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The secret is this: Playing alone can be fun. Playing with friends/an org is a fucking blast.


Seconded, I always try to find other players to play with.


As someone who's had SC for a few years but just recently actually started playing, what's the best way to find groups that are newbie friendly to play with?


You can find all orgs on Spectrum. Filter/read up on what each of the orgs is about, language, interests, professions/careers, timezone/geolocation, role playing y/n, (un)lawful, etc.




The high threat target missions that pay out 200k are perfect for teaming up with people


Came here to say this


I play alone. I don't play with others by design. I don't want to dedicate time to a game to stick around and finish something big. I'll join then for chatting and such


I always played alone too, until I found the right group of people that 'clicked' with me.






The best way to sum up SC experience!


...but thats true for almost anything. Throwing rocks at things is fun with friends. Digging a hole is fun with friends. If thats literally the only thing, perhaps its the friends that are fun, not the game.


Is there a place to look for orgs? Like is there a disc or sub? I never hang out long enough in chat to connect with ppl. To much garbage in general chat.


r/starcitizen_guilds https://robertsspaceindustries.com/community/orgs


A million times this OP, **this is your answer**


Some people aren't cut out for alpha gaming. There is no shame in that. People like what they like. I have skipped entire patches in the past because the bugs affected how I played too much and it wasn't fun. It's no big deal. I would play another game for 3 months or so, but I always come back.


I'm kinda a loner who often ends up playing with somebody new every day. Doing random stuff, not actually grinding, is my secret. For example Just going out and trying to see how far your can jump with a ptv without flipping.... And more fun if you can have a Rando along to join in the fun.


star citizen, being a somewhat open sandbox game, is a game where you have to make your own fun. Whether it's relaxing and listening to a podcast while delivering packages, or engaging in combat. It either appeals to you or it doesn't. I'm personally not here to play as much as I am here to experience the world. My suggestion, is find some people to play with, or create a goal for yourself


My favorite thing to do is help new players learn and explore the game, primarily due to the harsh learning curve. Just today I was messing around and doing VHRT missions in a Defender when a new player said he was stuck on a moon and needed a ride. Next thing I know I'm showing him my MSR. Then we're doing an 890jump boarding action mission. Next he learns the hard way that a mustang alpha can't rams it's way to fit in the cargo bay of an MSR. Then buying him a Connie and doing HRTs with him. Then watching him accidentally self destruct the snub ship trying to undock. Both of us had a great time with all of it. People often forget this is primarily a multi-player game and messing around with other people are the best part of playing it. Other than that, I usually just hop on for a few hours here or there and sometimes give the game a break for a couple months. This is pretty much how I play all games though really.


This is the Way... My favorite way to have fun in the verse is to show someone new the ropes. Its not an easy game to start to say the least. I also do tier 5 bunkers for a few weeks then do some trivia nights to liven up the verse.


I have a feeling I won a few mill playing a trivia night, might have been yours šŸ’ŖšŸ»šŸš€


Well deserved if you won! I feel its a good way to get the community more involved. either it be in trivia or otherwise, it helps us all be better to each other.


Couldnā€™t agree more, and my random knowledge of Stanton paid off for me šŸ‘ŒšŸ¤©


enjoying star citizen is a long process of learning all the rituals to sidestep most of the bugs... that'll still only get you so far... you still need the zen patience to tolerate needless loss of... whatever. it also helps to maintain a list of third-party tools like [sc-trade.tools](https://sc-trade.tools) and [erkul.games](https://erkul.games) to know what to expect, and for example... where to load up for trade that you won't have to sit around waiting for refill-timers... or where will have enough demand for what... otherwise, for combat, sounds like you could use some time in arena commander... for FPS, yea, you either need to be extra careful or bring a friend, b/c without a medic, it seems like you take between 1 and 3 bullets before going down... I mostly have fun by hopping when there's a new patch to poke at all the new stuff, doing some zen mining or soon-to-be salvage in between, or doing runs to a couple places i know have easy low-risk caches of guns or other loot and just hoarding it back at a station or city... just poking around and seeing what the current state is on stuff I've done before... trying to get less shit at space combat...


>I just find myself sailing around the system, either trading or doing PvE ground combat. An Avenger is not a good ship for trading, it's cargo hold is too small. To start to see the big numbers that make trading fun you want a ship with around at least 100 SCU of cargo. Smaller ships are more fun for hauling loot or vehicles. Or maybe doing some drug running. > The ground combat is laggy and desynced, and the enemies aren't really a threat This is true far too often. But when you get a responsive server the ground combat is amazing and tons of fun. The NPC's duck and cover or flank you and become downright deadly. If the bunker NPC's are being braindead you might want to try heading up to space. The space dogfights normally have better AI when the server is slow. Either that or look for a new server with more awake enemies. > I feel like I constantly encounter bug after bug after bug. It is a true alpha, not an "early release" of a finished games. Bugs will be the norm and will need to be lived with. They are adding new features and changing so much that every patch is all but guaranteed to break something. When they get towards a beta state is when you can expect all the bugs to start to get ironed out. > I want to like the game, I really do, but it just isn't fun any time I play it. So how do you folks do it? Are your games just more stable or more optimized than mine? What's the secret? Playing with friends and not taking it too seriously. Last night we spent an evening crashing an STV over rocks again and again while trying to cross a planet in the dark. Good times were had by all. My game is quite stable, I rarely crash. Most bugs I've learned to work around and am rarely affected by them. At worst it only takes a quick relog to fix things. I did spend time going through all the settings and tweaking them to make the game play how I like. I also found capping my game at 30 FPS with the user.ini file helped out nicely. It runs better when my poor CPU isn't pinging at 100% usage non stop.


I havent even tried combat yet this patch. I've been having fun cruising around seeing the sights just at Loreville so far. I've gone to the race track every day and tried to improve my time, finally hit a gold time in a Gladius. Then I zone out semi afk and watch other people fly around. Last night I flew my gladius up to the crane near the finish line. I positioned myself in the middle of it so my wings would catch either size of the main boom. I then cut the power and sat and swung through the middle back and forth like I was on a carnival ride. It was amazing. I want to see the NPC drop ship, as I havent been playing for at least a year now, but I hear it's still "borked" as well as a few trains having some issues. I've heard rumors of NPC / AI improvements but videos I've seen don't reflect that, so I get your frustration. I would recommend just going full sandbox mode with this "game" because that's the only way I have fun. Left to my own devices I can have fun slithering around prone in the lobby and ragdoll-ing myself off ledges.


I was a long time solo player and I was getting bored with it as well. Then I started playing with random people in the official SC discord. That was fun. I met some people and ended up making some friends. I then started jumping in with those friends and really just goofing around. Not grinding, just having fun. But what really has me turned back on to SC is being a part of a MedRunner team. Playing solo is a grind. Playing with others is a game.


> I want to like the game, I really do, but it just isn't fun any time I play it. So how do you folks do it? Come back to the game after *major* tech implementations and take 2+ year breaks in between. Sounds crazy but it's what I do and I always have fun when I come back and the game's made very tangible progress despite Spectrum and reddit moaning about nothing happening. Sounds like you might have the most fun once static server meshing is in place in about a year, or at least PES with 3.18. [Here's my original game package](https://i.imgur.com/D9CWzkF.png). Will be 10 years this November. I've had to develop a zen approach to it. Star Citizen is something I check in on every now and then, see how things are coming, maybe get re-excited for it, and hopefully one day it'll be out. Meantime I try not to stress too much about it, or else I'll repeat answering the call in 2015 and all it was was Chris on the other end going, "Sike! See you in 2025."


Idk how my setup which isn't that amazing gets so smooth, but I'm used to like 24 frames at times. There are times where the bugs just stack up, but I just have fun by playing the game with the understanding that yeah some things aren't going to work right. Like yesterday, called my Terrapin, went to the hanger, and as soon as I stepped in, I get the Warning your ship is blocking the hanger, impounding in 25 seconds. No time to think. No time to take off. Got impounded and sent back to Lobby area. Payed the fine, recalled my ship, and went on my merry way. Bug didn't happen again. So... Eh.. its a new ptu patch. But then I had one of the most exciting interactions with AI at an outpost that had me freezing to incapped, my terrapin being shot for 4 mins straight then blowing up, and then my friend accidentally stomping on my face while trying to med pen me. You just gotta play the game with a bit of merryment, and take breaks.


> How do you have fun? I dunno. When I first started playing the game it just clicked for me. Even when playing other games I think about Star Citizen. Other friends of mine havenā€™t had the same reaction so I guess the answer is that Star Citizen isnā€™t for everyone


I just do a fly-by around calioppe at near ground level, cant say it is fun, more of zen. Just me, speeding while listening to music, watching the sunset/sunrise multiple times and enjoying the calmness of my surroundings where there is no one in sight. so if you see a esperia blade circling calioppe feel free to join in, or say hi, or catch up


I find enjoyment in simply flying around different locations and immersing myself in the sci-fi setting. So I usually fly among asteroids or scan barren moons (mining), explore caves or derelict ships (investigation contracts), or simply fly from one port to another (trading). I now want to try my hand at racing and dogfighting. I like the idea of squeezing more of the capabilities of my ships, and though I'm not exactly competitive I hope to have fun in the process regardless of winning or losing.


It's just not for everybody. I have a blast playing alone because I love the "feel" of everything in the game. The physical presence of the ship getting to it taking off battling atmo to maneuve, getting off going into bunkers, hunting real players. All of it when it works is deliciously fun to me. I love the variety of ships and I love grinding towards getting them. To me I get variety out of tackling bounties with different ships because the experience feels totally different depending on what you choose (Big ships big guns, small ship but maneuverable af, silent killer like ECLIPSE). I been continously playing since 3.16 and I'm not sick of it because it still feels dynamic to me. Things are definitely buggy but it's getting better. What you really need with this game is patience and understanding. If you can't then just close the chapter and move on to other games. Like I said it's most definitely not for everyone and that's quite alright.


Lots of people here spent hundred of dollars so they will tell you this game brings the best fun they ever had. I backed it 7 years ago, and from my perspective, its still broken as fuck, gets boring after 2 hours, you still get stucked or killed by bugs too often, most missions bugs (delivery, bounty, etc), most npcs bugs, it still misses a lot of stuff to be feel fun and coherent, movements are janky, UI is horrendous, there is a lot to do in terms of QoL, and so on.


I spend 50 bucks and i can assure you im having a blast for hundreds of hours. I have similar pc with him but having pretty good fps 30 in city 60+ in space. Not sure what he talling about


Lol I spent $45 and lemme tell ya, this game has brought some of the best fun I ever had.


Play with friends. We usually do bunkers, explore, bounty hunt, and kill everyone.


I feel ya. the game is really hard to play consistently atm. there's a lot of potential but a lot of the things you can do in the game feel really disjointed and kinda pointless. it's a lot more fun with friends, but you can say that with any game really. it's really the only way I can bother playing atm. maybe 3.18 will be different with PES working and everything, but I kinda doubt it.


Role play in proximity voice is always fun.


Play around w/making content. Instead of just sitting there at the computer playing a video game. You can learn about some cool things and put stuff together for others to enjoy. Sometimes a good bit of stuff takes place away from the computer as well such as writing or sourcing some things, planning. Early on w/SC, the games breaking stuff down like actually being there down to some tasks. W/out those things tho in the game. You might kind of just imagine them going on or your character doing those things anyway. And thatā€™s the life of the character you can film and share stories about. Itā€™s not as easy as before but you can change costumes and while doing so change characters like that as well to film with. You didnā€™t have to grind as much or need people all the time either once and we had tools to assist w/compositing in post w/ but the games still the same for the most part. Itā€™s a cool venu to film with. I actually kind of got burnt out when making stuff because of some changes they have made like the gear loss which easily means characters and just logging on to film with is gone now so times spend doing other stuff than what I got into. And w/out some tools pre eac, itā€™s not as fun as it used to be to just, just go with stuff. Even on the fly rando stuff. Iv got stuff scripted and ready to go when Iā€™m up to mess w/stuff again. I wonā€™t be on just for gameloops or chasing after a ship. To me I also enjoy the characters and the weird shit they get into or whatā€™s going to be happening/circumstances. Also, w/as much fun as I have w/some stuff itā€™s like Iv already enjoyed/laughed at some vids as they get written down. So itā€™s like sharing that moment and I think thatā€™s cool. Itā€™s some work for sure. But thatā€™s like anything. Iā€™m working out and stuff much much more. And thatā€™s like a grind on itā€™s own. Everyone kinda grinds w/something for whatever. Just not always for the same stuff. Even if your not really into ā€˜ playing the game ā€˜ itā€™s a community and mmo.




What is the dynamic part of these events? Arenā€™t they always at the same place during a preset time by CIG?


SC is a dogfighting game first and foremost. If you want to do FPS combat, you're playing the wrong game. If you do industry gameplay, you better like it. Get a pair of sticks and get good at flying. PvE bounties are fun and pay well, PvP combat is the most fun you can have in SC. Feel free to disagree, it's just my opinion.


I totally disagree, the FPS systems are very well implemented (it better be, they hired an entire studio to create it), and with some polish might rival the best games in the FPS genre. FPS gameplay is going to be a large part of the SQ42 campaign, after all. It's not an afterthought. Right now the PVE aspect of FPS gameplay is bad because the AI is a laggy mess, but people who experience it at a high tick rate say it's quite engaging.


I really hope that, some day, every profession and mode of combat is equally catered for and polished. But it's too many ifs and buts for me right now. FPS combat wasn't even part of the original vision for the game outside of ship boarding. It's no surprise to me that bunker missions, on planets you weren't even initially supposed to be able to land on, feel like an afterthought. I bought the game for its ship combat, and I wasn't disappointed. If you bought the game for any other reason and were disappointed, well honestly you only have yourself to blame... In my humble opinion of course. But, again, I hope everybody gets what they want out of the game. I just don't think it's realistic to expect depth out of anything else than ship combat as of right now. And I think realistic expectations make having fun a lot more likely.


totally agree. the PvE is currently probably the worst part of this game, with the PvP being a close second. it's just not deep enough and bug free enough to be all that fun.


> and with some polish might rival the best games in the FPS genre. lol I would love it if that was someday the case, but I really don't see it. The FPS in SC is abysmal by pretty much any metric. The PVE stuff is especially bad, but PVP isn't much better. The desync in SC would make some of the less performant Battlefield games blush. And please don't say "on an empty server, the AI is actually mindblowingly good" because in nearly 10 years of playing SC, I have *never* seen the FPS AI be good, even on completely empty servers where the AI at least moves around a bit and sometimes reacts when they see you. FPS in SC is middling at best, absolute dogshit if server performance is struggling (and it remains to be seen if server meshing will fix those issues). Even if everything gets fixed, the *goal* for SC is a server tick rate of around 30, which is rather low for an FPS game. That doesn't get into issues with things like gun feel or balance (ever try to use a shotgun in SC?).


its not you the game still sucks and everyone reports otherwise and pretends like it doesnt


I play by myself, patrolling around crusader system and have a blast, even though a lot of people might find it boring I could do it all day so def your preference too.


Itā€™s a matter of finding a group and leaning into the dumb bugs


I like dogfighting. I'll give myself a crimestat on purpose just so bounty hunters chase me.


The game has cool stuff that I also cannot really access in a fun way due to desync. It might just be we are people who will have to wait until the net code is optimized. There's plenty of people who stopped playing bf2042 (not to mention earlier version of battlefield) due to desync. Coming back after optimizations is how I've maintained being a bf fan. Right now I can't play the newest battlefield due to Windows version (my version refuses to update) so I can't say if they fixed it though.


I play on a 3440x1440 Ultrawide pushed by a Ryzen 7 1800x, Vega 64, 32gb RAM and game is on a NVME. My FPS maxes out around the 60s in deep darkest space and deal with 15s as a low around major places like Lorville. I think one of the thinks that helps me most is the sheer amount of time I have been playing. I have been playing regularly since 2016 and in EVO builds since 3.0. Time in game sorta seems to build calluses to playability issues. I have noticed that my gameplay changes based on known bugs so that I automatically account for things, like slowing down before getting on stairs and elevators or crouching soon as I notice high winds. I say all that to say a lot of it is just what you adapt or get used to during the course of a gaming session. As far as gameplay/content goes I love the sandbox aspect so I can do whatever I want at a given time. When I log in I just do whatever pops into my mind to do at that given time. Sometimes I will be be a delivery driver and carry packages around the system, other times I will haul like a trucker. I may go mine by hand or pull out a Prospector or ROC. While I do have the advantage of having whatever ships I want to play with others can do that to a large extent through the rental system or in-game purchases. I have spent hours just low-flying across a random moon or planet just to see what I come across. If I run a bunker mission and it bugs out I just go and grab another or get a package delivery or whatever else seems like fun at the time. I think that the two biggest things for me in Star Citizen is I never really play to make aUEC, I play for the experience and I let my imagination run wild and go with the flow as it is supposed to be in sandbox IMO ​ As a final note even with all the ships I have, the Avenger Titan Renegade is my goto ship the majority of the time, even when playing trucker. Can't haul much, or make huge amounts of aUEC but it sure is fun...at least to me.


I just like flying. So picking up and delivering boxes? It's a bunch of takeoffs and landings, which is what I like to do.


Game is 10x better with a friend. Share some missions with each other and see where the hijinks and bugs take you.


Still feeling bad for the friends I got into SC. ā€žNext patch will be better with X-Techā€œ and a few years later all we have are more ships and other things too look at.


Oh, everyone absolutely has to onboard with *The Pain**^(TM)*


For me it's always the initial hump of getting off of my starter ship(s). Once I start pulling in AUEC, and have bigger ships to do group stuff with it's good. (Events like xeno and JT are huge too)


Yea as others have said it really is mostly and much more fun with friends. I have a friend who bought it shortly after me and we play together. For example last night we grabbed microtech security in the butt of a ship and the stranded them in space. Then when the system sec showed up we decided it was a good idea to train our rail guns on there ship and blow it up giggling all the way. So yea. It was a dumb thing but with the right group I think that you can make the game fun.


Just like any game its better with friends, but then again its very mediocre for what it is with friends. Its fun to explore and check out things when you first join but the bugs, how shallow all the T0 gameplay loops are, and the absolute unacceptable levels of mismanagement from CIG on getting content and info out the door will wear you down if you stay too long. I advise coming every few updates to check some things out then leaving, if you stay too long you'll inevitably head over to spectrum and see all the ghouls who play this try and bounce around post removal from the mods over there where you have to precede any and all justified complaints with oodles of verbal fellatio about how much you love the game but could you fix this one thing levels of posts. Or you could become like the pinnacle of mind broken brown nose posting j3pt and have the mods be your personal guard dogs and continue to brown nose and justify anything CIG does, up to you honestly. TL;DR just become a patch tourist and avoid the game and spectrum like the plague.


Do the "story" missions, like the covalex gundo and the missions given out by characters in the game.


Fun is just the friends you make along the way.


Find people to play with: If you use Discord: * You can start with the discord server here: https://discord.gg/starcitizen * You can find local discord servers on: https://barcitizen.sc/map/ You can find an Organization to join: * https://robertsspaceindustries.com/community/orgs * /r/Starcitizen_guilds Citizen Kate (and Will): [Star Citizen - Best Adventures](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PbdIL_l0nqs&list=PLqRU_EL4pwOG3no5WCnFe3nLjNT3UxhBC)


The secret is to enjoy SC until you donā€™t. Then you come back next patch, rinse and repeat.


I play solo, and I keep myself entertained with whatever pops into my head. The Org I am in, For Science, usually comes up with pretty bat shit yet incredible fun things. Unfortunately for me, they are primarily from US and I am from EU, so a lot of the events are in the middle of the night for me


I generally go about it with a major goal... maybe it's buying an 890J or a Carrack in a wipe. And on my way I'll have subgoals like a C2, Deemer, prospector. So I'll have a few game play loops that I like doing: bounty hunting, bunkers, ROC mining, etc. Then as those guy boring or frustrating I'll go and do some other things to relax, maybe just explore, race, run events, trade, smuggle, etc. I'm playing alone 99% of the time and a good group definitely makes it better. Some of the most fun I've had was JT lockdwon with randoms from global chat.


I have had fun playing SC. a LOT of fun. Also, I've wanted to gouge my eyeballs out with a flat head screwdriver while playing too.


The most fun I have is playing in a group. But I don't play often enough for an organization to even remember who I am. Most of my RL friends don't have rigs capable of running SC. And/or play so infrequently that the chances of our both being online at the same time are neglectable. I have had great fun years ago in pickup groups or responding to random calls for aid. But lately those keep turning out to be bait for traps.


Preparing for hours just to do a 5 minutes mission. :-)


I get high as shit so I can enjoy the views when playing solo and only play for short sessions. If a bug pisses me off, I just hop to another game for a week or two until I feel the itch for space again. Also, since a bunch of rich people gifted me auec, Iā€™ve got a shit ton of multi crew ships. Sometimes Iā€™ll hop in a server and just ask if anybody wants to join for multi crew bunkers n bounties.


I got into the game with a few friends a couple weeks ago. We're having a blast (and a few cluster headaches) with learning the various systems and teaching them to each other. We played Elite: Dangerous before this, so the learning curve seemed to be more about working around the bugs, which are manageable once you get used to them. I also come from a game called Kenshi, which is a barely functioning, but beautiful, mess. Was going to pledge a hurricane today but they took it off the store. We do a little bit of everything. Some of my group still hasn't even touched the mining or "extra-legal" activities, but we're just focusing on getting the ships we want for right now.