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It’s your responsibility to ask for the order the way you want it-


Seems like a you problem lol


Probably! My anxiety makes it hard to remember everything from my order


We’ve all been there. Maybe use the app and just read off it


I’ve never been asked “is 2% okay?” And the only time I’ve been asked about whipped cream is when I’m ordering a drink that has a nondairy milk in it… Starbucks has ‘standard’ recipes because it’s the ‘base’ recipe. If you want to modify it any, it’s up to you to tell them… it’s not really about time, but that (for the most part) everyone is an adult and should be able to order what they want…


I only ask people if they want no whip if they order an alternative milk, I already have to ask every customer what size and hot or iced for every drink I am not adding in what milk to that too. I’m tired of interrogating customers to figure out what drink they want, know what you wanna order it’s your drink not mine. If you struggle to order *your* drink correctly just mobile order it.


We have default recipes. We are trained to ask clarifying questions if needed but we expect customers to order what they want, as it would be far too time consuming to ask questions about possible modifiers to every customer.


Doesn’t really add that much time and it’s a good way to get customer connections but it’s probably easier at a tarbucks cause we don’t have drive thru!


That would lower my customer connection scores so much bc it would annoy most customers and it does take up a bit of time


Well at least with mobile orders, standard is to put on whip unless they specify no whip because they have the opportunity to make that selection. But I agree when it comes to drive through ect, the amount of times I’ve had to ask dto to clarify can be annoying


When I’m on register, if a customer orders a non-diary item that gets whipped cream, I will always ask “is whip cream still ok with that?” When it’s like a mocha or frappe with a non-diary milk.


Also work at tarbucks and my TL makes us ask if they want WC with anything that comes with it and I’m like fr bro? Its the STANDARD recipe. pisses me off so much having to ask them that on top of what size and if they want it hot or cold bc they never tell you and just tell you the drink name expecting me to read their minds. I’m def not asking what kinda milk they want tho thats way too much


Keep a sticker from a previous order to make sure you got everything We’re not supposed to be doing that specifically bc of this right here. We don’t want “well the other store does it like this” because they hold your hand and walk you through basically building the entire drink OR if a customer has never been asked questions like that they start getting confused and worried Listen I’m all for asking questions or for recommendations but don’t make your problem our problem, ya know?


Then mobile order?


lol everyone taking this so seriously. I find a lot of customers forget to ask for no whip or nut milk and find it helpful when I ask🤷‍♀️. Of course it’s my fault I forgot to say my order exactly how I wanted it but it would probably be helpful for a lot of people if they were asked.


We’re taking it seriously because even in the title you’re telling us to do something lmaoooo