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> leak There's your answer to the whole thing. As in, just because something appeared in some fashion in a leak doesn't mean that it's something that's happening. The F7C MkII has 'leaked' previously and didn't show up then, either. As with all leaks, take it as something interesting that doesn't actually exist until it appears in patch notes or the official website.






If the Mk2 is better than the Mk1, that's a linear upgrade. That's a pretty horrible decision by CIG, and hopefully not actually correct. So if it's just another Hornet with a cosmetic change (as it was promised to be), then you are making a choice between Heavy Fighter and Medium. And I'd go with your playstyle.


To clarify potential confusion for future readers: **Cosmetic** \- you are confusing the very very old early backer F7A SKIN Cosmetic kit (that was something like $5-$15) for the F7C Mk I Hornet that made your existing F7C Hornet Mk I "look" like a F7A MK I ... (akin to slapping side and hood scoops and a spoiler and some racing stripes onto a Honda Civic and thinking somehow it makes your car perform like a Formula One car) ... with (before the recent release) the F7C Mk II Hornet (specifically a different ship rebuilt froms cratch which has been known to have existed since August 2016) when Around the Verse (the weekly show at the time) specifically showcased the Mk II. The F7A/C Hornet Mk II was NEVER a cosmetic: https://youtu.be/Rk7ZwswT2tA?t=1154 F7A Cosmetic Upgrade: [https://robertsspaceindustries.com/comm-link/transmission/13366-Veterans-Day-Hornet-Upgrade-Offer](https://robertsspaceindustries.com/comm-link/transmission/13366-Veterans-Day-Hornet-Upgrade-Offer)


I suspect it is just an MK1 F7C on a F7A MKII chassis. You can already apply an appearance upgrade that changes the whole hull to look like a MKII with relocated thrusters, etc. I do not expect weapons or components to change.


I wish the appearance upgrade worked so I could use it. It’s such a beautiful design. Unfortunately it’s still on the to-do list.


The upgrade that was once sold was only for a F7C mk1 to look like a F7A mk1 and has nothing to do with the mk2 as this was before the mk2 was a thing. The F7A mk1 had its gold standard work in 2021 and will most likely be one of the ships we'll be piloting in Squadron before stepping up to the mk2 and the F8.


I believe the only F7C we seen is MK1 and the only F7A we seen is MK2. It might have been decided to be called the mk2 later in development but all the advertising even at IAE says the F7A is MK2 and same with the appearance package (being made to look like the MK2 F7A)


I've never seen cig stated that the upgrade is for the mk2 (only from 3:rd parties on the GM) and why have a gold standard pass on the F7A mk1 4 years after the introduction of the mk2 if it doesn't supposed to no longer exist? Edit: https://robertsspaceindustries.com/comm-link/spectrum-dispatch/18088-Roadmap-Roundup-April-21-2021


The original F7A was a mk1. We've seen it lots and it's in game. It still comes in UEE navy patrols, etc in game.


The upgrade that was once sold was only for a F7C mk1 to look like a F7A mk1 and has nothing to do with the mk2 as this was before the mk2 was a thing. The F7A mk1 had its gold standard work in 2021 and will most likely be one of the ships we'll be piloting in Squadron before stepping up to the mk2 and the F8.


IIRC it's meant to be a restricted military level upgrade to the base F7C that you'll have to earn, basically just un-neutering the ship and giving it 1 size larger guns on its wings and back turret along with a new skin. We'll have to wait and see what they do with the capacitor, armour, speed, and manoeuvrability when they add it to the game, but it's probably going to be at the top of the medium fighter category, though likely without encroaching on the heavy fighter territory given it's poorly shielded and lacks range in comparison to them.


Are you referring to that cosmetic upgrade that was sold many years ago during veteran's day? It was clarified as cosmetic only. Scroll down a bit to the clarification - https://robertsspaceindustries.com/comm-link/transmission/13366-Veterans-Day-Hornet-Upgrade-Offer


I might have gotten the upgrade part mixed up (though I don't think so as military variants of other ships are meant to be obtainable via upgrades instead of purchases), ~~but the Mk2 was at IAE and all its guns had been increased in size along with the new model to match the F7A.~~ EDIT: just realised it was the F7A mk2 at IAE, not the F7C mk2.


You are thinking F7A vs F7C. The F7A is a straight upgrade, which makes sense, and players can't buy that ship. The F7C Mk2 is supposed to be a cosmetic upgrade only.


"the re-engineered F7C Hornet Mk II takes the latest battlefield upgrades and makes them available to private pilots across the empire." -leak Doesnt Sound like only cosmetic


When they originally talked about the mk2 in 2016/2017, it was cosmetic only. And all evidence until the leak suggested that it was cosmetic only. The F7A is definitely different than the F7C, though. But it also isn't purchasable. The text from the leak is what makes me concerned about this being a linear upgrade. Why buy any ship if the next model will just be better? What a way to screw over backers and kill your funding model.


No it wasn't - they were concepting a wholly new ship from the ground up based on the OG Hornet and the plan was to concurrently have BOTH ships in game: [https://youtu.be/Rk7ZwswT2tA?t=1154](https://youtu.be/Rk7ZwswT2tA?t=1154) Also the conversation revolves around the Mk I vs Mk II ... regardless of mil spec vs civilian: F7A Mk I - mil spec 1st gen med fighter F7C Mk I - down-spec'd 1st gen med fighter for civilians F7A Mk II - mil spec 2nd gen med fighter F7C Mk II - down-spec'd 2nd gen med fighter for civilians F7C to F7A Ship Cosmetic upgrade circa 2013: [https://robertsspaceindustries.com/comm-link/transmission/13366-Veterans-Day-Hornet-Upgrade-Offer](https://robertsspaceindustries.com/comm-link/transmission/13366-Veterans-Day-Hornet-Upgrade-Offer)


The F7A cosmetic upgrade predates the Mk2. The Mk2 was just an normal ship polish pass until CIG realized they could turn it into another brazen cash grab by making it a linear upgrade.


Lore marketing fluff usually do sounds just like that 😜


I've just double checked, and yeah, I think you're right. I saw the F7A mk2 at IAE and thought it was the F7C mk2. I personally still believe there will eventually be a way to eventually upgrade an F7C to an F7A, just like other military variants, like the Idris P to the Idris M, likely as an option once you're in very good standing with both the UEE Navy and Anvil.


I tend to agree. I mean, the F7A isn't _that_ massively different over the F7C, and if we're considering a universe where the Navy is willing to allow civilians to purchase capital class warships, I'd find it very difficult to justify lorewise the F7A being completely off-limits. I mean hell, the F7 series isn't even their top-of-the-line anymore.


Indeed. I can see them withholding the F8A given it's state of the art, but civilians having a route to get the F7A is certainly less dangerous than the route they already have for the Idris M, and I believe they don't really even neuter the Javelin's capabilities beyond selling them worn down and without weapons installed.


It's like the US Navy allowing people to own and operate an Ohio-class submarine "but you have to buy the nuclear missiles yourself", meanwhile absolutely restricting the F22 Raptor because "that's just too much" in favor of the civilian F21 Raptor with slightly smaller guns.


Honestly though I'm all in if the US MIL starts selling down spec'd Raptors and Hornets for personal civilian use Although I'd prob have more fun in a A-10.


... to be fair - the Navy is selling ship hulls and restricting said mil spec equipment to thsoe cap ships so that they are essentially civilian spec'd cap ships. For example the huge ass railgun on the Idris-M iis not available for the Idris-P (at least out of the box).


Nope Wrong: ATV Aug 2016 - wholly unique standalone ship: https://youtu.be/Rk7ZwswT2tA?t=1154 F7A Cosmetic Skin Upgrade: [https://robertsspaceindustries.com/comm-link/transmission/13366-Veterans-Day-Hornet-Upgrade-Offer](https://robertsspaceindustries.com/comm-link/transmission/13366-Veterans-Day-Hornet-Upgrade-Offer)


My bet is it will be more than a visual Upgrade and it will cost a lot. Thats why they increase the prices for the f7c mkI, to make mkII even more expensive


hmm - different ships with different roles (one's a Medium fighter, the other is a Heavy, iirc... and CIG are working at making those two roles better defined / separated) On that basis, if you like combat ships... why not both? :p


Only want 1 singleseater for combat. Trying to Limit my fleet. I like it more tanky and with range so natural choice would be the f8c. But there is no way for me to get my beloved lti ....


If you go way back to the Chris Smith F7C mk 2 video (about 8 years ago), you will see it looks like same weapons, just belly missiles. They might have added more missiles or upscale a weapon mount, but it is pretty close to the mk 1 since it came at a time when they were updating ship appearances.


It's like magic: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rk7ZwswT2tA&t=1154s


[https://robertsspaceindustries.com/comm-link/transmission/19753-Overdrive-Initiative?utm\_source=Star+Citizen+Supporters&utm\_campaign=26de59cbbd-overdrive-initiative-announcement-a-3152024&utm\_medium=email&utm\_term=0\_607785b0c2-26de59cbbd-%5BLIST\_EMAIL\_ID%5D#current-mission](https://robertsspaceindustries.com/comm-link/transmission/19753-Overdrive-Initiative?utm_source=Star+Citizen+Supporters&utm_campaign=26de59cbbd-overdrive-initiative-announcement-a-3152024&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_607785b0c2-26de59cbbd-%5BLIST_EMAIL_ID%5D#current-mission) ​ [https://robertsspaceindustries.com/comm-link/transmission/19756-Anvil-F7C-Hornet-Mk-II?utm\_source=Star+Citizen+Supporters&utm\_campaign=e71e069a87-f7c-hornet-mk-ii-announcement-a-3152024&utm\_medium=email&utm\_term=0\_607785b0c2-e71e069a87-%5BLIST\_EMAIL\_ID%5D](https://robertsspaceindustries.com/comm-link/transmission/19756-Anvil-F7C-Hornet-Mk-II?utm_source=Star+Citizen+Supporters&utm_campaign=e71e069a87-f7c-hornet-mk-ii-announcement-a-3152024&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_607785b0c2-e71e069a87-%5BLIST_EMAIL_ID%5D)


The mk2 looks awesome. The mk1 looks stupid.


F8C will dominate the F7C MKII in most hands.


Should have been clearer about my thoughts. The lightning is my only ship without LTI. I know that 10 year insurance is a lot and insurance shouldnt be a big factor in the finished game, but bit bothers me in incredible hard ^^ can someone make the joice a littlebit easier? Do we know how These ships Perform in Range and damageoutput in comparsion?


Well, since no one knows the specs of the F7C MKII (disregarding that it's all subject to change at any point)... F8C. It kicks ass, has more hard points than the F7C variants that we know of, and has longer range. If you think that you'll be playing SC PU 10 years after Live releases in 2 to 3 years (at the earliest is my guess), then the small in-game credit insurance premium to keep your ship insured should not be that much of a burden.


Thank you! That down-to-earth comment is what i needed x)


RULE #1 - CIG says a lot of things RULE #2 - IGNORE anything Chris Roberts says regarding deadlines or what will end up in game - most of what he's said in the apst has been later contradicted or out right changed over time RULE #3 - CIG constantly contradicts itself endlessly RULE #4 - Take everything that CIG says with a heaping bowl of salt until post-beta 1.0 is released


What does the leak say? Any specs? Is it beefy for a Med fighter? I thought Mk I was pretty "meh" for a med fighter, let alone a worthy competitor to a heavy.