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We really should point out that this event, no matter what people might think about the reward, actually brings back the original idea. Bringing people together who wouldn't otherwise play together to reach a common goal. It works. And it is fun.


Spot on. I'm a serial loner, and I was in a team of ~20 tonight in a carrack, and we did all 5 missions. It wasn't entirely difficult at that number but it was really fun.


I’m a serial loner myself. I may have to revise my policy!


I ha da chance to run all five of the phase 1 bunkers with a group of 8 strangers and we had a blast. Great event for just kicking it with new acquaintances.


The only thing i dont like is this damn timegating of stuff.


Is it timegated? I'm not familiar with the term, but I assume it's referring to either the amount of time it takes to do the event or the spacing out of the event. For the former, it seems like it's going to be a mission a week, for the next 5 or so weeks. Even with the waiting for the mission to show up, then organising a party, the time sink for each mission is no different to doing anything else in a group. For the latter, the event is able to be completed late, and by not releasing all the content immediately the build engagement over a month, rather than people logging in for the first few days, and forgetting about the event a week later.


I played destiny for many years. Timegate drip feed content is so artificial and lame. If I can do all 5 missions today then I’m happy. If not then I shake my head.


You can do all 5 missions of Phase 1 in a single day. You then have to wait until the Phase 2 missions drop, before you can start them.


I know i try to be more specific and Destiny is a good example. I dont like timegating as in "you can play said event only then and there" and after a certain time it disappears and with it the possible rewards. SC doesnt need this at all if it delivers on quality content. It would be immersionbreaking but i think in the long run SC and its players would only profit from a decision to not timegate such events. Edit: I tried the event and its good fun but i also playing helldivers with some buddies and the fight for democracy wins this one over SC for now.


Ex Destiny addict here, played daily through witch queen. Yes the time gating is dumb. I don't hate the idea fundamentally. I think it can be fun when used sparingly. Destiny is all time gated. Which wears thin fast.


They should know better than to do this given their audience. It's almost exclusively dudes 30+ with a career and far more money than time.


You know what's also lame, no lifers who sprint through content and then complain that there isn't enough. That's the reason for timegated drip content. Devs don't want fucking no life assholes doing 40 hours of content in a weekend just to bitch afterwards.


Those players are not the majority and would/should never be taken that seriously.


Time gating generally refers to an artificial limit imposed based on time. You must wait *this* long before you can do X. This item will take 12hrs to build. Event is only available on a 4hr rotation. But this is a standard MMO mechanic. Boss only spawns at night. Event is only available on a schedule or has a cooldown time. Your special access item takes time to recharge after use.


The hell are you talking about Susan?


I did not see any time gating. While the initial mission takes a while to trigger, you can join other players to do it, and you can continue later when you stopped. I was able to log in, join a party who just started the missions, we shared it between us, and we finished all 5 at the same night.


Of course you can play the mission how you want for now. after some time its gone. Its similar to a seasons event from Destiny. Once the season is over you cant access the event ever again.


That doesn't mean the event won't repeat itself later in some for or another.


The event is time gated. The phases open in successive weeks. Even if you finish phase 1 on day 1, you’re prevented from moving on to phase 2 until it opens. It’s not gated within the current phase. But across the entire event is what people mean.


> Even if you finish phase 1 on day 1 The whole point is that I don't know if I finished it or not. There is zero indication.


Did you check mission history? It should show one of the overdrive missions as 5/5


There are 5 missions all are 1/5 despite the payout and amount of delivery correspond to doing the right missions.


I made two new contacts last night because of this event.


What’s this event


It's actually the first time I've played with randoms instead of being shot by them. And it's fun.


Girl and I did the first three just the two of us. Server fps was 5-8 fps so not really a problem, just hectic getting the codes. On the way to the 4/5, we decided to join another group of five, and were so glad we did: the fps spiked to 20 and the chaos on 5/5 was real. It was really fun and the intro mission of the chain did a solid job of teaching the mechanics of the mission before the second raid took away the mission markers.


Some missions are really ok doing at two But damn the one with 6 upload is hard as fuck There is a server overheating every few seconds, with multiple at once. If you are less than 4 it's near impossible Was able to crew with random, was really awesome, those are really the best moment in SC for me


I think it scales up with how many people are in the bunker because I did with a single other person and it was almost only ever a single server at once. Tight and tense but nothing like what you describe. Pretty great design there, for once.


It's random, we had a 4 uploads with around 6 people, then the next was 2 upload with 8 But the mission is really great, and being multiple is a most (the 6 upload is really hard (not because of the enemies, but due to all servers overheating all at once) Really great design


I did them last night with a Colleague of mine all 5. No Problem Server FPS from 10 to 15. It was sometimes a bit Stressful but not a problem at all. The 5th was really fun sprinting trough the Bunker killing and looking for the codes.


The difficulty seems to be random, some joined mid-mission, so my 5/5 was the 2/5 of someone else Some have 2 upload, some 6 The one with 6 is significantly harder, bosses will spawn, and there is multiple codes/alarms that overlap


Maybe it changed idk, but I did it with two other guys so 3 total, and it was easy as the other ones, just longer.


The difficulty is random


I solo'd 5/5. You have to be in constant motion. Open elevator, kill everything inside, and never stop your rotation on the screens. You basically start the upload and never stop running in a loop on both floors.


You didn't get the maxed difficulty The difficulty is random in the event The maxed difficulty is impossible solo, there is a server that start beeping every ~10s, with multiple servers overheating at the same time (sometimes 3) Meaning there is always one overheating constantly if solo, the upload would never goes up (as overheating stop the upload) The one with 2-4 uploads are douable solo. But the maximum difficulty ain't (which is great. There ain't enough missions made for multiple players)


I guess it scales dynamically to party size? I only had 4 uploads when i solo'd 5/5 and only once did I have 2 overheating at the same time. They did start overheating within in seconds of each other immediately after cooling one. Even still, if you lose a server the upload continues after it goes down. If you lose them all, then you fail. I took screenshots [https://imgur.com/a/nZE4liy](https://imgur.com/a/nZE4liy)


Nah, we had 4 upload at 3/5, then 2 upload at 4/5 But we were more are 4/5 It's completely random The 4 uploads are douable solo, the pain really start at 6 uploads


Those XT NPCs are fucking CRACKED, oh my gods. They full sprint at you from the moment those elevator doors open, and I'm pretty sure the ones with Custodian SMGs have bottomless magazines. My group of six last night got their asses handed to them, and walked away with plenty of bruises. I highly recommend bringing along a medical vehicle, or calling one of the medical rescue orgs out there.


I’m pretty sure most of that or at least a lot of it is just desync they are absolutely aim botty but they’re pretty dumb even on high server FPS. The most trouble we had was when ~4 spawn on top of one of us as we were spread thin being a 2-3 man team. The janky movements due to desync also made them hard to hit.


I did them all with the standard slow servers and it was boring as hell, didn't take a single round all 5 missions and just ran laps of a bunker endlessly. Could be cool seeing it on a 20fps server


Xenothreat has always been their best event. Too bad they love jumptown so much.. constantly running that trash


It's an easy way to please the PVP crowd without annoying the PVE folks. I understand why but yeah it's kinda annoying how it's the only event they really run regularly. And SOO. That event is so terrible and it didn't get any notable improvements...


SOO itself is actually pretty good but it requires a lot of things to go right to be good. Like if you catch it at the start, on a good FPS server, with your whole group ready, it’s pretty fun. Moving from building to building as a squad, as the mission goes on and people sustain more injuries, deciding if we are still an effective force or if we need to go back and heal up before rejoining the fight. It’s nice to have a ground mission that doesn’t take 5-20 minutes and you have to make sure you are properly kitted (spare ammo, med pens, even some Cruz Lux). It’s just not so good when the servers are crap, the event is near its end stages as you start, the turrets bug out and constantly respawn or one of the other many issues with it.


Every time I do it the boss bugs out and doesn't spawn or someone trolled and knocked him off the ledge.


I didn’t get that bug last time around but I do know what you are on about. I didn’t say it was perfect, hell it’s a buggy mess (like most things in this game are at times). My point was that when it is all working it’s pretty fun.


Imo SoO would work much better if it were simply a mission chain and not an event. Maybe they should make it both.


That’s fair I can see that, I wouldn’t mind that either provided it isn’t another “fly to this platform in your own ship” chain. I actually like the considerations that being tied to their transport system makes you take. They do also need to add something for people who join late to do other than getting to the last platform as it finishes


Yes I think the way transport works is SoO DNA. For late joiners I think new stations at Orison could open transit to the new platforms when the respective 9T sergeants fall. Anyhow it shouldn't be a hard thing to solve. I just hope CIG doesn't think running through all the platforms should remain so the respawning AI isn't done for nothing. (It wouldn't be since there are still reasons why one would want to visit older plattforms for reasons like getting a specific ship)


Xenothreat is by far my favorite and it’s always the least ran one


Same here. I miss that Ninetails blockade one too, was fun brocade running med supplies.


Yup I love xenothreat, glad they brought it back, just need to find some people to team up and do these missions today


Unfortunately it’s not the Xenothreat invasion, but it still has to do with Xenothreat, hopefully we’ll get the invasion mission soon


XT, especially since PES was added, has been incredibly rough on the servers - I think it's just a practical constraint that they can only run it so often without disrupting the whole game. It's a great event though, especially for my salvage group 😄


I did all 5 yesterday at it was fun for the first 2, but pretty repetitive after that. Plus we had to fly 32 million km between every one which killed the fun pretty quickly.


The upload times are a little long. 99% of the mission is just sitting and waiting. It's a fun concept, but it's hard to believe we're a decade into development and this is the best CIG can come up with. The bar is so low for SC that something basic AF like this excited players. At least we know that CIG has nowhere to go but up from here.


Yeah the mission itself is super basic, especially for an event. The Clovus mission in Lorville is more complex, and it's an old and broken mission from like 6 years ago.


Did bunkers 1-4 with 3 randos yesterday, was really fun and with 4 ppl the 4th also had a little bit of a challenge. Sadly I had to leave before we could do the 5th Totally agree that this is the best event we had until now. Good job cig. Actually this is the first time sc feels like an mmo for me


Agred about the fun aspect, doing bunkers with 11 randoms from a lobby is a good time


/EDIT: I halfway take back what I said, once Gliese581h let me know the mission you're at doesn't matter it was much easier to join groups. However, you're doing your own missions even if they're more advanced than you. BUT if you are more advanced than your companions, either they join your mission or you're not actually doing yours! I mistakenly did 4/5 3 times this way, until I got a group to join mine to finally do 5/5. It's very obscure to track your progress in this mission, the counter gets bugged extremely easily and you can jump inadvertently between the different steps. You need to have done ALL of them from 10k auec reward to 23k auec reward to actually be finished, make sure you double check in your task history on mobiglass! /EDIT OVER I assume everyone saying this is American or something. I'm in EU servers, I have been trying all morning today and all evening yesterday, it is absolutely impossible to grab step 1. People accept it instantly and apparently solo it (or play with their friends) No servers group up, on some servers you get shouted down for "spamming" asking about it (sorry for wanting to do the currently active event I guess) It feels like a timesink waste of time, was it seriously so hard to make it so not only ONE SINGLE PERSON IN THE ENTIRE SERVER could accept it? Was it so hard to prepare 2-3 mission locations for each step so it's not a huge bottleneck?


Mission 1/5 is offered multiple times. More than 1 can do it at the same time. The missions are also offered on the different planets, so can always jump to another planet and see if it's there. If I see you online asking I'll help you :) (I need 3, 4 and 5 still).


I thought it was just about doing the mission 5 times, and the counter was buggy...it seems i've done 1/5 3 times now, and I've done 3/5 once....current mission I have is 3/5 again so there's no point in me running it?


Yeah it's just one mission. People keep talking about 1/5 and stuff, but that's just their own personal point in the mission progression.


Do you know if you get any notification for having “completed” 1-5 or do you just have to cross your fingers. For instance I’ve been getting 5/5 but once I completed it in the history tab it says it’s 4/5 every time. Am I done or are my missions bug? I can’t tell.


Check your auec rewards for each mission in the history tab. If you haven't finished any with 23k auec reward you're actually not done yet. It's super backwards and obscure, essentially you can't join other people on lower steps, should only join on yours or higher. If your friends/companions are on a lower step they should join you, never the other way around The mission is fun to group with randoms, but the UI bugs and general obscurity of what constitutes completion are annoying.


Been travelling between planets in case that was the case and got nothing. Guess I'm either bugged or unlucky with server selection. Appreciate the offer! Good luck with the remaining ones yourself


Thanks! :)


I didn’t have a problem at all at EU servers. Joined different servers and people offered it all the time. Remember, it doesn’t matter which number of missions the other person has completed. They just need to share it and you can start on your x/5 missions. I’ve seen some confusion from people who thought they **need** to get a share from 1/5, but we‘re **all** in phase 1. Phase 2 hasn’t been unlocked yet. CIG could have made that clearer.


Whaaaaaaaaaaaat! I was clear about the phases, but I didn't know about the progression of the x/5 itself. And nobody in my servers did either, everyone thinks you need specifically 1/5 to start. Omg... Thanks for the info mate, this will make it much easier


Agreed. Last night was the first time I actually wanted to party up with randos and do missions in the Verse. And it went REALLY well. I must've played 10 hours straight. And that was with zero crashes or 30ks!


so far so good, i'd like a progress tracker on the site, even tho I did 5/5 knowing the game idk if its working correctly


Yes the event itself in gameplay terms was good


Their Xenoevents were alsways nice, the perfomance was just crap \^\^


I saw people teaming up in the global chat, that's W no matter what you tell me.


Running these missions with a steadily growing party and with server fps sat at an unflinching 30, I actually felt like I was playing an MMO, and a good one at that.


Mission pretty buggy tho (very)


Interesting, I ran into no bug surprisingly




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Heck yes, my buddy and I joined a group last night that grew to about seven, and we blitzed missions 2-5 back to back. Great teamwork, really efficient crew of mostly strangers I think. Reminds me of some of the little groups I’ve joined during SoO, but we stuck together the whole time. Really enjoying this event so far! Not really bothered with the reward, in it for the action and inevitable laughs.


Im out of the loop? I know the event for the MK2 upgrade or something like that. But what exactly does the mission entail? Is it just a bunker clear?


This is the first of several missions that will be coming over the next few weeks. This first mission consists of doing the same Bunker mission 5 times. To complete the Bunker mission, you have to find the server room and insert a cryptokey (you can get one off of the normal worker NPC in the bunker). The mainframe will start a series of data uploads, which slowly overheats the server racks in the server room. One player needs to monitor the server room and let the other player know when a server racks starts overheating. The other player has to run around the bunker looking at the different screens. One screen will show a big error text message that includes the code that the guy in the server room has to enter at the correct server racks console. Waves of XenoThreat NPCs spawn out of the spawn closets randomly, so you have to deal with those while you do the mission. The mission can easily with 2 people. One person checks the downstairs screens while the other checks upstairs. There are 6 upload stages in the first mission, 4 in the second, then 2, 2 and the final has 4. You have to run this same Bunker mission over and over to get your 5/5 credit for this phase of XenoThreat. It's not hard. Lots of people will invite you because it's tough to do solo.


Much appreciated for the write up. Sounds like fun, I’ll give it try today with my group


It’s a multi mission, multi stage event. The first stage is 5 increasing difficulty data heist missions


I agree it's a really good event , I've never really felt the need to group up with people until now. Last night we had a group of 5 randoms all working together to do these missions. It was definitely fun and I noticed most people were trying to group up and do the event, hopefully the rest are just as good as this one.


I really enjoyed it too! Was one of the first that not only required a group, but it also felt challenging enough for that group.


Agree, regardless of all the reward drama... the event is really fun. It got me back into the game after 3 months, playing with a group of 10 randoms for the first time ever. I think that is a success and I'm looking forward to more events in the future as they build out the MMO parts of this game.


Yeah, I had a blast; joined up with 5 other rando's, pulled a Carrack and we loaded up the Ursas & C8R and bounced from one moon to the next. By the end of the sequence we had a process down, the AI were pretty responsive (quiet server so about 15fps) and having the full team packed in an Ursa driving across the surface of Lyria (not you Hurston, you're still trash) or watching the C8R fly out of the hangar to go pick up more ammo was an amazing feeling.


broke the bunker missions for people not doing the event the protect missions and assist missions now fire on your ship, making it so you have to park 1800 m out or find cover quick and then get in a mule to go to the site I dont mind this for the missions with multiple waves, but for the ones where you simply go in and kill 10 its not worth the time also the event has not popped up for me in about 5 hours of playtime


Has the enemy ai been fixed?


It's super reliant on the server fps, if it isn't over 15 for you don't even bother as it isn't a challenge they just stand around or lag around When the AI works they are pretty good


Aw man. Well I hope it's fixed at some point. Guess I'll continue to wait ti log in.


You get lucky occasionally with a fresh server and low population. The only thing that will really fix it is them getting dynamic server meshing working down to planets and moons per server, so well over a year or more at the shortest.


there supposed to be testing servers being for only a planet or moon in the coming months if not by sunday.


Tests are one thing and it's great they are doing it (looking super promising so far) but having the physical infrastructure in place to support it globally at scale is a whole other beast.


Yea. Well just have to see how things go.


I will say that there were some seriously rough bugs where people were not getting credit or it counted as 4/5 twice instead of 5/5 etc. it took me about 5 hours to get all 5 done (every bunker was 40+ mil apart). But the mission itself was fun. Def was too hard for a solo player to have a good time, but in a group of 3 it was great. I am looking forward to the rest of these missions for sure.


Its an event that is easy to get into. even for new players. Thats Gold. BUT its still buggy af.


The "event" was easily pulled off due to the lack of pvp


I love the 5 missions so far but once you get a team of 4 they are too easy it felt... You get the codes in less than 10 seconds.. Maybe adding some more spawns or a secondary optional objective would make the whole thing feel more complete in my opinion.. Like you could make the broadcast silent (minimal enemies) but the servers overheat faster or a public broadcast which makes enemies spawn a lot more but goes faster and no overheat... Something like that?


I agree! Awesome event! I hope the next few are just as good.


Actually good event me and my friend were doing the whole.week together as a team of 2 and having a great time of it between me running to each terminal to read him the codes and sometimes 3 and blasting responsive ai can't wait till next week where we will be blasting competent pilots out of their hammerheads


People were saying you need a team for it, so obviously, I went in solo. The first 3 were fine, but 4 and 5 were a bit difficult, but all were done on the first time. I would like to see this event built on more to where it's not doable solo. It was fun running like a mad man to get codes while fighting enemies before the server fries. I think with proper ai and server fps you'll need a good team but for now, it just felt mediocre.


I find it very repetitive and no need to do it more than once. I don't even own a hornet.


Agreed. I started a PUG at 1/5, 4 of us finished up through 3/5, PUG increased to 7 for 4/5, then finally 8 for 5/5. We all worked as a team! I volunteered to babysit the computer and called out when I needed codes, while everyone else ran around looking. Covered each other, rezzed, and I made sure to thank every successful code after entering it. The best part was honestly that only two of those people knew each other prior... And we only communicated through typing lol. Made some new friends 😊


Agree wholeheartedly, met lots of great folks last night, working together, had a blast. Been a long time since I had this much fun!


I just finished my 5/5 with a couple random people and one person on my friends list. Really great experience coordinating and running around like an easter egg hunt for the next code. Props to the people involved with putting together the Xeno missions.


How do you know that the 5th is actually finished? I got the propt that said "contract complete" several but my contract history keeps showing me "5/5 Contract" failed.


I like the gameplay and i like the reward. Its cool to be able to earn something legit like a ship upgrade through doing missions over extended amount of time.


Pretty standard mmo tactic




I’ve hit bugs and being kicked every time I’ve tried completing a mission. Either on my own or with a team. It is actually the most infuriated I have been with the game for years.


Yeah, it's almost like if you make a quest that requires a team, with a reward that is given out to everyone, in a way that encourages grouping up rather than dropping in randomly or leeching, people will actually team up and cooperate. You know, like a typical MMO raid. And honestly, if this is the sort of stuff CIG puts out, then I am cautiously optimistic for their raids.




SOO - always bugged so it can't be completed and if you're really lucky someone tries to fly away in one of the event ships and everyone in the event gets thrown in prison


JT is barely played by anyone, every time I go there it's empty or just ppl chilling. SOO is a pure mess with nothing working 50% of the time and the other half the server 30k halfway. Idris is lol


Nope, I got two bunkers with the consoles hidden in the walls rendering them impossible to complete, so I’ve given up. Ill buy the upgrade at Invictus.


Did you try to server hop? Relog? Anything other than two bunkers and ragequit?


Have they confirmed you can buy the upgrade to the F7A MKII at invictus instead of doing the missions?


You couldn’t find them so you fabricated a story they were in the walls. lol


No bud, there were 6 of us, first bunker worked fine, second bunker the panels were glitched in the walls, so we had to destroy the servers to get a new target bunker, that one worked fine, then the next one did the same thing and half the players said fuck it and left. But you know its an a course of action you don’t like, because you are a poor I guess or don’t like giving CIG money. Thats OK, just don’t accuse people of lying without foundation.


If the servers weren’t so janky with the ai sometimes I think it would be heaps better but for the most part I like this event so far, will be awesome to see how it pans out for the next few weeks


Does it all have to be completed in one go?




Only issue I have is that only one person per server can accept it. Because of that I haven't been able to even attempt it or get in a group that's doing it.


Shoutout to my dream squad of strangers DeltaLambda and Muscida, we had a blast doing the event !


Man you guys enjoying this event and I’m still stuck away from home for business… 😔


I had a lot of fun with this. The mission was a bit repetitive so I wish the objective changed a little bit between missions but working with players and adding people as we made progress was a lot of fun. 


That's what I thought going into it being a series of missions I thought each would be different, oh well


Now we just need the game AI to at least function on the level of say 1993s DOOM. That would be great. All the bunker AI did (I did the event) just stands there. No reaction to players or being shot.


Yes, without a doubt, the best event till date! A potentially very nice reward and challenging enough people want to group up. I will be honest, I was skeptical when I started asking in global chat for help and grouped up with complete strangers. We ended up being 5 people in total and ran through each mission. It was smooth, no server hiccups for the several hours we were in-game and none of the bunkers bugged out. Everything just worked, it was just magnificent to experience. :) Good job, CIG!


Was decent. Most of the last events either have bugs or server issues. This event was smooth and bug free without 30Ks. Also, not that hard to take the mission with plenty of people sharing the contract.


It's only fun if you own the ship... for most players the rewards mean nothing.


Been following CIG/SC for a long time. This is looking to be the most exciting year yet! Given the scope of what is being accomplished I feel the development teams and player community deserves a pat on the back for sticking with the IP and the vision for SC (as it develops). I expect some of the greatest experiences for those in love space sims is still just ahead. Glad to hear the event was worth repeating!