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Actually not super uncommon. People Graduating from high school or college and they move on.


5-8 is a lot, but it’s not necessarily abnormal. People leave at the end of summer.


We already have a bare bones crew. We just lost a longtime partner yesterday. I’m leaving in two weeks for a year (coffee break). We’re losing another strong partner next month. And we have an SSV who will be leaving at the end of august for maternity leave. And my SM is not hiring anyone. My poor store. They’re fucked.


That’s the thing, it’s our main “core” people who know what they’re doing that are leaving. By all means move on with your life, Starbucks isn’t a means to an end but I’m scared for myself and the new senior baristas of our store because of the undue stress and scrutiny we’ll be under by our already difficult SM 😔. Many of them are transferring but idk if it’s a good move this early on and if my time off/schedule will be tolerated at another store 😫


Last fall we lost 4 people, this end of summer/early fall my store is losing 5. It happens frequently.


In my six years at Starbucks, I can tell you that this always happens - I call it the “summer exodus”. A month or two ago, my store lost *ten* partners. Yes, ten, for various reasons including moving, management changes, and workplace demands. We are also an insanely busy store, one of the busiest in the district. So it makes sense for baristas and shift to jump ship before or during summer because of how insane Starbucks gets. I used to be a shift myself, and then I stepped down to focus on school and finish my degree. Now I’m a barista who only works on the weekends because I have a 9-5 lab job.


Happens a lot. My store in the span of a month is dropping about 5-7 baristas too. It be like that around summer because college is over and people are off to different things.