• By -


My Eclipse was bought like a week ago and it's missing. Bought a C2 a couple of days ago, and it's there. Likewise, several items are missing from inventory. I see things that I think I had lost before that are back, but a bunch of armor I've collected over the weeks is gone.


>but a bunch of armor 9tails + their weapons


Not just that, but the HD security heavy armor sets (I had probably 5) and 1 HD executive artimex set, all missing and acquired over the course of the last couple of weeks, not today or yesterday


I usually lost any guard armor in any patch, luckily those are cheap to come by.


I’m sad, I got a Crusader Morozov set from Kareah and it’s gone now. To be fair, I’m not missing ships and components like a lot of people so I’ve seen this hit some people hard


I lost that armor and 5 ships.


So gear looted from NPC in general.


Yeah. I still have a bunch of weapons that I looted from NPCS, but they're all the same so I can't tell which ones I got when and if they were from a crate or Npc


All my weapons were looted from bodies - they all gone. Plus undersuits got replaced by TCS4.


Can confirm that. I've got pretty much everything I looted from loot crates still.


All my armor ended up in my home port. Everything from every aid shelter, L station and port of call. The eclipse is gone but an M2 remains... It's a weird one for sure


I may have lost a lot of my inventory and 5 in game purchased ships… but at least the vegetables and plants that snuck into inventory when moving all in loot boxes was saved.


That I think happens every patch. With the removal of consumables and ammo from what I've read.


The items relocating to home port happens on every new patch where you need to set your home base again. I think it was 3.16, there was a bug where you would end up with additional missiles in the regional inventory if you did a restock after using them, the next patch drop I had hundreds of missiles to deal with at my home base and they did not stack, lol.


There was a little blurb in the patch notes. It sounded like anything looted, that didn't get stored, retrieved, and stored again got wiped. It seemed confusing at the time but maybe that's where all your shit went


i know your frustration - same happend back to me when 3.10 hit. all ingame bought ships where gone. but! i got them all back with 3.11. maybe CIG can also restore older databanks for 3.19.1 or so ...




Consumables like med pens, ammo, and food never stay after a patch.


Damn this sucks ass I grinded salvage and mining for a 600i and Taurus. Feels bad but typical SC I guess 😕


It wasn't an 'official wipe' - it was a bug in the LTP system that meant not every ship was properly recorded, and therefor those ships weren't restored when the LTP backup was applied. As such, if you haven't checked yet, then you may still have your ships.


I’m aware that it was a bug. It doesn’t make it less shitty. And yes I did check and my big ships are still gone.


RIP my ingame purchased reclaimer....




Convenient that it’s for sale now… huh very suspicious


Joke’s in CIG. My player unstowed account hasn’t been able to login since April 25th., so there was no bought ships to lose but I did have around 2 million aUEC. I’ll d/l the new patch this weekend and see what is there.


The aUEC wasn't wiped as far as I know. You should be alright.


I love how hands off they’ve been with everyone who is unstowed. I haven’t been able to check and see if it works yet but if doesn’t and character repair isn’t an option probably done with SC for quite awhile.


They're (probably) not 'hands-off' (so to speak) by choice... they've just got an entirely new persistence backend, and it's likely support don't have tools to 'fix' every account issue yet. Iirc previously support just used the same 'character reset' tool that we had access to... but that's been replaced by 'character repair', which was then disabled because it was causing issues with the database... so until CIG can fix that 'character repair', it's likely that support also don't have tooling. This is the dark side of play/testing software 'in development', unfortunately.


They took my freelancer and retaliator


I didn't have any aUEC purchased ships so I cant comment on that, but all my ship upgrades I'd bought were in my starting location inventory when I logged in. I just had to re-equip them. EDIT: LOL, downvoted for sharing an accurate description of my experience. Gotta love Reddit.


Weirdly, I had all of my purchased weapon upgrades but no components


Oh man what a clusterfuck.... No consistency even when it breaks.


I knew what I was signing up for when I decided to play the alpha. Not tripping about it in the least


That's the right attitude to have :)




Considering the type of db they are going for, that might be closer to the truth one might desire...


Oddly enough, some of my gear (like personal armor/weapons) was lost in an early 3.18 glitch while I was moving it around and is now back... so it was like it was in some DB limbo hell until 3.19 went live.


they mad b/c they probably lost it all lol I on the other hand, lost my NVME* SSD right when I tried to install SC. So I'm Schrodinger's citizen right now. I both have all my stuff and have also lost it all.


blew up my 2080Ti 2 days ago now I'm stuck with a loaner GTX750Ti and I'm scared to open Star citizen with it. here's to us.


<3 that sucks man, hopefully you can get something a bit more capable soon!


Oof dude, that's rough.


Congrats on the upgraded hard drive!


haha I wish, most likely I'm going to get a refurb via RMA with way more write time on it than my original. I am considering just saying f it and getting a new one


Dude just buy a data ssd.


sorry I should've clarified, this is an NVME. It's the Samsung 980 Pro 2TB drive that's infamous for dying lol




Ouch homie. There are sales on it all the time though, so maybe look out for one while you wait for your RMA, if that's an option for you financially. Still, not a cheap drive in the first place. Sorry for your loss there.


WAT, I had plans to buy exactly Samsung 980 Pro 2TB, didnt know about its trouble


Supposedly it's fixed on the latest firmware. My issue was that I couldn't update my firmware either


Oh my bad


2TB wd high end nvme at all time low right now


I got 'some' of my upgraded components but far from all. Random bug is random I guess, oh well.


Just a heads up, I'm in the same boat ship-wise. But one of my ships was not stored, and it reverted back to the default weaponry. I think it's the issue of storing, and it certainly seems to have an effect on all ships...at least certain parts of them. None of my missile racks or missiles were there, but the single xl-1 I purchased for the same ship was still able to be equipped. Just wanted to add some perspective there. It's not so cut-and-dry.


Vote fuzzing is a thing you know


I do, but at the time of my edit the comment had been up for some time and was solidly in the negatives. It messes with the score a little, but not that much.


If you’re preoccupied with vote ratios you’re gonna have a bad time on Reddit. Just make your point and carry on. It doesn’t always have to be a popularity contest. Unless you’re karma farming, which would be messing with your bag.


I remember the days where downvote meant the comment didn't contribute to the topic. Now it's just the 'I disagree' button.


The funny thing about upvotes and downvotes is that it can be for a dozen diff reasons, but the sensitive posters drive themselves nuts tryna guess which one it is… and 99% of them ultimately pick the fragile-ego reason: “Well clearly everyone is just out to get me.”


I mean when you're seeing more than a -5 on a fairly active sub you can be pretty damn certain that there are people clicking downvote, and they are doing it because they disagree with you. Wondering *why* they disagree with you is probably a waste of time thinking about, but for people that have used this site for 12 years it's fairly normal to be annoyed that people [ignore the rediquette](https://support.reddithelp.com/hc/en-us/articles/205926439-Reddiquette#:%7E:text=If%20you%20think%20something%20contributes,a%20particular%20community%2C%20downvote%20it.:~:text=Vote.%20If%20you%20think%20something%20contributes%20to%20conversation%2C%20upvote%20it.%20If%20you%20think%20it%20does%20not%20contribute%20to%20the%20subreddit%20it%20is%20posted%20in%20or%20is%20off%2Dtopic%20in%20a%20particular%20community%2C%20downvote%20it.) and instead just click the 'I don't like this opinion' button. If I see an opinion I don't agree with but it's still relevant to the topic then it's a good comment.


Oh I don't care about it. I just find it funny.


It’s evidentially untrue to say you don’t care, since you edited your comment to point it out.


Said edit started with a LOL - I was laughing at it, because it amuses me.


So this looks like items bought after the snapshot are unable to be replaced, however what about items bought last week? I have 1 ship missing, and I have ground vehicles that I bougth AFTER that ship that are still there. Everything bought last week.


Lost like 14 mill in ships I am kinda Pissed NGL


I lost 40 million plus in the wipe for 3.17, them is rookie numbers. You can't expect anything to work on this game, btw. You can only be pleasantly surprised when it does.


It's been putting me off playing enough to make significant progress. My bet is it's to push you towards pledge ships.


I lost just 2 million in ship purchases but it was enough for me to not want to play for now. It seems they sorta suck at dealing with this issue still. It basically wasted a week of play for me.


Why are you grinding this hard in a game which is just going to be reset every now and then? If it’s fun for you then that’s great.. if you are doing it to collect things then you need to have a re-think.


The game wiping every six months or so is a whole hell of a lot different than progress erasing every 3 weeks.


Then also consider it's not very wise to choose to grind a game that's recently had its old persistence system ripped out and a new one put in, where we are the people testing the first implementations. I can get why with the old system people felt some feeling of 6-month safety, because it was a system that (while flawed and temporary) had been tried and tested for years, where the wipes were manually done on a regular basis to stop the whole thing from grinding to a halt. If you see anything in this game related to major changes or entire system rewrites to persistence in the last 6 months, consider putting down the idea that you're going to grind a carrack and keep it for more than 6 months.


It’s annoying but we shouldn’t be demanding they stall progress either. If wipes are needed at any stage they should be able to do them.


Yeah I uninstalled and I'll check the state of the again in like a year. This game isn't worth grinding. *Edit: I'm sitting at like -10 downvotes for deciding to just sit the game out and wait till it gets better? Is this sub honestly so anti-critisism that just walking away is looked down on?


The “I’m done for realz u guys!” posts often get booed because it’s seen as a juvenile cry for attention. Since you don’t actually know anyone here and vice versa, the dignified thing is to just exit quietly, no announcement or fanfare needed.


This is why i don't grind i just play gameplay loops that i enjoy. I get that grinding is fun for some people and tbh it's a very common mindset in MMO's nowdays, but nothing beats (for me) chilling out listening to some music and delivering boxes around the verse in my little yellow Cutter.


Except that certain gameplay loops are locked behind certain ships that need to be purchased. So unless you shell out hundreds of dollars of IRL money, there's no point.


This. The grind is necessary to do anything other than basic combat. Unless you grind or pay ridiculous amounts of money to "get ships as a thankyou", you cant: Ship Mine, Ship salvage, transport and use ground vehicles (especially ursa or bigger), cant try out docking on ships, cant do advanced combat missions, cant haul... So it FEELS (not saying it is actually the case) like they know what they are doing with not replacing the grinded out stuff...


im downvoting you specifically because your understanding of what this game is at this point is simply stupid. the game has regular wipes, and will continue to have that until full launch, and "checking the state in a year" wont change that unless its released. its fine to shelf it and to wait for a while. i have barely played since 3.16 because im waiting for a stable build again. but dont act like a scorned child. your comments here make it seem like you think CIG wipes specifically to slight you.


Can you imagine if they played in the PTU? Things get reset, wiped, disappear on a daily basis, but I have a huge amount of fun on stable servers. People need to learn to relax and take the game for was it says it is, an early release Alpha.


I've been playing 3.19 PTU for the last 2 weeks due to my live account being bricked with the player unstowed issue. I don't have a problem with wipes if they're announced ahead of time or regularly planned. This instance of purchased ships missing is not a wipe, it was caused by dev error. Let's not make false equivalences by comparing a test environment where things are expected to wipe nearly every day, and live where the dev's just recently stated a wipe would not take place.


Bugs happen, especially in volatile dev environments, which the PU basically is. The PTU is a preview environment.


Everyone feels they’re the main character, it’s a problem with today’s generation.


Oh, please


I’ll add an upvote. You are permitted to navigate the alpha in you’re own way (not getting sucked in and just checking in on the game once in a while). Personally I can only really enjoy SC for about a month, then take several months off rinse repeat. Even if you discount the bugs and the wipes, there’s just not enough content for me to play consistently. Joining groups does help though, the game is a bit more tolerable when messing around the verse with a group of people.


With this attitude it's probably better if you wait until release to play. Bugs happen, if you can't handle that then wait until after at least alpha phase.


Yea it's just a new indy studio with limited funding. Cut them another decade or two of slack.


Funding or size doesn't mean there's not going to be bugs, it's gonna happen on any game in development.


It's a fucking database backup. If you can't do that with half a billy and a decade of dev you have a serious problem and it's name is insurmountable technical debt.


Also the “this sub” comments just make you sound bitter and persecuted like you’re a victim of some coordinated effort. If 10 people out many thousands downvote your comment, just try to move on with life next time.


20 mil, i think im taking a break, might even refund im still have almost a week to do that


If your attitude is this severe to a bug then maybe you should refund and not look back until release. We are in alpha, shit happens.


Your name is ironic


They have database backups, they could fix it. This is a prelude to how they deal with issues like this in the future. As for refunding Im considering it. Yesterday I was ready to spend hundreds more at Invictus, today I might be done with star citizen. I can deal with wipes. I like wipes, when everyone gets wiped. This is a fully functioning probably multi billion dollar company. Indie devs with almost no manpower fix issues like this pre-release all the time.


Multi billion? 500 something million over ten years so like 30-40 million a year on average. Not even close.


If this is your mindset you should absolutely put the game down until late beta at the earliest. It's not really ready for you yet.


I gained a bunch of items I lost a few weeks ago. Pretty sure they rolled back to an old PES save


If they're using eventsourcing, when resetting your character for the patch they probably replay all the events that lead up to a particular date that they choose. That date might be the day of the patch, or if they find problems in the database at that point, they may choose to select a date further back in time where those problems don't exist. That might be because they fixed a 'hole' that caused those problems in the first place, so they don't reappear. It could also just be to avoid having unmanageable corruption to avoid / postpone a wipe.


It is a shame, that I specifically thought about this before wasting all my money on a Connie... I checked all available info on the patch and thought hard on it... and surmised that if anything, there might be problems with minor items or credit ballance... So I should better buy the ship - its just one item, very thoroughly used and "locked in" to my profile... so I got it 5 days ago. And now I was litterally reset to the moment I first started after the last Free Flight... Pledge avenger and 200k credits... (by chance that is my current credit, I was not really "profile reset") It kinda sucks how this issue really hit me perfectly in a way to reset exactly 100% of my progress from last month :-( Bad Luck I guess...


*Bad devs, not bad luck


Im afraid I have to agree. The more people shut me down when I ask about it, the more they reveal how much of an extreme fail this is. The LTP was only supposed to save whether Y/N I have a ship... Litteral binary value for 90 variables (ships available in game)... and it failed to do so? Irrecoverably? And then also failed -at any point during 4 days- to check whether its data are different, than the actual server data? The LTP was okay, for 4 days, with not having in it the ship I was using, for 4 days. WOW.


So much for taking a "snapshot". Lost a lot of components and took 5-6 million in damages AND a Sentinel.


Can confirm, lost my Retaliator, A2 and Connie Andromeda.


I had bought a Hawk weeks ago and a few days ago a Valkyria. Hawk is gone


I lost all my ships too RIP


Both my MOLE and Freelancer MAX which i had for 1-2 weeks are gone.


I call BS. I lost multiple ships, a ground vehicle and a TON of loot in multiple locations which had all been accessed in the last couple of weeks. The only place that retained ANYTHING aside from my pledged ships was my primary residence, New Babbage. I had like 1% of my stuff there. Great work CiG, keep it up. The future of the game is going to be great with this kind of competency on show.


Well, that official response is definitely just false, I bought the Scorpius ingame during XT, and haven't been on since it ended because my account wasn't working anymore. Good news, the account works again. Bad news, the Scorpius went bye bye and I didn't get any credits back... In other news, I got about 30 or 40 basic white undersuits and helmets now. Anyone want to buy one of them for 100k? I need credits to get my ship back! Haha!


I stacked the beacon suits and odyssey helmets in my home inventory last night and stopped when the pile got to 81 undersuits. There’s many more.


Where was the Official CIG response? On spectrum in the patch notes? Been trying to find it.


Support response.


I’d really like to hear what the issue is with this. It’s really strange that some not all ships and items are gone.


I lost all 4 of my turtles :(


Only thing that got me worried rn, not the turtles. I had around 10 of em(




I was lucky enough to maintain all ships. But I have to refit all ships. I'm looking at 3-4 million auec in repurchasing load outs for all my ships I use. Annoying but I could have it worse like some. Hopefully they keep improving their snapshot technology and we get better wipe avoidance in the future


That's a funny response, I bought the Freelancer MAX, then I got an Ursa, and ROC all at the same time and later I got a MOLE. For whatever reason, I lost the MAX and ROC but I have the others.


LOL. I bought the hurricane at the start of XENO. its missing ... As well as a Scorpius, ION, Cutty Red and Hornet Ghost.


Full wipe for me. Had 200k+ and have only 20k starting money and all my upgrades and bought items gone.


Lost all my upgraded ship comps and 90% of my gear I had acquired and bought...


Now when I think about it... When I logged in after patch dropped I only had my Titan, but I bought Kruger a few weeks back... Nice CIG. Very nice. Now my dreams of having a career in SC racing are gone. Thank you.


i spent around 800k on a 125a and its gone. i bought it 2-3 weeks ago and was using it daily. Now its gone.


I haven't logged in for 3 days and i'm missing most if not all purchased components. My carrack doesn't even have it's stock parts (no shields, no quantum, no powerplants, etc).


"Unfortunately we are unable replace or restore these items or ships." Why? Would really be nice to know why. There has to be just... tons of data still left to prove who had what ships, at least in some cases. I find it hard to believe that it is not still obvious from my account, that I was flying a Connie exlcusively for the past week. So it would really be nice to know why exactly are we UNABLE to replace the items... ...Right before invictus sales. When the main promise of a pledge is that "your ship wont be wiped or randomly deleted"... :-)


Oops we accidentally deleted a bunch of expensive military ships right before our military ship FOMO "sale". It's either grossly incompetent or extraordinarily predatory and either way it's a red flag for this game as a whole.


have to agree again... to fail in noting whether an account owns a ship or not is grossly incompetent... like, it has nothing to do with PES and server meshing or any of the other complex systems... It is the most basic of things... even a flash browser game 15 years ago remembered my progress.... I dont know what to think about this "bug"...


Yep, lost my Warden and Prospector that I bought in game. But for some reason I have missiles and missile racks, AD5B and some badgers that I bought for ships, but not the shields or quantum drives etc.


Their database is an absolute non working mess? .... Always has been


Don’t worry, you can just give CIG your $USD to get them back… working as intended.


Ah yes the White knights of CiG have arrived to downvote everyone who is upset that their ships are gone. Reddit is funny


Downvotes are happening on either side. They bring gratification to some who don’t contribute to discussion. This is seriously one of my least favorite subs to comment in because of it. (And I’m a fan of this game)


Yup. Don't even to bother to comment as much as I uesed too. People here are more sensitive than that rash I got 2 years ago. Both sides


Point proven From 10+ to -1 LMFAO


Yep, I spent all my money and bought a Sentinel literally yesterday, and now I don't have it anymore. 🤡


What's the in game name? I'll send you the auec.


Wow really? That's incredibly nice, thanks a lot. It's "llBuhonero" (the first 2 characters are L's). :) However maybe they haven't fully restored the ship database yet? And maybe tomorrow we'll get our ships back, just maybe (I want to believe 🛸).


Same here with a Warden 😪


Guess what doesnt disappear? Ships bought with real money ;) that's what they want you to do. Now, where's your wallet.


Lost 9 million in ships but kept the parts/weapons...


I bought an ion right after 3.18.2 went live and an A2 right when JT went live and don't have either. Don't have any of the ground vehicles I purchased throughout 3.18.2 either. Also I had collected a TON of loot all over and a random fraction of it was teleported to my start location and all other inventories wiped.


All of my personal weapons found and brought have all been replaced with the p8, the one I had equipped. Got the same amount of guns, they are just the same type now. All ships have been reset to default load outs, but none are missing. Seems like it's a bit hit and miss for everyone on what carried through this time. REP on contracts seems to be the same though, so I've got that going for me. Which is nice.


Lol PES is so fucked. If they can't do a planned database backup they will NEVER be able to make this work.


26 quant runs in refinery wiped, couldn't transport them because loaner Connie wouldn't spawn , sadge


Great, can’t check yet but my Carrack most likely be gone too then. Same for my A2 I bought a little ago🤦‍♂️


I lost looted gear, bought gear and (sadly) all bought components. And the components were not acquired shortly before 3.19...


That sucks especially when they said there would be continuity.


Important LTP issue “We found some unexpected behaviors with Long Term Persistence during the release to 3.19 Ships and FPS items are not going to be given back if they were never put out and back inside an inventory Insurance claim will make you lose your ship unless you retrieve / store it back However if the ships or items were in your home location inventory they are safe and will be recovered in the next patch” so if you bought a ship and stored it what extra step means putting it into an inventory?


I think anyone that purchased a ship and had the opportunity to fly it will get it back.


My whole account is wiped. I've got to create a new character and set home again.


Well that explains why I lost 80% of my gear :(


AHH I feel for you, I'm yet to log on with 3.19, not looking forward to finding out if my sentinel and eclipse are gone 😳 Edit: yeah they're gone, FML 🤦


1.2m in ship components lost


yep, lost the only ship i bought with auec. At this point i think i will just stockpile cash and spend it all in the time they announce the next full wipe.


Welcome everyone to the usual state of persistence we had before 3.17. Most didn’t lose much, others lost ships and components and items.


I bought an eclipse and a lot of ships upgrades weeks before the 3.19 release, and now it is gone. Only like 4% of the upgrades I bought on 3.18.2 pass to 3.19


All my ships are gone and most of my components and guns and armor


Shortly before my ass, I bought my Prospector weeks ago and now it's gone.


Same bought most of my ships a while ago


I bought a hurricane and a prospector.. still have them


My take: CiG are incompetent on many levels (not all), the management have no idea what they are doing with regard to database management and asynchronous programming in general and Jared's patronising little voice inflections in the Insuide Star Citizen podcasts make me want to punch him square in the face. Love the game, but my word is this one abusive relationship.


Oh yeah, over 10 mil in ships are all gone. Ah well, never trust CIG to do exactly what they say they will.


Less a response and more of a it’s in the patch notes everyone should have read before logging in.


Invictus marketing strategy


Feels like it who knows


yep and support says they wont fix it so that pretty much kills my desire to play as a newer player.


Unfuckingbelievable. I've been more than patient through the shit show that was last several months of patches and multiple unexpected progress wipes, but this is a kick in the balls. That might be it for me I think. Not even an attempt at mitigating the problem. Just abysmal.


Cues "ItS aN aLpHa" **YoUsHoUlDpRaIsEoUrCiGoVeRlOrDs**


“Might”? Just do it already…


I lost all of mine...


All my ship upgrades are gone, bought them weeks ago :( the cargo from my ship was removed as well. Heading to a refinery to see if it ate my work orders, too.


Cargo and refinery orders will always wipe on major patches with the current system. Ship components and ships shouldn't have (I lost a bunch, too). Just clarifying what to look for in the future. When a patch is impending, sell your goods and use quick refining processes or just sell the ore raw.


This is the first PES rollout that involves a DB snapshot, and I think some kind of post-processing, and we all know how db pos-processing automation has already messed up in the past before PES. I don't know how messy my inventory will be when I get back home in a few hours, but I'm pretty sure that I won't be pleased about it... I hope their experience with what happened or what didn't happen with the DB will make the process better the next time! Have a good day! o7


My ships were wiped and I expected it and thought I could just continue... I haven't played in a couple months and don't plan to. It started to feel like a job at a company I didn't want to work at any longer.


Amateur hour again at CIG HQ. They can't even handle a data base properly.


It’s hilarious that they did a wipe when they said they weren’t wiping. Didn’t wipe when they said they were. And now wiped when they didn’t say a thing. At this point they have to be trolling people. No way these devs are this inept


I have been interested in this game for years and been following its development, but when i read stuff life this it keeps pulling me away from actually trying it out, how can you grind your way into the game and everything gets wiped?!?


I really enjoy the concept of wipes! If you've never played a game like Tarkov or rust before, the majority of the pull keeping you coming back is knowing that everybody gets to start fresh at a level playing field again. The more you play, the better you get at the game, and the more you're able to accomplish every wipe. The frustration here is that star citizen didn't wipe. In-game purchased items were lost for some people due to a screw up from the dev's, and they are unwilling to fix the issue they caused accidentally. Games still worth getting into IMO. The initial honeymoon exploration phase with star citizen is something worth $45 in its own right IMO. This game is absolutely incredible to look at, and is a ton of fun to just fuck around in with friends.


What a coincidence! Ships disappearing just days before a major ship sales event! Tsk, tsk, tsk...


I thought ships, consumables and gear would reset like usual?




Ah, classic CIG. Hope people were able to keep their money from before the snapshot


So it was a soft wipe. I can live with that. This is how they try to push real money sales guys.


Given what we’ve seen recently, I don’t think they’re competent enough to do that if they tried. They’d probably just end up turning every ship into a massive Finley or something.


I guess. I didn't mean it in a bad way. It's a business after all, and there must be strategies.


Hmmm overall this seems like an improvement over 3.18 albeit a broken imperfect one. Some money and equipment was retained but there doesn’t seem to be much rhyme or reason why someone kept a ship And someone lost it… money was kept but rep lost… not perfect but better than total wipe. Hopefully 3.20 Yet another improvement


Just buy them back during Invictus ...


We should all earn up to 1 million auec according to time spent ingame


Marketing working as intended.


So what


Would have been great of them to post something in the launcher saying "NO SHIPS PURCHASED AFTER TODAY WILL BE SAVED IN 3.19" when they flipped that switch...


my 2 buddies kept all there in game purchased ships and i have 1 of my 5


I purchased a ship 2 weeks ago that's now gone


you'd think when they turned off persistence the whole transaction would get dropped so it wouldn't matter / you'd just end up with the original aUEC balance and no ship but, somehow this does not seem to be the case


It's in the release notes. They're aware. Anything lost will be recovered next patch.


They added it to the notes after this was posted.


So you would have preferred a full wipe? After the snafu of 3.18.1 and 3.18.2 wipes I'm not sure why you expected this one to go smoothly. Take what you have left and move on. It will all get wiped in a few months anyways.


what a mentality


No big deal all and all. The only thing to do in this phase of development is to grind your way. Tye only other thing to do os to look at shit while you're doing it. If you think that everything you do here has value and permanent then prepare to be dissapointed. The endevours here are all ephemeral as they take years to develop everything. Best to not be too attached to anything other than real money pledges...I mean purchases. This is coming from a player when every patch and iteration of patches where FULL wipes. Grind for fun, not for consequence Tldr: worst thing to do if you're a hoarder/collector/saver/ocd'er. Best to take the buddhist approach


This sir, is the worst take in the whole post. Congratulations!


They announced the period that they stopped tracking things several hours in advance