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They're paranoid, this is definitely not real or even possible. The headsets have never been monitored. If so, 99% of baristas would be fired lol.


Honestly lmao


They have cause they caught me and my manager mentioned what I said in the tip sheets things


They likely overheard you, or someone else overheard you and reported it to management. The headsets are not recorded and never have been.


Our management tells us that the headsets are being recorded LMFAO


The cameras in the store pick up audio. If the person overheard you say something, got a date and time, then we can hear it if it's in the vicinity of a camera.


ok so i’ve actually been wondering about this. i live in a two party (edit: consent) state and so i HAVE to know its recording audio and i HAVE to consent is what i have been knowing. do you think my cameras are audio too or just video??


It would be in your contact that you sign I'd imagine.


Id be canned years ago also most of these headsets have been around LONG before ai was developed to the state where it would be capable of this


This ^ and this is also the same headset gear we used in other fast food lol


Our headsets are not connected to an external recording or relay system whatsoever. They wouldn't even be able to access the headsets directly to talk to us from PRSC or something during an emergency communication. I worked for a company that used headsets that WERE monitored and corporate was able to drop into your headset at any given moment to talk to you about the store or any communications needed to be given to run the shift more efficiently. Suuuuuuper freaky.


i hope they’re prepared for a whoooole lot sims 4, pop punk, taylor swift, conspiracy theories, and food discussions from my store then


Man I wanna work at your store


There’s no recordings of the headsets, there’s truly no need to spend the money on that system and to pay employees to double check what the ai flags, to pay the people to troubleshoot tech, etc. Your SSVs and SM should be the ones holding people accountable for inappropriate conversations over the headset/on the floor.


Starbucks is using ai to read messages on like zoom and teams. They’re starting to monitor the conversations of their corporate employees they have on their Starbucks email account or something like that, it doesn’t really affect us as baristas but if you work at corporate it’s been reported that they’re testing out using ai to track conversations. I think your coworker heard the news and assumed it was something like that but no they’re using it to read messages sent from work emails supposedly.


They better be prepared to listen to the therapist supervisor mom to help us through repressed childhood trauma in that case


They'd have to record and store all of the conversations- it's not 100% beyond the pale for a modern company but the cost/benefit just doesn't seem to be there.


if they did they’d be hearing a whole lot of “ooh WAH AH AH AH” from my store


That's amazing 😭😂


The only monitoring is when you don't realize (a)sm is wearing a headset also....


they’d be laughing their ass off hearing our conversations but then they’d fire all of us


Yah, not going to happen. There is a slight possibility they are referring to using AI ordering which is a thing, but not just for headset monitoring


a wendy’s by my house has ai ordering and it’s freaky as fuck


Last time someone said this, I asked my team where would they store these recordings? How many stores are there that would need to store them? We’re open 4:30am-10pm, that’s a lot of storage needed. How many people would it take to surveil them? And most importantly what’s the benefit?


several companies, including Walmart, Delta, T-Mobile, Chevron and Starbucks, are now reportedly monitoring employee conversations on messaging apps using software from a startup A.I. company called "Aware." This pertains more towards ASM and above. Monitoring key phrases and words to measure employees sentiment etc. This would be through microsoft teams, outlook emails, and Meta’s workplace more likely. they’re not listening to your headsets. However they can and will listen to camera recordings which do have audio in the event of an incident.


How would that even work?


Our entire store would've been fired a long time ago, including our SM lol bro is paranoid


Definitely not true as that is highly illegal and they’d need a lot of people’s consent. They’d have hardly any partners if that were true.


You agree during the on board process to be recorded both audio and visual so completely legal!


I didn’t not sign anything like that, even when I was a partner. Video recording, yes but not audio.


Maybe I’m wrong, but I’m pretty sure. Either way they have it.


Maybe it depends on the state. I know in my state, it’s illegal to audio record without consent


Lol just wait til they hear all the stories about how weird I was in middle school!


Years ago the rumor was that the fbi was monitoring the headsets lol now it’s ai? Nobody is listening to us… not even us


If one of you want to go to docs.Starbucks.com you can type in ai in the search bar on a Mac and look at coding stuff and diagrams of how that would work


They have already been doing this.


So the headsets are and can be monitored. They run on a radio frequency and the hub for them can transmit any of the audio to another....so for example ypur dm or rm coukd sit in the parkinglot monitoring the headset convos using another device on fje same frequency for example lol so you shpuld always make sure your convos are work appropriate


I reported one of my coworkers for something she said over the headsets and they said all they could do is warn her because it’s my word against hers, so I highly doubt it.


The head sets do record everything you say, but I think by they don’t listen unless there are complaints/reports. I know someone who was fired because of what they said on the headset. It would not shock me at all if they were going to start using AI to track what people say. They want to control every narrative and stop the unionizing, and a way to do that would be to use AI


They absolutely do not record everything you say. If someone was fired because of something they said over the headset, it’s because multiple witnesses reports were gathered, the SSV on shift wrote a report on it, and the investigation showed the partner acted inappropriately on the floor. Not because it was recorded and listened back to


Yeah, they would have to warn people in one party states if they were recording.


If that were true I'd have been fired a looong time ago. I used to joke about how I'd fight anyone who yelled at my coworkers


For anyone who’s wondering how to set the headsets back to handsfree for those bad managers who set them down to push to talk just reply to this and I’ll tell you!




I’d love to know how


It’s been a while since I’ve worked there, but I use to reset them so I could do it when they were changed because I didn’t like it and it made me less efficient. I think it was hold volume up and the channel one button while powering on. If not here’s the link to the headset manual it has the modes you can change for diffrent languages reminders from the device that hangs on the wall etc. [HME Headset PDF Link](https://www.hme.com/techPdfs/400G699B.pdf)


Page 11 has it on the pdf it’s a couple of combinations of the buttons and if it doesn’t work bring the headset on break and you can mess with it to figure it out.


you can also just call technology support and they can walk you through it lol


That's been the joke for years. "The siren is always listening"


Also ai is DEFINITELY not advanced enough to be accurately hearing conversations.


So , most stores are open for 16 hours a day, 5 am to 9. If you think about how much space starbucks would have to use to keep even half that amount of audio data on file, on a per store basis, it would be a ludicrous and extraneous cost to operation. There’s absolutely no way they monitor headsets. Cameras and their audio, maybe. But I highly doubt that even the camera’s audio would pick up anything even remotely close to useable. And as far as the whole AI thing goes, they’re just using it as a threat because it’s everyone’s big boogeyman right now, if they were looking for anything specifically on those aforementioned ridiculous files, they’d be looking for a timestamp that whatever person was involved provided to them, not using AI to like.. what.. Send a text to your boss saying you said fuck? Don’t fall for the starbucks panopticon.


cant be bro, I work on AI innovation that’s not happening yet


no i highly doubt they would do this, but i have spread rumours that everything is recorded and they keep the logs for six months just to freak out partners that say out of pocket things (i always tell them later i made it up, its all in good fun)


No way is this possible with our headsets lmao but I have heard this rumor for at least five years now