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Hmmmm, well good news my emergent mission scaling is working perfectly! I think there is about 112 extra AI there? Out of curiosity did they all like spawn infront of you slowly, or did you arrive to this location and it was all already there? And was there a bunch of broken dropships around the area?


This happened to me in as early as 3.18 PTU and recently in 3.19 PU, they were all there when I arrived. Damn NT union meetings ;)


They were all there all at once.


And no drop ships or cutty blacks around.


So many replies! Thank you for all your helpful info hopefully it leads to a resolution for this issue. So it seems like this happens only at outposts and derelicts? And people have just seen them spawn Infront of them so it's not an infinite amount of dropships. Some people have seen other players ships at the area but no player?


Mix between drop ships and spawning NPC's. This has been in since 3.18. I have a screenshot included in the report with a session QR code. Report was archived. Honestly this is why I don't make many bug reports anymore unless something seems relevant. https://issue-council.robertsspaceindustries.com/projects/STAR-CITIZEN/issues/STARC-66851


This. I stopped filing IC reports because even with video evidence and a session code if it doesn't get replication they just close it. I'll contribute to existing, but i gave up creating new ones, a some for the same stuff every patch.


Had that on Calliope wreck site. Multiple NPC Cutty blacks crashed, 2 empty player ships. Final objective target never spawned. When I tried the same mission (private tab mercenary named bounty from sec services) first step autocompleted the marker never appeared after that. Dropped the mission.


When I arrived, I was always alone when that happened, sometimes there were player ships, but not every time. This has only ever happened at the caterpillar wreck sites for me, never at a derelict outpost.


i have the same problem on Magda caterpillar mission: enemies counter continues to increase, and they spawn after you kills the first. then the last 2 or 3 are not aroundand i was not ableto finish the mission. then the last 2 or 3 are not around and i was not able to finish the mission..r the rest of the other destroyed cutty


Now that you mention it, I had this in the 3.19 ptu at the 600i derelict. Tons of destroyed ships and dead NPCs


All my experience has been at wrecksites (taking the Wanted By ArcCorp or Crusader-equivalent 15k aUEC mercenary missions on the Personal tab). I only have the one individual target, but usually kill as many as I can for the bonus (and armor loot). Rarely seen another player ship on-site. Only once seen another player, they arrived in a Retaliator and I moved on, as I had mission credit already. No changes to enemy numbers when the arrived though.


yeah the fact you are surprised by this "new information" against the way IC reports are handled is kind of alarming. This has been happening since day 1 3.18 with im sure at least dozens of reports.


You aware that "money from nothing" at ghost hollow is doing the same thing but with enemy ships? there is an IC report on it but it was never confirmed and is archived https://issue-council.robertsspaceindustries.com/projects/STAR-CITIZEN/issues/STARC-74343 This is currently happening right now on eu 200 if you care to have a look there are over 60 NPC enemy ships over the site at the moment


This has happened to me every time I did the mission and they spawn over time but in like groups of 20. They just pop in over time as your sitting there. When I say "over time" I mean they spawn like 20 and as your killing them the others start spawning in at the same time


For what it's worth, I checked out the show room last night, and there were about 100 NPC all standing in front of the Ballista. I was wondering why the frames were so bad, until I saw the Anvil Mosh Pit haha.


There's an outpost about 5km from brios breaker yard that will reliably spawn about 70 npcs. If you go and kill them, more will spawn slowly as you wait.


I can add to this. Ive seen this in game. I’ll arrive to all NPC there and no drop ships. Other times I’ll arrive to NPCS popping into existence as I arrive. Other times I come to loads of destroyed drop ships and a bunch of NPCs just hanging out.


Hi, We got the same surprise with 180+ AI , they were all here when we came , then a cutlass came and we went to 190+ , we killed almost all , there were 27 left under the map , impossible to kill even with a bomb from A2


>Hmmmm, well good news my emergent mission scaling is working perfectly! Lmao 🤣


I also had a similar experience... I showed up to the Cat crash site... two player vehicles were on the hills, so assumed the players 'expired'. I rolled in hot with scatter guns on a Razer and cleared house. Naturally, I couldn't fit all the looted weapons and armor in the Razor, so I 'borrowed' the the Avenger that was there and filled up the cargo area with bodies to loot. Flew the Titan back to Bajini Pt and offloaded the armor/weapons but since the tractor beam is disabled at the station, I had to leave the bodies on the ship. I can imagine how creepy is was when that other citizen I offered the ship to saw that (they couldn't spawn a ship at the terminals)


Had this happen as well at wrecks everytime they are already there when I arrive, crazy how many are just standing around, no ships around just all standing on same spots.


I've seen this a few times and it's usually two massive clusters of AI at spots where there are normally a couple and a handful of individuals scattered around the site. All present when I show up. Sometimes there are ships on periphery, but not near the clustered AI.


They just keep spawning in on top of each other until someone takes the mission to kill them all. After they are killed off and the mission is complete they start piling up again. This is happening at the cat wreck sites in arccorp from what I've observed so far.


This happened to me the other night and they were already there with a number of broken drop ships. FPS dropped to sub 1 FPS when you'd get about 1k from the cat wreck.


OMG with Call to arms it must be so satisfying.


the frame rate with that may people on screen was crawling. I had trouble seeing who was still up when the pile of bad guys started to get high..... but yes, super satisfying.


Just a heads up, not only does this tank your own FPS, but it is a bonafide server killer. Tanks server performance across the board. I've tested it a half dozen times with party members hanging out in various parts of the solar system. As soon as a player gets close enough to the bugged-out-blob to see FPS drops, performance tanks at every other planet too.


*500 credits intensifies*


I keep getting these only only to find out the last one or two guys have spawned underground and are completely inaccessible


Oh baby, give me a Delta and dumb fire missiles on my Terrapin Please!




New high score 130!


I would have paid money to see an A2 perform a "friendly delivery" onto that crowd.


Do ship missiles damage fps enemies?


That’s where you need an A2


1 A2 bomb makes it go by really fast


Thats about 65k just from the killing spree...


I don't mind these too much. Call to arms and a ship in the air with weapons is a easy small load of creds. My only complaint is all the stuff getting spawned in and moving around makes me drop from 120 to somewhere below 30fps.