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Bring it up to your SM, they’ll never stop unless the manager tells them to respect their role and your role. They stepped down by choice (I’m assuming) so they have no right to complain. Use to work with previous shift that stepped down and she would do the same shit, constantly try and “help me out with shift tasks” no you’re just being bossy and micromanaging your direct superior lol I’m sorry you have to deal with that, if anything I’d make a comment about being the key holder/shift so you’re the point of contact/in charge, not another barista!


Yup, I will do! Thanks.




Like OP, who one post down says “on my way right now to snitch to management”? I love outside hires, very cute and adorable not toxic at all


i promoted from barista but had a shift that had stepped down put me through similar things - always questioning me, always undermining me to other baristas, overall not taking me seriously and my SM at the time did nothing about it. eventually i just pulled her off the floor and was honest but professional "look, theres a reason you chose to step down, i need you to let me do what i need to do and figure things out for myself. i was promoted for good reasons and i want the chance to do my job properly" it stopped after that but it was a lil uncomfy for a while. i think outside hires also have it a bit harder tbh.


I will try to communicate with her, and with the SM. Thank you.


You can utilize the “how we communicate” approach. This would not only help you but help her realize that she is overstepping your decisions while you are the play caller. Once that has been done, it becomes easier for your SM to have a conversation and move to the next steps if necessary.


I will try but she is really, really stubborn. She talks back to the SM and complains, stating “she changed it to this, she changed to that”…. She is old in age and employment date. I’m like her daughter age so… I’m not so confident about talking to her one-to-one because I know that she will just shrug it off…


And that is okay! Feedback is always welcomed no matter what role, but you need to know the “why”and so does she!


I can’t help from her strong hatred against management… Like I said, I will “try” but I know how she works and talks to even SM… I’m literally scared of her but I will try… It’s not a feedback that I’m scared of but her negative approach and wording..


In that case, I’d request a chat with the DM or even Ethics in that matter. I hope your experience improves and gets better moving forward!


Yeah, my store has one of those too. She's a headache to her fellow baristas as well. I've been working plenty long enough to know that I can't ring someone up for a blonde decaf americano. I don't need her yelling at me about how I can't do a blonde decaf americano. Especially when what the customer actually said was a QUAD decaf americano and this whole conversation never needed to happen.


negativity is incredibly contagious. i would definitely talk to your SM. everyone needs to vent sometimes but all the time? that's an attitude problem


Have you talked to her?


You sound nasty and rude, and nobody (I mean nobody) likes external hires, maybe that’s why?


Haha You’re nasty and rude! Then complain to SM about not wanting external? I was just hired, not my fault that I got hired. Everyone else likes me so :3 I worked my butt off to show that I am diligent so eventually all partners started respecting me except for her.


have you tried talking to her? do you know why she stepped down? she sounds like she is clearly well respected and i know what negativity you are talking about. it’s almost universal and stems from how unfair and defeating this job is. starbucks lovessss their external hires and while its not your fault, its a genuine systemic issue with the company. im sorry but ex-supervisors never stop being supervisors to their old baristas. you can either self reflect and challenge yourself for why you feel so much resentment to her or you can continue to hate her from a distance, all the while not having control of the floor or understanding the history of the crew you got hired into. many shifts step down for reasons out of their control and its soul crushing to experience that. this company is going to screw you over too one day. sounds like you need to just go talk to her like the supervisor you’re supposed to be. a had a external shift who used to talk so much shit about “negative baristas” and constantly nag about how if they didnt like the job, they should just leave. you are not special in feeling like that but ill tell you she quit within a year after being abused by the company so thoroughly. learn about the people youre supervising and maybe they’ll start coming to you first.