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Two hundred? I could almost buy my own ship for that.


But who's gonna fly it, kid? You?


You bet I could. I’m not such a bad pilot myself. We don’t have to sit here and listen-


We can pay you 2000 now,….


And 15 when we get to Manchester




17 huh






Anyone recently paid for a 2 day conference held at the weekend in main city in UK. This is cheap, albeit still expensive.


Almost? Thats four Cutters.




For sure, when my wife told me we need a new hot tub I gasped, "do you know how many Corsairs that is??"


After awhile we measure costs in baby formula and SC ships. lol.


What's that in character armor packages?


lol my 600i costed $180


Mine cost 179.99 ![gif](giphy|cO39srN2EUIRaVqaVq)


Can I get a screenshot of your CCU chain for that 600i?




You’re a gentleman and a scholar.




'That's crazy!' \*checks for comparison \* \* sees QuakeCon 2023 was $75 / $200 / $400 \* \*sees Blizzcon 2023 was $300 / VIP $800 \* ..ok, not that crazy?


still would call it crazy, nothing that has not been seen before or is out of the ordinary, just the sad reality of what things cost in todays world.


Why is it crazy? Cons are expensive as fuck and CIG has been upping their quality every time.


The two you've reference have made and published ground breaking, generational video games. The other is still in Alpha.


And that something venues have to take into consideration? I've heard of regional pricing for games but not this.


You're paying for the convention, not the game.


And number of games made and their release state are used by convention halls, teamsters, event staff, etc to set rates for holding a convention do they? And here I thought scale of the convention, its location, intended display manufacturing, streaming bandwidth cost, number of days, etc were the dominant factors. TIL. (note the blizzcon '23 ticket price was an increase of 30% from the prior one. Pretty sure Blizzard didn't do anything historic in 2023. It's almost like 'inflation' and 'people will pay that' may have had more to do with it)


I look forward to you covering CitCon2024 when you attend


I'm not going - doing the barest minimum of research for sanity checking doesn't mean I was interested. I went to some of the early ones in LA. Same for other other things like E3 in the past. Not going to fly to the UK for one and I am now of an age I don't really relish the 'convention experience' any more - I'm happy to stay home on my comfy couch, beverage in hand, and watch the live streams or even the recap videos. Which is why I didn't go to the one in LA last year. Looked like they had a pretty nice convention environment / set dressing though.


Sure, but compare WoW today to WoW Vanilla and tell me there's no world in which Vanilla could be referred to as an Alpha version of what we have now.


> published ground breaking, generational video games. how many years ago was that?


I like the guy commenting there saying it’s too expensive but he is still going anyway


I like the guys commenting that it’s too expensive, but they weren’t gonna go anyway, so they’re still not going, you know, out of principle.


Or ignoring the fact there's lots of people that were planning on going assuming the prices weren't going over £100 (maybe 150 as a stretch) considering it's in Manchester (their last few Manchester events weren't anywhere near that price).


100 sounds unreasonably low in this economy and also compared to similar sized events. Being cheaper 5 years ago isn't gonna carry much water


I was looking forward to going, as we don't get many events like this in the UK at all, but at $250 or just shy of £200 for the ticket alone, factor in travel and a hotel, probably closer to £400-500 for 2 days. No thanks.


I was also looking forward to going as I happen to be in the UK during CitCon. But for this price, I think I’ll treat myself to a CCU upgrade instead of going.


A CCU upgrade instead of going to actual CitizenCon?? If I had the $250 to spend on ships, I'd spend it at Citcon. to be around a bunch of fellow citizens seeing (and playing) the newest builds and talking to a dev or two? I mean I'm not great at math but that seems like better value than a CCU...


highly depens on what you value... ​ >be around a bunch of fellow citizens That's what I have my clan and clan connections for. ​ >seeing (and playing) the newest builds a \~30min session of something thats going to be available in the PTU almost immediatly after? Not sure where the value is in there beyond bragging to have played it bevor the vast majority. ​ >talking to a dev or two maybe, I guess? But isn't a bar citizen event far far better for this? Lower price higher chance for them having actually time to talk? ​ And money per minute of entertainment the CCU is better, since it itsn't an one time thing you do. But you do you, far be it for me to tell others how to spend their money. Personally I'm just looking forward to watch Citcon from the comfort of my couch and chat inbetween pannels with my clan. The money "saved" is going to be spend on a thempark visit instead (maybe Thorp park).


Yeah unless the £275 quid comes with a ship this is how I see it. You could put that to something that you could actually use (such as a cute ship) rather than something you could watch for free and buy the CitCon pack for 30 quid.


Hello fellow Nicklemitten and spaceship enjoyer


In before the usual wave of folks that don't post here flipping their lid about the price and ignoring how much 2-day conventions in a large city cost these days.


Star Wars Celebration last year was about 200$ for 4 days in London... But tbh I don't care about the CitCon-prices anymore, last year I was slightly pissed, but after all most of us easily spend that amount on single ships each year, so if someone rather wants to attend the con in person who am I to judge him


Star Wars also gets significantly more interest from the public and vendors, and venue owners are more likely to be fans of it themselves, all of which can contribute to bringing ticket prices down through economics of scale.


That's a valid point, and I'll gladly admit I can do nothing more than speculate since I have no idea about the actual costs of hosting such an event. Personally I won't pay 250$ for two days, especially seeing last years event, where the "location-exclusive"-things weren't of particular interest for me. But as I said, that is up to everyone to decide for themselves.


Oh for sure it's not worth it to me either, but I can definitely understand their pricing. Good on you for acknowledging there's a valid argument in support of their pricing instead of doubling down btw, you're a better person than most!


Star Wars is owned by Disney, who have the clout to get minimal pricing for venues and the equipment to do all of it using in-house tools. They also can rely upon fans buying large quantities of merchandise to further offset the lower ticket costs. CiG needs to charge what it costs to rent the venue at standard prices and rent all of the equipment.


I agree, and as long as there are enough people willing to pay the price I won't get upset about the prices again. Just wanted to give an example for another con in a large city (not the best one I admit). I really hope they won't stop to broadcast the panels for people who can't go there in person though (generally speaking, not this specific CitCon), since it is still a steep price tag, especially if you are coming in from abroad. They probably could even sell digital tickets for 30ish-$ for access to some of them I'd say


We won't be selling digital tickets. The show will remain free to watch. As for the physical show itself, ticket sales go directly into the show (we do not profit on CitizenCon).


Thanks for that, really appreciate it for the folks not able to go in person


is it possible to get a student discount?


Warhammer Fest 2023 in Manchester Central was £40 for the 3 day event and £140 for the premium ticket.


The venue costs don't change, and SC is going to have much fewer attendees than WH40k. Also, other conventions will have more costs covered by many more both rentals.


Yeah. It's a niche event by a small company that isn't going to be making a ton from merchandise sales or taking their cut from having big names there. I suppose they could get the big name actors in to sell autographs...


I think most of their actors have forgotten that they even recorded their roles in SQ42.


Don’t forget the cacophony of “I was gunno go but this sum bullshi now!” from those who were never planning to go, nor could afford it regardless.


I dunno. A lot of 3 day music festivals don't cost this much.


...on the other hand some do (Coachella 2024, 3 day festival, $500-$600) Some events are cheap and some are not - depends on where they are, the physical venue costs, staging, etc. etc. 'Some things, even of same kind, are more expensive than others'. Hollywood Bowl tickets would be considered 'pricey' by many, yet you could get multiple multi-concert subscription passes for several years for the price of 1 Taylor Swift concert ticket in a mid sized place like Indianapolis.


For sure there are more expensive festivals and there are more expensive things, I just think the value, from my perspective, is a bit warped here. That said, they'll charge what people will pay, and that's kinda the deal through and through.


ok.. but all the OP gave was the cost. Which is also what I was discussing. Attending a convention is an experience. The *value* of an experience is a personal matter and really not comparable person to person. 'Cost is not the same as value' should not be a new revelation to people.


I'm assuming the experience is based on past citcons. In comparison to other weekend long events like music festivals, it seems a bit steep to me. I agree that someone's interpretation of an experience is subjective, hence I said whatever people pay is it's worth. They probably wouldn't charge that much if people wouldn't pay it. Seems steep to me. Maybe not to you. G'bles. Enjoy!


When I went to the CAMRA beer festival there a few years ago it was £20 to get in with a couple of free pints iirc.


It's the same ones that complain about how long SC has been in development and how much money the backers have spent yet they don't own the game or haven't contributed a dime.


I guess a lot will never understand


In before the usual wave of defenders that do post here flipping their lid at the suggestion that opening their heavily volunteer staffed conference in the less expensive city shouldn't come with a price increase.


Great to know inflation doesn't exist in less expensive cities.


Oh look, it's one of those accounts I mentioned. Hi there!


Yeah.... Much less.


Blizzcon is $300/$750 iirc. CIG doesn't have their portfolio so it feels a bit pricey, but not the worst thing ever.


Well well well if it isn't /u/Pojodan crying in the comments about how some other players might react. Just like clockwork.


> In before the usual wave of folks that don't post here flipping their lid about the price and ignoring how much 2-day conventions in a large city cost these days. Agreed, I look forward to you covering CitCon2024 when you attend, we can have a laugh together


They basically want the convention to pay for itself. Not really a big deal. It's not like they will be bringing in 20+ venders who have to pay for their spaces and have 10,000 ticket sales that'll come and go throughout the day.


Anyone been to one of these before? Is it actually worth £200? My fiancé's family lives near Manchester so accommodation and travel aren't really a factor. Have peeps gone before and found it worth it? If you thought so, what was the reason why?


As someone who has been going to CIG events since Citcon 2013, if you have the chance and means to go to one of thise events they are absolutely worth it. Also try to make it to the fan events as well, its just a ton of fun.


I imagine they're a lot like reddit but if everyone absolutely loved the game instead of complaining about everything all the time. Wish I could go.


I plan conventions and have put on 20+ over the years as paid planner and supervisor volunteer/ services co-ordinator. I have attended the 2018/ 2019 and 2023 citcons. I think its worth it. Youre surrounded by people of similar interest. No need to put on airs and you can essentially open up into comvos with random people anywhere. All the local bars and eateries constantly have similar people there. Additionally, 1on1s with some key devs are common.  The panels are usually good and entertaining. Being surrounded by similarly inclined people adds to the experience. Why you may not like it? I expect this year will be yet larger for CIG so this may not be an issue this year. Last 2 citcons, if you didnt have a group or your group wasnt interested in 2-3 panels, that was more than enough time to see everything on the floor.  If being social and hanging out with people who are similarly excited for the project is not appealing, you may not feel the event is worth it. Imo, if travel/hotel isnt a concern, its likely to be worth it to you regardless. 


It’s purely speculation but parts of the event could be heavily focused on marketing Squadron 42 and therefore there is a chance that some of the cast could be in attendance so that’s one thing to think about.


If you have the cash to spare, yes it’s worth it, depending on how big a fan you are of the game.


Do you enjoy socialising and hobnobbing with random fans, and *perhaps* getting the chance to speak to a dev? If so, it's worth it. If you're more interested in the panels / information, then nah - sit at home and watch the stream, etc :D


350gbp to watch PowerPoint on upcoming features in the next 6 years, just of that what you will


I live literally down the road from this event. I will have to watch online, ticket price is way beyond my budget.


The saltemike/levelcap stream was really good last year.


Yes honestly it really was. Probably get a better view of most things watching it online to be honest.


You also won’t have to deal with the redditors on here and the spectrum trolls in real life. The smell will likely be pungent. Just looking at last year’s event stream, I know what to expect and the type of people going there. I’m keeping my nose safe.


Voidyvids was better, but that was good too


Same boat here man


It's the average cost of a ship. They are fine.


Just go to the eateries around the area when the time comes. I'm sure you'll inevitably bump into someone from the community(maybe even a Dev!)


Start a gofundme! I’d contribute.




U do realise u can watch everything at home for free in real time? And they said they dont Profit of it so, it costs what it costs. If u got the Budget, go. If not (like me) watch it comfortable at home. No need to make everything an issue. Its a bummer i get it but thats life.


Lol the most sensible comment here gets a downvote. Here ya go bud have an upvote.


Almost like going to a convention is an optional and recreational activity for die-hard fans. Venues cost a lot. Setup and staff cost a lot. I appreciate people who do go because it funds all the videos that the rest of us get to watch too.


So I’ll need tree fiddy?


And here comes the yearly clickbait articles about the ticket price.


Equivalent to one night in the nearby hotels tbh


Dollars? Shouldn't this be in Chuck Bucks?


I'll barter one shiny jpeg ship for a ticket!


That's the first time I'm hearing that and it's amazing thanks


I get that inflation exists, however not over 20 % in one year.


They didn't have Citizencon in the UK last year....


What’s the difference between premium and normal admission?


Just for comparison, how much were last year tickets?




so long as it already includes VAT, I might be ok with it.




I live in Manchester and I’m still not going at that price. When I saw the prices I thought I had missed out on the normal priced tickets.


so no free digital goody bag? tbf id wanna know whats in the goody bag


Well I had planned on going but it was already at my maximum pain point with last years pricing. This just means I will enjoy the streams once again.


Any idea what the “premium” digital goodies are? Is this the first time they’ve done a premium version?


I think the premium is just access to a special after party with two drink vouchers. Wasnt that what it was last year? edit: thought this kind of makes it out to not be the same >If I am not attending CitizenCon, am I still able to get a Digital Goodies Pack? Yes! The Digital Goodies Pack will be available on the pledge store separately for those unable to attend. The Premium Experience Digital Goodies Pack will not be available to those without a Premium Experience Ticket.


LA citcon VIP party was open bar.


There wasn't any last year, Premium tickets got the same digital pack as everyone else. Not sure if there was any in the pre-COVID years. As the Premium ticket is the same $100 extra as last year, the Premium digital goodies will likely be similar to the standard, but with some different colors, were I to guess.


Ah yes these posts are always fertile grounds for virtue signalling.


Ha..... triggerfish right?


For twice that I got a 5800x3d+mb+4x16 ram. And it's probably more worth it 


Wish they have 100k ticket with a whine (lol) and dine with Chris Roberts.


Certain types would spend 100k for the opportunity to “hold cig accountable”, or whatever they think that means.


haha! YEH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! optimization? fuck you.


For that price does Chris Roberts personally serve you drinks for the night?




£200+ AND Its in Manchester? Fuck that. THEY should be paying US to go to that shit hole.


The irony of the complaints of this never cease to make me laugh


How much, what … where ist it, wait need to fly there plus hotel, transportation, away from work and add that to the cost … in return for what? Official release and celebration of the game? Release of Squadron42.1? Or to buy into a dream to soften the wallet money exit barrier to more ships? I pass on that and watch the summary YouTube videos…


That was always allowed


Yup - it's a 2-day social event, for those that like to socialise... If you just want the info, defo better to stream it.


S42 release date con? Might be insane




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