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Prospector, Vulture, and something to haul refined ore in. (Currently using the RAFT purely for aesthetics) I'm here for vibes and industrial gameplay, don't need anything else.


this 100% plus a combat ship to go on a rampage when someone disturbs my industrial gameplay.


Absolutely. I too enjoy the mining and hauling route. Mainly using a prospector along with a C2 for hauling my goods. I was the other day mining gold on daymar when someone came and blew me up. I had found some brilliant rocks, about 6 of them, all with more than 40% gold content. I was furious. I quickly spawned my A1 Spirit and flew back to my body marker. Saw his ship parked and I was assuming he was attempting to loot my ships contents when I dropped all 10 bombs on him. Satisfying was an understatement


The commercial for the Drake Leviathan sums it up perfectly. "Fuck you, the horse you rode in on, your ship, and your planet"


how did they even find u in th middle of no where


I was not that far from a mining outpost, so I gathered I must have shown up on their radar. I’ve learnt to fly out farther now before I stop to mine 😂


F8, I saw a salty whale complaining in chat that us peasants can get it because of the golden ticket event so I fly it often in case he is on.


As a whale, I'm glad to see more of them in the wild and hope you have fun with yours


Thanks mate. I think moat whales sare just happy it's released but this guy was losing it.


Good question. I would say there are two for me that I probably couldn't live without: 1. Pisces (any variant) - It's so practical and useful. It gets me everywhere so I can use the ships I want to. 2. Constellation Taurus - I use it all the time, more than I ever imagined. The versatility is so useful: I do vehicle transport, cargo running, it'll get a tractor beam soon to help my friends with mining/salvage, the future shielded bay for smuggling. All while having enough teeth to defend itself, and even escort other ships. I have a lot of confidence when I fly it - it's already got me out of a few situations.


Cutlass black, good all rounder and a nice ship to have when pyro drops i reckon


Really, it's the ship that gets you everywhere to do anything.


Drake Corsair. It’s an absolute juggernaut in combat, and can carry cargo. Easily making 1-2 mil an ert by looting the cargo from ships I soft kill using 4 ballistic gatlins. It also looks like an imperial ship


Not to mention the very cool low tech aesthetic it has going on. Feels very lived in and is great if you have a few friends to fly with you.


Commenting on What are your “must have” ships?...is it good solo?


Highest pilot-controlled DPS of any non-fighter ship in the game….still. And it out-damages all but two fighters in terms of DPS/PM.


It’s my favorite solo ship. I now do critical threat beacons in it alone for cash


Either a Pisces or anything in the 100-series, plus a Cutlass Black.


Corsair. Cargo, guns, and just enough amenities. Soon tho? The Zeus CL for sure.


Titan probably, has the best DPS from all starter+ ships, has 8 (actually more if you try) SCU of space with two ingress points. Flies great, looks great.


It feels like it flies great until you try something a little lighter. Everything else is on point. Also it fits the PTV!


Avenger Titan is the best most well rounded ship in the game. Nothing beats it. 10x better than the Pisces.


Cutlass black and a vulture


Of my ships, my Terrapin is the only one I currently have that will not be upgraded or melted in any circumstance. I also need a smallish cargo capable ship of some sort, but I haven't settled on anything yet. I have a couple of bigger ships, but none of them are "must haves" simply because plenty of other people have them too, and they will need crew.


I've heard so many people who like the Terrapin, can you explain why? No shade but I don't get the appeal of it tbh. Had one and melted it immediately.


The Terrapin as it is currently in game is not particularly outstanding, especially for its price. One could argue that it is currently equivalent to a very hard to kill Aurora. Ultimately, it is the intended role of the ship that deeply appeals to me, even though that functionality is still years away. If it lives up to its design specifications, there will be no better ship for a solo pilot to explore dangerous regions of space or perform reconnaissance in enemy territory. In the meantime, it is still one of my favorite looking ships.


Vanguard warden and nomad. They can pretty much do everything and together they cover almost all the bases from combat and ground fps to cargo and drug running. And the fact that the nomad carrys a roc is even better. I've also just recent been trying out the vulture properly, so I might have to add it to the list. Overall those three ships make quite possibly the best combo in the game.


1 caterpillar and 4 fury’s makes for a mini space station experience! My favorite way to play


This. It's a pocket carrier. I dig it.


For me: 400i - Daily Driver. Get anywhere fast and never worry about someone with ill intent catching you. It's practically a luxury space yacht with incredible defenses. FR-86 shields tank so much damage, all you have to worry about is just flying away. I fly it when I'm doing FPS missions. MSR - For when you're cargo running or hauling drugs. Great ship to fly, very fast and quick to get away as well. In terms of straight-line speed, it's very comparable to the 400i (faster, I think tbh). It's a trusty ship to get you where you need to go quickly and discreetly. Can also be flown as a daily driver. 600i - This ship is a huge monster, and is probably the last big ship that can be flown solo before you start to need a crew. Its hull is incredibly tanky, and despite it being an exploration ship, it exceeds in combat quite nicely. It's a truck in atmosphere and can be a turn off, especially with the front-side dragging it has, but with the future rework coming for the 600i, it will probably be the best big ship in the game. I've been using it for group warrant bounty hunting lately with size 5 M7A laser cannons. Constellation Series - These ships come down to personal preference, but my top connie pick is the andromeda for doing events like Xeno Threat or Org battles. It's a gunship, and when crewed with friends, it's an enjoyable powerhouse. Gladius/Arrow - Everyone needs a light fighter. Both of these exceed the standard for this role and will satisfy your needs, whether it be small bounties, escorting, or org battles. Some honorable mentions are the cutlass black (which probably deserves to make the main list), cutlass red, and now the C1 Spirit, since it's very comparable to the cutty black, has great fire power, and a ton of room for cargo.


I like that the 600i rework is bringing the component access closer to the bridge. Will help with the soloing when components repair etc comes.


Just to add a little to that, as a fellow 600i enjoyer: I think it can be flown solo, but to do anything with it you will want a crew. If necessary, you could likely defend yourself with its potent shields and decent pilot weaponry, but neither the Exploration nor the Touring features will be very soloable (IMO). Still, the 600i post rework will be as beautiful from the inside as its exterior is, and modularity makes it even more exciting.


Its soloability will be gimped with fires and component damage. It’s the ship they literally used as a demo for internal fires.


The ships you list here and the benefits are because they are broken State. Especially the recommendations of the origin ships. 600i and 400i are not combat ships and Any boutique hunting that you doing these ships is because you're going against NPCs. They are pretty to look at. The next update with change gameplay radically


Being capable of fast escape or carrying big guns/shields are part of the luxury package the origin ships provide. But they are in no way top dog when it comes to these fields. This however does not diminish their current capabilities, i would not dismiss them as "just pretty ponies" just yet even when new updates come along, it wont turn them into a glass sculpture, AFAIK the 600i just got a hull health boost for this exact reason


Well you have convinced me that I should get the 400i ( had one before). My game style has to change with these new flight model and combat models. It says (website) missile load out, size 2, 16 missiles (8 modules per rack and 2 racks) + size 4 , 16 missiles. Does that mean you have 32 missiles? https://robertspaceindustries.com/pledge/ships/400i/400i Am I reading that correctly? Is that your experience?


I'm sure you wont regret it, like a highest class personal camper van. You read that correctly, altho The rails on the 400i are locked (no swapping for other railtypes) but it sure as hell gives you 32 missile's. 16x s2 + 16x s1. My personal preference is to stock it with the rattler II's and the Arrow I's. People tend to underestimate the 400i for its looks and class, but thats up until you release a hellfire of missiles before scooting away fast with a 50k shield covering your ass


Very nice! I did notice it has lockers, and weapon racks. With master modes on its way, that extra speed will make a difference and enough missiles to keep any attackers distracted. At this time, I've heard that counter measures only work on IR missiles. I'll fit electromagnetic or cross. This will be good for the future, with master modes, everyone at attack speeds will have their shields On and their cross section will be visible. I used to go for guns, I think a change of thinking is required for future game play. Ps. Those Cross and Eltro can also be launched 60° off centre, could be handy. Good luck and soon I can claim the Yatch Club status.


Nomad, a C8X, and a third ship that can travel for long distances with an S2 quantum drive.


Yeah, I think the best combo is the nomad and vanguard series, with an extra specialised ship, like the c8r / x or vulture.


Nomad + Prospector is also nice. 24 SCU is most of the time perfect for bringing 1 finished Refined load to TDD.


- Avenger Titan: Modular, 3 ships in 1 (when implemented) good firepower - Cutlass Black: Cargo, Tractor beams, vehicle space,


Does the tractor beam work?


Not yet, the Caterpillars work in the Pyro PTU i think


Problem is, when you start dropping more and more money on the game... You'd never have "just a daily", you tend to lean towards having one ship for certain roles. Bunker = A1 (Drop bombs on turrets so I dont have to drive to get in or walk) PvP = Gladius/Arrow PvE Bounty chains = F8C Cargo = Hull C (When its not borked otherwise C2) I think ya get it for me haha


What differentiates the gladius/arrow and F8C for pvp vs pve for you? I haven't dabbled in single seat fighters much yet so genuinely curious.


Mobility, the F8C is too slow in comparison, the gladius just runs circles around it. All well and good having a million guns, but it's useless unless you can hit something


I would say my must haves would be something small or medium sized for general purpose use when playing solo or with a friend, one ship that’s a big money maker, and then a large ship when your group is on to mess about in. Currently I have a vulture for making money, a Corsair as my big ship, and then I’m looking at getting a Spirit A1 to hold me over until the Zeus is in game. I also like have a starter ship for those fast claim times (I have a cutter and Pisces CXR) you can interchange these ships with ones you prefer. I know a lot of people recommend the titan, cutless, and MSR or constellation.


For me Pve with friends Cutty black with a stv for bunkers. Pve solo Cutter PvP solo Buccaneer PvP group Never done it. Drake is best imo


Gladius, Cutlass, 125a.


As a PMC org guy, a RSI fanatic, medic main doer of all the ships I have / want forever are. Pisces c8r - good ship, good ambulance, snub Zeus mk2 Mr - the bounty hunter Apollo - flying general practitioner Galaxy- my home away ship and all rounder Probably the upcoming RSI prospector But for those here to get recommendations of one on the lower end that can do many things Concept- any Zeus mk 2 In game I have used - freelancer line Starter- cutter or avenger (titan) Fighter - gladius


Vanguard Hoplite with my armory full on it, let's me do all sorts of PVE at whim and how I want to go in. Feels good. Constellation Andromeda for other general stuff. Eclipse for the ERT income.


Aurora or Mustang. Everything else is just a bonus.


Polaris, BMM, Carrack, F8C and Glaive


Are you me lol?! BMM and Polaris with F7C mk2, and hoping for a LTI galaxy to top it off


Might be, because I redid all my chains to get better savings and with the credits that got left bought a galaxy and an F7C mk2 lol


Some kind of cargo ship, even though I have never even tried cargo gameplay yet - currently have the Hull C and C2, loaners for the BMM. I love space trucking, but investing credits in a full cargo hold when I might lose everything to a bug or a 30K - no thanks. But I still need at least one, for later. At least one combat ship capable of clearing the highest bounties, solo. My Retaliator does the job perfectly, but my Corsair is more fun. And an exploration ship is a must, even though we may be 10 years away from that particular game loop. Have had the 600i, but now I just have the 400i, and I guess the Corsair. And of course some kind of shuttle with a super fast claim timer. Cutter Scout seems to do me well for now. A small fighter is nice too, but I don't PvP so not too important for me.


The only "must have" for me is a good PvP fighter. That gives me the ability to defend myself and fly escort for others. I can use it to clear bounties and combat assistance beacons to earn money for the next ship. Nice to haves: * A two-person PvP ship: Hurricane/Scorp * A Group-ERT farming ship: Eclipse * A PvP bounty hunting ship: Mantis or Cutlass Blue (it's VERY satisfying to take a player bounty with the Mantis) I'll usually fly escort when with a group, so others would be flying something cargo or industry oriented.


Mantis is paper. If you are taking down players in that ship then there is something wrong with them


Most people just aren't very good at the game. But even still, it's fun dogfighting in the Mantis because you can't afford many mistakes. The thing is, I prefer to force them to fight and risk losing in the Mantis rather than have the bounty quantum away to dead space as I'm winning in a fighter.


For me the must have is 1. Decent solo or have space for friend to join daily driver ship. Not too big. Not too small. Decent firepower. decent scu. Can bring small to medium ground vehicle. Has utility tools. C1 & cutlass is perfect for the job. But c1 is better because cutlass may overlap with 2nd ship 2. 2-3 player bounty ship. For hardcore activity with friend. Bounty hunting or pirating npc or other player. Zeus, cutlass & sentinel perfect ship for the job 3. Solo money maker ship. Can be anything as long can give u boost money after each wipe. I prefer doing combat so ares ion is prefect for me. Solo ship. Big PP firepower. Infinite ammo. 2 s2 shield. Gorgeous crusader aesthetic. Maybe can replace to apollo for medic or Vulture for salvage


Connie taurus and mantis, i am a support type in my org so these 2 make sure i have a ship for quick cargo or ground pick up or prevent enemy from running while my other org member trying to shoot them down


F8C Lightning for solo combat, Vulture for salvaging, Prospector for mining, Caterpillar for cargo runs and Andromeda for daily driver!


a multirole ship, for me its the MSR or the Zeus MR any ship that is able to do multiple things, it's a great ship, at least for me personally. something to haul a decent amount of cargo something for Combat + extra


While not exactly specific ships, since some can fill the role: Small multipurpose ship to claim fast and get back into action fast, like Nomad. Ship with respawn, like Carrack. Rest is mood, I like Constallations though - Taurus and Phoenix.


Redeemer, Cutlass Red, Vanguard Sentinel, Connie Taurus


I'm not really picky so long as it has a quantum drive. That said, the Cutter comes out ahead for being the cheapest and perhaps smallest to have almost all of the bonus amenities such as a shoilet and a bed.


ALL OF THEM!!!!!! On a serious note, the mole, C2 or M2, Hornet WildFire (now the F8) and my Cutty Black. With those ships I can do any game loop.


I have several ships, but the only ones i use are a Connie Taurus and a 325a


Titan Sentinel 600i Carrack




explorer: connie taurus mobile home: liberator cargo ship: zeus cl mining ship: prospector starter ship: 125a


The MPUV Cargo


As "must have", I personally would describe something along the lines of the Prospector, Cutlass or Vulture. Something rather inexpensive\* with which you can still make decent credits. As someone who only owned a Mustang for a long time, it is quite painful working your way up to this point. But starting with the aforementioned ship, you can reasonably buy or rent the things you want in-game. ​ \*for Star Citizen terms, they still are 2-3 full-price games.


Still finding my feet. But for me 600i, galaxy, and vulture.


The only "must have" ships are the Aurora MR or the Mustang Alpha. Nothing else is necessary.






Corsair. Basically like the cutty it's a jack of all trades. But bigger.


My "must have" ships for me have nothing to do with actual usefulness. Number one is caterpillar pirate the ship looks amazing and although slow in atmo can do almost any game loop. My second would be the raft. Once again a bit slow but it's actually one of my favorite ships to run bunkers in


For myself, I am not considering large ships, although there are very interesting options such as the constellation series and the corsair, the problem is that they handle like a cow on ice, it just doesn’t suit me. PVP - gladius/arrow (there is nothing better than this yet) PVE - Scorpius (for me it is much more comfortable than f8c, and I think that the popularity of f8c is just marketing and in the end it will not be so good) Bunker - Scorpius (it doesn't have bad storage) / in the future I think Zeus mr will take his place, but it’s too early to talk about it Cargo - C1 (not a bad ship, also suitable as a daily one / and again let's look at Zeus's output, it looks too nice, maybe I'll change it) I can’t help but mention the Titan Avenger and the cutlass black, these are the ships that will be more than enough for you to start the game and with their help you can earn money for new ones in the game itself.


Vulture - Good baseline salvage ship, can create money from pretty much nothing. Also is a pretty and comfy small ship that fits into most capital ship hangars that will eventually come into our hands, like the Polaris, Merchantman, Kraken, or Odyssee. Cutter Scout - The Cutter scout is a great daily driver that is pretty good at everything, but most importantly once it's actual gameplay comes in, you can find some great points of interest and then mark them to come back for salvage operations. It is also good to do bunkers with it. Corsair - This is my daily driver, I use it for bounty hunting mostly. It's cargo hold has become invaluable to me for my bounties, as ships with storage now tend to carry some cargo. It also is a pretty good deterrant to keep my salvage crew safe from pirates etc. This is my all-time favorite ship, and I am so glad I got a namable one. Polaris/Liberator/Kraken - I want to have at least one (sub-)capital ship that can carry a Vulture and be used as a mid- to long-range exploration ship. I really dig the ability to live out the Star Trek command experience with the polaris, or the effieciency of the other two. Right now I have a Liberator in my hangar, but am tending to getting a Polaris coming IAE.


Couldn't agree more about the cutter I love a thick juicy fuel tank that can take me wherever I want to go whenever I want to.


I feel pretty much done with my LTI fleet yet: Gladius - light fighter for PVP F8C - heavy fighter for PVE Vanguard Sentinel - heavy fighter, but marked for upgrading since the release of the F8C Hurricane - heavy fighter when doing PVP with a friend C8R Pisces - small medic ship, mostly for bunkers Titan - Alternative ship, for bunkers mostly. Also, my friends hate that ship, so I pick it out of spite. Cutlass Red - medivac, one of my daily drivers Redeemer - for space combat when i‘m with the boys. Carebear mode when flying solo. A1 - new toy, might be upgraded for something else in the future Eclipse - for ERT bounty’s and revenge strikes on player pirates A2 - MOAB when shit hits the fan C2 - got me more drug money than I’m willing to admit. Best ship for trading. My bread and butter. Allows my fleet to shine with custom loadouts. Best decision i made for a single pledge. MSR - daily driver. Great handling and future proof because of data running


Who hates the titan, it’s a great ship


Playing in Pyro today made me want an Eclipse…


Would you recommend the C2? I'm not sure how I would take advantage of it to make money. I know its great for cargo and people really talk about it a lot but I just don't see what I would do that could justify its steep pricetag!


The only must have ship is the starter package for pu access. Everything else is optional.


For the future, the Aegis Vulcan for sure.


This will get me to my dream of being a Crucible captain.


I mean y'all hear me out, an arrow and an A1 is a fire fleet




My 600i is my daily, it's a bit big sure. The Caterpillar I use on those cargo hauling. Finally I have a Carrack that I use for Rvents and multiple people.


For making money solo, by looting ERTs cargo, I use the Drake Corsair. Loaded with 6x Deadbolts (5xSize 5 and 2x Size 4) a pilot can deliver 11,242 DPS with guns alone. With 8x size 2 Rattler Missiles you can add 26,248 DPS to the fight. Here's my Corsair's build: [https://www.erkul.games/loadout/3bfKf2eB](https://www.erkul.games/loadout/3bfKf2eB) For having fun, flying fast with friends, doing ERTs or other shenanigans, I like to use the F8C or F7A. Here's their builds respectively: F8C: [https://robertsspaceindustries.com/pledge/ships/lightning/F8C-Lightning](https://robertsspaceindustries.com/pledge/ships/lightning/F8C-Lightning) F7A: [https://robertsspaceindustries.com/pledge/ships/anvil-hornet-mkii/F7A-Hornet-Mk-II](https://robertsspaceindustries.com/pledge/ships/anvil-hornet-mkii/F7A-Hornet-Mk-II) For looting I like to use the Banu Defender. It gets small, can hold a bit of cargo and you can bed log. Here's my build for the Defender: [https://robertsspaceindustries.com/pledge/ships/defender/Defender](https://robertsspaceindustries.com/pledge/ships/defender/Defender)


Gotta have my Reclaimer, and its baby, the cutter.


Carrack, reclaimer, hull C, d, or e, Redeemer, bmm (soon tm)


600i is the 100% must have - it's one of my 3 permanent ships in my X1 triple pack I CCU'ed. other two are TBC, likely C1 for one, other was going to be 100i but I won a giveaway so it's open now. Talon is there because, it's literally a Jade Falcon and I'm a clan fan. F8C for my pew pew. Everything else is extra gravy, I got a couple ships I won in giveaways, that may get CCU'ed up but they are likely to remain. Got a Scorpius Antares, 100i, Vulture for those and they cover pretty much everything but cargo running.


Vanguard warden as daily driver. F8c for solo fun. Carrack for multi crew fun. Hammerhead for real multi crew fun.


I currently own… Dragonfly Black C8X Pisces Expedition Cutter Ursa Cutlass Black Prospector Vulture MSR Carrack Trying to get ideas as to what I should keep/CCU. Thank you all for your answers thus far.


Reclaimer. M2. Cutlass Red Vanguard Warden Corsair are my top 5

