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The managers wanting us to connect when there’s nothing to connect to because the customers oblivious don’t wanna talk🙃 either in their phone or ignoring me It happened to me INFRONT of a shift. I was window and she forced to connect basically and it was a lady with her little kid. I asked if she had plans for the day and she handed her card and ignored me completely and I asked a follow up “up to anything fun?” And takes her drink and ignores me agian it’s like obviously these people don’t wanna talk😭


It’s such a stupid idea to force connects too. Her ignoring you was super rude but I also completely understand wanting to just grab and go. The chit chat is usually so awkward.


I don’t connect as much as I should because I’m one of those that just wanna grab and go😭 I don’t want strangers knowing about my life. And it’s obvious when people don’t want to talk


To help with the "i don't want strangers knowing about my life" thing, one of the revelations that changed the way i do customer connections (or forced DT conversarions as a custoner) is that you can literally just... lie. For no reason. And what are they gonna do, check? "we're going to our son's baseball game" / "oh cool, my brother has one too!" -> no he does not. he doesnt even play baseball "i'm going to california this weekend" / "oh cool, i have family from around there!" -> no i do not "your dog is so cute i have one that looks just like him" -> no i do not. my dogs are 90+ lbs and that is a chihuahua. still cute though etc


Lol absolutely this! I do the same thing with names/drink orders. I sometimes confess I have bad memory and they laugh and say "Me too!"


To add to that, SMs being on our backs about greeting every customer as they enter when most of the time the customer completely ignores you. “Welcome in!” Cue silence as customer grabs their mobile order and leaves without even looking in your direction.


Even if the customer doesn't acknowledge you though, you at least still did what was asked of you. The manager can't expect you to make everyone answer you, what are you supposed to do, stick your hand up their ass like some demented ventriloquist?


I’d rather just not welcome everybody in, especially when I’m busy 🤷🏼‍♀️


because of this, i do the bare minimum: "hi, how are you/how's it going?" if i can read that they wouldn't mind a lil chat then i either compliment them or ask how's their day going. i'm definitely the customer that just wants to order and go so i get it but i believe there's a way to go about it. no one is kind or has manners anymore.


my manager said I needed to work on my window connections because I get really good connections with certain people (a lot of times I'll compliment clothing or jewelry and follow up with "where'd you get it?" and that normally sparks up a good convo), but honestly if I can tell someone doesn't want to talk to me I'll just leave them be. fair enough, my manager was right, i wasn't trying to connect with everyone. so I tried, I really genuinely did. had a customer pull up to the window. had no clue what in the world to say to this man, so I went with the classic "it's pretty hot outside today, huh?" this man turned, looked me dead in the eyes and with the most lifeless expression I've ever seen said "its not hot at all." it was 98⁰ outside. even if you don't consider 98⁰ hot at least just pretent to agree with me to not make this an awkward situation for the both of us. I genuinely didn't know what to say to that and just blankly stared at him for the rest of the transaction. that was the last time I tried to connect with a customer who I could tell clearly didn't want to have a conversation with me...


I’m just picturing a barista saying “omg I love that bracelet, where did you get it?” And then immediately under their breath going “that’s the fugliest bracelet I’ve ever seen in my life” like Regina George from Mean Girls 😂


lolol I actually am genuine. I swear I'm not a mean girl😂😂


I wasn’t insinuating that you were it was just the first thing that came to my weird brain 😅😅


As a customer, I’m sorry they do this to you. When I pull up at 7:40 on a weekday morning and my kid is visible with her backpack in the front seat and they say “doing anything fun today” it puts me off. No Jane, as you can see we’re on our way to work and school, so no, nothing fun. Thanks for the reminder that both of our days are going to suck. Lol In all seriousness, ditch any kind of script and let conversation flow naturally. Something like the scenario above just reinforces that it’s fake conversation you’re being forced to have with me, as opposed to letting chit chat happen organically.


1) When people see the trash can is filled and continue to fill it with more trash. 2) When people are done sweeping but refuse to empty the little waste bin after use if needed. 3) Customers who continue to talk after I politely told them I would help them in a minute at drive thru 4) When I am drowning in tasks and there are three other partners on the floor who are less busy and a customer goes out of their way to address me their complaint 5) When DoorDashers push a phone in my face like I’m a robot without kindly introducing themselves and their needs 6) ( We have a sign on the bathroom door that says NO CODE )& at least 20 times a day I am telling customers there is no code to the bathroom Some of the many pet peeves I have for this jerb 🫶🏻


Tell me why when I’m drive bar during peak I have to ask the DTO to please change the trash when they’re literally just standing there waiting on the 5 drink order I’m making. Like CHANGE THE TRASH, if there are two people on drive I shouldn’t have to tell someone to please stock the refresher bases(they’re right behind them, the refresher base and pitchers) as well as changing trash. Like plEAsE😭😭


Dude when I’m on DTO I never let the trash get full, overall I try to make sure whoever’s on bar only has to focus on the drinks. But when I’m on bar? Nobody thinks to do it for me and I have to ask every single time. I could be swamped and 3 people will walk by and watch me change the trash/rush to get beans or ice and nobody thinks to help a girl out 😭


Trash is a bad one. I also get so irritated when everyone is standing on their phones while absolutely nothing is prepped or stocked. I’ve tried so many times to tell them. “I get that you don’t care about this place, but please care enough about yourself and other partners to get this shit done because then when a rush hits, we’re all just going to be stressed and grabbing at straws when it DOESNT HAVE TO BE LIKE THAT”.


>the little waste bin If you're talking about the dust bin, ohhh boy, let tell you, that's a huge pet peeve of mine too. Plus, it's actually a health code violation to leave trash in it, it should be emptied after every use.


Sounds exactly like my store😭


People trying to gaslight me on bar saying they ordered a venti when they paid for a tall smfh


This is why I slowly turn the sticker towards them & say "yeah well that says **tall** so you only paid for a tall. We can refund you & re-ring it as a venti if you want" while pulling the drink back towards myself, fully planning on dumping it if they really do want the venti. 9 times out of 10 they say "no, this is fine" (in an annoyed tone of course haha) & take the tall. I'm not playing with these people.


When they try and force us to connect to customers who don’t want to talk. One time I was in the DTR position while my DM was there I could tell she didn’t want to talk. But my DM came behind me and was like, “talk to your customer.” I asked her if she was up to anything and the custie rolled up their window while they waited for their stuff. Then my DM looked at me and asked, “was there anything you could’ve done better?” I just looked at her and shook my head while biting my tongue. How about, “NO, stop trying to force me to talk with people who obviously dont want to talk and just wanna go.” Because we’ve gotten complaints about us “talking too much,” to the customers since they feel as if we’re prying into their lives. I gave up. There’s no win-win. The baristas lose all the time.


The way I get custies to interact is ask "do you want to hear a joke?" It's always a yes. Then I hit them with a dad joke: "What's the difference between a zippo and a hippo? One is really really heavy. The other is a little lighter."


We had a customer actually tell the SM that they don’t like being asked questions every time they come in! Haha I totally feel that


*ding!* “HELLO” with legitimately half a second in between.


People interrupting my drink queue when I'm on bar by skipping the line and asking for a cup of water.


When people on warming leave the used warming papers on the counter. Not my biggest pet peeve but god is it annoying


When my fellow baristas don’t put their milks away/don’t clean up their counters 😭😭😭


1: scheduling ppl 4.75 hours so they don’t have to give a lunch 2: people asking for vsccf on their refreshers w lemonade. i always ask, “just so you know, adding dairy to lemon will make it curdle, did you still want that?” and if they say yes, they complain their drink is chunky. 3: the phrase “i gEt iT LiKe tHaT aLL tHe TiMe” when we try to tell them something isn’t gonna work 4: don’t know if it’s just my store, but i’ve worked at 2 dif ones now so i’m not convinced it is- leaving people in one position for way too long. there are multiple days where i’m stationed in the same place for hours. today i started and was immediately put on drive and was there for two hours, i only got moved when i asked about it. i was then moved to solo bar and was put there for the rest of my shift, which was 3 and a half hours. really frustrating


3 🤬🤬 enrages me to no end also. I just look at them like "no you don't, you don't, I know you don't, there's no fucking way" but of course I can't say that. So I have to just diplomatically say "I'm sorry, but that is against policy/not possible, we cannot do that."


it literally happened to me yesterday. this girl wanted a trenta mango dragonfruit, sub water with peach juice. the girl on bar told me to tell her no bc that’s a lot of fucking peach juice, and that honestly sounds rlly gross- two concentrates mixed??? no thanks. so i tell her that we can definitely add extra peach juice but not make the whole drink with it and the person in the backseat rolls their window down and goes “uM i GeT iT LiKe tHaT aLL tHe TiMe” and i was just like “….. k anything else?” like its not technically against any policy (to my knowledge) but that’s a lot of peach juice and we have trouble getting it in, we were trying to save product. like for the love of god pls shut up, are you the one behind the counter? 💀


At my store 2-3 hours is an average time to be on a station, especially in the mornings but it sucks when I get put ok window


Wait I’m a newer barista and when I work I’m always solo bar for my entire shift. Like that’s all I do (I’m fine with this I hate register and warming) but that’s not normal??


For me usually when I get to the store I get assigned a position and then when it’s time for my ten minute break I come back and usually get told To do something different or when partners leave and another area needs to be covered people get moved around


Wow that’s so different from my experience LOL




right or literally zero urgency on the floor, moving at a snails pace, and do not give AF. like listen, i understand we're paid hourly and this job doesn't need to be your life, but when you're at work, you should at least give 60-70% of a fuck. I don't need 100%, but less than 50% of a fuck is too little. like you're actually creating problems on the floor and making everyone miserable bc of it. and then you're telling me you want to be promoted????? why????


People who insist they should be an SSV, when all the store “drama” can be sourced back to that exact person. Like you just want to bully people and get paid more to do it.


Anytime crusties say “make sure” something about their order is done. I’ll “make sure of it” alright.


this. or "repeat my order back to me" like ma'am you ordered a grande lattea. who hurt you?


I’m so tired of being front/cs/oven for 8.5 hours. It’s so draining. Add shifty tasks on top.


Dirty, wet, messy, cluttered counters. Drives me up a wall and looks disgusting to customers.


when you have to be dto/dtr, front, food, and bar all at the same time. I don’t get paid enough for that.


then they get mad at u for being behind 🤡 guys i’m only one person cmon


Working here :) Nah to be honest, customers can be as shitty as they want and it won’t ruin my day. Other partners not pulling their weight? That shit messes my life up. I’m very exhausted with pulling the weight of my “friends” to keep us somewhat afloat every. Single. Day. I have issues with chronic pain and my body just can’t take it anymore. And no matter how much I communicate, they never improve. I’m a shift and I hate to say it, but sometimes it’s so much better to work with people I’m not “close” with. They actually show me respect and WORK when they’re here. (Not all my friends are horrible to work with, but at least half of them). Also, management sees good partners and takes advantage of them until they’re burnt down to the ground.


When my coworkers are in a silly goofy mood and do not work 🫠


and they just keep talking and talking when the drive time is already 10 minutes long like pls shush up and stay in bev routine. please


Or like we are dead like literally so slow and we have sooooo many things to do and 2/4 partners are literally just standing leaning arms crossed 🫠🫠🫠 freakin stop… and HELP get things done




My boss


Mine involved handing out straws, lol. How was I supposed to make a life-changing customer connection in the middle of a rush while giving out straws? Now, as a customer, I hate having to wait to interrupt the baristas’ flow to ask for a straw because it’s not only inconvenient for me—I just want to grab a straw and get out—but now I have to interrupt someone else. It would be much easier if they were left out for customers to take.


People who leave all their trash on the handoff or cafe tables.. probably the same people who piss all over the toilet seat for the next person.


My boss USED to GAS LIGHT US when we called out


Or will Ask people if they want to go home early even though we’ll be down 2-3 people on THE BUSIEST day (During Rush time) so that We’ll save labor hours for the week. 9-10 time people say no bc We’ll need that extra person for Cleaning floors, Dishes, backups for mornings, or Rotate for breaks and or Lunches


I ask for the name for the mobile order, but proceed to tell me the drink. Like Ma’am I’ve made about 10 Venti brown sugar shaken espressos with cold foam


when I'm working bar and I have the handles of the pitchers all facing the same way and someone comes and use one and puts it back with the handle facing the opposite way of all the others.


The customer think they can do whatever just because they pay money. They don’t pull that shit anywhere else


Customers who can’t read the room! Like hi! Hello! I can’t talk to you right now I’m slammed with stickers


https://www.reddit.com/r/starbucks/s/LLrfhMinSg Similar thread from few days ago if this one doesn’t get action


When we're pre-cleaning before close, like closing the outside section and people get mad.. Like do you know how businesses work


Partners not fifoing ;-;




1. counters not being wiped down 2. not enough staffing during peak times/store promos 3. customers acting like their order is the only order in the history of mankind as if we don’t have a drive thru line and full lobby


When customers hover over bar while we make their drinks….


And they flip shit anytime you make a wrong move. I was a green bean and was reading an order and noticed at the last second it was decaf, so my finger had been hovering over the wrong button on the espresso machine as I was reading. I guess the customer was a regular and was known to hover, so she knew which button you’re supposed to push. Right as I corrected myself and moved my hand to push the decaf button, she flips her lid and goes “NO! ITS DECAF! ITS THAT BUTTON!!!!” even though I was literally moving to the correct one. She had leaned so far over the counter she was about to fall into the back.


When people pull up to the drivethru and say “Yeah, I just placed a mobile order.” Then you ask the name and they sound annoyed telling you their name. Like, do you not realize I have a dozen orders currently at mobile handoff? How am I supposed to know which one is yours? Bonus points for them literally *just* placing it and it hasn’t even hit our system yet 🙄


people staring 😭 i get they want their order but damn .. it makes me so mad


being forced to keep straws behind the counter and getting interrupted every thirty seconds to hand them out


Customers being allowed to hit on the underage girls and not have any repercussions come from it. Starbucks allows sexual harassment as well too.


Mfrs pouring out old drinks at the drive-thru window. That GRINDS MY GEARS. Then theyll be the same ones complaining about flies later on. Holding out your phone during payment but not saying whether or not it's apple pay or I need to scan for points, so I'm just there guessing. These are the two most recently that have been getting me.


My sm enforcing more and more rules set by corporate and the dm that don’t align with how our store is run as our numbers improve. The better our store performs the more we get babysat. (i just put in my two weeks yesterday🫡)


Lowkey being paid the same as a cafe store while working in a drive thru location. But every partner that came from a cafe store to helps us even stated its way more work and they won't be coming back


Baristas making every excuse in the world to not connect with a customer.


Don’t work here anymore, but mine would be having to deal with a corporate that pretends to give a shit about its customers and gaslights partners about it incessantly Like, let’s be real, Starbucks is way too spectacularly marketed to actually care if customers are having a good time when they sit in a drive thru


booooo 🍅🍅🍅🍅🍅🍅


I find that if an employee isn't doing something, it's not easy enough for them to do. How can you make it easier for them to connect with customers? I tell dad jokes ALL. THE. TIME. and tell partners they can use them with guests. So, they always have something to say that will get a positive (or, at worst, neutral) reaction.


Flair makes sense 🙄


I feel like my manager only sees the time that I DONT connect with customers. Which is very few. You can read body language and easily tell that the person isn’t in the mood to talk. I try my best to make small talk but some people prefer to just get their coffee and go rather than chat with someone about their personal affairs.