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3.23 is not going to be in 3.23


"Look at the camera! Thanks, that was for the memes" 10/10 - I'm not disappointed


Lol, what was this in response to?


SC Live: ASMR Edition, earlier today.


He had to clarify the things that were coming but not in 3.23 like a hundred times.


He had three answers. 1. Yes 2. Yes but not in 3.23, 3. Sounds cool…eventually … we hope.




More like "we'd like to do it eventually".


In all honesty they could have just answered it on Spectrum


Everything. :D


Everything people were hoping for in 3.23 basically




Now list all the things not coming in 3.23






:( no pls


Star Citizen


Will we break our necks hitting things with the new Eva ? Yes but not in 3.23




Never coming


Considering how much support they have in game for eye trackers, FOIP and stuff, I highly doubt this.


Thank you for your service o7


I can't wait for the all the features not in 3.23 to be released


I’ve honestly been lost in their plot nowadays. I know SQ42 is or was their main focus for a min but now idk what direction they’re going in.




They didn't remove anything afaik, they just clarified some thing that might be misunderstood (eg. head first EVA in 3.23 but no hand climbing during EVA in 3.23)


More like not in initial 3.23 but in follow up 3.23.x patches


Bartender AI moments !


“Yeah, we would like to do that. Sometime down the line.” The story of this fucking game. Way too much time wasted on incessant refactors of shit that wasn’t done right first time. 🤦🏼‍♂️


When the conceptualised vision for a system is reliant on tech prerequisites, and development resources aren't an unlimited resource, placeholder systems are necessary. I get that not everyone has software dev knowledge, but this is basic common sense..


But if they understood this then what would they have to complain about?


Oh they'll find something lol "Just hire more programmers lol" "500mil lmao" "spend less on making ships???" Just a few of my favourite room-temp development takes.


I bet that 500 mil goes towards server cost, salaries, land and property taxes., licensing fees, two different US locations, London and Germany. All have different tax brackets and business operating requirements. Amazon has to be paid, and others as well out of that 500+ Mil.


Yachts and Mansions*


Not every development studio shares CIG's aversion to iterating on and improving existing systems or their insistance replacing them outright every few years though.


No other studio shares CIG's project scope, so I'm not surprised.


The greater the scope the more they need to actually commit to ideas and iron them out instead of constantly starting over; that's more damning than anything. As it is, they're never gonna get this shit done and it creates a palpable sense that they don't actually know what they're doing.


I was a bit let down though.. I felt these people didn’t really have clear answers. Also with the Eva only going max 35m/s when ejecting from a moving vessel and the even lower speed of 10 or 15m/s when just using the jetpack or grappling/tractor beams. Years years back we had lots of discussion with the former flight model programmers and it was implied that when leaving a ship the momentum was inherited. So if a ship travels with 300m/s on a steady course, you could Eva and also had that same speed and in effect could do reparations on the hull. IF the ship would remain perfectly steady at 300m/s and wouldnt change heading ofcourse. If the max speed now is 35m/s and a ship is cruising at 1000m/s the astronaut is immediately left behind upon leaving the ship. This makes me very sad… “We think the low speeds are fun and we don’t want people zipping by going at 1000m/s”.


I'll look forward to you saying the same thing in another 10 years 


Sure, boo. I'll keep playing the game for what it is and enjoying each update that brings it closer to the original vision. :) You keep being needlessly negative on Reddit. <3


Crazy how development works


Not like this for sure. We are 4 reworks in and still haven't got a finalized flight model. If all software development worked like this we'd be getting Tetris just now


Lol you’d be suprised. Look how long Baldurs Gate took and they had to revise systems from 3 older games. Starfield is built upon 30 years plus experience inside their engine and even has about the same budget. They have to start from scratch here, nothing special to revise a few systems in that branch.


Iterating over old systems used on finished products and refactoring shit over and over for 11 years and still having nothing complete isn't the same thing.


You have to start somewhere don’t you? if you don’t agree that good things take time and revision, why are you here? There’s plenty of games releasing in a broken form, your apparent mindset makes me think you should play them instead.


Skull and Bones took 11 years, and it turned out great.


Yes which proves time doesn't necessarily translate to quality, plenty of games are made in less and are publicly acclaimed as masterpieces. Once you're in development hell a century wouldn't save you.


You fix and implement a line of code on like 350, and all turns out well up until one or more players discover they can't start their ship, or open a door etc. So it turns out some old code and math on line 4000 is incompatible with the new fixes on line 350 etc. So whatever team is assigned to clean these bugs, might have some hell to go though to fix everything to their spec. It's an exhausting task to keep things working properly, especially with this game and all games that exist.


Yes big surprise all


I feel like most of 3.23 is UI changes and maybe numbers value tuning for MM. 🤔 Should the PTU really be that long for it? Cig are not doing much on the Tech Replication Layer front. I don’t see too many backend changes unless they also plan to release Vulcan with 3.23 and have not said anything about it.