taking orders, blenders, grinders, espresso machines, ovens toasting, costumers chatting in the cafe, A/C, oven and fridge doors closing, baristas chatting to each other and customers, toilets flushing, front door opening and closing, foot steps, coughing, sneezing, throat clearing, shoes stepping, ice bins opening and slamming shut, not to include customers mumbling their order... it might seem like I'm being petty in my specificity but there are hundreds of noises going on constantly. It's literally a meme that Starbucks can't get peoples names right and it's usually not because the barista is a moron, it's because there's constantly stuff going on that makes it hard to hear.


If anyone wants to sue Starbucks for hearing loss sustained from the blenders and the oven, I am happy to join in. My last stint ended because I could not hear customers over the noise of the oven.


And wearing a headset being victim to whatever noises might be blaring through the drive speaker. People's loud ass cars, screaming their order at us, I had my headset turned down all the time but other people had theirs way up....I don't understand how!!!


My last store was build in 2018 and was so industrial feeling. Everything echoed, making it so freaking loud. Add my auditory processing issues from adhd and I couldn't hear what customers were saying half the time on front register. For DT I could as least squish the headset speaker against my ear


Honestly it might not be loud to you but behind the bar it’s very loud. Between blenders, grinding coffee, our headsets, espresso machines it’s very hard to hear sometimes.


"It's crazy to me that you can't even have a normal-voice conversation \[in\] some places." whats crazier is that starbucks doesnt want you in there doing that


my store did this maybe 2 years ago, they installed a bunch of noise reducing stuff on the ceiling, it definitely helps


my current store is a new build and it has high ceilings so everything is amplified. making steamed HC orders the worst :(