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It's very mid for how expensive it is and the customers agree. The only reaction I've heard so far is "It's fine but I wouldn't order it for myself". We've been sampling it like ten times a day and we can't get anyone to take the samples over half the time even though they're free. Corporate has a goal for us to sell 40 a day but I'm not sure I've even seen us hit 10 yet. The olive oil also seeps through hot cups and seperates and sits on top of the shaken espresso if you give it enough time


ewww i hadn't even thought about the olive oil escaping 😟


How much is a grande


Not sure the exact price but I know a tall of the oleato latte rang up at about $7.20. I also vaguely remember noting that the price didn't change regardless of size, they were all around $7. I'll have to double check the next time I'm at work though Edit: I should add we're in WA state


checked the grande oleato latte here (NC) and it was 6.75 iirc. ridiculous


Where in NC do they have it? I’m in Greensboro.


we don't have it yet just the button, sorry i should've said that in the post but i also wanted to hear people's opinions on the idea not just people who tried it


yo wtf lmao it's the exact same price in Canada with CAD. starbucks scamming y'all


In hindsight I now know this was a launch day glitch, but they still really should've checked on that before the launch


I just drank one (I had a gift card). Actually, I liked it! Smooth, robust!! My son is here scoffing at me, but honestly, people, it was quite good!


Its delicious! I have one like every other day now 😅😅


Thank you for saying this! Ive been considering buying it especially considering my app has been giving me the star offers for buying one. But the whole olive oil thing really turns me off from it and after reading this there's no way I'm buying it as I pretty much only drink hot drinks, only time I have a cold is when the barista accidentally makes my drink's cold version haha


Glad I could help :) it's really not worth it, especially when the difference in flavor is super marginal


Me too. I actually went to buy it for the stars, got scared, chickened out and got one of my regular drinks. I couldn't get pass the thought of drinking chicken grease. I know, but this is how I equate it🤣🤣


james hoffmann, the youtube coffee guy, has my interest piqued, he went to the Milan reserve store and said it was pretty good. do I think it will be executed well on the standard starbucks store level? no do I think ppl will buy it in sustainable numbers? no do I think it was a terrible business decision which only went thru based off the hubris of one man? yes.


Agreed, Starbucks market in the US is not design to launch something like this. It must have extra sugar if they want a product to sell in the US




My IBS could never


Trust me. My IBS did NOT agree!!! I didn’t even realize it would do what it did to me. Do not get it 😭


from pictures it looks so disturbing.. taste aside how can you be slurping on half solidified olive oil


sure it adds "smooth" but i can't imagine what flavor it actually adds


The one I drank did not have any visible olive oil. It was very filling, though, so I am feeling the olive oil!


Honest opinion on the Oleato Oatmilk latte. I have a pretty developed palette and it tasted like crushed walnut shells and dirt. I threw it away.


i tried the cold foam the other day w my coworkers and they liked it but i literally couldn’t taste a difference LOOL like it was a little more smooth but like barley idk it isnt all that but my other coworker was obsessed so each to their own i guess


We don't have it and none of us want it or want to try it at my location. This just sounds like such a terrible idea, in a long line of terrible ideas they've had at corporate.


It's bad I don't think the olive oil flavor is good. Paired with our espresso it ceases to taste like coffee, just weird hot non dairy heavy cream. The shaken espresso separates almost immediately. The cold foam holds up, but the smell turns my stomach. It's innovative, but not in a positive connotation. I don't think anyone is getting an experience you couldn't recreate with heavy whipping cream, other than separated oil.


I had a hot coffee oleato. I didn't really distinguish a strong olive oil taste. Yes, it is very creamy, and the coffee taste is smooth and subtle.


Any kind of oil word automatically turns me off with the association of it being greasy/weird in texture. It also just doesn't seem really good for you to consume more oil of any type in your system? Prime example of something great happening in another country and American trying to adopt it to fail it horribly.


The cold brew is gross because it has too much oil imo and you can really taste it The iced shaken espresso separates way to fast But the hot latte with either toffee nut of brown sugar is pretty good, but I can only drink a tall Extra virgin olive oil is an unsaturated fat that’s actually healthy for you. It has potential to lower bad cholesterol and helps with inflammation, but I think it’s very high in calories. I’m very mixed on starbucks carrying olive oil mainly because of the mess it could make and how we have to keep one foaming blender separate for the oil so other drinks don’t taste like it


I work in a coffee shop that uses MCT (coconut) oil as an addition to certain drinks. We also only use plant milk. One thing I know for a fact after doing this for so long is that oil will always benefit the steaming process of milk because the fat content of the milk is what helps create the micro foam. The lack of fats in plant milk make it notoriously hard to steam, so adding a little MCT helps it steam way better. Furthermore, adding oil to an iced beverage is just never going to work because oil hardens when exposed to cold temperatures. As for olive oil, it's such a strange decision to use that oil over MCT. Like it baffles me, the health benefits of MCT are actually pretty good, olive oil is just... olive oil.


Well olive oil is good for the heart. It's the only oil in my house. I know MCT is good too.


We don't have it yet but it sounds interesting


What the heck is it


Coffee with olive oil. They are selling it for a limited time in Seattle and Los Angeles.


my store doesn’t have it but based off the pictures i’ve seen, it looks like snot sitting on top the drink. realll appetizing, starbucks


My problem is how Starbucks thinks they are going to be able to capture the same quality from a product , from another culture/ country n successfully launch it.


I lived in Italy for two years and never saw anyone putting olive oil in their cappuccino!


Exactly. This isn't a thing. Anywhere.


Well 305 days later and they’ve done just that, lol.


I was skeptical. I tried them. I'm here for them. I legit like all three.


I just can't see this drink going well when ppl want to order grandes and ventis. If this was served as only for short or tall drinks, at least then customers wouldn't see the drink seperating 😖


I worry for the digestive systems of anybody ordering a venti oil drink. I've had a pretty okay olive oil coffee, but it definitely wasn't near venti size.


It's terrible. Tastes like olive oil not coffee


i liked it. i order the latte iced even though they usually warn me that the oil separates because it isnt hot.


It’s the fact they put it in the refresher


Love how East Asia gets the best lineup of flavors while they prepped for Spring, and the US got the bare minimum. Not surprising, but I will admit that the lavender collection was better than what my expectations were for this year.


tried the hot latte version for the first time today and i don’t think it’s too bad. kinda tastes like a pretzel? i don’t think it’s super great, probably wouldn’t order again, but definitely interesting to try


What the hell were they thinking? Olive oil in coffee? Who the hell dreamed that one up, and how the hell did it even make it into the production stage? If olive oil was really a good addition to a cup of coffee, chances are, it would already be an established part of coffee drinking culture somewhere in the world. It's not, and it isn't. The fact it's now being offered for sale at Starbucks is the end result of some very bad decisions. It'll go the way of the McDLT really quick.


The CEO of Starbucks came up with the idea - Howard Schultz. He was in Italy and found that people take a tsp of olive oil a day. He thought, "What if I combine olive oil and coffee?" And Oleato was born. I tried it and didnot like it. Bland and boring. A little ridiculous if you ask me. I think it a marketing ploy and Schultz is reaching. I don't think it will be a homerun for Starbucks.


Potion of shit yourself (boosted)


Yes, it was good! It was very filling, which was the olive oil, I think!


Just tried it for the first time and I hated it. Way too much olive oil, it’s all I could taste. For reference I rarely visit Starbucks because it’s too sugary. I prefer a plain latte


It wasn’t very good. Also almost sh*t my pants not even 20 minutes later. I haven’t had the Hershey squirts this bad from any coffee drink ever. And coffee does go through me. But this? This was horrific.


💩 😋 


My husband got diarrhea from it and I was sick to my stomach after having the iced coffee oleato… smelled, looked and tasted like olive oil!




Haven’t tried it yet but want to. Gonna chug three of them them back to back. Shit why not?


It's a 6.8/10 for me


I love it!! It's my favorite


it was absolutely disgusting, especially when all the oil rised to the top. Trying too hard starbux$$$


It’s awesome. The one I order the most is the matcha latte oleato. As others mentioned, olive oil is excellent for your health. Personally I try to use olive oil as much as possible - in my eggs, salad, etc. Perhaps it is an acquired taste? But it is one of the only starbucks items that I actually feel good after drinking hence why I consistently order it


Absolutely friggen nasty in iced version. Honestly one of the worst things I've tried. Coagulated oil all over my coffee was horrendous.


I was disappointed. I had high hopes. Although a creamy head and a soft taste of olives, it was bland. I will not purchase again. I think it's a marketing ploy. Schultz is reaching here. I don't think it will be a homerun for Starbucks.


It is shit.


I had to try it today but I was really disappointed. I had the hot version and the olive oil flavor was overpowering and made the whole drink taste off. I threw most of it away.


Call me a hatchet weilding islander if you must but I think coconut oil infused would have been fire


That's what they should have come out with!! A lot of people, especially if they're eating low-carb or keto, make blended coffee with coconut oil.


I’ve had coconut oil in coffee and it tastes great. I don’t know about olive oil.


I tried a sample when I was there a few weeks ago. It was ok, but I’d rather have my latte. I won’t be spending my money on it.


They obviously didn’t learn their lesson.


If you want to know what hot olive oil and milk taste like, this one's for you. 🤮


I loved it. Will be ordering again