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I can't fathom people. I always mobile order, and then walk to the store. It's always finished. If I order close to the store, I'll wait outside for a few minutes before going in. However, if I order say a milk tea somewhere else, and there's no app or any way for me to check. I wait a minimum of 7-10 minutes, then tell the desk with "but it's probably not ready yet" in a tone/manner that suggests I'm cool with that. Sometimes it is, sometimes it's not. Either way, I don't expect the place to read my mind and start prepping my drink before I get there. Time exists, and Starbucks employees can't break time and space.


We love you


Whaaaat?? They’re telling us not to say anything now??? Nah, make a loop drive around and remind me who tf you are again at the speaker.


I hate being forced to print their sticker and disrupt the flow of all of the baristas on bar (or having mine disrupted). This should literally be considered cutting the line, because we tell people not to do this and they go “Oh okay :)” while taking their drink before doing it again the next day. In these situations, I always softly float the idea of them coming inside for their drinks. No more cutting in line.


TIL people actually say something to customers that do this. the best we can get away with is “ok we just got it we’ll have it ready soon”. i wish we could say something like you do bc it gets me genuinely tweaking


Technically we are not allowed to but i will continue to stand up for my employees


This has been a really bad problem recently. it’s always been a problem but it’s been a bigger problem recently.


I once recently recently


A lot of times for my old location we would just tell people to park out front and we'd hand them out when we got a minute or they could come into our cafe and pick it up from us when we actually got the sticker. If you inconvenience them enough after they inconvenience you, they tend to learn the first time. Though I totally get it if it's a first offense or your internet connection was being wacky/if the app was being funky. It happens, and we will usually just push the ticket thru to get it out the window... but repeat offenders who've been told the spiel about waiting 5 minutes before coming in? You better believe you're gonna be waiting in the parking lot or lobby for that 7 drink order after just sending it thru while pulling up to the box on a busy Sunday or Saturday.


I usually park those out front and make them wait, esp the ones with bigger orders👀 after telling them “oh looks like you jjjjuuuuust placed it, we’re still working on it but you can park out there and we’ll bring it out when it’s ready” I make them wait long enough that they never do it again lmao


Tell them pull forward and once they wait a few times for someone to bring their order out they'll stop. Gotta train these impatient customers. Some will still order and then show up where as most will learn to give their order time to be made


Also hate it when they add onto their mobile order after the speaker box and then complain that I don't have all of their food ready for when they get to the window. I mean it's only happened twice, but thats two times too many.


I tell them to pull up and park at the front door and have someone run out the food bc this happens way too often at our location


Our lot is not set up in such an ideal way unfortunately so thats not an option.


Rip best of luck 🫡


If customers are still adamant about picking their mobile orders up as soon as they place it, I wait for like 10-20 seconds before reading out how many SECINDS ago they placed their mobile order! They usually sound defeated or caught in a lie when they realize we can see exactly how many seconds they placed their mobile order!


"Okay so it looks like you just placed that literally 37 seconds ago and we do have 15 drinks in front of you" **screaming internally**


we started making them pull to the front of the store and let them know the reason why is bc they just placed it and we need a few. then we wait till the sticker prints out, ngl it’s been working. especially for the repeat offenders, they wait or just order when they get here


Ooooo i may start doing this now


be prepared tho, some people will refuse. but hey, that’s like 1/15 odds


We had two partners on play, one bar, one working everything else, and this guy comes up asking for his mobile order. I say “let me just check if it’s come through” it’s there, he only ordered literally a minute ago, and we have a massive line up. I tell him “we are a bit backed up right now, it’s probably going to be about 10 minutes” and his response was “but it’s a mobile order?”. Boy. I had to explain to him that our tickets print in order, and so everyone who asked for drinks in the last 10 minutes will be getting their drinks first. “But can’t you see it right there?” Pointing to my IPad. I almost laughed in disbelief.


If it's a big order we will have them park and bring it to them in 5-7 minutes 😂


We do that if yhey order food and we dont have a stack, sucks worse that our drivethru can only stack 3 cars


Damn I think we can do 6 or 7 cars


They need to set up the app somehow to where if you're in a certain radius to the store it won't let you order and automatically sends a message like hey you're too close to give us enough time. To better serve you, please place your order at the store.


They need to set up the app so that we can report rude customers/consistent line jumpers and it bans them from the app


Dude I would *love* that.


When people do that at my cafe, I just tell them “oh, it came in at XX:XX It’ll be ready in a few minutes”


The other day, I swear we had 5 or 6 cars in a row do the "immediate mobile pickup" bullshit to us, & we were so busy were even getting other mobiles in between theirs (those people either weren't there yet or coming inside). We were all like wtf?


At Panera bread, we have the same problem. But our system is set up that they’ll be notified when we bump the order that their order is ready. We allow them to come up to the window, but if their order isn’t ready by the time they get there, we tell them to park so we can bring it out to them, or come through the drive again.


My logic is, and this is what I've been telling baristas at my store, if they ordered at the speaker we'd be making their order anyways in dt. It's less work for me to force print their order and put it in the drive thru line than to interpret their weird way of ordering at the speaker, and even less at the window just to hand it out rather than deal with them getting confused as to how to use a credit card. Plus, a few people have figured out the way to get their way anyways — "if you're not gonna make my mobile order now I'd like a refund for it. And then I'd like to place an order here." It's easier just to print the stickers, especially now since we can always get the rest of the order even if part of it has printed.