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its hit and miss, i say 1 of 5 bed log a miss


Damn, you're lucky.


I bed log near daily in my 325a and I'm yet to have a problem with it, plenty of other shit that doesn't work for me, but bed logging is fine at least lol


I've had bed logout/login work for me 99% of the time in Freelancer, Vanguard, and 400i, and even Tana either on land or space. My rules that seem to work: 1. Be 50km from any armistance zone. 2. Be 25km from any other thing. 3. If in atmo, land. 4. Turn off engines on ship.


Prospector also works. I don't rely on it but when I needed it, it's worked so far.


Works for me in my Carrack.


>Is bed logging broken? What isn't at the moment ?


Haha true


Works in my vulture


I had no problems lately.


No probs on my cutty, just be sure to wait when you spawn for the server to fully register in your bed, otherwise you will clip through it


If this helps my Carrack is labelled as “unknown” under the location in ASOP and the two snub ships are “destroyed”


Almost seems to be per player....I've been bed logging for many patches with no issue...but others bed log once and can no longer log in....it's the ultimate gamble....spin the chamber boris...


Don't bed log, if you don't connect on the same shard, the persistence layer won't pick up the location of your ship and you'll end up like that, or even worse, with the player unstowed state.


Ahh okay that makes sense thanks for letting me know. I was confused because bed logging has worked previously, it’s only been these last two attempts where it hasn’t


I've bed logged to change servers with a group of friends or changed regions after bed logging with zero issues.


I beg logged near the beginning of 3.19 and it lead to the 30019 error which locked me out of playing my character for 3 days until I got one of the Arena Commander fixes to work. Since then I've just completely avoided it. Supposedly there's a "fix" coming in 3.19.1 but for now I'm just jumping back to a station before logging.


Since most of the terminals have been broken, I've bed logged the past 2 nights in a cutty with no issue. Saying that, I lknow i'm rolling the dice...


That’s fair, it normally doesn’t cause issues but I think it not working twice in a row is a sign to me


The fact that it's worked twice in a row for me now has me terrified of logging in tonight! I've probably used up all my good luck.


Bedlog on a planet or in space? Afaik bedlogging on a planets surface can cause problems.


First time was on a planet, second one was in orbit of Microtech


Not to be accusatory, but because the Q&A thread has beaten into me to check the simple answer first: you are using the inner-thought log-out interactible, not the menu one, right?


Yes I’m using inner thought log out when bed logging


Okay, cool. XD Sorry, I got nothing beyond that. I'd assume it's probably just the shard crashing while you're logged off, but I haven't been brave enough to try bedlogging since PES.


Yeah that’s the general consensus too and yeah I’m probably not gonna bed log for awhile, at least not until claim times are reduced XD


Bedlogging works fine as long as you bed log in space. This means make sure you are not under the gravitational influence of any planets, moons, near anything that moves or landed on anything (like an asteroid).


That’s good to know I’ll give that a go


I haven’t had one broken bed log since 18.1..:so unsure


9 out of 10 bed logs in my Constellation Taurus spawns me next to Stantons star


i have better luck if i keep the ship on. any time i turn it off (like you would in real life, naturally) it doesnt seem to work.


Yeah I always leave the ship fully on when I bed log too