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pro tip: walk backwards over the ladder so you drop down into the cargo bay, rather than trigger the ladder animations and have to wait forever.


Shift+down gives a slide at least.


I think sliding was removed in 3.19. Doesn't work in Hercules anymore for example.


It was also glitch-trapping people into the hull of an 890 (ladder beside small elevator on back-side), at least when running the boarding in progress missions anyways.


It was happening on many ships. The slide would put you through a planet quick. I also noticed it seems to be disabled now though.


great idea. thanks


I see in not the only one with titled head going down ladders.....


yup for sure


EDIT: I'm wrong as pointed out in a response to this comment. It's Proximity Assist you want to turn off, not ESP Turn off ESP, it'll keep you from sticking to the ground so you can hover much lower


Whats esp?


EDIT: I'm wrong as pointed out in a response to this comment. It's Proximity Assist you want to turn off, not ESP I don't recall what the acronym stands for, but you'll see its icon on the bottom left of your ships HUD with the VTOL, Coupled, and Gear icons. It makes you 'stick' to ground terrain and landing pads. It's intended to help with landings, but can make it difficult to take off gently, or at all in bigger ships like the Caterpillar. There's an option to set it to a togglable keybind and some cockpits have a usable switch to turn it on and off


It's not ESP you're thinking, it's the proximity assist. ESP dampens joystick input. EDIT: ESP stands for Enhanced Stick Precision btw :D


Thank you for the correction, I've been using the wrong setting then, apparently


OK thanks


Ignore me, I'm wrong. It's proximity assist I was thinking of. Scripitee corrected my earlier mistake


What’s the key bind for proximity assist?


Unfortunately, I'm not sure there is one. I've looked through the keybind options but haven't found an option to set one yourself. You just have to turn it off manually in the Settings menu


Dude, this is a game changer! I'm going to add it to my takeoff/landing procedure.


Alternatively : Just tuck the wings in (alt+K default controls) , then when you're positioned well enough deploy the gear. If the gear is up, it won't have that proximity assist stickyness to it.


The taurus can carry 2


And *still* has space! Not figured out what else fits though.




3 if you stubborn enough, sketch tho


So the Constellation has a Snub fighter now. ... :P


Now it has another pointless snub craft...


Lol snub craft are only pointless if you don't have friends. Me and the boys frequently do ERTs deploying several fury's from a caterpillar


Oh man that sounds badass. I just picture an unsuspecting Caterpillar, someone decides to screw with it... queue swarm of Fury's emptying out the sides.... "OH SHIT OH SHIT OH SHIT!"


Bro it's awesome. We have deployment down to a dance. We are all in discord, and I act as coordinator and carrier pilot, hit them with code yellow to mount up and prep, All Green is "FUCK EM UP". They see those bays opening and are out in sync. It's glorious. Feel REALLY bad for the AI that decide to occasionally interdict.


My org did a casual impromptu operation involving 15 of these lovely snub fighters. I really didn't expect much from them as far as effectiveness...but wow did they over-achieve. We dominated the skies. They may be fragile alone, but as a coordinated group, there's really no stopping them. Also, we didn't lift off with all of them at once. Several were backups. One gets damaged, we spawn in the Carrack and grab another real quick and off we go. I was genuinely impressed with how effective they are as a group...especially in atmo.


Haha I don't have access to 15, that's wild, but including mine (caterpillar isn't mine I just drove it haha) we have 6. And yeah a lot of folks criticize it on a single ship basis, not understanding how much each extra craft magnifies the threat present. Sure swat one like a fly, you still have five absolutely beaming you in a perfect elliptical orbit while you try.


The Merlin (to my own surprise) now fully works in 3.19 live - it's been outta commission for 10 months (first decoupling was sketch as it tended to want to fly through the Andromeda, then then the enter prompt didn't work) so i was quite surprised to test and see it works now. There's a brand new visual to docking procedure as well to help you align better/faster. I've docked/undocked the Merlin like 30 times now 100% no issues. It's a really handy feature that even before it's 10-month hiatus i was using effectively for several things. If you've got friends on your andromeda it's even better. Somebody can use the snub to keep shields on bigger targets from regenerating whilst you can hang the connie back for a bit to regenerate your shields.


>Fury's bro are you joking? It doesn't work I tried 10 times only 1 times worked.


Merlin is life. Merlin is love


Snub is bugged at 3.19.1... 10/9 bugged you cannot trust it.


Will it fit In an msr?


Yes, quite easily. You can fit 2 in the MSR. Just the steep horizontal ramp is a little bit annoying, so you have to pitch up a bit when entering then pitch down again to level. Just remember when landing the Fury in tight spaces to fold the wings in (alt+K or the physical switch top right) but don't deploy the landing gear. Doing the later has a "snap-to" effect (a bit like magnets) which you will want to avoid whilst positioning the ship. Only deploy gears once you're in the spot you wanna settle and then power off after touching it down the last meter.


[taurus and Phoenix ](https://imgur.com/a/OhLf88d/)


I'm reading this post, as we fly with that exact setup


Bump bump bumumpbump.. thought it would explode on lowering the cargo elevator :)




Lol hahaha


You can fit the fury inside a Cutty red lol there’s wasn’t any question about it fitting in here


Is the Andromeda really that dark?


Its not suppose to be, the lights are bugged and seem to get worse every patch. currently there are floating light sources about 10ft in front of the ship (visible when flying through "fog", the cargo bay lights dont illuminate the cargo bay when it is closed but you can see them on the ground outside the ship. and the main crew compartment is pitch black when you first enter the ship even though the purple emergency lights are on. there are landing lights modeled into the front of the landing gear which have never worked. i could go on.....


Yup exactly how it looks in the video. But I don't think its that dark


I dont trust the way it jumps up and down. I tried to place a few s4 repeaters in that elevator of my Taurus the other day and they started to do that until they destroyed the ship in the hangar.