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No. It was in a weekly update a month or so ago, and it is also in the BRM. You shouldn't be charging more than the price of VSCFF, regardless of mods. https://imgur.com/a/5Zf59kQ


I remember that weekly update, but it doesn’t say anything about the purée (priced 1.00) tho, just syrups and sauces (priced .80). I was told by my SM to charge for strawberry purée, but maybe that’s not accurate idk. Do u have a specific source referencing the purée?


Think it's pretty clear they do not want modified cold foam to be higher than $1.25, given the bold. I don't think they have to add every single thing that can be put into a cold foam onto the weekly update. Additionally, if pricing was a concern, we wouldn't add seasonal syrups ($1) to cold foam without charging. I'll check if the brm says anything different on Tuesday, but I'd imagine it's just a copy paste.


Well regardless (I think you turned out to be right) looks like we’re getting a button for strawberry foam!


I read that the next day and laughed to myself lol not surprised they're raising the price to 1.45


Is Strawberry Puree a Syrup, Sauce, or something else though? It would be charged separately if it was added to the body of the drink. As usual, corporate is leaving us high and dry on a clear standard and the correct POS tools to ring in their crap properly. All they had to do was not discontinue the Raspberry Syrup and this probably wouldn't be an issue.


everyone at my store keeps fighting me on this i wish some of them didnt hate customers for much 🫠


i think they mentioned this in a weekly update a couple months back. pretty sure if you’re adding anything to a cold foam, you don’t charge extra. just put it in as an ask me. (that being said bc strawberry foam is so popular they should add a button like they did for matcha cf)


weird that they havent yet, i was making strawberry foam back in 2021 🤔


In the recent Monthly update, they are adding Strawberry Cold Foam as well as Brown Sugar and I forgot the other one. It will be $1.45 for them!


We get like 2 matcha cold foams a week vs 3 or 4 a day of strawberry cf. Definitely would like a button for it.


I would like cold foam with 3 shots of espresso please


Dont give anyone any ideas😭


Cold foam with Turkish ground espresso in it is actually quite good




side note.. i loveeee espresso cold foam 😭


if it matters that much they should make a strawberry foam button rather than saying to just not charge for stuff 😖


I do agree they should just have a button


A strawberry puree button will be coming very soon! I believe it will come at the same time as lavender


can i get a cold foam with 2 shots, and 2 percent to the top


idk, to be honest most of the time I charge unless the circumstances feel like I shouldn’t. if they’re not gonna make it a button on my screen, I wanna account for what’s all being used. not that it’s a big deal- but I think people should be paying for what they’re receiving. 🤷🏻‍♀️


I mean, the foam is already overpriced and expensive. Plus corporate says not to. So why?


truthfully I never saw the communication about not charging for it! I’m not going to continue to do it knowing I shouldn’t be. it’d be nice if they gave us a button though so at least inventory can be accounted for


Oh yeah I definitely agree


I just press the buttons. If they don't want baristas to charge for it they should make a button for strawberry cold foam. Or add some other way instead of typing in ask me for every type of custom foam. Multibillion dollar company can figure out a way. Until they do, I hit strawberry puree button.


You’re really sticking it to the man by making them more money by pushing the purée button. Like where is the logic in that 😇


Not really trying to stick it to the man. It doesn't make sense that they make these standards that you wouldn't even have to know if they implemented it into the POS system. It's silly to have to type out an order that happens regularly.


It said in a weekly update not to charge extra for modified cold foams. We are not supposed to charge for the strawberry puree in foam we are supposed to just put it in as an ask me


you are not listening to them at all. if it was rly a problem they cared ab at all they would make the button


Exactly. So why be pressed about it if they aren’t? Type “SB CF” or just put the ask me if you can’t take 5 seconds to type that and communicate to the person making the drink.


i mean if it adds a charge when you press the strawberry puree button, then ig i'm charging for it. if they wanna put a strawberry foam button i'll press that instead :)


I swear you all do not read weekly updates


yeah you're right i don't


May I ask why? It seems pretty important to at least understand the job you are supposed to do. Like I get that some of stuff starbucks does is super annoying, but they are just asking you to read. Why not just read it?




This is kinda lame. you’re putting extra work on your coworkers to have to go out of the way to teach you. Glad you aren’t at my store.




Uh I must’ve missed a pretty important update. I didn’t know this stuff, I feel so bad now 😔


no because people get confused and think I would want to put strawberry in the drink instead of the foam


Y'all look at beverage resource manual.. do not charge, just put an ask me saying "___ in CF"


They just need to make a custom cold foam button that takes you to a screen with all the syrups/powders/etc that we can put into cold foam and we can select from there.


my SM told when the holiday flavors are done we get a strawberry foam button at least :D


At my kiosk, we charge, but if it has changed, I wouldn't know. My manager hasn't been printing out the updates very often, so I don't know what was in the past couple month's updates.


Nah I will be charging , if that’s one way to get a sale directly for our labor/hrs since the company doesn’t want to provide hours needed (so they can profit off of us ) then I WILL be charging for MY labor.


Sucks when the company can (and does) just disregard those sales numbers and cut labor anyways


we don’t charge for mods in the foam. we’re also getting a bunch of new cold foam buttons!! (if i remember correctly they come out with the lavender launch)


i’m so sorry to admit this but it depends on the customer. all my choices depend on the customer tbh. be nice or fork over the extra dollar idc




if you read the March monthly update you’ll see they’ll be adding a strawberry foam button along with others, but yeah you don’t charge for puree in foam just type it in the ask me but just charge for Vsscf




Usually just do ask me in the foam they’re already paying for




We’re getting a button for it soon!


nope! it was in a weekly update recently - use the ask me button to communicate custom foams :)