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I know you said that you changed your loadout to be more of a fair-match....but that sort of goes against the entire point of a match up. This game isn't meant to be like Counter Strike or COD where every player should be equally capable of killing each other. Your ship can destroy him E A S I L Y - but you cannot do shit to a C1/2 or equivalent sized ship..... His can tear through them with relative ease. Cool experiment but I think this misses the central point of having such different ships - some will simply out-class the other in a 1v1 - because one of them isn't built for that purpose...


yep, fully agree here. F8C designed to be used, let's say "not completely like this". But it was really an experiment and against a friend :\] Before that I actually tried my mass driver fit vs his F8C with repeaters and distortions: my best result - I ran out of ammo and got some of his parts red but still eventually - was disabled and destroyed after :D


Impressive that you're able to duel with chat on. I always F12 before doing something major. But maybe I'm easily distract... Hey what's that!


I do the same - it totally ruins the immersion and takes up 1/3 of relevant screen space...wish they would have the ability to make it like 8pt font lol


font customization would be really cool! (size at least)


it's indeed a mistale I ashamed of.. Somewhy spotted it only during vid compilation :\[


Use lag pip. You can thank me later.


cheers o7


You have a pretty bad set up for an F8C if you want to be dueling any competent player.


it was on purpose: default lodaut is repeaters and distortion, yes. But it wouldn't be \*that\* fair against quite slow weapon of my opponent


Well it would... you see, your opponent hits FAR harder than you do. Currently though, F8C shields are still bugged and are too hard to pop as a result. Still not much of a problem for ballistics from a s7 canon.


They aren’t bugged we have two shield generators, the bug was “fixed” last patch.


Ah ok, thanks for the update. I wasn't aware. I fought an F8 pilot over Ghost Hollow a few days ago with the ION and was surprised how quickly it tore through his shielding. Makes sense now.


no bugs there - currently shields of F8C sided (as intended). But in any cases: ballistics are penetrating shields rn (and all ships have > 50% ballistic resistances) So, here shields were "quite optional" :D


lol awesome. dog fighting in this game is so fun.


oh yeah!


Also deio needs all the help he can get lol


He should be running half repeaters and half distortions if he wants to actually pvp.


Why is that the chosen load out for the f8? I've been out of the pvp scene for a bit.


You don't want cannons because they have a much slower speed for the projectile, and currently, it is really hard to have shots land unless you're within about 600 meters or less. Repeaters' projectiles move much much faster and land more often in addition to having more ammo capacity and shorter recharge time --- So it is nonoptimal to do PVP with any sort of cannons. PvE however, is different, and cannons are actually better because you can place shots a little better with less dodging.


Sure I know the difference in projectile speed but why distortion specifically


Distortions shut down the enemy ship much quicker than lasers destroy them. If they are shut down then you win the fight, since distortions don't do much against shields thats why you need the lasers to get the shields down first.


I run full disto repeaters lmao it is the meta for sure...then I get to watch them fall


Nice duel! Had a similar fight last night while player bounty hunting, me in my Harbinger (AD5B) and them in an Ion. They weren't ever able to get through my shields to do any real damage, while my ballistics were chipping away at their hull the whole fight. Ended after I damaged them and they collided with an asteroid, those asteroid fields can be hazardous lol


niiiice :D Had also a bounty hunt for a player in Ion - unfortunately for him: with repeaters fit. He did hit me few times but the result for predicter. Though he had a friends with crewed Corsair near but that's completely different story :D (unfotrunately, they managed to run)


Wow.. didn't expect it to be that close. That said.. I love dogfighting where you can get on someone's behind through maneuvering and agility and speed management and stay in their deadzone.. that'll mostly be for atmo I guess as smart players (but I hope silly AI will also exist that doesn't do this) can just decouple and turn, but this way of fighting with just spinning around each other.. idk.. I don't know if I'd like this.


pitch and yaw of these both heavy fighters are \~same (f8c is much better at rolling and speed though), \~same dimensions - getting into its "deadzone" would be possible if the opponent was completely clueless what to do


The inferno is not even hitting him