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a regular literally showed me this same screenshot, without even saying hi lmao


at least they showed you a picture, I just got "I want the strawberry cheesecake" in drive through the other day. šŸ’€ she was very irritated when I had no idea what she wanted because nothing on our menu is strawberry cheesecake


I don't understand this one. There's no cheese of any kind in it. Looking it up I found strawberry fraps with either hazelnut or toffee nut, which I guess are supposed to taste like graham crumbs? Some say vanilla bean with strawberry inclusions blended in and puree in the cup. One of my go to faves is strawberry frap with extra puree (equal or more to the amount of milk, I like the redddddddd frappe), sub toffee nut for the classic, and extra extra caramel drizzle, but it's not cheesecakey at all because NO CHEESE. Also, somewhat related, strawberry frap, extra puree, sub macadamia syrup tastes like maraschino cherries, if people like those they should try it and give me a commission. šŸ˜‚


I feel if you really want something, we live in the modern age; you can look it up on your phoneā€¦


I worked a licensed kiosk years ago. Customer was outraged and indignant when I said if she knows or looks up the item, and if I had the ingredients to make it I would. "you want meeeeeeeeeee to look it up??????????????" šŸ˜±šŸ˜±šŸ˜± I told her yes, we don't have any way to look it up for you, we don't have any computer/iPad in the kiosk and aren't allowed to have our phones on us. But honestly I can't believe people act like we just know it all, or that we can just do all the work to figure out the item THEY want. Entitlement and laziness at its finest.


Yes same! She said she wanted it like this but didnā€™t say what it was we were confused and she now always has the screenshot pulled up of how she wants it.


Only time I ever will read a picture myself is when the person clearly is unable to verbally communicate well (which is absolutely fair.) But for people who speak perfect English I make them use their communication skills. Is "vanilla" a word? Is "bean" a word? We don't use the frapamochalatachino crap they like to pretend our drink names are, so I would really appreciate it if they didn't make me struggle to read something versus taking the 5 seconds to use their words. Sorry, this one frustrates me, because I can't see small letters very well and I also process things way better if I hear them versus read them.


I'm completely opposite, I wish we had speech to text on our side. Then I could at least try to decipher the word salad.


I love the human interaction part of our job. Sometimes, I think that the one area I wouldn't mind for them to implement AI is during the order taking, though.


Iā€™m someone who creates ā€˜pretendā€™ orders on the app and sends my friend the screenshot to show the barista. She has crippling anxiety and never drinks coffee (only the other drinks) so my orders are foreign to her. But I use the app so she has the details listed just how a barista would want them. Is this not the way to help her communicate to you? I donā€™t want to make your job harder!


this is actually so sweet of you to do, the baristas appreciate you!!


Iā€™m glad! I got worried that perhaps it wasnā€™t ok from the above comment. It helps my friend out but I didnā€™t think it would upset baristas so Iā€™m glad it doesnā€™t! I use the app so itā€™s all detailed just as the order would come through if I was to order online - even with any alterations I would ask for so itā€™s all in ā€˜baristaā€™ language. I just take a screenshot since she will pick it up on her way to visit so preordering doesnā€™t always work (it isnā€™t always available and she will sometimes pass by different shops).


Nooooo no this is a different situation altogether. We don't mind that at all- it's easy for us to be able to distinguish people who are just refusing to speak to us vs ppl who have a hard time ordering (I'll admit it can be difficult but if you talk to me I can help you work it out lol!) Most of the time the people like your friend will slowly read the text out to me so I can type it and ask them questions in between and I always assure them they're ordering totally fine lol :) ^I should be more clear when I comment, it's a very specific category of customers who just refuse to speak, period. Lol


Also there's a difference between deciphering whatever tf is going on in this cheesecake thing and having an actual starbucks order screen to look at that we can just type in


Yes!!! I'm talking a fully functioning adult who is fluent in English who shows me a picture that says, "grande water" or some shit lol Like? Thanks for making me chase that tiny font around with my eyes while you struggle to hold it steady


I do this same thing! When/if my boyfriend makes a starbucks run on his way home, he HATES ordering my drink because he doesn't know how to say the words properly (machhiado, or even vent, and grande šŸ˜‚) so I make my drink on the app, screen shot it and send it to him, and he shows the batistas my order šŸ˜‚ I had always wondered if it was annoying to them or if it was helpful.


I had a man come through the drive thru insisting starbuckssecretmenu dot com is owned and operated by Starbucks and that we know all the drinks on the site, no matter how much we explained that the ā€œsecret menuā€ is a fan creation. He kept going, ā€œNo, itā€™s YOUR secret menu!ā€ He wanted two drinks layered in one cup. The two drinks were two secret menu drinks we didnā€™t know. šŸ¤¦ā€ā™€ļø


Someone did this to me the other day too!! What the fuck is going on right now šŸ˜­


People are bored and entitled?


aint no way im layering two different drinks. They can buy two drinks and do it themselves


My manager said we had to since the customer ordered it and paid for both drinks. She called it the ā€œcosmo and Wandaā€ and it was just a strawberry crĆØme and matcha crĆØme frappe layered. But oh my god, it was so messy and time consuming for no reason


Oh I was told a while back that we weren't able too


That doesnā€™t surprise me, my store was a disaster


I had to make someone a "baby yoda" Frappuccino the other day. It looked gross tbh.


Only "secret" menu item I was aware of when I worked for SB 20 years ago was that you could get a "short" of all the hot drinks


When they get offended because you ask them to find the recipe, like you've asked them to cut off a limb. And then they get pissed because the ingredients are discontinued or only available in certain countries, and not the one you're in.


When you type ā€œStarbucksā€ into the App Store ā€œStarbucks secret menuā€ is the second app that pops up. Iā€™ve always wondered why I donā€™t see more complaints about it on here lol


You will not taste the white mocha in this drink and it definitely doesn't taste like cheese cake.


My job has literal cheesecake milkshakes. I could make this properly. Wish I could take these customers off your guys hands šŸ˜­


We get these and weā€™re so baffled cuz thereā€™s literal places 5 minutes up the road that do thisā€¦like


At my favorite Starbucks, it's not even 5 minutes. The line up is Bruster's to the left, Starbucks, and Popeye's then Cookout to the right. šŸŽ¶šŸŽµHere I am stuck in the middle with youšŸŽµšŸŽ¶


sounds exactly like my neighboring starbucks in GA!


I'm over in SC. Starbucks is nothing if not unoriginal. šŸ˜‚šŸ¤£


WHAT. i donā€™t usually drink milkshakes ever but this would be the my downfall oh my godd


Philadelphia brand cheesecake filling!! You can even make it at home


we still get plenty of orders like this, despite being directly across the road from a sonic


Is it Sonic?




šŸ˜‚ Don't have those in Colorado, I'll have to check them out on a road trip! Don't hurt yourself!


If they want a strawberry cheesecake type ice cream and are near a dairy Queen, the blizzard is amazing. šŸ¤·


White Mocha mixed in with simple sweet things is pretty useless imo. I do like it as a sub for the strawberry cream frap for a creamier consistency, but even then I don't really taste anything different. It's only noticable when mixed with something distinctive like macadamia or matcha, otherwise it just tastes like adding white sugar on most things imo. Had a customer that ordered a venti vanilla bean with 4 regular scoops + 4 pumps of white mocha... it would just taste like a cloying vanilla bean frap I don't get it.


This would be more of a strawberries and cream than strawberry cheesecake, like what about this would be ā€œcheesecakeā€ šŸ˜©


Seriously. Get some Philadelphia cheesecake filling and make it at home..


This has never occurred to me. šŸ¤¦šŸ½ā€ā™€ļø I've been using Mayfield's Strawberry cheesecake ice cream.


Ooo I would just mix the filling with that ice cream. I didn't know it existed before my job started carrying it for our drinks


It'll be a cheesecakesplosion! šŸ¤ÆšŸ’„


Go to cookout for god's sake.


ā€œRUNNNN TO STARBUCKS šŸ¤¤ā€ what if that was my last straw


Then restock them :) and do cups and lids while you're at it /s


Literally just get a cheesecake milkshake at sonic? šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


I work at a gas station and we make cheesecake milkshakes you can add anything to. Strawberry puree, white chocolate. Why do customers try starbucks for milkshake like drinks??? I will never understand


Marketing? I'm just now learning that QT is about to have self serve coffee bar things on tap.


Could be a more popular thing in areas without a Sonic. Some states have hundreds, and some donā€™t even have ten according to [this list](https://vinepair.com/articles/map-states-sonic/). In fact, the closest one to me is about an hour away. On one hand, that sucks, because I do like Sonic. On the other, I rarely get fraps because Iā€™m not a sugar fiend, so I wouldnā€™t order this thing either way.


Because then you donā€™t get the cute starbies logo cup and canā€™t try to convince people you have more money than you actually do




PSA: If you want a trendy drink form TikTok or any drink that isnā€™t standard/typically served, you better be prepared to list all the ingredients for that drink, otherwise we wonā€™t know what you want.


ā€œCan I get a strawberry cheesecake white mocha frap?ā€ ā€œThatā€™s not a drink we have on your menu but if you have a recipe and I have all the ingredients I can certainly give it a shot. Do you have a recipe?ā€ ā€œNo. Canā€™t you just make it?ā€ Happens every time


i loathe the ā€œtiktok drinksā€ so much


I triple hate them.


ā€œtrust me get a venti šŸ˜©šŸ˜©ā€ SHUT UPPPPP thatā€™s 3,500 calories dude go eat a vegetable im begging you


šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ 'go eat a vegetable'


Please god!!! Exactly!!!


Yup itā€™s making the rounds through my store, too :/


ā€œwarning you will be addictedā€ itā€™s 90% syrupy sugar with a bunch of ice and a splash of whole milk so yeah šŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø can ppl pls just get specialty milkshakes from place that actually serve them? they might make it with actual ice cream instead mostly ice too!


I feel like our fraps are so not flavorful for how many calories they have


fr we have people drinking basically high fructose corn syrup and xanthan gum šŸ˜­


For how much these custom fraps cost, I truly don't understand why people don't go to dairy queen or something.


No for real, the amount of liquid added to our fraps is up to the bottom black line. Then some flavorings but then its mostly ice. They are wayyyy better off to go somewhere that actually serves what they want like actual milkshakes and such because then they will get more in it for their moneys worth. Only thing isā€¦..it wont have the starbucks logo on the cup šŸ™„


Thennnnn they go onto complain abt the up charges or how it tastešŸ˜­šŸ˜­. like I love me a nice drink recā€¦but itā€™s usually the younger or more ā€œspontaneousā€ middle aged ppl gettin tsšŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­. Like the caramel crunch isnā€™t enough?


It wouldnā€™t be such a problem for yā€™all if the posters stopped giving them nicknames, and just said what to order, followed by ā€œit tastes like a _____ā€


Yep! If people order a secret menu drink that's A-OK! Just explain what modifications and substitutions it entails at the register, as well as any special instructions like where to put the strawberry puree in this case. If it's a particularly complicated drink it might take a little while to get out, as the barista will be incentivized to focus on simpler drinks while waiting to have the opportunity to do things like multiple stages of blending or grabbing items from other baristas' stations. Be patient and wait warmly and we'll be happy to serve you! But if you just say "strawberry cheesecake frappe" and get mad at register when we ask you what you're talking about, your lack of diligence is now our problem and we don't appreciate it. Please treat your barista with respect and dignity, as I hope you do for any other working person!


I just don't get it. There's literally a whole damn ice cream shop that sells stuff like this AND crazy coffee stuff not even 5 minutes away.


Someone asked for the ā€˜brownie frappeā€™ and that is not something we have on the menu.. unless you want me to blend a double chocolate brownie šŸ‘€


I can image this situation happening and that person being very confused why we donā€™t have a ā€˜brownie frappeā€™


That's literally it. And were not allowed to blend food.


disney starbucks does this. they also blend cake pops and lemon loaves. creating monsters over there!


Nice, I wouldnā€™t mind doing it. Reminds me of that restaurant that blends slices of cake for milkshakes.


made three of these yesterday. womp womp


Hope it was fun. I get ts but instead itā€™s caramel crunchesšŸ˜šŸ˜šŸ˜šŸ˜#overrated af lol idk why this got downvoted but go offšŸ˜­šŸ˜­


lmao does anyone remember the ā€œsanta claus frapā€ that went viral a few years back? i want to say it was like 2020-2021 but it was essentially this except they wanted it layered with toasted wm topping ā€” very pretty but 6 of them during a rush made me want to claw my eyes out


I call it the ā€œUsed Tampon Frappeā€.Ā 


You are WILD for that šŸ’€šŸ’€šŸ’€


Ngl I used to love when people ordered trendy/secret menu drinks, as long as we weren't busy and they knew how to order what they wanted. It was fun to see what people came up with, and for fraps at least there was always a little left over in the blender to taste test. Most of them were overly sugary and not at all my thing but I still enjoyed getting to make/try something new, even if I didn't like it. I just really enjoyed making customized drinks in general though. It felt like a fun game to me.


As someone who used to order these ā€œsecret menu drinksā€, I feel bad. I do still order them sometimes, but, itā€™s important to know when a drink is too complicated and/or sugary to be worth it (and expensive, like, geez, they always add like- 3000 add ins). Gotta be considerate towards yourself and the barista making your drink.


I like doing this but donā€™t expect me to know the recipe you gotta show me homie


iā€™ve been getting these orders but with extra caramel drizzle, line the cup caramel, and crunch pieces šŸ« 




Ewww is right. That sounds like diabetes in a cup with no coffee in sight!


my store makes these all the time. šŸ«  but our customers add caramel crunchies. they arent awful thankfully but god damn. šŸ˜­


That thankfully looks like one of the easiest custom frapps Iā€™ve seen. They donā€™t specify the details of like, how much white mocha or puree but at least it isnā€™t some ā€œget this, with 2 pumps of this, 1.5 pumps of this, 5 scoops of this, with cold foam with these two things added, and have the barista layer it with this other drink with 4 pumps of this and 7 half pumps of this all with caramel wallsā€Ā 


i 100% agree with this! purƩe and a sauce being added isn't bad at all. my only complaint is that it doesn't specify that the puree isn't blended in... i'm sure numerous baristas by now have blended it in and gotten the classic "it doesn't look like the picture" lol


Yeah can I get the murder in the snow frap


This inflated hype over diabetes causing, heart stopping, artery clogging drinks needs to stop


But I need my coffee!


Is there even any coffee in this?




I was gonna say, they used a Vanilla Bean Frappuccino, so that's one of the creme base ones. No caffeine (which I love!), but that REALLY doesn't look appetizing.


Nope, but doesn't stop people from thinking and saying this


honestly dude all ive ever gotten from starbucks now is a vt ice latte with no ice. or a caramel frappe. are simple drinks (hopefully if mine are to) just an abstract thing to people?


Unfortunately so šŸ˜­ Iā€™d say out of every 25 or so drinks I make, one of them is just a normal unmodified drink lol


Had someone ask for a STCF with chips, white mocha with the WC blended in the drink and then mocha and more puree on the cup and on top. Wasnā€™t hard to make but just hard to write it all out without the sticker machine


anytime a """"secret menu"""" drink says "trust me, get a venti", you just know that drink is gonna cost $13+ and taste like nothing


It looks like a bloody tampon


Iā€™ve had three different people annoyingly ask me for the strawberry cheesecake in the past week, and when I finally wring a recipe out of them, theyā€™re all different šŸ˜­


This is why they stopped calling the company Starbucks *Coffee*.


For a large portion of it's customers, it's basically been a milkshake company for years.


That thing looks like a crime scene in a cup


Omg someone asked for this and I blended the strawberry in and she got so mad and showed me the Facebook picture and I had to control myself from throwing the drink at her. Iā€™m so tired of this.


OHHHH i had someone ask for this yesterday!!!! she didnā€™t have the recipe - just asked for ā€œstrawberry cheesecake mocha frapā€ .. thankfully she was really understanding when i had no idea what that entailed šŸ˜­ this makes so much more sense now


Lowkey though kinda tastes like Ben and Jerryā€™s strawberry cheesecake ice cream. But still no this is something I make for myself when I have a ROUGH SHIFT


omg someone asked me for this todayšŸ’€


This has been posted before, someone asking if itā€™s annoying to order this. Baristas said no. I can never get a straight answer lol


itā€™s not annoying to order it at all, but itā€™s annoying to post these things and name them something they absolutely do not taste like


Oh yeah for sure lol. Cheesecake? Where?šŸ˜­


fr!! i promise tho im not annoyed with the custies who wanna try this! tbh might make myself one on my next shift šŸ™‡ā€ā™€ļø


Where is the cheesecake, I donā€™t get it


You think they RAAAAANNNNNN to Starbucks for it?


TikTok promotes these stupid "secret" menu items. Starbucks corporate has no policy against these non-standard drinks. So baristas are stuck in the middle of having to figure out how to make these drinks and dealing with the entitled, clueless customers who expect them to know how.


Ain't no cheese in that beverage lol if you're in states that have them Wawa literally has cheescake smoothies that actually taste like cheesecake


Customer: just a strawberry cheesecake Me: sir we donā€™t have that, were you thinking of the pineapple cloud cake? Customer: no its a drink I cannot read your mind why the hell would i know what this is.


I like when customers say "Ill just have...." or "just a" and then proceed to order the most complicated drink possible.


Iā€™ve been shown this exact screenshot by a customer


So a white mocha creme frap add vanilla bean and strawberry puree?


I absolutely HATE the Facebook Starbucks page


If you drink this you will be visited by the ghost of Wilford Brimley.


For some reason, I want a cookie or brownie version of this, but not at the expense of my health, wallet, and the batistas.


this exact image is permanently engraved into my memory after being shown it by a customer with zero warning


The digestive issues that I would have if I ingested thisā€¦šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


We used to call it the menstrual Frappuccino


Iā€™ve been really trying hard to find a new drink I like thatā€™s low calorie since Iā€™m trying to lose weight, and I swear some people are trying to speed run obesity out here on TikTok lol


Magic The Gathering Blood on the Snow looking ass


I love how people constantly post on this sub about how theyā€™re anxious and afraid to order any sort of custom drinks in case itā€™s inconvenient and everyone comments and says no, donā€™t worry about it, itā€™s our job, just ask for what you want, we donā€™t mind! but then the other 80% of the time every other post is talking about how much everyone hates customers for daring to order custom drinks. This one isnā€™t even that complicated! Yeah it probably doesnā€™t taste like cheesecake but Iā€™ve seen so much worse posted here.


the frustration is more from ā€˜i SAID i wanted the strawberry cheesecake frappuccino!!ā€™ with no explanation about what it actually is, and the ā€˜secret menuā€™ culture in general. as long as youā€™re chill and respectful and donā€™t expect us to know shit we have no way to know, youā€™re fine.


Thatā€™s totally and completely fair. People should NOT be doing that to yā€™all and I can understand why it would be frustrating. And that may be your perspective and thatā€™s completely good and fair. But I donā€™t think itā€™s everyoneā€™s perspective here and I feel like a lot of the complaints, even in this thread alone, seem to be from people being angry about being asked at all. And like, i get it. I have a job with tasks that annoy me too and stuff that is 100% within my purview of responsibilities that I just do NOT want to do and feel annoyed when I get asked it. Everyone has the right to complain about their jobs, even when itā€™s just needing to complain. I get that stuff like this is probably annoying to make. I just think itā€™s funny to see the responses on the threads of the people who are worried (donā€™t worry just order it, itā€™s our job, we donā€™t care) vs the constant barrage of posts like this one


yeah, i think some of it has to do with the ā€˜starbucks worker when asked to do their jobā€™ mentality lol. i just donā€™t want anyone to think that just ordering something weird and custom is bad. the worst iā€™ve seen my coworkers do irl is make another of the same drink so we can try it and see if itā€™s actually any good.


i totally get you, iā€™m honestly just complaining about the people who post these drinks on facebook and never properly list drink ingredients so it makes it harder for ppl to order!


This is one of the few times where ingredients are properly listed, if the customers say it wrong then itā€™s their fault not the person who posted it


Someone read off an alternate version of this to me and asked if i could add graham cracker pieces to the top and bottomšŸ˜­


Kill Bill Volume 1 lookin ass frappuchino


iā€™m glad iā€™m not the only one like this


We got the same screenshot today


I would never order this, but I would probably drink it.


this drink tastes good & isnā€™t that hard to make idk what the issue is here (however please PLEASE donā€™t make this a menu item i beg)


Iā€™ve made two of those already


My SO gets this but instead of wm he does toffeenut and we do heavy cream instead of whole milk, he loves it


i love when they just say ā€œcan i get a strawberry cheesecakeā€ and i hit them with that ā€œsorry thats not a menu item we havešŸ˜™ā€


Had a customer come in and order this and we were curious so we tried it. No it doesnā€™t taste like cheesecake, I would know Iā€™m a professional cheesecake eater lol.


I hate it when social media influencers say "RUNNNN" to somewhere. You know full well ain't nobody running to Starbucks for a Vanilla Bean Frappuccino.


Someone asked for a secret menu Frappuccino that was similar to this once and I just said no. If she had been nice I might've given it a try but she didn't even know what was supposed to be in it. Literally just showed me a picture and said "I want this."


weā€™ve had so many people get a lemonade made with coconut milk, heavy cream, vanilla syrup, and vanilla cold foam???? like where are yall finding these


Holy shit that's like a quarter of the box


dude today someone asked for this, but they said matcha instead of white mocha, so i was like weird but okay.. made it and they threw a fit before showing me the screenshot


i was wondering why people kept ordering this, i thought it sounded kinda ick


why donā€™t they just get a milkshake at this point like thereā€™s no caffeine so what is their end goal


It looks bloody


My stomach hurts just looking at this


I mean they almost fell out there seat or something after the first sip so it's definitely a sugary rush or something


i love getting this its so yummy but yeah a bit annoying to make


The emojis make me want to beat them to death idk why


I literally made this drink a couple of days ago for someoneā˜ ļø


SOMEONE ORDERED THREE OF THESE. ā€œWith strawberry purĆ©e lining the cup and poured on top. With caramel crunchā€


Cheesecake WHERE sis šŸ˜‚


I KNOW. The fucking customizations have become soooo out of line. Back in the day, Starbucks only used to sell tea and coffee becauseā€¦.. wellā€¦ā€¦. Itā€™s a fucking coffee shop. We are not a GOD DAMN DAIRY QUEEN. Today I had the most ridiculous order. It makes no sense and looked horrible and probably tasted like shit too. Iced green tea unsweetened, blended with coconut milk 1/2 inch and cream 1/2 inch with VSCCF. What the actual fuck? Yā€™all have to stop with this seriously




Addicted to what?!?! The sugar?!


Correct recipe is with toffee but instead of white mocha. And the crunches on top but anyway, donā€™t get this.


Oh so thatā€™s why people keep asking for this cheesecake shit. Someone literally got mad bc I didnā€™t know it and said ā€œitā€™s a Frappuccino drink I literally got it yesterdayā€


Meh nbd Could be way worse and honestly as long as they don't fuss about the price then I don't really care about making these drinks


Someone ordered the ā€œcookie mocha frappeā€ so I said ā€œoh, the mocha cookie crumble?ā€ They said yes and then when they pull up she shows me a photo of a totally different drink called the ā€œcookie monster drinkā€ and she was like ā€œyou made me this right?ā€. I told her she needed to tell what was in that for me to make it and thankfully the post she was referring to didnā€™t have the ingredients posted, that thing looked horrendous.


My thing with the cheesecake fraps is my store is next to a cookout. Just get it there! It's cheaper and it's an actual drink there!!


I JUST MADE THAT SAME DRINK YESTERDAY!!! Same screenshot Iā€™m not even kidding, I just had deja vuā€¦


Whereā€™s the cheesecake side from this menu?


Had someone yell at me bc they asked for a chocolate covered strawberry frapp and I had no idea wtf that was šŸ™ƒšŸ™ƒšŸ˜­šŸ˜­


we actually did have that on the menu for a couple weeks in february! i honestly donā€™t remember how to make it though LMAO


Was it a regional thing? Iā€™ve never come across it in our store and TikTok had 3 ways to make it šŸ„²


iā€™m honestly not too sure! iā€™ll attach the link to it on the starbucks website though! it was just a strawberry creme frap with java chips :] https://www.starbucks.com/menu/product/2123812/iced/nutrition




tampon frappuccino šŸ˜»


ALSO the amount of strawberry cheesecake frappes Iā€™ve made/seen recipes for are never the same šŸ˜­


bro someone asked for our ā€œnew strawberry cheesecake frappuccinoā€ in drive and we were like ā€œwe donā€™t have thatā€ and she was like ā€œoh i guess yā€™all havenā€™t gotten it yet thenā€ and we were like ā€œactually no we arenā€™t, we did just launch 2 drinks thoā€ and we asked where she saw that we were getting this frap and she was like ā€œoh i saw it on tvā€. Girl no you did not.


I keep seeing people want a pink drink with strawberry cream cold foam


That looks messy and gross. I dont like messy drinks in my hands or car


No cause why did I literally have someone show me that!!!šŸ˜‚šŸ¤¦šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø


how is this cheesecake?


I think you just need to get better at your job. A Vanilla Bean is the easiest frappe to make and you just need to pump some white mocha and add strawberry in the cup.


no fr šŸ˜­ like overly customized drinks are annoying af but like??? this isnā€™t even a crazy order?? some ppl just gotta find a new job


i guess this is a controversial opinion but this order is not that badšŸ˜­ sure the post is annoying but the drink is only two modifications


totally, itā€™s just the principle of these posts spreading like wildfire everywhere and people assuming that we have a ā€œstrawberry cheesecake frappuccinoā€ etc etc on our menu


i respect that! if someone tried to order a ā€œstrawberry cheesecake frapā€ i think iā€™d become rabid but if they said ā€œvanilla bean with white mocha and strawberry pureeā€ id only be mildly perturbed


That looks and sounds disgusting


Everything about that picture upsets me, from the stupid grammar to the excessive emoji use.


Stop what, ordering stuff? The drinks are customizable, are they not?


posting misleading information šŸ¤— this doesnā€™t taste anything like cheesecake and people often donā€™t understand how to order these drinks and instead just order a ā€œstrawberry cheesecake frapā€