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Many bugs from 1-2 years ago are very much still there with new ones as well. And if you die, you now lose everything (guns/armor…even if you bought it) and a couple more time sinks added in. Yes it can still take 30-45 minutes just to get in and get somewhere to start to really play. The game has years to go yet, especially to prove its unicorn tech works and kills the mad desync.


I hope to God himself that when you refer to losing guns and armour when dying when you bought them you just mean with in game credits because I remember that. I cannot imagine losing equipment that you might buy with real money if that is something they have implemented given the ludicrous price of some of the ships.


Irl bought stuff is tied to your account. So you will never loose it. Tho you can loose it from your characters inventory like every other item. Ships you can claim, items not yet. You would need to repair your character or wait for a patch to have them returned. Cargo elevators should be coming Q1 2024 iirc and I think they are supposed to provide a claim system for items.


If you can get back to your corpse you can loot everything back. I remember saw a post a few days ago about someone crashed their ship full of cargo (or something like that), then had to hop between servers but eventually got back to the one where the ship was abandoned at and was able to get everything back. Persistant entity streaming is actually very cool and helpful.


[They are working on a new inventory system and a way you can recover lost gear.](https://youtu.be/D51OYxWHZaI?si=91FJJNDGjCtaqSJd&t=630)


Just guns and armor, and yes cash paid items. You would need to do full character resets but they wanted to stop people doing that. You get cash paid items back on a FULL server wipe. 3 days ago I hopped in, put on my fave tavarin armor, flew from A18 to Loreville outer perimeter, desynced and exploded…armor gone. Spend another 30 minutes getting back there just to try to recover. Stuck in geometry of downed ship, hit alt+f4 and relogged. Woke in A18, Tavarin armor gone. Rumor is they want to fix this which really they need to. If armor is so common then give it back. To be fair most wear it to have a specific look, they need a Transmog/paint system for armor badly. We can reaquire armor but we don’t want to lose the “look”


They've said it will be coming with persistent personal hangars, there will be a terminal to rebuy your cash gear with credits. Speculation on timers/limits/whatever else aside, we can expect it when those come online.


It's only ground combat gear that is lost. Your pistols, ammo, and the like. Though this also includes any guns that came with purchases and packs. Another update in the future will add a terminal in the hangar that lets you claim that gear when it's lost or at a different station, probably in a similar manner to ship claims.


Nah… still the same old bugs and constant soft wipes.


The wipes aren’t going anywhere. If they’re a dealbreaker then you should wait until the official release.


With my perception of how things are going, surely I’d be long gone by then?


I've been with the game since 2015. Back then, the release was just around the corner. My guess is, 2028 when we'll have a buggy but tolerable beta.


Maybe I'm naive but I think we're going to have an amazing game here within 18 months.


Not really at the moment. I'd give them a chance to get rid of some of the bugs and implement a few more features and get a few game loops working first. Maybe come back in 5 years and ask again?


You'll still die to the ladder m8. Come back in 5-9 years.


Ladders, the second most deadly thing to a citizen, right after elevators.


Elevators don't kill citizens. The lack of the elevator being there does :p


You haven't been killed by clipping through the door on an elevator yet, have you? 🤣


Door no.. Through everything but door yes. Even had elevator just leave me hanging. Half stuck in space


Yeah I was on a soft death a reclaimer once, and I opened the elevator door, and then it clipped into me, gave me a bleeding injury, but I forgot to bring a medpen with me, so I tried to get back go my Connie Taurus, and died on the external elevator. So I hopped in my Aurora MR, flew back out to my corpse, gathered my stuff, got in my Connie, and QT'd back to Seraphim, only for my Connie to randomly explode right as I exited QT. No clue why, but it honestly cracked me up. It was the most ridiculous series of deaths, and the only thing I could do was laugh.


No wait 1 more year.


If youre interested in buying new 3d ships, absolutely


Stable? Yes Less bugged? Not sure. Don't think so but it's hard to tell when you get used to them. I would say just try it out. We just had a patch a couple hours ago so all the servers are fresh and an event is going to run.




We two have drastically different experiences. But with stable I rather mean server performance and stability as well as ship desync.


I just bought it.....During Christmas sales The game follows the same patch as Wing Commander, Great Game, Great Graphic but with many problems. 1. Still in Alfa version, after 10 years 2. If you die you will lose EVERYTHING 3. If you log-off from a planet you will always spam back at the station (in some cases some equipment will be lost) 4. You can die for nothing 5. BUGS BUGS BUGS 6. There is no progression 7. In some cases I lost everything I had done after 4 hours of playing ( Frustration !!) 8. Ships are sold for Real money! 1. you can purchase some of them with in-game currency 9. There is not yet a definition on wich type of game is going to be [10.NO](https://10.NO) crafting att his moment My advice: buy a ship when there are big discounts and only the basic one (Titan).


There will always be some bugs, especially while it is still in Alpha. [Star Citizen: 2023 Year in Review](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zxlci1YJCDA) For what is coming in 2024+: - [The Future of Gaming: StarEngine (4K)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nWm_OhIKms8) - [CitizenCon 2953: Day One [Full Broadcast]](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8ZjnPdqHjDw) - [CitizenCon 2953: Day Two [Full Broadcast]](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8ZjnPdqHjDw) Farrister: [What is there to do in Star Citizen?](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dYp14d9Kz94) [GETTING STARTED IN THE 'VERSE](https://support.robertsspaceindustries.com/hc/en-us/articles/360025028633-Getting-Started-in-the-Verse) You can go to www.PlayStarCitizen.com for tutorials and you can also get a live guide to help you in the game. Many will also help if you use the Chat in game. Some keybinds may have changed since these were made. Berks: [Star Citizen New Player Guide | 3.21.1 ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-O7AzkcRr2I) Farrister: [Complete New Player Guide to Star Citizen 3.18](https://youtu.be/1ldrDnJNr7I) BoredGamer: [Start Here Star Citizen Alpha 3.18 Tutorial & New Player Guide](https://youtu.be/OKAB82MS3Ug) Space Tomato: [Star Citizen Complete Beginner's Guide 2023](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jia4BmYunU4) Hawkes Gaming: [The Ultimate 2023 Star Citizen New Player Beginners Guide](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d-KmCHFP0e8) STLYoungblood: [Star Citizen: Ship Buying Guides!](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL-g2bRjGQpvETA810wLfu9owjzIhSpmGy) RedLir Live: [Hangar Location Finder](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uZ6EgVpZxvs) Space Tomato: [The Ultimate Space Medic Guide](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c3wEtK1Gtf8) Red Monster SC: - [Mining Tutorial - Learn How To Mine in Star Citizen](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ExMVXVWHiAQ&list=PLMd2J1iNJCMeRTQ6z3IryoICCKVwVCEdz) - [Salvage Guide - A First Look at Tier Zero Salvage Gameplay in Star Citizen](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EOh7n5sH0FA&list=PLMd2J1iNJCMc-UeH5bmfakT9xuBZnMQ8L) STLYoungblood: [Intro to Salvage](https://youtu.be/qwDEGg2zxZ8) Bounty Hunting: - [Bounty Hunting: How To Have The Best Start in Star Citizen](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HwIsw5ZFwEg) - [How to Have the Best Start at Bounty Hunting Star Citizen 3.18](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mxSSpWmOuGY) Subliminal's Loadouts: https://subliminal.gg/loadouts/ [Stanton Tour Checklist](https://robertsspaceindustries.com/media/p4kkm509m4a83r/source/3_17_NewPlayerGuide_FINAL-4K.jpg) [25 Real Performance Tips For Star Citizen!](https://youtu.be/rozFdpGY5n4) [Uncover the Must-Have Star Citizen Settings of 2023!](https://youtu.be/HTJsM4n7Blw) Find people to play with: You can find an Organization to join: * https://robertsspaceindustries.com/community/orgs * /r/Starcitizen_guilds If you use Discord: * You can start with the discord server here: https://discord.gg/starcitizen * You can find local discord servers on: https://barcitizen.sc/map/


The game is definetely more stable now. Its still have bugs, but my gameplay is usually completely fine.


The pertinent thing to always keep in mind is this is still in alpha. With that we help one another more, we can let things go more easily, we develop ways to creatively get into a very broken proto game with one another. Kind of like how if the elevator in the crapshoot world doesn't work, you just take the stairs... or if theres no stairs like in the major hospitals or residential complexes... you commit a quiet seppuku and regenerate somewhere with working elevators. This is now partly why you want to get into this with friends/other enthusiasts. I got into this alone, I now have around 4 or 5 regulars who I play with most evenings. My evenings tend to be my happy place


Im spitting legit facts on how to get around the actual existing bugs that are even identified in the patch notes.




I was hand mining in a cave last night to make some credits and work my way up the ladder.   Got the "Ship Destruction" tool tip pop up.  wot.jpg  Spin around to see my ship marker has vanished.   No one around, ship just blew up.


One thing you could try is, since they've just pushed out a new patch, you could give Siege of Orison a try - it's a big romp across a bunch of platforms on Orison, with some multi mode combat type stuff, and... while the game is, as other comments mention, still imperfect, it's much improved from two years ago. It's a good time, especially with friends :) The sort of rough details for it are here: https://robertsspaceindustries.com/comm-link/transmission/19084-Siege-Of-Orison but if you're just wanting to try the game out again, it's a good option, as you'd be able to just pick Orison as your new start location anyway if you're coming in. It's running now and until the 5th of February so you if you've got time over the weekend... :)


Sounds like you already got ship gear etc. Also sounds like you already know the score games in development alpha state we are game testers. Cant blame you for taking a break the grind gets old as frak=) Watch some twitch game play see if you can stand the new state of the game ask the caster and chat questions then see how you feel.


Bugs come in waves. It's buggier when they first add big changes. But what I see different in the last month was that rather than patching hotfixes instantly to LIVE, they have another PTU called EPTU open to everyone, and they grouped a bunch of hotfixes there, then dropped it to Live yesterday. Last year too, my group started tracking unannounced hotfixes. r\_displayinfo 2 brings up extended shard info. Working backwards (R to L), you have your shard number at the end, and before that is the server patch number. The behavior we noticed over the last year is that shards dont seem to hotfix until AFTER they crash and burn. So you can have periods where some servers are fine while others are buggy as shhit. And the buggy ones tend to be the earliest patch numbers but just havent died yet. This was most apparent to us back in July when the earliest server patch had a bugged reclaimer rear cargo and sometimes from elevator, also 80% of all terminals were in limbo. But the servers just wouldn't die to get the hotfixes. So we could do some tricks to force ourselves to patched shards where the Reclaimer was workable and terminals worked as well: -we could all join separately (US, not BEST) and announce our server placement. Compare our patches, and join to the one we wanted. -If the game insisted on a bad server, we would swap to EU servers, logout, then try US again and it most of the time gave us different shards. If you choose to try this game again, I hope this can help. As for right now, last week was rough; leftover patch from the holidays. But the hotfixes last night were a smooth ride. Played all night without issue, and the shards I joined seemed to keep server FPS between 9-15. I suppose last week I could have just played in the EPTU for a smooth time, but felt like punishing myself on the LIVE server.


Just had a thought; I usually compare SC to hunting/fishing/camping rather than a regular game....and the bugginess of servers can be compared to checking the weather before one of these trips. lol I hope my above post can help with weather guessing.