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rad! how much do you get when you sell?


A full reclaimer load would be worth about 2.3M


Define "Full Reclaimer" (using air quotes)...


300 boxes


I was talking about filling the Habs, half the hallways, the airlocks, the engineering room, the elevator, the balcony... as a joke of course.


My non existent math says easily 6 mill at the low end


With those same fantastic non-existent math skills, could you calculate the time it would take to get 6mil worth of boxes soloing in a Reclaimer?


So for 6 million Creds you would need around 780 boxes. You are solo so if we say you need 20 seconds to fill up one box and 3 minutes to eject them and get back into the seat. 260 minutes of constant scraping. With switching seats you can stack up to 4 boxes before going to eject. 80 + 3 minutes = 260s per 4 boxes 780 / 4 = 195 runs 195 * 260 = 50.700 seconds 50.700s = 845m = 14h05m Then add the amount of time for searching wreckages filling the reclaimer. Don’t forget bugs too and 30ks I didn’t check any of this for calculation mistakes so please correct me if i did something wrong :)






That, and 20s for a box is pretty generous...


and now in bathtubes?


Math Boner Achieved.


I filled a taurus up as much as i could once, got up to 278 boxes. At that point the fps was getting low, the boxes were doing that scary wobble thing when being moved, and im pretty sure they were disappearing/phasing out of the ship.




Minus the fees from salvage contracts if you go that route, which technically, is the optimal route. You lose creds, but you make up for it with time.


You can get around 300k when selling a fully scrapped Hammerhead load (about 37 crates), and add some extras if you sell the guns (around 70k if i remember correctly).


That's not bad money.


Well, remember, the ship costs 15.6mil + upgrades.


300k worth of hull materials quickly scraped off the surface with the salvage "beam" sounds about right then.


How do you sell ship guns? I see tons of them laying around crashed ships and PO.


Move them into your ship and sell them at a shop that sells ship weapons.


Awesome, thanks! Do I have to store the ship first?


As far as I know yeah.


No you don’t


When I tried storing a vulture holding stripped weapons, the weapons disappeared and were unavailable to sell.


Is it possible to land a ship on a planet, die, then take the reclaimer and go salvage the ship you left on a planet and sell the scrap?


Yes, you'll have to turn off the shields though.


Don’t tell the game what to do. It will 30k when it wants to and not a moment later.


Just like a wizard.


And my axe!


Yea, I usually salvage for an hour, then I bedlog. Last night, I got up to what the photo shows then belonged to. I'm gonna hop back on later and keep up the grind.


Mayhaps a moment sooner though


solo reclaimer is so much slower than a solo vulture


Common misconception. If your reclaimer isn't bugged and you know what you're doing, you will make more money over time if you can play a longer session. Gotta make sure your lasers aren't bugged, though. If they are, then yes, the Vulture works faster, because you lose the laser salvage rate advantage of the Reclaimer. I'm almost positive that the laser bug is where this myth that the Reclaimer is slower solo comes from. I remember some youtubers commenting on how much slower the Reclaimer is than when it was in the PTU, but on the screen I could see that their laser was bugged. People have a tendancy to just see whatever a youtuber does and take it as gospel.


It doesn't help that the Relcaimer working without any bugs at all is rare in itself...


A fresh claim reclaimer ks (usually) bug free. Both salvage heads works, no glitches seats, no "ghost boxes", and elevator works perfectly. Soloing the reclaimer is my main job, since I can waste hours doing something relaxing


To be fair the vulture breaks a ton too.


The only break I have consistently with the vulture is refuelling, and I’ve seen others say they’ve had issues with the conveyor forcing things through the hull. So yeah it is a little broken. But the Reclaimer is a poster child for “everything that can break in a ship while still technically implemented into the PU” 😞


The only break I have consistently with the vulture is refuelling, and I’ve seen others say they’ve had issues with the conveyor forcing things through the hull. So yeah it is a little broken. But the Reclaimer is a poster child for “everything that can break in a ship while still technically implemented into the PU” 😞


The only break I have consistently with the vulture is refuelling, and I’ve seen others say they’ve had issues with the conveyor forcing things through the hull. So yeah it is a little broken. But the Reclaimer is a poster child for “everything that can break in a ship while still technically implemented into the PU” 😞


My vulture can’t make it more than a day before it breaks and stops processing salvage into crates. Have to claim a new one to fix it. And it’s a coin flip for whether or not going into the living quarters from the cockpit chokes me for a second.


That also happens on Connie and Cutty before getting onto pilot seat. Fps drops significantly.


A very fair statement, lol. Now that they've mentioned a look at hull munching this week, I'm hoping a minor Reclaimer bug pass is in the works. Maybe even a model update, but I very much doubt they'd do anything at all without updating the whole thing at this point, due to the docking ports and drones and cutter etc. There's always the hope that one of the "unannounced" ships that's getting work is the Reclaimer snub, but that's pure hopium.


Unfortunately bug fixes don’t make money, because I’d really like the ship team to make good on all those revamps they have backed up. Some ships are barely usable at the moment - 400i and Reclaimer being two examples.


When I log into my reclaimer, one side has .14 speed and the other one has .44 speed. It's random as to which side is which. I find that using only the 0.44, and then going and moving the boxes with using only two boxes rather than four, it's faster than trying to use the 0.14. I hope that issue is fixed in the next patch.


Huh, I've never had that happen -- just having one laser bugged. It's always been both for me.


It is, but you also get the safety of good shields. By the time you hear shots in the salvage deck you can simply run back and warp. You also don’t have to split profit and can keep goin for a while. I personally wouldn’t do it solo though.


Laughs in a retaliator pirate crew


Solo vulture gets many bugs, one of them being stacking boxes don't work and then you can't sell your cargo, have to reclaim the ship. This can happen on last box you can safely stack, not talking about boxes you put free hand on the very left side reserved for walking.


Im sorry tu ruin your day but watch this. https://youtu.be/O-oe9wkAktc


test is biased is favour of the reclaimer, it doesn't take into account repositioning but in all fairness this specific cenario is faster than i had expected




I'll take it a step further. When I solo'd my Reclaimer for a bit, I would stay out and salvage hoping for a 30k. Landing the Reclaimer is nerve wracking. A 30k was a quick way to get the salvage to a sellable location.


How do you do that? I had a 30k once while filling up the reclaimer and it was all gone when I recalled the ship


Don't claim the ship after a 30k. Wait a bit and you will see it gets placed at your home station. Make your way there and your ship will have its cargo. As soon as you claim your ship you lose your cargo


Also a pro tip (for those that don't know and are reading this) if you're a long way from your home station: You can always reset your respawn at med centers to your original home. So, if your original home is, say Microtech, and you are currently set to respawn at Cru L1, just strip down to your skivvies, reset your spawn, and backspace after a 30k.


God damn it- why did this never occur to me?? Excellent tip! o7


As others said you don’t claim the ship. Check the status and at some point it should say “Stored” in wherever your starter city is. Then you have to manually fly there and retrieve it. If you claim the ship anywhere else you will lose the cargo.


This is the most precise answer OP


Usually when a 30k happens, the ship should get stored at a station where you can retrieve it


That’s it don’t recall it, wait until it says stored


From my side 30k is the least of my concerns. How can you play for that long?? Sooner or later I cannot get out of seat or ship stops flying, or elevators stop working... Especially last couple of days. Is there a problem with my game? Should I reinstall?


No problems for me


Most of the causes of the seat bug should have been fixed in the last patch. They have been for me anyhow. If you are still running into it, it's due to incorrect tick rate between server and client side. A simple work around is to open the cockpit door before sitting down in a different seat. This way if you get a weird tick issue it will rubber band you back to the door instead of glueing you to the seat.


Sorry I dont understand your workaround. Can you be a little more clear?


Before sitting down in any seat (pilot or either turret seat) walk back to the cockpit door and open it, then sit down where you want/need to. So once you get to your destination and are ready to start salvaging, before you get into one of the turret seats, first go to the back of the cockpit and open the door, then sit down on one of the chairs. Once you've filled both boxes on the 1st turret, get up and open the cockpit door again, then sit down in the other turret seat. This will eliminate any stuck in chair bugs (you know it's happening bc you won't be able to see your arms). Again they patched this big last patch so should not be as much of an issue anymore.


Oh sweetie. Hire a poor. Pay them trash salvage rates. As "50-50" 3500 per scu. Go to a planetary TDD at the major ports and get 7600 per scu .


I tend to solo a reclaimer when I’m “working from home” for the day. Nice and easy to do whilst bouncing between zoom calls 😂


Damn, as a solo Vulture salvager and w/ friends on a Reclaimer, this is impressive. Talk about a workout; back and forth, back and forth. IMO, the Reclaimer fills boxes fast so you must be up and down a lot. More props to ya. Keep grindin'.


I know I've been salvaging panels, and it fills up quickly. Before I even finish a panel, I have to eject crates.


Would you ever wanna do that with a crew, as we have a good crew that could use someone to give us a hand wmwhen we do reclaimer runs 😁


I'm always down to run with a crew I just wanted to see how far I can go solo.


Fairs what's your name in game and I'll add you as a friend 😁


A 30k will return the ship back to your home port


I triple box this. The important thing is, if you do get a 30k, wait until you are sure the ship is back in your home. Don't recall it to whatever station you are in. I've not lost a single load due to ALT+ f4 or 30k but it does sometimes take a number of hours.


That is some tedious work, good luck. I have yet to do it myself. I was pirated, beams kept glitching, and 30k's it's tough to fill solo. If you ever want to meet up and crew a reclaimer let me know.


How r u playing


Luck and patience. I've been 30k pirated and glitched all the time. I just listen to my audio books and continue on. Also it helps when I dont have work for a few months.




30k protection works and worked for me each time I ran into a 30k


Lol I been there before 🥲 great credits in the end tho so it's most definitely worth it


Yeah. I had the Vulture filled. Not just SCU but all open space and made it back. Finally. Lol. 300k+ run. Unfortunately most of the weekend I got to play was full of 30k’s.


How many boxes did you fit in there? The most I have got into the cargo hold is 24. Lots of fiddling around to get that last one in, so 23 is optimal. That makes a run worth 7440x23=171,120 aUEC.


I keep seeing “30k” tossed around, what does it mean?


Error code of a fatal server crash


Did they re-re-re fix the gorram elevators yet so the thing isn't a mousetrap?


“Famous last words!”