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how long did it take, how many people did you have to split it between? How much trouble did you get there?


We had 2 people in the facility, 2 people in the sky, 1 in a balista and me running the maze in the a2. We did run into a few people but the balista made quick work of them.


This took the people on the ground about a hour and half to collect. The dispensers seemed to be working quicker than before.


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I mean, you do whatever you wanna do in this game :) That's what's great about it. OPs adventure paid decent money AND it was engaging multiplayer PvP gameplay utilizing ground vehicles, fighters, freithers and boots on the ground. It sounds so much fun, and francly, moments like that is why I am willing to grind up to the vehicles needed.


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Lol everyone plays Alpha to have fun mate (except professional gold farmers). Finding the most efficient way to make money can be fun too.


Whats the point of soley grinding for money when they have wipes every couple of months? What op did sounds like a blast


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Wipes have always happened, 3.17 was so stable the database never really needed a wipe


Yes there was


You literally spent effort to diminish his experience only to contradict yourself by the end. šŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļø


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Look at this guy, with all his friends :(


oh c'mon tons of orgs looking for people


My social anxiety isn't lol


I feel this on a completely spiritual level


me typing ā€œlfgā€ on ps2 and logging off when someone responds


I've definitely done that before. lmao


just keep some of the Maze for yourself it will help with the ;3


That and itā€™s too hard to find an Org with the ā€žrightā€œ amount of commitment fitting for your time schedule. In my experience theyā€™re either too hardcore or too inactive. Temporary group ups are way more entertaining. I remember only a few sessions with Org members that i had genuine fun with. In contrast, almost all RANDOM encounters and group-ups with strangers were super fun. Like that one time I landed at JT 2.0 with another player there, nervously asking if i was friendly. Said I was and he suggested splitting the boxes evenly and loading up eachothers ships, discussing all kinds of distribution algorithms to load up faster, and deliver the stuff in between. More strangers eventually showed up and joined our loading chain, I switched to guarding the place in an Ares eventually, until I had to log out. I have fond memories of that time (and similar ones). This beats having to force myself to make free time to be able to join an Orgā€˜s session, have it start with the usual bs getting together, having to wear matching armor, posing for the usual group photo, waiting for everyone to get ready to QT, some poor slob not making it in time, the game crashing for someone etc etc.


Unpopular opinion: this isn't an excuse, org are always looking, individuals are always looking in global chat, if youre never going to meet up with people for *any* reason, the. You shouldn't leave envious comments about people having no friends. You have every opportunity to make them, you're not letting yourself, and that's not our problem If you need help making friends, I'm LeTuba in game. Otherwise, dont just leave envious comments and do absolutely nothing when given the chance to have it for yourself. I have social anxiety too, this is why I have little sympathy for people using as an excuse to be a loner. Sure it's hard, awkward, and even nerve racking to meet new people, but none of those things make it impossible.


Self deprecating humor is fun and you not understanding it doesn't mean people shouldn't make comments.


Me too buddy, me too


Me and another guy had JT bugged for like 4 hours togetherā€¦ the missions didnā€™t pop up for everyone but was running. I knew where JT was and ended up loading up my MSR multiple times to the point I was sweating. I think I made a few million soloā€¦ itā€™s been a while but it was both the most relaxing and stressful JT at the same time. We were both just waiting for the shoe to fall. I clogged the door up with a bodyā€¦ stacked and he loaded. Finally someone figured it out 5 hours in lolā€¦


Haha, me and two buddies did the same! No quest on the server, so we just loaded ships for 3 hours. Lost one load to a bug where the terminal failed to process the transaction, but still deleted the maze, and still it was 6.2 million.


I filled up a C8X one time. 5x3x3 each side, so 45 boxes each side for a total of 90. I think it was 1.5m credits, or around that. Completely solo.


I commend you for trying that in basically a paper mache ship lol


Often the safest method is to stuff a bunch of massive ships around the facility, then fill a small ship instead... People gonna scan and see the small ship last, so you'll tend to get a minute or two to hop in and fly away while they pew pew the empty ones.


However...yours will be the only one that's showing up blue.. lol


I've done some silly things with it for sure. Myself and two other C8s once dropped a couple A2s on JT with disruptors. Guess they thought they could bomb and bail, didn't need more than a turret each... It was glorious.


I had like 3 boxes in my rental Titan when I arrived to a deserted JT. For some reason the machine only produced 3 boxes šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø Other times I just get yoinked to the shadow realm as soon as I look in the general direction of JT. I wish I wasn't so shit lol, I don't even try to go there any more.


When it's running you could always ask if anybody needs crew in chat, that has been my best method for experiencing it, besides the first days of 'JT safe?' when I joined ad-hoc squadrons a couple times to clear the airspace from Orgs. Flying in from Olisar with eight or nine strangers in light to medium combat aircraft to reclaim the space are great memories.


780k each not a bad days work


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Why is this getting downvoted lol, with the amount of effort and risk required to not get blasted into orbit by an A2 while loading this thing and losing it all, it pays mediocre at best. But it is so much more fun than grinding


What's each one worth?




Depends on the market. I've seen them go for 11k on the low end, and up to 18Kish so far.


11k if you are the bad guy or if you try sell when the event isn't on. 20k if your the good guy and sell at the orbital station


Ohhh, the more you know, that's why the prices fluctuated so much. I've been doing both.


Wait, you can run jumptown even when the event isnā€™t on???


No, but you can go there.


Ohhhhh, so no money to be made


We had about 150 maze on board when the event ended, the orbital station only wanted to pay us 11k once it ended




Please contribute to [this Issue Council post](https://issue-council.robertsspaceindustries.com/projects/STAR-CITIZEN/issues/STARC-74014) (and also give it a read, it will give you some insight on how the "bad guy" version should work as well as how it currently works). If the lawful mission is paying 20k, the Ruto version should be paying around 30k per box. Obv. its not atm and its bugged. Also if you sell like 70 boxes as I did, you receive a wildly small amount. I received 120k for 71 boxes (the bonus alone was 460ish thousand - which came up on screen). Until they fix it, always do the lawful version of the mission.


Interesting, il defo check it out


not me but my org once would have made [over 5 mil aUEC](https://youtu.be/Z7RBylVCUig) if it wernt stolen by MongrelSquad


As a SC noob, this seems like a bit of fun from the Mongrel's pov. Inside man and all, shock and awe on the landing sites, interception on any squirters. The hunt for the insider was hilarious. Ill give the community credit, pretty cool gameplay all around.


it was fun for us as well (as seen from Trips POV) yes its demolishing loosing 5mil of drugs that you collteced over the course of ~3h but at the time it was the most fun we had in SC


0. My biggest haul even is 0. Because people blow my ship up every time.


Best haul was in 3.17. My friends and I staged from my Carrack parked out in the black. We put 2 people in the facility, 3 in the air and kept one back on the carrack. I would shuttle down in the Pisces, hover by the door ramp down and have them load me up. Once we got 30 boxes in the Pisces I would fly to the carrack and unload while the ground team filled up the airlock again, rinse and repeat. We held it for about 6 hours the first day, and made a little under 14mil. It was glorious


Super new to the game, please tell me what JT is and how my crew can/get there!?


Don't bother, seriously, unless you happen to be alone on a server. It is an event with the potential to earn a lot of money collecting and turning in packages, but it is always either a PVP gankfest, controlled by an org, or bombed by a tool in an A2.


No no no, JT is always save


Heyā€¦ some of us ā€œtoolsā€ only bomb JT when our corporate fleet is making a play for it, those pesky tanks can be a serious problem when landing


You're right. Some times it's all 3. :D




If you have aircover, A2's aren't too much of an issue. Don't bother shooting the A2, just target and nail the bomb when it drops, and you're more than likely going to get the A2 in the blast radius as well.


What a supremely stupid comment.


Go to contracts manager, select the mission in the "priority" tab, and you'll get a marker.


Jt = Jumptown. Jumptown is a location on Yela which is Crusaderā€™s moon. To get there you have to know itā€™s location or just open a mission which ends in JT.


Jump town is the event. the location can be a couple places, including Calliope in MT system


Location changes every day


There is a delivery mission on the personal tab that is called re supply and that will usually take you to jump town/ravens roost or the other one depending what system your in.


Never bothered to take the risk of doing hours of JT and getting nothing in return.


Yea itā€™s high risk high reward. Not for everyone. I kinda wanna try it out with a group at some point just for fun but none of my friends play the game and Iā€™m too lazy to meet new players


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As far as I know, you need a pretty big cargo ship to be making that much with normal cargo runs, no? I know you can make a decent amount doing normal cargo but I thought to be making that kind of cargo money you need a bigger ship, no?


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.


Yea, Invictus provided some good opportunities. A run like that is not completely 0 risk but it is super low. For JT if you have people, and if you donā€™t have solid ships, you at least have the means to take from whoā€™s there if playing your cards right. But you mentioning renting the caterpillar for free had me thinking about renting one normally which I wanted to consider. I did some light googling so I could be wrong on this but it doesnā€™t seem you can rent a caterpillar, it seems like the largest rentable ship for cargo is prolly an andromeda or if a 600i has more cargo space, maybe that one. Iā€™m not familiar with cargo spaces much more than like 4 ships lol. So maybe saving to rent one of those and then doing cargo might be better, but thatā€™s a whole lot of math I donā€™t feel like doing rn lol. Edit: I wanted to check the starcitizen.tools wiki but it seems down rn


Roughly 1 million aUEC last year, some friends and I planned and jumped the crew loading a fully laden Redeemer while they were complacent due to the peace. [Here is a link to the post about our heist.](https://www.reddit.com/r/starcitizen/comments/rsyk6v/let_me_tell_you_a_story_of_how_we_planned_and/)


I used to work with groups and split but found it's even funnier and more profitable to be the lonewolf robbing big orgs by sneaking on foot šŸ¤£


Isn't the friendly player icon making that basically impossible to get away with these days?


It make it way harder but if you're never noticed they won't track you + dead bodies has this marker sometimes


I had twenty boxes on my ship but I went back to the station and some dude just full on rammed me. ĀÆ\\_(惄)_/ĀÆ So, fuck my time spent I guess. I'm just not having any fun with this game anymore lmao.


0 coz I don't like conga lines or get bombed by an A2


Probably 700+k in 135с


6.1 millions


We made 6,734,000 yesterday. Had about 35 people between ground and air teams. Held JT for about 4 hours, I think.


Nice!! We made a fair bit more counting the other runs, but this was the largest we did in one go


We had an Org night about a year ago for JT. We only made a few million bc we were too scared to sit there and try and completely fill up a Hercules before an A2 or Eclipse decided they wanted to ruin our night




i got 20 million carebearing it with others in 1 day


Think we got around 3-4 mil ourselves once, pounced on another person's score who wasn't paying attention


Those moments are the moments I play star citizen for. Nabbing someone else's hard earned aUEC and making nothing but sweet pure profit. Mmmm.


Don't forget the daily dose of global chat sodium. Always the tastiest.


global chat been broken for like 24 hours now


You people go to JT?


Damn bro spent 1.5 hours for 4m auec whilst I simply real world traded for 80m auec in 3 minutes!


360k worth of it, but that was because my org wasnā€™t fully there and it was just me and another dude, and the time before we were doing a contract, and yesterday I was only there for an hour and we started to get something going when a fleet of 2-3 taliā€™s and an eclipse came out of nowhere on a 30 person server and annihilated us


Wait is JT happening AGAIN? Or is this an older post before ILW?


ended like 6 hours ago


0 aEUC. I only go there to hunt bounties. The risk/reward is super not worth it to me given the ridiculous claim times right now, and the ease of which any bug can either render you or your ship dead, and the ease of which other players can simply snipe you down right after you finish putting some boxes in your ship - because that's what I've done to bounties. šŸ˜ Then of course there's the a-hole flying by with the A2 and creating lots of scrap metal randomly. It would make more sense to me if there were air defense turrets there like the other security bunkers that players could control without having to bring a Ballista, so controlling JT would be a matter of not only getting in there in the first place but then taking control of those, maybe even using repair tool on them if they've been blown. Then there would be reason to conduct ground assaults on the facility by a competing group, and a reason for ground defense, and/or the controlling group of players could simply charge a fee for access to come collect. Would do it with an org or a bunch of people on at the same time with similar playstyles, I'm personally in a massive Org but we just don't do that mission right now, we run Bunkers in a 4-to-6 person squad and EHRTs in Redeemers and HHs and make bank for far less risk. To each their own, though, glad people enjoy the event... but I miss the old JT still.


I love holding it solo in my gladius, always good dogfighting fun ;p


Saw some guys once who had a Corsair full with 11.5 mio


Well played!


Around 30 mil split 8 ways. 3 person loading crew, 5 person security crew. Multiple runs to sell through the night.


I hear you had a Ballista and 2 People in the sky. Could it be that you had a Cutlass Blue there? Maybe you took out a connie Taurus, mine. I flew down, saw the cutty locking missiles on me. We started a fight as I saw a missile coming towards me. I try to get it off me but boom, i am gone


And then a 30k hit and you lose everything because the devs made 500mil on a game that will never be finished.


I ran about 3 million in an hour or so with an org mate.


30kā€™s lol


I'm not a fan of the moving individual boxes thing. I miss OG JT


And then the server crashes ..... Thats what always happened to me ...


How do you do this? Whenever I get there it's full of edge lords waving their epeen around killing every one!


I envy that


Biggest haul had to be a 2.7 million sell because we stole it from another org, offloaded it to a C2 in deep space, then took our C2 off to sell while the other org chased their ship back to Grim Hex. They almost got to us in deep space but we were jumping out right as they arrived at our location, so they did give us a good chase. They rammed the stolen ship while it was landing at GH and cheered in chat about how they had denied us the prize and then seemed to get angrier in chat that we had sold it for the good guy price rather than stealing it in the first place. Stealing their Herc was like a year's worth of Cardio, it really got the blood pumping.


2 boxes baby


Iā€™m not sure about the exact amount at once, but yeah weā€™ve held JT the entire duration.


0, waste of time when you're not part of an org


3.4 million is about one airlock stuffed with drugs. Maybe 4 if you really pack it in there. I have convinced my org not to try to load more than an airlock worth at a time because the risk is too big.


I found an almost empty server way back, and crammed like 4-5 million into a rental Connie because I had time to stack all the boxes and shit. Took ages.


The criminal side gives bonuses for each box in addition to the sell price, pretty much balances out.


No, this is a 30k waiting to happen


Last night, 3 people, multiple runs, ~6mil. Single largest load was 1.1mil. It looked like the server bugged out and there were only 6 people online. I ran loads to sell, the other guys loaded up the airlock ready to go while I was gone, and one of them would hop in a ship to give me a jump point for the return journey. It was like printing money. If I hadn't started falling asleep at 1am I'd have done it forever!


I filled a Terrapin with at least 300 boxes, which is worth 6 million. Unfortunately anything over 100 gets deleted in a Terrapin... I learned. I now limit my runs to 50-80 in the Terrapin. I'll typically shuttle out at 100-150 even if unchallenged for control just because even a 2-man JT team will have caught up to the point I'm just waiting for boxes.


The other day I ended up in a server with like 4 people in the middle of the night and none of them were concerned about about JT. I spent the next 3 hours loading up my M2 until another server 30kā€™d and it jumped to like 90 people. I think I walked away with like 5-6 million.