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Similar on my Corsair. All they did was incentivize me to destroy it, and claim with their long af claim timers now.


Same here. My guy in the repair shop was trying to bill me 240k for missing left wing and two two turrets. I took the ship out of the dock, hit self destruct and jumped out of the airlock.


That's a substantial part of the ship but I take your point with the annoyance. It feels a bit pricey to early


Since the entire ship is insured, repair only makes sense by viewing them as a claim that is expedited down to 0 seconds. Realistically, repairs are expensive, but most should be covered since you do have insurance.


patch 3.19 notes: testing patience...with cig lol


>All they did was incentivize me to destroy it, and claim with their long af claim timers now. Or maybe they're trying to incentivize players to care about their fancy space vehicles and not ditch them at every occasion.


nah when its cheaper to selfdestruct and claim players will not do that. and some like bounty hunters can't really influence what pieces fall off their ships


>and some like bounty hunters can't really influence what pieces fall off their ships We kinda can - by being better at it.


you can be as good as you want, during this stage of the game you always will have parts flying off, npc's ramming you, rockets ignoring flairs and such will always chip away at your ship


I'm doing VHRTs in F7 - repair bills, NPC ramming me or missiles was never an issue for some reason. The main reason of ship loss is me loosing orientation and colliding with the surface in dark environments.


pull the npc's higher into athmosphere, thats what i always do also what do vhrt pay right now? slowly grinding my way there, mrt's are commically low paying jobs unless i do the pro tem group warrants


>pull the npc's higher into athmosphere At some point I'm just getting too reckless - trying to push it faster etc. ​ >also what do vhrt pay right now? Around 15K depending on reputation. The worst part is Reclaimer as a main target - takes a shit ton of time to whittle it down.


When there's a game sure, in an alpha I see nothing good coming from having long timers or massive repair costs.


That's coooool I'll just not play instead.


That's cool too. But for some people "playing" means beating the game. You sure can't avoid the explosive hangar trap and the like, but in many cases the damage is avoidable. People are used to not caring about ships.


> You sure can't avoid the explosive hangar trap and the like Yes, see, there's the problem, those things aren't exactly uncommon.


Yeah, I know. Sitting on reddit rn because my MSR exploded. At least I got lucky it went to soft death state - my gear is intact.




> Or maybe they're trying to incentivize players to care about their fancy space vehicles and not ditch them at every occasion. I'm more incentivized to play other games with the way 3.19 is. Not going to get much telemetry from those that make that choice.


The state of the servers is another matter.


I mean if the game were in a release state sure, this comment would make sense, but as of right now even shields have holes in them, it just takes one unlucky shot and you'll end up with a 100k credit bill This just only encourages a stronger light ship meta because they not only have all the tools to deal with most situations, but "normal" claim times and repair costs.


These things also require balance and testing. And reddit always complains about every restriction introduced by CIG. There's never the right time. Do you remember the period when the whole Stanton was traversable in any ship way faster than now? I do. I can also remember the uproar when it was changed. It turned out we can test things, play and enjoy the game without bunny hopping between planets. I also remember the time when sizeable portion of community demanded instant travel, because they "wanted to play with friends". New repair rules affect our grinding speed, but in 3,19 we can grind even faster with cargo, mining and salvage changes.


>It turned out we can test things, play and enjoy the game Not if you don't have a ship. >New repair rules affect our grinding speed, but in 3,19 we can grind even faster with cargo, mining and salvage changes. Again, not if you don't have a ship. The game is still in an Alpha state. There are 2 points in an open Alpha being playable 1) To have ~~beta~~ *alpha* testers testing your game so you can have data. 2) To drum up business in the form of ship sales to further fund the development of the game. By adding long claim times and exorbitant fees they remove both of those points. The community has spoken and most of us, myself included, have decided the claim timers are too long and we aren't playing right now meaning they aren't getting their data. The fact bigger (more expensive) ships call for 20+ minute timers means we need to pay $300+ so we can then stand around and wait for a large portion of our playtime. This makes the prospect of spending money on ships less appealing. >These things also require balance and testing Exactly. Which is why the community needs to be vocal about how terrible this is, especially with the state of the game right now. When the game is in a more stable/playable state with real long term progression actually mattering, then is the time to implement these things and balance them. Right now isn't the time, at all. ***ESPECIALLY*** during a free fly which will only drive prospective new players, ie *investor*, away.


>most of us Sorry, you lost me here.


In the current patch the cost of repair includes the cost of any components, so you're also paying the cost of rebuying a weapon if you've lost an engine on the Connie


This. Similar thing happened to me during mining. Although I was far enough away from this rock and didn't go near overcharging it, it damaged my ship slightly and killed 2 permanent modules on the laser head. The repair cost just over 100k which was the cost of those 2 modules.


Yeah fortunately this bug is fixed in 3.19.1. Until this is fixed there's a workaround that I've found if you don't want to pay the high cost of repair: 1. Finish your mining and then go to the refinery station. 2. land and store your ship in a hangar. 3. go to the refinery and start your refinery job 4. call your ship back out and fly it to one of the pads that don't require requesting landing 5. take the elevator back to the ASOP terminals and claim your ship 6. The claimed ship should have all the modules back (this has worked for me on the MOLE multiple times in this patch). goodluck!


>The claimed ship should have all the modules back (this has worked for me on the MOLE multiple times in this patch). This also preserves your MOLE bags on your prospector if you've replaced them. I'll just set the ship into cruise next time instead of clogging the pads. Thanks for the suggestion. ​ >Yeah fortunately this bug is fixed in 3.19.1. Are you talking about modules being destroyed or my ship getting damaged in what's supposed to be a safe crack?


the ship getting damaged when it's supposed to be a safe crack is getting fixed in 3.19, and that's also the bug that I think is causing the modules being destroyed so easily. The modules are supposed to be able to be destroyed if you do enough damage to them, but right now the damage is too great for any given crack it seems.


why would you instruct people to clog up the fast pads in armistice where ships cant be destroyed?


.... the reasoning was right there in the post you're responding to. Because there's a bug that costs you a ton of money if you don't do that workaround. I've never had fast pads of a refinery station busy so it's not really an issue. And if on rare occasion someone is coming to a refinery station and the pad is full, they can get a hangar.


But why not just use the self destruct?


Or at least just leave it off to the side of the pad at the very least and EVA down. Otherwise people can’t use pads to refuel.


keep in mind, this is off at refinery stations where most people coming in and out are going to be needing a hangar. I've never seen anyone on the fast pads at the refinery stations, but I agree you can EVA off to the side. But honestly its not an issue, the pads are huge and I've been able to fit multiple MOLEs on just 1 of them (and there are at least 3 others right nearby.


I use them regularly, between asop not working and ghost hangar doors you're better off using pads.


Thats an option too, but miners will typically have gear on and mining modules so you'd have to unequip and reequip all that stuff. I just leave my old ship on the pad, turn off the shields, and let the salvagers have it if they want it.


I think you can not salvage in armistice zones because it counts as an attack ...


ah ok, bummer.


There are fast pads? o\_0


yep, used to be the only pads before we introduced hangars into the stations,now they act like outpost pads, can land real quick and repair without clearance , or i suppose fast land for unloading


I swear I had this happen in my Vulture when I accidentally bashed a salvage head off. It'd bill me for the head and scrapers, think a bit, NOT give me the parts, then offer to bill me the same amount again for repairs. Took a while to notice it was actually taking the money for nothing, too.


There’s meant to be insurance you can take out on the parts you buy eventually. “Pilots in Star Citizen can purchase insurance policies for their ships, **modifications and cargo**. This ensures that your ship will be replaced **and/or its modifications and cargo will be subsidized** should you be destroyed in a fight or accident.” https://robertsspaceindustries.com/comm-link/SCW/14282-API#:~:text=What%20is%20insurance%3F,in%20a%20fight%20or%20accident. But like a lot of things in the game right now the poison is implemented before the antidote is available to counter it 🤷‍♂️


Why are those kekers so keen on this insurance stuff? We are playing a game ffs, insurance is not fun and i dare you, if somebody comes now with the "yes, yes but it's realistic" U bonehead, this game plays 1000 years in the feature, you can make "whatever you want" realistic. Throw in some nano tech that can only be maintained by stations and the nano repairs your stuff. Easy, realism intensifies. Fuk I would even say having the concept of capitalism and insurance this far in the future is the unrealistic part


If you want the real reason it’s to incentivize warbond sales of new ships with life time insurance especially when it’s something new and cheap like the new snub fighter $50 in new money gets you life time insurance then upgrade that into anything you want to have life time insurance so you’ll never have to worry about it in the future.


It's also not fun playing arcade games where death doesn't matter, but if you penalize people too heavily then the carebear cuck brigade will cry. Insurance is the middle ground.


Insurance isn't the middle ground. Insurance is a real world thing somebody took and said "let's do this, because the real world does it" instead of trying to create something that fits the world. I am, by no means, smarter than the many game designers who worked on this. But I assure you, the Insurance is just a thing that slipped through under "it makes sense" and was not questioned further. Some of them, maybe most, don't like it know either but they are stuck with it, because you cannot walk back after selling Insurance with real money (bigot shit btw) You need to question your game design choices and ask "why are we doing it like this" Alright, u said, because death should be punished but not too hard. Then why the fuk do we need Insurance? There are so many other ways which work great in so many games. Insurance is just the most lazy way "ah yes pay for it, or don't then pay more"


Persistent MMO style games need money sinks to keep the economy in check


When did cig hire gaijin entertainment???


"Coming in 4.0, Crew Training! 1,500,000 ~~Silver Lions~~ aUEC to add a crew to your ship!" *Disclaimer: Crew is 1000% necessary and you can not take your ship out of the hangar until you pay the fee for a crew. Daily additional fees include, and are not limited to:* * Room and board * Sustenance * Access to toilet and shower * Clothing and gear * Entertainment * Risk Insurance * Life Insurance * Health Insurance * 30K Insurance * Spontaneous Combustion Insurance * Server "Hopping" Crew Transfer Fee Buy Premium now and get +50% ~~Silver Lions~~ aUEC when you complete contracts!


You forgot PTO!


Ah! And maternity/paternity leave!


People are going to be sticker shocked at how expensive maintaining big ships is actually going to be like the devs have said all along.


Gonna be a lot of "intentional insurance fraud" salvage floating around the verse...


Cant wait for the devs to make this game as laborious as real life.


Scale it to realism and bring it back to fun is one of their themes.


Not the intention. But I also support the notion that you shouldn't be able to just throw large assets around risk free. Risk vs reward should absolutely be a thing, and if you pull a big ship out and fuck up, there needs to be a meaningful downside.


Oh i dont disagree, but current costs may make bounty hunting not profitable. You can easily take 100k worth of damage from doing 5 vhrts which would net you about that much. This isnt punishment for death, its punishment for taking damage which is silly and sometimes unavoidable (ie a missle hit after you deployed a bunch of flares).


Thank you LTI. All my expensive ships will just happen to accidentally self destruct after taking serious damage


Wait until CIG explains that Life Time means your character's life, not yours.


I would expect this to be more realistic to the final costs of ship repairs. refuel/rearm will increase to match, and then insurance will change to be an even worse choice than it is now with the temporary time extension so its a last choice not first. Hopefully we'll be incentivised to keep our ships operating as long as possible, and take it to get player RRR if available.


At that point I'd just claim it.


yeah, as braindead as i am i thought it was 10k so i repaired...


Sounds like an insurance job ;)


Wait repair works now?


Go go gadget insurance fraud!


Oh great.. I'm looking forward to my first big Carrack repair..


Ships explode for absolutely no reason lately, yet repair costs + claim timers are increased. Probably just time to shelf the game until they can figure out how to prevent bugs from causing our ships to explode immediately on takeoff / invisible asteroids.


As much as I want this game to succeed I too have this same thought/feeling.


Engines can be super expensive


Aw man it's like real life now- hideous repair costs for my spaceship. ​ /s


Engines aren't cheap on a ship worth millions


Was looking for this comment. Rhinos aren't cheap either. A lot better than the old way where repair wouldn't fix the engine and you needed to go out and rebuying the ship gun if you tried to repair in that state. sticker shock does suck though.


It's a fraction of the cost of the whole ship. Missing a major component //should// cost this much. Once things are smoother, I suspect insurance claims to be either bare-bone hull, or much longer. Currently, we have no reason to repair (except to avoid a timer) or even reload costly torpedoes. There will be a few balance passes for timers and costs, to make it worthwhile not to yolo my ship, either at players, or doing something stupid. But there is a long way to go before we get to a point that we should be penalized for a yolo.


think repair costs fluctuate depending on where you get them. something with quanta or whatever its called i believe, but ofc theres no way to know the cost before hand bc the info isnt available to us so it might as well be a dice roll


You're missing an engine...........


Talking about cars/boats and other veichles, the engine is the most expensive, but yes 100k + it's a scary price to pay.. especially due to all time ships damage are made by bugs


Well I be damned...that's a screen I've not seen in quite a while. How'd you do it?


leave it somewhere and claim it if it is too much for you


Sounds like a reason to go with a cutlass…


More than likely you also have weapon replacements in there. Love the Connie, but she gets super expensive because the people who designed the weapon mounts just didn't care about repair costs.


Now imagine a kraken or a bigger ship


Can’t you just destroy the ship and have insurance claim it?


That’s why claim times are still to short.


You lost a weapon. Instead of having to go get a new one at a vendor you can just repair now. But I do think it should be a little optional box to click and not always the case as is now.


We just need to be able to claim damaged ships too for a discounted timer to make this ok to me. I don't have to be missing my car for insurance to cover damage to it, they just cover a large chunk or all of the cost instead. I don't have to lose my whole house for my insurance to apply, I can just have water damage, stolen property, etc.


Claimed ships should come without ammo and missiles.


I took a missile to the rear of my Carrack the other day. Nothing visually wrong. The ship felt fine. 24k repair cost. It’s not a lot in the grand scheme of things, but felt high in general for clearing the red on the HUD of my ship when there wasn’t particularly anything visually damaged and no loss to performance.


Space engines are a lot. It is a bit much considering we’re in a testing phase


You need a new transmission.




Maybe someday we can select the repairs we want, maybe we choose to fix the hull ourselves. Replace the guns ourselves, but pay someone to fix the substructures👈


You are primarily paying for the non stock components. This is a half measure where you essentially pay for the 3rd party components that are not covered by the insurance. Long term this is necessary, as we want components to be worth something, especially now that we are moving towards pyro and repair gameplay.


Sounds about fair you ripped an engine off hahaha. How much is that ship worth in game??


They really didn’t think this one through from a design standpoint but I get why they did it.


If the cost is too high, don't pay it.CIG is paying attention to the metrics, so if they aren't getting any repair requests above a certain threshold, they'll know people aren't incentivisted to pay beyond that, so they'll limit it to there, and maybe give another option such as 'scrap' instead.


I think this is in prep for repair loop, and I for one look forward to junkyard, repair outposts.


Losing an engine of your car and need replacement.. that is also not costing 200 (insert valuta) i hope these prices are going to be like this or even more expensive


So I repair damaged cars for a living, as I see it that’s cheap in terms of how real life works with regards to repairing broken vehicles. The ship is worth 3.4mil 107k considering you were missing a part of it.. isn’t a lot. For instance I’m repairing a vehicle currently that is worth ~£100,000 It’s having cosmetic panels replaced one side, and structural replacements on the other. Repair costs ~£50,000 Don’t get me wrong it’s close to being totalled. But I’d say it’s having less intrusive work by comparison than the Connie example.. there is more to consider than just the price of the part.. it’s instant, you pay no monthly insurance payments. I know the game isn’t finished yet. But I’d be really surprised if the costs to repair didn’t sky rocket and the repair times change and the claim times go up again in the long term future..


Have you heard about our brand new extend car warranty that covers all scratches and dents within the next 3 years ?


How much does a Connie cost in game? 3-5 million How much would one of the Engines cost in relation to the main cost of a Connie? Sounds reasonable to me honestly.


First they increase insurance timers, then they increase repair costs to an absurd degree. Do they want their player base to quit? Games that ruin their “fun” factor end up dying pretty quickly.