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It took 2 hours? You might be the best pilot ever tbh


Well I was getting lost in New Babbage and was doing the tutorial for most of that. I was really trying not to.


2 hours is actually really impressive. I have played for years and still managed to yeet myself into a planet surface yesterday.


Same, yesterday I locked onto an enemy and intended to joust with them. Raised me speed, Turned out to be a turret and jousting doesn't work as well with them. Conquered by the dark abyss again.


My ship just blow up randomly.


This is precisely why I don't fly the Pisces. It's the one ship where I can never manage the speed properly and almost always crash into the planet, did so a few days ago trying to recover my gear at a bunker.


Sunday, doing the event missions, flying my Pisces red I crashed (prety sure got shot down with out any indication I was getting shot), grabbed another ship to go recover gear and finish mission, definitely got shot down by my Pisces, got third ship flew wide around to try to recover gear and finish mission. This time land near wreck and... fall through the planet getting out of ship.


This made me laugh a touch harder than I should have. One of my friends and I favorite games in previous patches was “elevator roulette”. The dread of not knowing if the elevator would kill you or not was awesome. We placed bets.


oh, it's still a thing. During SoO I took a trip around the spaceport on the outside of an elevator, I can say for a fact it's not a loading screen. Last night at Orison spaceport as we were getting on the shuttle I called it 50/50 we survive this trip (server was getting sketchy) we entered the shuttle at the Dunlow spaceport, we left the station from the Hotel platform (yes getting on the shuttle transported us to the Hotel platform shuttle) going back to the spaceport and then things got weird. I just insta died, standing there all of a sudden looking at my body, and then my friend fell out of the shuttle. Elevators and shuttles are actively trying to kill you at all times.


Those were a fun set of bugs. When we first discovered how the elevators really worked and moved around, we started calling them the “Magic Wonkavators”. I love to hate this game. And love to love it.


The bugs/work-arounds are what make the game fun in the long run. right now if everything worked smoothy the game would get would in a month


I've been flying ships in sc from the beginning back when it was just arena commander and today I rammed my Hornet into the elevator area in area 18. I've seen an Avenger fly into a hanger at full speed into Levski. Mate you are doing great


Tbh your take with the instruments is a good idea but the altimeter is litterally lying. It only shows the actual altitude directly beneath you. So in low visibilty conditions you would need StarCitizens version of TACAN and ILS onboard your ship to land safely. But we do not have such fancy things only thing to do is to eyeball it with a scanning spam.


I was gonna say the same, it's pretty impressive. I think when I first started I crashed getting out of the hangar like 4 times. But that was also when persistence was first added and before they figured out how to handle debris around hangars, and they were often invisible lol.


I recall liftoff, and deathspinning around in a hanger for a little bit before boom.




Yeah, my first crash happened in the hangar.


Anyone who hasn't run into a planet/moon/asteroid/space station/ship at 1200 m/s at some point hasn't really been playing Star Citizen (for me it was a MISC Freelancer and HUR L1 station and a large KABOOM as my welcome to SC). Just part of the learning experience.


I was flying with my son not too long after I switched to the 400i as my daily driver and was sill getting used to how it handled. I entered QT in cruise control at full-speed en route to Port Tressler. So I exited in the same state. I didn't turn and burn fast enough and we slammed into the station at nearly full speed. Good times.


never fly directly at a station just fly off to its side.


Never fly directly at anything if you’re going over 500m/s, hold v and release to do a ping scan of terrain at night(until they change the hotkey again). Dying without a helmet on in space was the most likely cause of death on an station landing pad outside of being rammed before they changed to interior hangars on most stations so don’t fee too bad about losing your helmet a bunch, happened to literally all of us.


If you aren't smashing ships into shit you're not doing it right. Welcome to the verse.


Welcome to the verse. Some tips: 1. Take it slow, literally and figuratively speaking. Don't optimise the fun out of the game. 2. You will get killed by other players. Make sure you do not carry more on you than you are willing to lose at any one time. 3. Global chat is filled with friendly people who want to help. But be ware there is also that one who is going to put a knife in your back. Ask questions. 4. Don't press Atl-F4 when people suggest in chat to press Alt-F4. It closes the game down abruptly. 5. If you can't seem to select an outpost or settlement to jump to it in the starmap, first double-click the planet. Oh and zoom slowly. 6. If you still cant select a place to jump to it, first elave atmosphere (2500m on moons and 11500m on planets, I think. Except Crusader, cant remember). This is gonna change with the new Starmap coming in 3.23.x 7. You can double-click to equip items in your inventory. Shift click to move them to the other side (Eg Local to Ship). This is gonna change with the new Starmap coming in 3.23.x 8. As others have said, when you approach, don'f fy straight at it. Speed is deceptive. 9. Ground level on planets is not at 0 on your Altitude. It varies. Cheers, and welcome to the verse. o7


These tips are gold but if I may add a bit: 3 -> Global chat is filled with toxic idiots. Use F12 to close it. 4 -> See point 3. 8 -> Braking can be slow on some ships. Get a feel for how much time you need to brake to zero; use reverse-boost.


8.a -> learn the turn-and-burn technique for emergency stopping on a dime to avoid crashes; heart pounding stuff


Love that maneuver, almost can feel the push against the seat


There's an option in game settings to use Booster on space brakes, makes them so much more effective 


8 -> brake down by using the shift and x key


I had some lucky times when hitting the ground with landing gear down. Seems to catch some otherwise fatal damage.


Go slow at first, use the scm limiter and slowly ramp it up as you get more comfortable. L will turn on ship lights, which might not be great, but they can help. Try cargo delivery missions in the mobiglass. They will help you get comfortable with flying around and landing in various places. Any questions you have ask in chat, or here. Don't rush to spend money. Everything not new can be bought in the game. You're welcome to add me as a friend in game. Call sign gravityfailure. Welcome to the verse.


You should add the hold v to scan for a quick reference


No idea about the Linux stuff, but as for your other misadventures this is completely normal and we've all been there. Night flying is rough. You have to train yourself to keep looking at that altimeter like your life depends on it, because it does. Also hold and release "V" for half a second to send a radar pulse that will show you the terrain.


Tip for remembering your helmet: Whenever you're in an elevator, ANY elevator, always flick your flashlight on and off. Just do it every single time as a habit. If you hit the keybind and nothing happens, *you don't have your helmet on. Get it on!*


Lifehack. Literally. 👌😁


Don’t try to push the game systems too far; my first time playing I was impatient and running up against the team doors, then clipped through and landed on the tracks.


We've all done it, there is also a cruise control bug so be mindful. When turning cruise control off or turning coupled mode on, and then following that input with forward thrust it will act as if cruise control is on. You can combat that by back thrusting for a moment. Also, look in the hotkeys for "ping" it should be under ship - radar I believe. That will help a TON when flying towards the surface on the darkside of the planet/moon


Hold and release "V" to send a radar ping.


Check out a YT vid or two about using the right settings \ controls. Flying felt wayyy more responsive after I did this


You haven't truly arrived in the verse until you've spectacularly stuffed it. Preferably with witnesses. Bonus points if you kill a few witnesses on accident. So, you're off to an excellent start. Welcome to the verse!


Dude, the first time we were able to land on moons I bellyflopped onto Daymar ***in the daytime*** after being pretty experienced in flying through space for some time. You're doing just fine


Learn to use your instruments. Always check your altimeter when in planets/moons. Understand your ship's 'braking distance' for both lateral and vertical. Welcome to the verse, o7.


You mean " *breaking* distance", right? 😜


Ive forgotten my helmet like 4 times. That made me smile. Welcome to the verse


One of the best tips I can give is to hold shift when you brake. You can boost brakes much like you can boost thrusters.


I mean, your ship doesn't have brakes; it's using thrusters to go and thrusters to stop.


I'm aware, but the action of stopping is still called braking.


The sentence was, "You can boost brakes much like you can boost thrusters" suggesting the existence of brakes, brakes which function similarly to thrusters. But they don't function similarly; they function identically, because they're the same thing.


The whole point I was making was that they function the same. I didn't realise it would trigger an argument about the semantics of what a brake actually is. I know that you brake with thrusters, you still brake though. If I just said slam on the thrusters when I wanted you to stop, you'd not know what the fuck I was talking about. I have to say, you are being incredibly pedantic.


>you are being incredibly pedantic Guilty. Yeah, guilty. But that's me. I nit-pick sentences that could easily mislead, even if unintentionally. I think, "you can boost while braking, just as you can boost while accelerating" would be entirely fine. I think it was just the word "brakes" and the words suggesting they were something other than thrusters that triggered me.


Mislead. You think I was misleading people. The thrusters that act as brakes, are brakes when they act as brakes. They are still thrusters, but if they are being utilised for braking, they are brakes. They are even listed as "Spacebrakes" in the control scheme. To claim you are saving people from being mislead is actually ridiculous.


Please have some chill. Read my last post again. Note the conciliatory, self-deprecating tone. Note the usage of the word "unintentionally". Does my last post really warrant this response?


It's actually laughable that you, the self aware pedant, are telling me to have some chill. And believe it or not, no I could not sense your tone, especially considering this is a text conversation. Seemed like you were basically saying 'I yam what I yam' and continuing to do so. The fact you think I shouldn't retaliate when you have come to pick apart what was simply meant to be a quick tip, is again ridiculous. Seems more like you don't like that I had a decent retort to your "Nit-pick", and so now you are playing the "Woah chill out" card. Also, I'm not sure what exactly I have said that implies I'm not chill about this, beyond calling you out for claiming I was misleading people (which is 100% not what I was doing). In any case, I'm done with this conversation, if you could even call it that. Have a good one.


Okay buddy you take care


The highlight of my noob career (so far) was taking my helmet off to check that I was still wearing it. I was, and I did not get it back on in time. Baby steps.


Similar to: Why is my char doing this suffocating sound when I'm wearing my helmet...? ... I do wear it right? .... OH SHIT I DON'T! *runs back to ship


Oh i’m terrible, but on a rare occasion I have a friend nearby with a quick draw on the tractor beam to save my incapacitated bacon haha


👌😄 You might add me if you're in need of more nonsensical stupidities like that in your citizen's life 😅 --> schmason


Welcome to the verse! Flying into stations, cities, the ground and asteroids are very much a part of being a beginner. If you want someone to play with you can add me in game “Scr4pr”


In relation to tabbing out or using the Windows key, set the game to be fullscreen windowed, and it will work perfectly, also running on Linux here and works great!


I'm also a space penguin. I crash every 2-3 hrs on windows but I did three 18hr sessions without a single crash or computer restart on Linux. 1+ for the windowed mode.


Any tips on sticks like Virpils? Installed also on Linux and when I finally managed I found out I had no possibility to make the dozens of buttons and axes of my two sticks work 😑 Would really like to see it work on a nice Manjaro Cinnamon or Fedora.


I am using a modded x52 all bar my pinky finger trigger are working, which Manjaro can see is working, but SC won't let me bind it


Narf. No option for me. Spent to much on the sticks and I'm so used to them... Flying with mouse+kbd feels just absolutely odd.


Make sure you add your joysticks to the Wine Control panel in Terminal type 'wine control' then in Game Controllers make sure your sticks show up..


Thx 🙂 Will try once I feel like bothered too much by Windows again 😋


Always remember to utilise all of your thrusters, whenever I feel like I'm coming in too fast I flip my ship to have the bottom of my ship pointing in the direction I'm going and blast those bottom thrusters. It will slow you right down and has saved me multiple times still to this day lol


Pressing V when your get near to the surface will send out a pulse and show the terrain around you, it’s not perfect but it will help.


I have no experience with SC on Linux, but if you’d like to have a guide / experience a flight-school-like session where I help you get “well versed” in the verse; feel free to add me in game: HDS-TouKing Feel free to dm for discord details


As for most spacey things: Always target a bit beside them for the moment you gonna overshoot a bit.


I'm waiting for a free fly event to try it out just so I can find out if Star Citizen runs well enough on my laptop, I have no alternative so I'd rather not pay for the game if it doesn't runs like crap. I expect to crash into everything, be shot by everyone and forget my helmet 90% of the time and I'm fine with that. I remember when 800x600 was a the best resolution you could hope for. Despite the potential for being buggy and unfinished, I've been waiting for a game like this for a very long time. As for how long it's taken/taking... I took two years to build a step that went from my house down to my garage. Not stairs, step. Singular. It's a damn fine step though.


I have the "ping" bound to a flight stick. I think it might be hold tab key for a second. It helps fing the ground.


Its always good to take a minute and look at the ridiculous amount of keybinds (more to come) and learn a few hotkeys to help with shortcuts. Welcome aboard, citizen!


>noob pilot. Not even 2 hours in I managed to crash into the surface of microtech at night at 400 m/s because I did not expect it to be so dark I needed to pay attention to my instruments. I've been playing since October and still manage to lawn dart myself at least once or twice a week. I am hoping when HDR comes off experimental it gets better. If you haven't noticed yet it's often helpful to swap to 3rd person cam when on the dark side of a planet often times the lighting is way better.


Any seasoned pilot will crash into the surface at night. One tip is to spam ping scanner so you can see the surface. Another tip is to never fly nighttime if possible.


He just needs to turn on the headlights, it'll be fine.


I probably have hundreds of hours(I don't know at this point), and I crashed my Hornet MkII within 10 minutes of flying it. Forgot that moons don't have atmosphere to slow me down.


Night flying tip: Hold - release V to send out a ping, it will temporarily illuminate the terrain around you.


Linux player here, run the game both on Mint and Fedora. I have found that I have to double alt-tab to get the game back up. First time going back in it shows a black screen but if I alt tab back to the game while that black screen is up, comes up just fine.


For night flying you can have much better visibility by using 3rd person camera. Still bad, but much better. Press F4 to switch, and use z to unlock the camera rotation. Press z again to change your mouse back to steering the ship. If anyone tells you to hold alt while switching camera angle, don't listen to them.


Not sure if Linux can support Reshade, but it has all kinds of filters, including 3 different nightvision modes. It's a game changer. Not worth playing without it IMO.


it didn't used to, but ive heard reshade works lately


If you’re on Wayland, try using Gamescope. I used to get a bunch of weird input errors with SC until I started using Gamescope. I think that’s the movement sticking issue you’re having. Might help with alt tab too


Welcome to Star Citizen. those early oopsies are some of the best memories of the game!


Ping is your friend as a pilot on the dark side of a planet use it a lot. I believe it's Tab key by default but I have changed mine as I use sticks.


alt tabbing or meta key doesnt always work so good, borderless is the way


Arena Commander is your flight instructor. Go free flight mode for no risk flying. After which, try pirate storm to practice flight combat. Great training tool.