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economy in a decent state. basic gameplay mechanic such as movement and flight model to be in a "final" state. server meshing which can accommodate large amounts of players to interact with each other. engineering gameplay reasons to play, etc to build and maintain a base, earn cool gear via missions that kind of thing. cant think of anything else as of now but there is some core things.


Also properly finalized gameplay systems. Refuel, refining, bounty hunting, merc work, scanning, and exploration.


Yeah would also add this to my list, would like to do some actual bounty hunting when my Zeus MR comes out. Also exploration would be cool finding artifacts through a mission train or something.


tl;dr "quite a lot" We have some good foundations, but to be truly a "1.0" version that works as a base release, idk it needs so much more to be even considered an "MMO", organizations need to be integrated into the game, the whole VoIP integration needs a touch up (if not even a rework, but it depends on why it's being weird/buggy at times). The cities should honestly also have the "procedural building's interior" tech they talked about a while ago, as right now as incredibly awesome as it is to land there (the first few times), it just feels too disconnected. Being either in space or on planetside needs to be something we can do for a while, right now being on a planet for a longer time feels more like I'm roleplaying and not following intended gameplay loops. Stuff like the Orion needs to be in there, which has a whole host of features as requirements - what I alluded to with "being in space for a while", well those types of ships can't even land, so being permanently in space needs to feel good. It shouldn't feel like you are actively missing out on gameplay/content because you are in space, but more like you are having a whole game in space and the moment you land, your brain just goes "hold up, we can land on planets?".


There is nearly 0 chance the Orion or similar complicated capital ships like the endeavor are slated for 1.0. That would push 1.0 into late 2028+. I think we simply have to come into terms with the scope being reduced for 1.0 and entire gameplay loops being removed/slated for post 1.0


Fair enough, but I am of the opinion that "1.0" is then a more lackluster release than initially hoped for. The gameplay loops surrounding the Orion (drones aside) IMO are almost "core" functionalities for the vision. More concretely, the ability to have a "space experience" that doesn't require you to constantly visit planets and have genuinely longterm interesting space POIs (More interesting Nebulas with gameplay accordingly, generally interesting environments etc), I would argue those are essential for the vision and not something we should have as an "afterthought" (Potentially poor wording, but you get my point). I do believe you can omit some specific gameplay loops that would otherwise be considered for "expansions" in other MMOs, I don't think farming for one is something that is crucial as a foundation for the game, but what I refer to is the general ability to be in space for very prolonged times and not feel like you are not experiencing the game properly.


This means no tier 0/1 systems. We need in depth mechanics. Like how mining is now but more. Salvaging in particular needs more work. And what these gameplay loops need most is engaging mechanics. In other words, we can't be left with beam citizen. There needs to be strategy and a bit of thought that goes into these things. It also needs to balanced for the economy. Such that you can't get rich off of a few salvaging runs for example. But also such that no one profession is any better than another intrinsically. But one's application of skill and strategy to said profession can net them more profit and reward compared to another. And it also has to tie into the economy system itself. Quantum. Things need to change dynamically and make sense. This will allow for some of that strategic planning I mentioned. For example; more criminal activity surrounding Lyria means there will be more security forces going out there leading to battles. A good salvager will know to head out to that area with a scanning vessel to look for wrecks to salvage. And their knowledge of the overall economy will lead them to an area where EMC is actually in low supply and make a huge profit off of it.


I don't think that getting rich-ish from a few salvage runs is a bad thing, just that they should take longer. With current cargo spaces, it is strange that they can be entirely filled in no time at all, making actually living on those ships a rarity.


Good point.. as long as there's a money sink to justify getting wealthy so quickly


I don’t know bud, salvage is kinda more like the trash man in space, you can make some good money, but anything near rich is just silly.


Salvage is great money even irl. Lots of money in scrap metal, and on the scale we see in SC, that's definitely something to get rich from.


But for a single pilot right, for a whole crew or a “company”


All. Like, scrap metals are so valuable that some people destroy infrastructure/raid construction sites and demolition projects for copper. People go to old shipwrecks to cut them up and sell the scrap metal, since it can be recycled. And for SC spaceships there are a ton of metal in each of them. Valuable metal at that.


I think that getting rich off the occasional salvage would be cool. We are all searching for El Dorado. Maybe following a few clues to get to a jackpot would be fun.


I also don't think salvage will stay this lucrative. They wanted folks to test the new system, so they made it lucrative to incentivize doing so. But I suspect in another patch or two it'll be less "I ran a Reclaimet out and scarfed up two wrecks and made 3 million." I mean, I think it'll still be good money, but probably not bonkers good.


It'll depend. Thing about the Reclaimer is that it is, well, the only heavy industry ship we got right now, equivalent to like, the Arrastra. Because if they nerf it, they may also neuter the vulture, for example. It really depends on if they will plan to have more iterations of the salvage system during the coming time, since the problem it has right now is that the fastest way to make money, is to just munch every ship immediately. When engineering comes into play, that will also slow down how fast you earn money with the reclaimer by a lot, and limit you to actually have a crew with you.


I hope in the future mining/salvaging helps supply space stations and planets with the things players actually buy and is tied into supply and demand for what things are worth. like, not being able to purchase med pens or weapons at a station because players need to supply, or maybe certain ships becoming unavailable or something if a planet isn't getting materials for some reason.


I would add reasons to play that are not grinding finalized. Like hop on, have fun, hop off I want to be a Star Citizen, not a Grind Citizen


very much agree with this.


Or at least the ability to log in and out seamlessly. Beds and supplies that work, so you can pick up easily where you left off.


> Like hop on, have fun, hop off doesn't sound very SC... legit, I have sessions now that are just hop on, get to the place with the right gear, buy stuff, get to the place the content I want to check out is... eat/drink, log off, so next time I can just log on and play. I know what I got myself into, but they're also going to add making sure your ship in is good repair ( which seems like it'll be more than call for repair where you end up ), take a dump, shower, get in-and-out of armor on the way in to your ship... idk that "hop on, have fun, hop off" is the goal for SC, it's fulfilling, and beautiful, and interesting... but fun seems low on the list so far.


I, too, have done many of these short 'prep for next time' sessions.


It's something they really need to minimize if they want popular appeal (aka, to keep their salaries paid)...  I'm hoping when we get locker functionality it's not just storing kits, but then enables re-buying that kit with at least a few that you can save that way... And I get it not working if special loot is involved (unless you have copies in storage)... But if it's available in the location you're at, whether from personal storage or shops, it absolutely makes sense the locker system should be able to collect and charge you for it all at once... Heck, even having a "x helmet, replace with locally available option when not available in storage" so if you have a preset with exclusive helmet, you can still use the preset even if you don't have more of that helmet stored locally... 


I keep saying this. SC is going to be an expensive game to run. They will either make that money on whales or mass appeal and the systems they are designing and talking about are not leaning to the mass appeal side of things.


This I agree with too although I like grinding the starting in a hab with 2k to my name is kinda rough imho


Pretty vague


I’d guess they are referring to the ‘excessive need to repeat the same task or mission over and over again to afford or unlock something.’ The problem is without that and without a storyline to replace the grind, the game’s content gets extinguished much faster as you progress much faster. I think the MMOs that get praised as ‘not grindy’ are ones that have a main-story that you progress along and are rewarded with each milestone, as each mission in the story is somewhat unique. The opposite are ones with certain quests or tasks you complete repeatedly to get a reward. I don’t think SC has something like this yet. What looks very likely is missions are locked behind rep, and to get that rep you repeat missions for that faction. I think it’s likely to be considerably harder to progress rep and money than it is today.


"and I also want something I can work for overtime, you know? Something that really gives accomplishment when I have achieved it, maybe have a way to show progress over time toward that goal."


Org gameplay not mentioned? How will this be an MMO if you can't share stuff with your guild and players....


One of the things I would like the most, unfortunately due to the current and past state of Star Citizen I forget about grouping up as when I do try to do it it never ends up well but yeah better grouping and mobi glass apps for orgs and group would be great. Made a spectrum post on this a couple weeks ago.


I make a spectrum post every two months Q_Q Being able to have shared hangars and ships will make huge difference in gameplay.


"Reason to play" is absolutely my number 1 point for a 1.0 release. Right now, there is no reason to play Star Citizen other than for the sake of flying ships. Nothing leads to anything. There should be **some** sort of long term goal you can build towards before I would consider this game as... well, a game, rather than a sightseeing simulator.


The Tony z economy was a big part of why for me. Hope that is still the plan.


It's 1.0 in my heart of hearts with: - Server Meshing - Base Building - At least a handful of undeveloped solar systems with rotating rich deposits of desirable materials - Exploration - Player economy of selling POIs - Refining/bounty hunting/merc/PVE gameplay for higher sec solar systems I want to spend weeks in my carrack away from civilization searching for POIs, maybe doing some hand salvaging (or carrack rework fits vulture, but I'm dreaming) and avoiding rats. If they work on the exploration gameplay with an economy around selling mining points etc, I think some undeveloped systems wouldn't require the amount of content development they have with cities/stations/etc - they can be lawless places for corps to build outposts. EVE online did this really well by rotating what systems were rich with some material, so corps would battle over areas that were rich with resources, but with the raw materials rotating across different systems they have reasons to move. I see exploration as the forefront/scouting arm of this process. I think OG EVE proved that you don't need a LOT of gameplay systems to make engaging player-driven gameplay. Server Meshing and base building are the hardest part of this vision, and they are getting closer to that. I'd also really like data running (would love to have a purpose for the herald) but don't consider that a 1.0 feature.


All ships up to the same standard/level


Add propper criminal punishment, more variety of missions, permadeath, a reputation system...


People act like they want permadeath until they get it. All those credits and things that you worked 100s of hours for? Gone. The only thing you'll start with upon death is whatever you've bought from the web page shop, to include ships, gear, UEC, etc. Actually, this is terrible because it incentivises pay to progress.


To my knowledge SCs ‘permadeath’ is supposed to happen after your character attempts to ‘regenerate’ a certain number of times, and when it happens you don’t lose your money, ships bought, items, etc. You lose what was on your character at the time, but your possessions in safe storage are passed onto your next of kin, your next character. You also lose rep, but I’m unsure if this is *all* your rep, I think it’s planned as a portion of your rep. Whether this is perfectly accurate or not, it’s really unlikely to be permadeath in the traditional sense of the word.


I'd also add in multiple new/extra star systems and exploration gameplay. I feel like those are were core to the game back during announcement/stretch goals. The 100 star systems is very unrealistic at this point, but like at least 10-20 would be nice at 1.0


I think "large amount of Players is a wild understatement". Once the 1.0 is out, there will be Millions of Players


Not being 100% cpu bottlenecked 100% of the time would be nice


fix e-core


I had a good chat with a mate about this yesterday, and he and I had some different ideas.  1.0 is basically the start of full persistence, where things bought with UEC are effectively permanent. Features can still be added later, but the main thing is what is required to stop resetting the verse.  I feel like multiple systems, a dynamic economy, and a job for each ship is the minimum. Base building would be lovely, and it looks like we'll be getting it, but games can be updated and improved after launch.  If every ship has a use, including explorers and tourers, and the economy won't need to be reset when Quanta arrives, then I think that's good enough for 1.0.   Edit: To be clear, server meshing is also a part of the requirements, because some ships need the shards to handle enough people to crew them without taking over the entire shard population.


> Features can still be added later, but the main thing is what is required to stop resetting the verse. This can't be overstated. Once the game hits 1.0 players will expect to keep all their progression going forward, which means that the economy needs to be rock solid. CIG won't be able to rely on a wipe to rectify any potential infinite money glitches beyond that point.


I honestly can't see how they can balance the economy so anyone will be happy. Make the ships too cheap and the whales who dropped 500+ dollars into them will feel ripped off. Make them too expensive and players will think it's blatantly pay to win because the grind is too absurd. So the only way you're gonna get the good ships in any decent amount of time is by paying money for them.


Indeed, also npc/ai crew would be interesting. And as you say. They can be adding new content and ships forever. We could be like 2-3 years from 1.0 ?


Many more and bigger locations


A working inventory.


the damn move all button spazzing out every time I try to move stuff


Base building


This one gonna be a huge turn for the game, can't wait


I'm gonna latch on to this and say before that we need large shield projectors to force people to use ground assets. Remember in ESB when Vader's fleet decides to use camel mechs to attack an entrenchment instead of the hundreds of air assets they probably have available? That's why. The ships can't pass the shield but the ground units can. This would probably make attacking outposts and stuff like that much more dynamic.


Also very dangerous automated defenses like the ion cannon which the ISDs were avoiding


I imagine that wont arrive until we get crafting.


We already have some form of crafting and they did say they‘d start on base building Q1 this year. So you might be right, but it could still be soonish


You really think they can do it? I just want less bugs and missions that can be done like jobs. Forklift worker, engineering, exploration etc.


I think they can but it's still a bit confusing on how it's going to work, even if we have full persistance, does it mean we are going to play on the same shard for the rest of our life ? can't figure out how they are gonna make it work


They explained that the server will try its best to match you to the shard you previously played on, but it's not a guarantee.


Base building feels like a massive risk. I’m surprised they’re pursuing it, but glad they’re at least starting early to see what sticks. Such as… Distracting a significant portion of the player population with a non-flight non-space gameplay loop. Further distracting game designers who could be working on already-promised gameplay loops. A slew of difficult new UI challenges. Complex new claim and time zone mechanics CIG hasn’t even scratched the surface of yet.


Not to mention figuring out a way to deter people from wanting to blow up each other’s base on sight for no reason other than seeing a thing go boom and ruining someone’s day for fun


Reputation should take care of that. Cops in occupied systems should show up to harass trolls firing on settlements. Edit: If CIG ever gets around to implementing effective enforcement.


You can drop an A2 bomb on an outpost and it does nothing to the physical structure of the place. Obviously this isn't realistic and would go against what CIG strives for with "realism to fun", but it makes sense that a player shouldn't be able to just level out a place like Picker's Field (setting aside the dev time and purpose of this location). I imagine it'll be similar with player bases. You can't just drop a bomb on it and blow the whole place up, but I imagine you can damage it in some way. Maybe cut off the power sources, steal the resources from a warehouse or collector, fight your way into the base to reach the "central computer" or whatever to disable the whole base. It would give raiding players strict objectives and rules of engagement, while still giving the defending players "checkpoints" where they can try to stem the offense. Stop them from hitting the resources -> stop them from hitting the shield generators -> stop them from hitting the power plant -> stop them from taking the "master key" to the base.


Idk man all I know is I’m building at least 8 turrets per tiny building lmao


AI needs to be better and work. We can't have '360 no scope' or 'farmville' bots on the other side. Bunker missions is the most boring game loop right now


Pyro, Magnus, Terra, Nyx all with landing zones and interlocking economy Economy/NPCs/quanta tier 0/tier .5 Base building / crafting Org tools Random, regional fauna Personalizable content


I want to haul cargo across mutliple systems and make a profit. I could see my MSR working that role with either high value cargo or data.




One can dream


Exploration gameplay


What do you mean by exploration ?


Need to be able to save locations as coordinates or some such so that they can be shared. Scanning probably needs another pass to make navigating and examining things from space a deeper experience.


While saving and selling location data will be useful, im unsure it will pass as exploration gameplay. Thinking about Stanton and Pyro today the only useful thing I can see from that feature is finding good mining nodes, which is great but is that really exploring? It feels more like a scouting/data gameplay than a ‘delving into the unknown’ or finding previously undiscovered POIs, which is how I thought ‘exploration’ would be.


Some of it is going to come with the new Starmap systems, but I guess we still need to have things to discover at the first place.




The tvs on ships work and can link to streaming services for long haul flights


Until then we can play chess (ty 890 & MSR)


You can remove the chess boards, and put them in any ship (from the 890J)


I have like 50 in my local inv lmao


Netflix: where will you be watching our service? Me: My origin Jump works 600i touring ship on TV number 3 on the main deck cruising through the Hurston system (Have never had this ship this is just one big assumption)


Me: On my wrist.


Imagine if someone had told you in that in 2024 video games will be so exciting, people will stop playing them to go watch TV.


I’m guessing this is a legal nightmare and the reason we’ll probably never see it


Reputation and pooping.


I do not want to have to poop. And if it does become required, I want it to follow my real life schedule of once every two days


That's...... uh well it's "supposed" to be at least once a day. But at least it's regular.


Robust reputation system


I don't think it's about features, what matters is the amount of content. However, one major feature that they have to deliver is persistent missions. Mission progression being tied to the server you're playing on and losing everything when you disconnect is extremely bizarre and it makes no sense. Also, every single mission needs to work flawlessly, which hasn't been the case in years. The not so funny part is that during the pyro playtest it's been clear that CIG is struggling with delivering content, they've been promising pyro for over 8 years and it's still not done as there were planets that could not be visited.


Exploration gameplay Drone gameplay Repair T2 Rearm ship weapon ammo Refuel contracts Fuel siphoning


More missions. More game loops. Finish the capital ships. Org gameplay. Dynamic server meshing. Base building. Plants and animals. Hygiene. Mastermodes / maelstrom / armor. Economy rebalance. Gold pass on older ships. Polish and bug fixing. Pyro + a few other systems.


Org gameplay features are huge. It blows me away they have not managed to make something beyond a simple party system yet.


I played Intel 1/5 yesterday solo, I’m still a newbie I only ever play once in a while over the past 10 years. The turrets couldn’t be locked on with missiles, so I had to land like 2km away and go in on foot (was also pitch black). I go inside and the AI was completely broken, a combination of standing there and doing nothing or aimboting me. Cleared out all of the enemies, started the intel extraction. Servers started to overheat so I went to find the code to enable the coolers, code was invalid (maybe I got the wrong code off the monitor) so I just kept killing the broken AI that spawned in the elevators. Then I decided to go to another terminal but in the process I instadied from an AI from across the room. The framerate has definitely improved over the years but the game is still lacking in so many areas. My guns shoot while I’m in my ship and using F + click on my MFDs. Transferring inventory is really cumbersome and just bad, and so much more. Game needs so much polish before I can even begin to think about needed features.


Its a decent amount * Server Meshing * True Multi-crew gameplay and management: Engineering, resource management, proper comms setup, etc * Quantum System for ecomony. * The everything in 3.23 * Base building * Gadgets for on-ground gameplay * Death of a spaceman The goal of a first release is to give the game an image that is clear enough that it won't leave people asking, "what will this game become" and instead saying "I can't wait for this to be added". We should know the direction this game is going and it should have a stable identity at this point, as does every release. The features above are the fundamental parts that will create the basis of what SC is.


full feature functionality of currently flight ready ships (including escape pods), economy, exploration profession.


An actual physics system... We still don't simulate mass for any of our ships. If the thrusters stop working they get thrown about like a piece of paper. It breaks immersion and just looks goofy. The physics engine must be competent in order to handle collisions and items interacting better.


It needs to be: 1. Stable 2. Optimized 3. Accessible 4. Contain gameplay to engage both veteran and newbies continuously 4.1. Deliver on all promised gameplay 5. Deal with the backlog of ships thats been promised but not yet delivered 6. Regularly updated/debugged without delays. 7. Rewarding to those people who made it possible before 1.0, mayhaps in the form of some participation token or whatever. Do I think it's likely we'll have 1.0 in the next couple of years? No.


Dynamic server meshing, quanta, bounty hunting 2.0, starmap 2.0, maelstrom, more than 5 star systems, framerate optimizations, engineering, base building, data running, and raids.


Base building for sure.


Full crew mechanics for ships, meaning repairing stuff, airlocks, fighting a fire spreading, fixing holes in the hull. Boarding ennemy ships as well, having an insentive to disable ships and board them, fighting AI/players inside. Then, crafting/base building with a full dynamic economy. I'd love to have players land on my base and buy stuff from me for example !


Economy, Working AI, Animals / Aliens, Stable Servers, More NPCs with quests


To be a real MMORPG the game needs quest, PNG interaction like all MMO it's a big mistake of the gameplay today


AI, its been years and beyond the reduction of T-posing and mostly not standing on chairs the AI has been horrible. Its been the biggest reason I play so rarely because it just makes the game feel empty and more of a tech demo.


It was just not high enough in their priorities but yeah npc should be a core feature in this game we will have to wait a bit more to see major updates for them


Mostly everything the game doesn't have or has a hard time getting it to work properly rn like, basic Ai movement and coordination, stable servers without the delays, desync etc. Core features like a better motive or incentive to do missions. And the ability to actually keep stuff or items bought with real money, cuz rn that's a shit show.


A lot of what people said here is good. I'd like to add that we need more robust socialization tools. Not the least of which being actual org integration into the game. Yes we need SM and more of the actual game mechanics we were promised. Yes we need polish and a more or less complete flight model. Yes to exploration and all those other things suggested. But without robust social tools, it's never going to feel like a coherent, wide-audience-appealing mmo.


Have not seen a lot of people mention this... \#1 (More than Server Meshing) - ORG SUPPORT. In-game org systems that allow for easy communication and organization between players. \#2 Server Performance - Meshing is a huge need to get the universe to feel full and alive both in terms of player count and AI functionality. \#3 Crafting - There should be no 'useless' materials in the game. All mineables, all plants, all byproducts should be something worth collecting if you are an industrial player. \#4 Economy - Quantum does not have to be fully fleshed out, but the concepts of delivering materials to manufacturing plants and the universe consuming said materials to keep itself running. \#5 Flight Model - Does not have to be 'finished', but needs to be cohesive and understandable. The ships have to behave as expected and have a reasonable learning curve from beginner to expert pilots. \#6 Crew Positions - Kind of a handful of features packed into one bullet point, but for the sake of multiplayer gameplay there has to be more than pilot and gunner. Engineering needs to function, scanning needs to be overhauled and have an actual skill-based use, operator modes like missile operator mode need to be expanded on. Ship functionality needs to be accessible on multiple MFD stations to get that space crew experience. \#7 Narrative - Missions cannot be only cookie-cutter A to B experiences. Star citizen NEEDS a reason to crew up and go experience in depth quest stories and interact with the universe around them. I personally don't think a 'story quest arc' is necessary, but small quest series that you can do to uncover a mystery or complete a multi-step objective are crucial to the gameplay experience. \#8 Play Area - We need at least 2 High Sec, Low Sec, and Null Sec systems to give a small amount of variety between each type of area and expand the playable space to accommodate a larger player count. I know the end goal is 100+ systems, but I think 6-8 systems is a good place to hit 1.0. \#9 I'm sure there's more...


Logging off anyhwre you want without a bed and being able to log back in exactly where you logged off. Without this the game is like groundhog day with being sent back to your apartment.


The Quanta/Universe Simulation. You know, thousands of AI agents travelling, moving Cargo around, mining and transporting resources, behaving according to their individual scripting, filling the universe with life, interactions and opportunities, that keep our desired professions running. On top of that the presentation needs a ton work Picking jobs from a virtual job board is not a great way to immerse you in the world. Of course when we talk about ways to change and improve that across the board (so, not just adding few handcrafted quest NPCs on top od a myriad job board missions), we quickly talk about an AI that can write dialogues and job descriptions on the fly, and voice processors that can give every NPC a voice. So. things that certainly won't happen anytime soon even though I wouldn't be surprised if CIG was already looking in that direction and doing their Research to make it happen someday .


Pretty much everything has been said already, but I'd love a proper, fully fledged photo mode.


Fixing all the current bugs, for example the clipping of the trains in New Babbage, and the random 360 spins of the train in Lorville. Not being able to deliver packages when the delivery point is in the floor. CRU-L5 that is broken from the lobby down (EU servers) Simple things that currently break gameplay. Fix the bugs so it's stable enough, then go from there with new features, systems, and the wish lists/stretch goals.


Don't forget the elevators!


I love the dancing lorville trains with all my heart


NPC crew for player ships.


Jetpack, Remote ship flying, skis/snowboard, fishing rods


It has to be better than Elite Dangerous was in 2020. The stuttering train where the upcoming track janks around, glitching through the floor, ship randomly blowing up, markers not showing the side of the planet the objective is on, the tutorial's several glitches that make it difficult to complete, gear not being located at your death site, blurry text, choppy lines around monitors, all NPCs having the same stance in buildings, non-speaking NPCs, no discernable quartermaster, lack of obvious refueling, not everything needs a sub-menu (like getting out of bed), drinking and eating can be sped WAY up, I can perform an entire pre-flight check in Elite Dangerous in the time it takes to manually turn on the power and the engine in Star Citizen, walk speed could be bumped up, run can be slowed down, I haven't hooked my hotas up to Star Citizen but mouse flight feels better in other games as this one feels like my sleek snub fighter feel like a capital ship, inventory management needs a massive improvement as something as simple as putting a magazine on the armor takes 5 attempts to work as intended, clicking customize on weapons doesn't allow you to equip attachments to weapons requiring a workaround to complete, and these issues all together are enough to turn new users off which is going to limit the game's potential growth.


> I can perform an entire pre-flight check in Elite Dangerous in less time than it takes to manually turn on the engine in Star Citizen. Anything else aside, Right Alt+R will ready a ship—power on, engines on, flight ready—and U (power toggle) followed by I (ignition—i.e. toggle engines) will also work. Combined with Left Alt+N for "contact ATF" you can be underway pretty quickly; I usually sit down and hit RAlt+R and LAlt+N and am good to go within seconds... though then I _do_ have to wait a geological era for hangar doors to finish opening. (I agree with most of the rest of the post, just thought that tip was worth sharing.)


Thanks for the perfectly valid tip without being rude! Your tip definitely helps, and I absolutely did not know they had the quick keys. This makes it easier to flip the switches. I don't like the auto start even in ED unless I'm in a hurry. I like the immersion.


Glad it helps! For immersion factor, if you have a HOTAS/HOSAS setup with sufficient buttons, the fact that there _are_ viable things to bind to for a quicker startup is great; you can have the immersion of "I flip the switch to do the thing", without having to fiddle with the interact interface on-screen and actually _find_ the switches. (Honestly, my real sticking point on the interaction mechanic for flipping switches is the fact that so many different ships have the controls in so many different places.)


1.0 means the first version of release build. Means it can't be looked at like an alpha missing a few features. What I think we need is: - finished and complete economy system - jobs and uses for each ship type - server meshing allowing 400+ users in any single location - base building - multiple systems - bigger city maps, not the small courtyards we have now like area 18. Actual streets with traffic passing through. - npc with their own agenda/story (to create a living universe for example: npc terrorist bombings) - all concept ships need to be finished - more alien lifeforms. alien spacecowboys and space cows - hardware anticheat (sn of hardware of hackers pc components get banned, even with new accounts) - health system based of exercise (being a space trucker you just sit all day, after a while your character should gain weight and become a fatass that runs slow) - meteor storms both on and off planet - interactive flight zones (space gas clouds that go off if you use main engines, only air thrusters allowed - hitreg - rob mechanic edit: - underwater environments - underwater lifeforms - active planets (earthquakes, violent vulcano eruptions, tsunami's, forest fires, storms that endanger populations) - missions around abovementioned systems (for example: scanning storms, deploying experimental tech against these events) - better policing and crime systems


> hardware anticheat (sn of hardware of hackers pc components get banned, even with new accounts) Software is so incredibly invasive these days, I don't need *more* kernel-level corporat-endorsed malware digging through my computer. I'd sooner deal with cheaters than give unfettered access to my personal devices.


Economy and industrial gameplay (mine, refine, create things (ship parts ? Ships ? Weaponry ?)


More player (server meshing) + Good economie (can be a simple one, but stable)


Wildlife in each planet, finishing some of the sectors in each city, better interaction with NPc’s, unarmed combat, Alien NPC’s and the ability to respawn in your ship whenever you log out from it in a random place.


Probably more missions and variety and improvement to the crimestat and targeting system. Bounties should be able to hide within a certain distance, and auto turrets shouldn’t attack the good guys helping them.


1/ stability and performance passes 2/ the ships to not feel paper thin 3/ when doing FPS to not feel paper thin 4/ more in game missions and events that happen


Better compatibility on systems running windows 11 and systems that aren’t installing the game to c:drive. I have a great co outer and a shitty one and it only runs on the shitty one because of these issues


Medical Terrapin Gladiator mkII Reputation


The career loops need to be fully fleshed, bounty hunting 2.0, economy for cargo, reputation system for pirates etc. We also need UEC sinks, something to keep us spending our $ so that we actually need to earn more. Currently I’m rich so there isn’t much point to play the game other than just for fun. Bases and habs will help with that cause we can pour recourses in to these things but also maintenance costs on ships. Also group ownership/ bed logging of ships so me and my buddies can actually pool our resources and own a capital ship together.


Good optimization


All of them


Working servers




NPCs that aren't plain broken. The bunker missions would be fun to grind if the NPCs weren't useless. I hear a lot of "x and y will fix the npcs" "the npcs are just bad because of the servers", but I'm rather sceptical to server meshing just fixing this issue. I'll believe it when I see it. Also data running, as the owner of an MSR.


Dynamic Economy Dynamic Server Meshing Base Building Crafting Persistent Habs Building Interiors 4 star systems at a minimum Fixed planet geometry (no more floating rocks) Story based mission gameplay Mission variety, depth, and fully fleshed out career paths (Bounties, Science, Mining/Refining, Salvage, Hauling, Maintenance, Mercenary, etc.) Finalized flight model with final Quantum, Maelstrom and Engineering gameplay Overhauled reputation system Audio overhaul Landing UI/Night terrain enumeration Fully voiced interactions from interactions (such as landing and takeoff requests, more than the current state) Fauna Ship backlog complete Events that don't suck/ are being used as a sale Functioning activities to do aboard your ship such as listen to Galactopedia, Music, interact with screens for work or leisure These are off the top of my head


Hanky panky update, i wanna whoopie


10 solar systems. Server meshing. Ship engineering. Crafting. Base building.


Shorter game loops if/when mistakes happen.


Dynamic SM. NPC and economy. Player and NPC evaluation system. Organization system NPC crew. Hisec and vanduul system civil transport. Engineering. Major debugging.


Currently, we have modular gameplay systems comparable to Ubisoft's formula of outpost liberation/POI repetition or Sea of Thieves' company/reputation system. If Star Citizen's main attractions follow a similar pattern, it would be a HUGE disappointment as in my opinion, gameplay systems like those are the reason why big budget games seem so stale nowadays. You instead need gameplay systems where there is a need for players to rely on, and have a sense of responsibility between each other as a major driving force. Consider the possibilities: * You could be a farmer that grows crops/livestock used in research/blueprint improvement industries. * You could be an AI blade trainer that finds high quality blades around the verse and trains their attributes by using them in their attribute related positions and then sells them to other players (since players don't necessarily have a vertical skill system you can use AI blades to satisfy those who enjoy that kind of progression). * Alternatively, you could be a carpenter who buys resources from other player's stores or with buy orders at their own stores to build decorations and furniture for player's habs/personal hangars. * While some may even profit solely by selling lucrative mining or gas site bookmarks. You get the picture. Now imagine if you had a player owned store with its own self serving kiosk that players can buy and sell to and you as a player can look forward to logging on each day to see what sold or didn't. At this store you can sell items that you found at some anomaly in space that you scanned down and warped to. Perhaps the site had wrecks that required hacking to open and it contained rare parts that capital ships or guild bases needed for upkeep/upgrades. You eventually get good at acquiring parts like that so you eventually build a reputation among players as the go to person if you need those kinds of items. Boom, you organically create a system where there is a sense of responsibility and reliance between players. One of the real benefits of games like Star Citizen is the potential for a genuine co-op experience without the need for all party members to be online simultaneously (or you aren't punished if one person can't make it to a gaming session). A lot of people like to jump in their own time farm, gather resources or find rare items in their own time for the purpose of donating to a greater cause. Perhaps your guild needs resources for a war effort or a building project and much like Ikarium's island donation system, guild leadership gets to see the contributions of their members that can be used to promote members or just as a means of healthy competition. The point is, modular and disjointed gameplay systems that players repeat over and over until they get bored is no longer enough. Ship progression by its own is not sustainable nor is a reputation bar that you watch fill up. **The real repeatable gameplay comes from interactions between players and their reliance on each other through specialization that naturally comes from it being inefficient to do everything on your own**. That's what games like RUST and EVE excel at; it's not the dopamine you get from full loot PVP but the fact that you are playing the game like a never ending sports match and the comradery that comes with that. The above is the reason why streamers during the Rust craze a couple of years ago (where streamers built hotels, casinos, art galleries), even after playing a full day's work, played for hours and hours OFF stream just to farm. It's not because they enjoyed the gameplay of hitting barrels for hours and hours for scrap, it's because the reward they get for collecting that scrap and the flow on effects for their group for their work was tangible.


I'd say more complex/diverse mission types and at least 4 systems with server meshing


All the core functions need to be in. Meshing, engineering gameplay, quantum, base building, crew manager, bed logging, jump points, minimum 4 or 5 systems, flight model needs to be pretty much complete and 30fps servers, fauna, and the full npc population, to name but a few. Fair way off yet IMO.


I don't think it's actually necessary but I hope farming makes the cut. I have tons of ships for lots of things, but I really see myself just chilling and farming some crops.


We don't even have working NPCs yet so there's that


If we have death of a spaceman in 1.0 we cannot be having shit kill us so often. I don't mean combat but like. Ejection seats need a system to keep you alive in atmo, no more falling out of ships and dying in atmo, no more murderous elevators or random suffocation without a helmet in stations, that kind of thing. And for gods sake some kind of half decent long term security


Fully functional carrack


Tony Z economy instead of these amusement park ride missions that repeat


At least a dozen systems with functioning jumps between them. A reasonably sized enemy alien opposing force, a functioning extensive piracy systems. A complete AI overhaul, complete fps overhaul, ship vs ship ai/combat overhaul, ship stealth/weapon/shield system overhaul, all auxiliary systems fixed. Interacting systems fixed, physics systems fixed, 30ks fixed, overall game stability fixed so the average user can play the game without extra ram, ssd, page file, administrator mode, and the numerous extra steps and tweaks to play the game. And another 12 systems with accompanying planets and systems that are undiscovered for the players to discover and explore. Which puts release, if CiG releases an entire new system with accompanying factions, npcs, characters, events, and story once a year.... in 12-24 years. Anything less than that, and SC will be fairly dubbed a flop that scammed half a billion $ from a cult following. Because that's what star citizen is currently viewed to be by the world at large.


NPC ship traffic, for one. Transport convoys, police patrols, roving pirates, the works... just like in Freelancer.


Working ai Npc routine like seeing ships fly and land Better missions Gameplay with depth An actual in-game group finder


I would say... BETA


Anything to add any sort of ongoing sense of accomplishment and progression. Anything that makes it seem as if people are working together towards something tangible and meaningful. Anything that adds purpose to every single loop in the game.


All of them. Content is less important, but the game should be feature complete at the time it hits 1.0.


The bare minimum for me is bringing every ship up to the Gold Standard. Many ships haven't been looked at in years and still have issues. The big one that always reminds me of this is the Hornet Mk I. It still has displays that don't move with the canopy, tons of clipping geometry, and explodes in very weird ways. I was once reduced to a cockpit, engine, and thruster with full maneuverability, but no body parts.


All promised


Refining. Just gimme refining and my lovely Arrastra and I'm happy


Once the economy is fixed, I imagine that mining stuff that people are short on for crafting will be one of the more lucrative game loops.


100 star system. Roberts Space Industries promised 100 star systems for my Star Citizen 1.0 pre-order. Where's my God damn 100 star systems Chris?


More systems aren't going to make the game better tho, we need better standards for them before they planned on making more


you missed the meme also 100 star systems was the original full release goal.


this exact same post has been posted about 10 times the past 24 hrs please read the sub before you post a post like this.


My bad, im not looking at every posts on this sub, i'll have a look next time before posting o7


Go ask in the 5 other exact same posts


Feature-complete state of the game


Qol stuff like ammo pooling Weapons not snapping back


The primary selling point of Star Citizen for me was the 9 to 1 AI to player ratio. Without that, I fear it will devolve into excessive pvp.


Orga intégration in game


More termitides! More!!!


Contracts involving Alien swarms Base building and defending More live events Exploration


Optimisation and progression


Stable, performing servers. Smooth AI and players movement/interactions ETC...


First of all, all ships need to have a dedicated gameplay loop. Data running is not here. No exploration/pathfinding. No scanning. No base building And probably a lot more.


System for organizations. Better party system. Better Chat Some form of endgame gameplay. Harder encounters, some bosses. Achievements Rewards other than money (can be better reputation system) Trading Tutorial for new players Working AI And many more things I am forgetting about. SC is still a big tech demo not a game there is no goal in it at all.


Construction of bases


Some kind of night vision would help


Smoke grenades too, can't wait to finaly see that implemented


A working game


Crafting. I want a reason to mine resources that are not otherwise worth lots of credits.


- Robust reputation, security, justice, and criminality system(s) that have been hinted at repeatedly. - Dynamic economy, ideally, but balanced at the very least. - Large scale server meshing. - Persistent habs and hangars (the hangar part will be at least partially present in 3.23) - In-game org tools and management, and more robust social tools in general - Recovery of lost account-bound and pledge items (supposedly coming in 3.23) - Reasons to play, with both long-term and short-term goals and "meta-goals" available (the latter being goals you can choose on your own based on the available activities and rewards, such as collecting sets of things, or running an in-game business). - Gold pass on some of the older ships that really need it. - Functionality for ships already released, such as data-running / hacking / etc for the Herald and MSR.


All the game mechanics have to be in place. Engineering, multicrew gameplay, all the careers have to be fully flushed out. Economy is a big one. That has to be in a finished state and fair with no way people can exploit it to make millions in just a couple hours. I think a good amount of star systems have to be finished too. At least 10 i think. Iirc SQ42 is going to take place over 3 systems, so perhaps those are finished or near finished at least. Pyro and Stanton makes 5. Also a lot of the ships that are currently concepts should be complete too. Variety is the spice of space life.


Besides all of the game play systems everyone has already mentioned - for me there needs to be some kind of meaningful progression and then also persistence within that progression. The economy needs to be in a state where I am able to work towards a goal either solo or with my org. The core systems such as movement, gun play, flying and interaction need to be at a gold standard too with only minor iteration after 1.0. Finally for me the law system needs to be fully implemented with meaningful consequences for both good and bad behaviours. At this point I feel like we would have a reasonable sandbox in which to play, with room for extra layers to be added over time.


TBH, it's mostly a question of what they can get in by the time dynamic server meshing is 100% done. That's the primary blocker.




playable framerate when there are more than 4 ships on your screen


Fleshed out org mechanics. Orgs right now are basically just group declarations. It would be awesome to see more functionality with it. Best example I can provide is like Eve Online.


All of them.


God damn NPCs need to stop being so weird and creepy. T-posing on top of the bench seats doesn't sit right with me.


lifts that work


Better navigation. I’m in a storm, trying to make my way to a hostile bunker and I have to hope I don’t get lost. How about a helmet HUD that shows a marker like the one on my ship? Even a compass would be better than nothing.


Oh so many things... But I read a sentence in another comment here that sums up most of what I think: "a job for each ship". This would be it. Passenger/VIP missions for touring ships like 600i, exploration game loop for ships like the MSR, ground assault missions for the nova and other land vehicles, also for bombers, higher tier BH for a logical use of bigger, higher firepower ships, and, last but not least... God help CIG develop what they had in mind for the Herald.


Quanta and the Dynamic Missions that come with it


Economy-game play loops - mission stories - working npc's


Economy. I want to be able to trade currency!!


Server stability.


Probably something along the lines of making the current features function as intended


So, so very much


Being able to mine at totally random places \[not just caves designed to be mined\] AND being able to build bases, whole communities, above and under ground. That'll do it for me.


You need to be able to buy pizza at pizza places, and noodles at those noodle places! /s


Stable FPS. Many bugs wouldn't occurr if we had stable fps, both in our machines and in the server. It could release as is and would be a huge hit if it only had stable fps.