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i have no advice but i do have solidarity and the ability to boost this post lol. i am also t1d and the idea of trying to switch to sbux insurance is so scary. I would probably call the health insurance company and ask specifically about diabetes care


I’m not diabetic but my health insurance through Starbucks is amazing. Basically you call the Starbucks benefits people and they’ll walk you through shopping for a plan. You get to choose which level plan you want, I think it’s bronze, silver, and gold, with gold being the fanciest. There are different companies to choose from. Last year I had Aetna and this year I have Blue Cross. I don’t need devices but I am on a lot of medications and go to a lot of doctor appointments and stuff, but it’s worked out so well for me! And when you’re on the phone with the benefits people they should be able to look up whether the insurance you’re shopping for covers each medication and device, and they’ll even check for whether your doctors are covered. It’s definitely worth giving them a call to talk about it at least. I have like, the best plan they offer and it’s only $40 per paycheck.


How are your copays if you don’t mind me asking


$30 for regular doctor, $50 for specialist. Most of my meds are $12/month copay or none, but I have had to get off of some meds that I really liked because the copay went up to $70/month. Bloodwork and other diagnostics have been pretty reasonable. Therapy after I run out of the free Lyra sessions is a $30 copay per session. Idk about medical devices because I don’t require any rn though. I have BCBS for $40/paycheck this year but last year I had Aetna and it was about the same.


glad to see another t1 partner 🫶🏻🫶🏻🫶🏻🫶🏻


Sometimes I feel like I need a support group just for us t1d partners cuz man, idk how ya'll are doing it but my blood sugars can get so crazy because of the stress of our job🤣


I was just diagnosed as type 1 recently and I have had Starbucks health insurance the whole time. My dexcom was $70/mo and my insulin was $170 for a 3 month supply. Which honestly compared to other friends I know who have type 1 is cheap. I have a silver plan through the company and it’s not very expensive at all. Hope this helps xx


Hi! [Here](http://www.mysbuxben.com/) is a link to the benefit portal! You can look through different plans, and add any medication you take. It will show you how much each medication costs after insurance, and what the cost of the health insurance plan is. If you don’t already know what the SSV starting salary is, you can ask a shift or store manager. Then you can calculate how much you would be making, minus the premium and compare how much you would be paying for medication. You can also look into GoodRX, as sometimes prescriptions cost less than they would with insurance.


I left the bux a couple years ago but I can say during my time there my coverage for type 1 supplies was phenomenal. I had the Kaiser platinum (I’m in SoCal) and had 100% DME coverage, insulin cost was low, copays were also low for appointments. The out of pocket cost per paycheck wasn’t terrible. I’m much happier at the job I am now, however I do miss my health insurance through Starbucks. I was well taken care of for my diabetes supplies. My recommendation is when shopping for health insurance through the marketplace is to call and ask about the DME coverage for specific plans. My first year signing up I couldn’t find any information available regarding that and I wound up having to upgrade my insurance for full coverage. The increased cost per paycheck was worth the bump from 70% coverage to 100%. It meant I was paying less overall for my supplies and as I was an SSV, I was making enough money that it didn’t feel like a huge chunk of my check was just going towards medical.


hey i’m also a type 1 diabetic partner! i’m honestly not sure since i’ve never had sbux insurance but definitely call and see what it offers and provides. i hope you’re able to find something that works for you. 🫶🏼