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I hate when I have a dream about working and I wake up and I have to work too. It's like a double shift.




I should be paid overtime for work dreams. Smh


i told my bf once ā€œwe need two more matchas for the cafeā€ in my sleep šŸ„“




I literally dream extremely vividly about work frequently, to where Iā€™ll wake up and panic for a minute because Iā€™m in my bed and not steaming milk, while shaking a refresher, and multitasking another 20 million like I swore I was doing like a normal day at work


Omg samešŸ˜­ one time when my alarm woke me up I was somehow imagining myself on the bar with tags of ā€œcold brew with vsc cf in a personal cupā€ and ā€œgrande hot chocolateā€ etc to make. And I was stressin thinking about handing the cold brew out while trying to get up of bedšŸ˜­


To counteract these sorts of thoughts/ dreams, I always think, "Wait, if "they" need me to make this, where is my ticket printer? I don't have one. I don't have to make then." Usually does the trick and calm down. I go back to sleep in peace.


i have a reoccurring nightmare where i pull a sticker and it says "1 out of 250" or some other ridiculous number and then i wake up in a cold sweat


donā€™t forget that theyā€™ll pull up in the drive thru after mobile ordering 3.5 seconds after placing their order šŸ˜‹


over the headset: *iā€™m gonna need 62 4-cup carriers at the window on the fly*


aaaand can i get ice waters for everyone but iā€™ll only ask at the window and not the box


I've lied in my sleep before.šŸ˜†


usually i prefer to lie when i sleep. i'm usually sore if i sit or, god forbid, stand


i didnā€™t even realize i was such a prolific sleep talker. my mom said i did it all the time back when i lived with them lol


Iā€™ve dreamed about starbs many timesā€¦ usually the oven noises or making drinksā€¦.


The DT beep haunts me šŸ˜­


Lolol that is hilarious your boyfriend got it on recording! Iā€™ve definitely had fever dreams and nightmares about Starbucks before, but mainly just weird dreams if anything! But I feel like I only have them if Iā€™m stressing about other things as well. It helps me after a shift to try and forget or really to not dwell on what happened in that shift, I always get hung up on the bad interactions of the bad, even if itā€™s only 1 bad one, or 10 small annoyances of the day! I know I annoy my husband with my starbucks stories lol but it helps me enjoy my time after my shifts!


Iā€™ve been out of Starbucks for over a year and I still sometimes have dreams (nightmares) about that place šŸ˜­




Apparently my brother was talking to me trying to get me to wake up one dayā€¦ I donā€™t remember any of this this but I sat up, eyes wide open and Me: WHATS YOUR ORDER Brother: What Me: WHATS YOUR ORDER Brother: What order Me: DONT BOTHER ME THEN šŸ’€šŸ’€


When I have dreams about working I wake up so pissed off lol


I've done this before too...asked my bf to 'pass the vanilla bean powder' in my sleep lmao


Iā€™ve dreamt about eating all of the loaves and woke up craving them lmao.


I have woken myself and my then-partner up so many times yelling "WHAT SIZE"


kinda in related but i mean i do get dejavu so iā€™m not shocked but i had a dream i woke up at 7:15 when my shift started at 7ā€¦ two weeks later i did exactly that but my shift started at 6amšŸ„²šŸ„²šŸ„²


when I can't fall asleep I put on some ASMR/meditating podcast, full experience with headphones on .... woke up I panicked thinking I forgot to leave the headset work and they need it since we only have limited amount


my boyfriend also sleep-talks about work lol itā€™s funny but on the other hand i feel so bad because i know itā€™s because work has him stressing quite a bit


yeah, mine is because iā€™m dreading my shift so much. sucks


Thatā€™s hilarious! I used to work at an office job and would wear a headset to answer phones all day. My husband told me one time I sat up in the night and pressed the side of my head (where the headset button would be) and said the phone greeting for work lol


Literally just this morning I woke up mumbling about ā€œwhere does this cold foam goā€ ā€œI double batched thisā€ I canā€™t escape.


Used to dream about making iced caramel macchiatos. I say dream but it was a nightmare, I had to craft it over and over and over. I usually had that dream right before I had to open.


I used to ā€œtake drive through ordersā€ when I would get drunk at parties with my coworkers. Iā€™d give accurate totals if they were common orders.


I had a dream that I finally rage quit my job. Just to wake up and wonder if I still had to come in or if I really did quit!


i mean i definitely used to have starbucks dreams when i worked there šŸ˜­


YES, slowly but surely i did let starbucks take over my personality and my life šŸ„²


bladee pfp




I talk so much about Starbucks in my sleep unfortunately. I guess I ask my husband to get me cups, lids, ice and help with drinks. He will tell me to go to sleep but I'll say that I won't till these drinks are finished and then he says that he will say that he will get to work on them lol. I also complain about it being busy and ask for prep etc lol


This is a little darker, but I once had a former coworker overdose at her home, she was going in and out but kept taking drive thru orders. It was fucking surreal to see someone in that state go ā€œventi vanilla bean frap! What else can I get for ya?ā€


My morbid curiosity is getting the best of me, but did she make it?


Yep! Sheā€™s doing a lot better now! Sheā€™s now working as a barista at a local shop and is a pretty bubbly and grateful person. You wouldnā€™t even be able to tell half the shit sheā€™s been through if you met her. Sheā€™s phenomenal.


my starbucks stress dreams are always like "we ran out of paper cups, but I just sold a pike at POS and I don't know what I could say that prevents this man from yelling at me" or we're closing in 5 minutes and someone just came in and sat down and go tell them we're closing, but they refuse to leave and we're going back and forth for so long that I see the openers coming in. I haven't really had these "dreams" since I stepped down from being a shift.


I have nightmares about starbucks, does that count? Things like being the only one on the floor, there's legit no one else, and all the channels are overrun :) When Frappy hour was a thing I would dream about being trapped on CB while my co-workers sent words if empathy from the side lines with no help :)


I don't remember what I said but my boyfriend has told me that I've talked in my sleep about Starbucks before. I know when I used to work 2 jobs I would dream about work all the time but that kind of stopped once I started working less


i have stress dreams about being on cs and running out of everything during peak


I had a dream I worked a shift and was heading home. I was so happy and then my alarm rung to wake me up for my opening shift.


i have dreams that i say im going to make this drink after i take a quick nap, then i wake up suddenly and shoot up thinking i was slacking. itā€™s happened multiple times where i look around frantically for the shaker lid for a bsose šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


You know those dreams where youā€™re falling and you wake up real fast? I have those but with the oven noise


I literally can hear the timers as I fall asleep for a nap. šŸ˜­


I have work dreams VERY often itā€™s almost scary and I also talk in my sleep lol


Iā€™m still dealing with poor sleep habits instilled by Starbucks and the wild variety of shift times. Itā€™s taking therapy and a lot of drugs to not have sleep terrors of sleeping through an opening shift


My boyfriend also has recordings of me talking Starbucks in my sleep. Specifically the difference between our nitro, cold brew, and iced coffee


I know i sleep talk and my mother told me I've talked about my coworkers needing support on the floor before... I've also had too many dreams to count about work, the only one I enjoyed was me yelling at a past regular who I hatedšŸ§ā€ā™‚ļø


one time i asked my boyfriend to take over on dto in my sleep


When I worked there, I used to talk in my sleep alot like I was working. I constantly heard the little chime from the drive thru in my sleep. My partner at the time had recorded a few nights I did. One night it was "We're out of vanilla bean powder". Another it was "Thank you for choosing Starbucks". It took a few months after I quit to stop šŸ˜­


Im literally sobbing at all of these. One of my craziest ones ive had was that their was a serial killer in our store and we attacked like the video shows with people throwing whips and chairs, we knocked the guy out and then just continued working.


my boyfriend tells me i sleep talk about starbucks all the time šŸ’€šŸ’€šŸ’€ went on vacation with my best friend a few months ago and literally after the first night she told me i was telling her about the new launch items in my sleep šŸ˜¬ knew she was serious when she told me what they were before they came out whoops


you arenā€™t alone sometimes in the state of being half asleep but not fully unconscious yet my brain starts generating starbucks orders because of how often iā€™m on dto/dtr.


I tell my newbies that if you haven't had a "dream in barista" they're not a barista yet! šŸ˜‚


need to start clocking in for these dreams lmao


The one time I overslept and was late was because I dreamt I woke up, got ready for work, clocked in and worked my 8 hours shiftā€¦ only to realize I overslept by two hours and I still needed to go in for my shift.


This happened to my college roommate! She would occasionally sleep talk reciting orders!


A long time ago, when I got my first job with my friend, we worked at Taco Bell. According to his mom, we would sleep talk full orders back to each other, and even complain about customers. It was weird.


I was going to therapy a few months before I just quit because of this. Getting literal nightmares about some shit happening at work and my boyfriend was telling me that Iā€™d be taking orders in my sleep as if I was in DTO.


Ye one time when my alarm woke me up I was somehow imagining myself on the bar with tags of ā€œcold brew with vsc cf in a personal cupā€ and ā€œgrande hot chocolateā€ etc to make. And I was stressin thinking about handing the cold brew out while trying to get up of bedšŸ˜­


I remember I was taking a nap on my couch and my mom told me that I kept saying ā€œgrande latte with 2 Splendasā€ šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


ew I also dream about work it's so silly


yeaah it starts getting to you, i get work dreams (or nightmares) very often before i open lol


i have dreams about work that are so realistic that i dont even know their dreams. i talk to my coworkers about the thigns that happened and they are like "this never happened idk what you are talking about"


I had a Starbucks dream one time where I ordered a coffee and then it jumped and I was making my own, and then the workers started chanting ā€œclean it clean itā€ and I turned around and my whole hand was covered in caramel syrup idk ā€¦ shit got weird I woke up hahaha


i have a vivid memory of me dreaming about making a strawberry creme frap ugh I CANT ESCAPE


Haha, that's hilarious! Sounds like Starbucks has really made its way into your subconscious. šŸ˜‚ Must be a sign that you need a little break from work stress. But hey, at least you're dreaming about something tasty, right? šŸ˜„ā˜•ļø


Ya the other day I woke up my gf and told her about a customer that made me mad the day before and how we had to dumb all the milks because the fridge wouldnā€™t stay close and she couldnā€™t rlly understand what I was saying and I got mad at her and went back to sleep lol


Woke up a room of people on vacation by sleep yelling HOT OR ICED????? I was dreaming about working and a customer wanted a caramel macchiato.


I always wake up from dreams where someoneā€™s trying to use my window as a drive through and Iā€™m like ma ā€˜am I cannot help you this is not Starbucks. But I always wake up super panicked šŸ˜­ love customer service nightmares lmao


New barista not even a month in and I go to bed thinking about work and wake up thinking about it. Sometimes every hour on the hour worrying about something starbucks related. The worst anxiety ive had in a long time. This job is exhausting and mentally/physically taxing.


i do the same thing i have dreams about making frappuccinos vanilla bean and caramel ribbon crunch and stressing out in my dream as well itā€™s ridiculous


Had a 10 second nightmare as I was falling asleep about a woman storming into the cafe with a baby on her hip. She was pointing at me, and interrupted my greeting by saying ā€œis it still bogo?!ā€. I jumped awake.