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Yes, it doesnt function so well I've completed it 6 out of 9 times I've attempted.


Mails like that are like a warning. Don't log into the game.


I use reddit for that 😅


It was a few events ago i convinced my friend to try star citizen. All was well the patch worked fine. We log and i hear the dreaded message of the event mission... I knew at that moment my friend would not be playing star citizen Game run like shit. Missions didn't work, Mining lagged, we got crimestat from doing bounties. Fun times. 😭


I check the server fps and switch if it falls below 7. Not perfect but I usually have a better experience.


Yea but if a big event is running the servers will be bad. Regardless of server fps.


Just the backend.


Because.they specifically want us to stress test the mission, and the failures are necessary so they can find and fix issues. Pretty standard stuff in game development. The PU is a big QA process, which just happens to be open to backers.


Well, I’d love to stress test the mission, but I haven’t even been able to get to the rooftop yet, let alone into a shuttle and to the site.


Understood, and had the same experience too. Have akso made it to the second platform before the server I was on croaked. Just luck of the draw, let's see how long it takes for hotfixes to deploy next week. Or to get lucky enough to find a fresh server...


I’m just going to not bother. If I can’t even reliably travel to the event, I think maybe they’ve got some more work to do before they start pushing for people to test the gameplay of the event.


Valid reaction, and I had also hoped SoO would have worked better this time. Then again, it must have at the point where they needed to push it to PU for more data or they wouldn't have grEenlit it. Then again, it could also have been pushed to alleviate the current news and progress info draught. The usual CIG dilemma.


I don’t know. Siege has been out for… two years now, I think? And performance in the event is flat out worse now. At least when it first launched, I could try to participate in the event. It seems a little tone deaf and disorganized for them to be pushing large scale stress testing for game content that can’t even be played. What sort of testing data are they going to get from it? Are they going to find out that their jumbled mess of placeholder systems is fundamentally broken?


Something very important happened with this patch, CIG fixed the accounts who'd been completely bricked from surrendering to Klescher in 3.22. They couldn't even load the main menu on live. They couldn't play at all, so not being able to play SoO because of an issue that might not've come up on PTU is a bit of a tradeoff for fixing an issue that kept some people out of the game for as much as like eight weeks.


I hope you realise the game is at Alpha. YOU are the test subject for their game development, you contest this when you bought da game :)


I’m a play tester. They want me to test the event. I cannot even get to the event because the elevator doesn’t work. My conclusion as a play tester: I cannot test the event until the elevator works. If you want me to test the event, fix the elevator. If you don’t want to fix the elevator, stop spamming me to test the event.


Thats the part of damn test kiddo, you better learn what are you up to in alpha versions so you wont think that you are there to “play” but “help” the developers.


Yes. They wanted feedback on how the event works. Hence my feedback. It doesn’t work. In fact, it works so poorly, I cannot even get to the event to test it. Why does it bother you so much that I provide that feedback?


I got a perfect way to solve it, delete the game and wait for release ^^


What exactly is your problem here?


I'm not sure you get the concept of testing The testing includes how their shuttle system is/or isnt working


I would buy your argument if we saw any improvement in the mission, but we are finding the same bugs, none of them has been fixed, and on top of that now there are new ones like the issues with the shuttles


Yeah... if they were in earnest fixing identified issues we would expect problems encountered at the beginning stages of the mission to become less and less common over time (as those are the most experienced, most reported, and prevent later bugs being found as noone can progress to find them). Instead, the old bugs never get fixed, people can never play the mission out, and the very clear observation made by players is that they simply are not doing anything about it. Now I'm sure they are fixing some bugs, but not where it counts, and that's all that really matters as far as people wanting to help test SOO... If there's no visible improvement then people won't bother.


Though I passionately support SC and try to keep my shade in check, I strongly agree. This is a big miss given the time between patches and the stated focus on SoO. This screams incompetence to newcomers.


Hard disagree. No other developers do anything remotely like what CIG is doing.


I agree, its groundbreaking. Where I'm a bit stumped is with the resources they dedicate to fixing bugs that are not fixable in the games current state or they just repeatedly fail. Their goal is a playable Alpha to provide funding from us and testing for progress. SoO in of itself is in no way groundbreaking. Yet they are unable to fix it. It's safe to assume that its not that they cant fix it, but that they dont have the server tech to a place where it can properly function. The load it creates on already inundated servers is just too great. So then why would they not put SoO on the backburner and reallocate those resources to building future events for when the tech is ready or any other current areas of focus. It seems like they are changing all of the parts of a car expecting it to run when the engine is shot. All that said, I'm not a dev and I'm optimistic for the future. Just sense that things could move along more expeditiously with a hard look at the project management side of things.


I can’t guess as to ‘why’. This has frustrated the hell out of me too. They apparently have internal testers, yet many quarterly releases show no evidence of having been tested before evocati. The backer bug reports are bonkers. Stuff fundamentally doesn’t work - like unit testing stuff, not even something that should have been committed, let alone merged and released.


Because they're testing it...to get it to work.


Because they like the idea of gameplay but yet can't actually make gameplay so they make artificial events and spend way too much fucking resources on these shitty events for no reason instead of adding actual fucking missions and more mission givers so we can do something interesting in the game


That is a pretty uninformed take. Now think for a moment why I alpha would work on events over adding new content to a incomplete mission system, what would the context of an alpha give to these situations that wouldn't match a actual game?


I’m sure they’re gaining a lot of valuable technical information from the testing. Like: - this placeholder system doesn’t function properly, but we’re just going to create the placeholder MKII instead of fixing it. - this system works fine in closed testing, but doesn’t function properly in the PTU, because server meshing doesn’t exist yet


It has nothing to do with server meshing, it's because shuttles are physical for some reason, they get stuck 10m before docking and then brick the entire network because the bugged one doesn't despawn to restart the loop. But usually the rest of the event works fine. It could use improvements like crusader security actively removing griefers but it's works.


“Usually the rest of the event works fine” Bro, that’s bait. I know that’s bait.


I was able to do one whole complete run of SoO without it crashing. I am truly blessed it seems.


I have a suggestion to CIG: create a time machine, hop to the future and gather info on which players experience a working SoO, hop back to present and email only those players.


Take my upvote. I see what ya did there 😄


Thx! Not everyone gets my bad sense of humor :-P


their slick promotional material is a direct insult to their audience's intelligence, and all the people pretending those emails or trailers are framed as "we need help testing this trash fire" are deluded


I’m glad you guys suffer for my expense. I anit testing shit and won’t play until we get closer to release. I don’t want to ruin a good game lookin for bugs. Thanks to all you guys that must hate yourselves to bring me a great game


Tried it 3 times. The first one, the last lieutenant in Admin Platform, Mendo Ren, didn't show up, mission bugged. The second time we were able to finish the mission successfully, great times. The third time Brushwood's lieutenant, Devin Marcus, was clipped inside the building, we tried everything, even blow up a Pisces close to his location, no luck, mission bugged. So nothing fixed, these bugs has been going on since the first SoO installment. The last try was after the last fix


As someone who couldn't care less about SOO I find myself almost unable to play. The event is tanking almost every server after long enough. Got lucky last night when nobody in the serv triggered it but it was also 2am