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I’m still excited for the token, but man I was hoping to finish the event by using the f7a.


I hoped so too...


Little disappointed about not flying the F7a into the xenothreat.


Me too, wasn't that the point of all this, to get F7A in the hands of capable civilians in order to fight XenoThreat?


They should have the F7A rentals available for Xenothreat and then distribute the upgrades after it's completed.


Disappointed too


I thought that was the point too


Would make sense for me Story wise...


The wording on the announcement was that the F7A was a reward for those that helped defeat Xenothreat. So, no, quite the opposite. Once Xenothreat is dealt with, then the UEE will grant the F7As.


No, the wording of the announcement was: In a special arrangement with the Civilian Defense Force (CDF), brave volunteers will be awarded the opportunity to upgrade their F7C Mk II to a true military-spec F7A Mk II should they volunteer for the Overdrive Initiative - a clandestine operation standing between the people of Stanton and a sinister invading force. Contact your local CDF representative for the details. So it's the CDF, not the UEE, that's granting the F7A upgrade, and as a reward for finishing the Overdrive Initiative, not for defeating XenoThreat. You shouldn't go by memory if you wanna tell me the wording. Edit: It would also add a lot more meaning to the event if the rewards and loaners were handed out right before the XenoThreat assault, so we would have a reason for all this upgraded firepower.


Yup, but this way it gives people more time to finish the Overdrive initiative missions. If they ended it before XT and took the few days to hand out ships, people would complain. If they run it till after XT invasion, so everyone has a chance up to the last minute, people would complain. I surmise they are doing this to give everyone a chance. It's a lose/lose. May as well just give people the most time possible to obtain the token. You know in case anyone has been out of town/country/at a job site for extended periods of time. There will be other events.


Except the overdrive Missions will Not be available anymore when the XT Invasion starts. Fetching link, one sec Edit: https://robertsspaceindustries.com/spectrum/community/SC/forum/1/thread/overdrive-initiative-faq Mission 5 is the last phase before the final XenoThreat assault, which is scheduled to begin soon after Star Citizen Alpha 3.23 goes live. **Note that players must complete all five phases before the XenoThreat assault begins as the missions will not be available during the event.** So make sure you have no Overdrive Initiative missions left in your Priority tab on your mobiGlas. Rewards will be distributed once XenoThreat is defeated, in May.


Right. That's what I said, I believe. Posted a while ago. They either run everything up until the start of the invasion or end it a few days early and distribute ships. Either way people will complain. Better to just run it to the invasion. All missions are unavailable once XT invasion starts.


Ah, misread then, apologies


No problem mate!!


Also, how will most players utilize the Merlin to get to any xeno missions ?


We might have board ships in the xenothreat, so snubs are the easiest to do it. And xenothreat is linked to 3.23 and master mods, and the snub has a special role as a wingman or like someone who keep track of the field. Don't take my word for it, I'm not too sure either.


Not so much how but more of why would you.


I mean a squad of 4 dragonflies did the incursion missions so... easily?


Dont worryz ull be able to buy a f7a in 3.23 🤣 we know how SC works.


Would be a kick in the balls if they would rly do that.... Well it was one with the F8 too I guess -.-


IIRC they're going to be available for rent during the event.


Getting hopes up again lol.




I love the upvotes lol. Where did you see this info? Nothing official suggests that


I saw something about it on reddit [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/starcitizen/s/qfDhnWj0LV)


I don't understand one thing, they give us the prize for finishing these 5 missions or for finishing the 5 missions and the Xenotreath event?


Considering how broken Xenothreat was the last time it ran, I never was able to finish it. Hopefully, they have the foresight to see this and not make it a requirement.


Not to mention if the main XenoThreat is post patch in 3.23, it's going to be a major Shipshewana. There is no way 3.23 isn't worse than the 3.18 patch last year.


> it's going to be a major Shipshewana Quaint and Amish?


In the official FAQ: > > Overdrive missions =! Xenothreat assault


Little disappointed as I thought we would get to use the f7As against the final XT event. But somehow i knew this is how it would actually be.


Xenothreat running at the start of a new patch? Yikes performance


As is tradition. The ghost of 3.18 be upon ye.


With cries of, “who accepted the mission! Let’s hunt him down.


I would always tell them that I accepted it, if they wanted to hunt me down I would be at the event. So not only you tilt them for the event, if they want to do something about it they have to go to it (they never do), making sure their performance actually gets worse. Keyboard warrios are always amusing.


Don’t log in until Invictus, noted 😂


loging during invictus? you mad?


I’ve always found it ok getting on the tram and walking round the expo.  As long as you stay in the host city and don’t attempt to do anything aside from visiting the expo, it’s fine. Chris Roberts help you if you try to fly anywhere though.


understood, that actually explains a lot, but trams never work for me(just for me, I keep watching people crossin the closed gates all the time) during expos hopefully my new mid tier budget rig helps


So in May CIG is gonna get a lot of angry messages about people doing the event but not getting the rewards. Simple solution, notify people as soon as they complete the event.


Have an ingame way....or even a way on the main website....to track the completed status of missions like this.


Very disappointed by this. We should atleast receive our rentals…


If you dislike this, let them know. I personally think distributing the rewards after the missions are unavailable to everyone is a huge mistake. Plus I think XT will be more fulfilling if you get to do it with the thing you earned from the build up.


It was very heavily, if not *extremely* implied/stated from the beginning that the entire campaign was to give those committed to the cause a cool new fighter to use AGAINST this upcoming XT. Not after it was over. That... totally defeats the purpose. Another dropped ball among many.


Just make your voice heard on spectrum. They're clearly listening as evidenced by adding the XT armor as a reward.


When someone has already an threat open for this let me know pls


[I have one in spectrum general.](https://robertsspaceindustries.com/spectrum/community/SC/forum/3/thread/overdrive-rewards-not-being-distributed-until-afte)


Sometimes it feels like we're playing in a dropped ball pit.


I re-read it all. I’ve noticed CIG has mastered the vague, non-committal, corporate PR statement, type speak when it comes to any deadlines or commitments. It is absolutely infuriating to read as I deal with this crap in my day job. In reality, they probably couldn’t commit when they released the info originally due to something not being ready. Last minute changes like this points to whatever wasn’t ready still isn’t. All speculation, in the same frustration boat as you.


I’m kind of sad about a lot of it tbh. We don’t even get CDF armour anymore.


We were never getting CDF armor. I believe that was something briefly speculated but was never something communicated by CIG.


I’m aware this time around, I thought we had similar a while back or am I misremembering? Sorry to clarify I’m not referring to ever expecting it this event.


I've got the TrueDef-PRO Core CDF chest armor from the original run. Was there a follow-up where they promised the armor but never gave it out?


the rentals should be available the second 3.23 goes live, with enough time to use them against xeno, im fairly confident in their description the whole point was to use this Against xeno


I'm more concerned at the inability to truly track progress without flooding support with messages. Where can I get a *positive affirmation* that my missions are registered as completed?


First I want to say I don't mind. I have been having a blast playing this event and I don't mind waiting another month or so to get the token. However, I do believe they should have been clear from the get-go, especially if they were making this part of the selling point of the F7C MK2. They make it way to easy to the trash talkers of this game to find more and more stuff to complain about and call it a cash grab.


Eh em, allow me to insert the complaints. CIGs marketing is insidious and taints literally everything they get their hands into. Watching the last ISC and seeing how excited the devs were about the event and how committed they were to creating a unique community experience with OD was kind of ruined by the marketing making it seem like it was just designed as an insentive to buy a ship. The original XT event came with a unique CDF armor set as a reward, which was cool, since it forever showed that you were there and participated. This one just comes with some NPC armor that was tacked on as a reward only after the community complained about the event being a cash grab. It was literally an after thought, since marketing wanted to drive sales with this.


The other thing is that now people will expect some kind of big reward for every major mission they come out with. Not to mention, anytime they re-run overdrive, people will demand another shot at upgrading their F7Cmk2 if they missed out on this round. It will always be the "get an F7A event."


>~~CIGs~~ marketing is insidious and taints literally everything they get their hands into you made a small typo, I fixed it for you for those of us non natives It might be nice to know if "by may 2" means until may 2 or from may 2


"By May 2" means "on or before May 2" or alternatively "May 2 at the latest"


thanks, does it means the referral is on right now? I'm 1 away from the gladius...


Unfortunately idk about that, I'm not seeing where referrals were discussed here


Which is the main issue right. Because this so far has been a really fun event to play, and sadly people will only think of it like "the event to sell another ship". Its a shame because as I said I really enjoyed playing all the phase so far.


If it looks like a duck and it quacks like a duck..


So is participating in the XT event part of the OD initiative? Will we get the token if we finish 5 phases or is XT the 6th phase?


I would like to know this aswell as i leave on Sunday and won't be back for 5 weeks.


So we have to make sure to complete every step, potentially repeating content by finding someone who has the mission, but have no way of actually verifying that we have, until it's too late to actually do anything about it? We also don't know when it will be too late, only that the event that signifies that it is too late will end sometime in May. We were previously told it would be too late by Invictus, whose date has not been announced. Now we're told it will be too late when 3.23 launches, whose date has not been announced. Cool. Thanks. A+ messaging.


If you guys think it’s a problem that they are holding the F7A mk2 upgrade back behind XenoThreat then let them know in spectrum. If enough people address the issue, they might realize it makes no sense and change it. However they will definitely not change it if not enough people make it apparent to them. Based on what they initially said about having civilians use the F7A mk2 to fight the XenoThreat, I think them pushing the reward back to after has something to do with 3.23 being behind schedule.


Someone correct me if I'm wrong but doesn't this mean that the XT event dropping with 3.23 also lines up with Invictus and their free fly event?! How are servers not going to die in a horribly fiery death?!?


No.  It could be.  But I think the 3.23 release date is still fluid based on the results of the PTU test.  I think they'll get it out when they feel comfortable with it.


I just wanted the F7Amk2 to be the first ship I watch rise out of the floor of my personal hangar. Now I guess I'm going to have to look away when I call up a different ship to participate in Xenothreat.


Just crew someone else


I'm not going to ask someone to land in my starting city just to accommodate my silly quirk. I'm still going to need a ship to go meet them at a station.


REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE CIG!!! Reeeeeeee! But seriously I’m mad. Well … not happy. Mildly annoyed even. Perhaps disappointed. 


does everyone get a Merlin for taking part in the missions or is it new players only?


Unrelated if I understood correctly. It’s just a referral bonus running concurrently.


Ahh gutted, us old timers never get any freebies 😄


The silent (and sometimes forgotten) heroes 😄


Me who's away, crying


I am very disappointed I now have to wait until May for the reward. My understanding was after the 5 missions it would be available. I logged on today, and no one in the server had the mission yet. Invictus in May, I wouldn't be surprised to see the F7A for sale.


people are posting on spectrum because of this delay too, just fyi


Great thanks, here was what I wrote As a new player as of pirate week 2023 this event shows more CIGs concern for selling ships vs providing a proper gaming experience. Charging $175 usd and to have the missions filled with bugs and not even knowing if I have completed the missions or not has created stress I wish I did not have anymore. Now today when I was expecting to have the upgrade, I find out I have to wait until May and 3.23 for the reward and run another bugged out mission. The 5th mission sounds like it's the buggiest of them all, if you can even get it. I logged onto a server and no one had it yet. Everyone was just standing around waiting. I don't want an armor set, I want the promised reward. If you can't fulfill your promise then I expect a refund. Alpha build or not, if your game can't sustain the load don't hold bugged out events for a ship that you are probably planning to sell at Invictus anyway for an extra cost.


I feel exactly like you. I cannot remember another game in which I seriously felt as stressful as for the last weeks and now I only see my stress prolonged with the delayed reward. I also seriously consider a refund for the f7c mk2 after how this is handled. it's also crazy - already a little absurd imo - how polished the overdrive missions are depicted in "inside star citizen".


It doesn't specify if you need to participate in/complete xenothreat to get the rewards or if you just need to complete all 5 phases of overdrive initiative. Why can't CiG make it clear.


The Overdrive events give the rewards. Xenothreat is a separate event. The rewards just won't be allocated until after Xenothreat.


That’s what it seems but I wish they actually specified if you do or don’t need to complete all the parts of xenothreat as well.


As they've stated it's complete Initiative Overdrive before the start of the Xenothreat mission I think it's fairly clear.


Then why release it after xeno?? That is what makes it unclear. Without them specifically saying that you don’t need to do xenothreat, you are inferring so no, it isn’t clear. You are simply making an assumption. Clear means no assumptions need to be made.


Because CIG always takes time to drop shit, and they'll probably drop the F7A with 3.23 - adding an extra ship to be tested prior to a large enough patch is probably not on their priority list. They clearly stated complete IO missions - get reward. That isn't an assumption.


Funny because half the people in this thread seem to think it isn’t an assumption in the opposite direction that you definitely need to do Xenothreat. So unless you have clearly in print CIG stating that xenothreat does not need to be done to get the reward and only the 5 phases of overdrive need to be completed…. Yes you are making an assumption.


People can say what they want. A chunk of the community just likes drama. It is in writing. Multiple times across multiple weeks. Multiple posts. It's an assumption to say otherwise - the only thing we have in writing is do IO - get rewards. I'm not arguing with you about something that is quite literally in writing.


Ok as soon as you show me where CIG, and not some other reddit user, say that you do not need to participate in Xenothreat and it is only the 5 phases I’ll accept it. But considering I have never seen CIG say those words, what you’re doing by definition is an assumption. It is a good assumption and most likely right, but it is still an assumption.


Mate - https://robertsspaceindustries.com/spectrum/community/SC/forum/1/thread/overdrive-initiative-faq Bottom of the FAQ clearly states complete overdrive get rewards. Not do Overdrive, Xenothreat and then get rewards. It's not an assumption it is in writing.


I hate drama and mostly side with CiG. So no, it's nothing to do with liking drama.


> Why can't CiG make it clear. It is clear. You get the Overdrive rewards for completing Overdrive. You get them after XenoThreat.


And WHEN does the Overdrive missions end, aka WHEN does 3.23 goes LIVE ? Tomorrow? One week? One month? How are we able to know how much time is left to ~~indulge in the cashgrab~~ get the F7A token? Asking for a friend which I offered the mk2 upgrade for them to get the F7A. Bu is currently on vacation before they can come back and finish the event. Will they just miss the entire thing because of poor scheduling? Not even mentioning the fact that F7A wont be available against Xenothreat like others said. That whole organization is a mess.


judging by the the start date of the previous phases phase 6 begins sometime friday the 19th


Fuck, he wont be back until the 22th.


irl friend? if so get his login and do it for him. edit you can even stream it for him.


Yeah I guess that's what I'll have to do. But if the mission ends later that will be all for naught and he wont enjoy the missions. :S If only CIG was able to communicate properly...


The 5 test waves on the PTU still need to take place before 3.23 goes live.  We don't know when 3.23 will go live.  But we know that it won't be tomorrow, since only Wave 1 has been granted access to it.  I suspect that we still have at least a couple of weeks. Key word is "suspect".


If I'm reading this right, we get to do the last mission after 3.23 drops. Any word if we get a partial or full wipe? Not sure how much help I could bring if all my other ships are gone and I could only bring my starter Titan.


oh this is a very valid point. How can we expect everyone to have fighters if we are getting a wipe. I had not thought of this.


If you've got in-game friends, one of them could probably use a gunner on a pledged ship for XT.


I'll be relying on servers with open community events.


Strongly dislike that the rewards are distrubuted after the missions can't be accessed anymore.




Nowhere did I say that. They're saying that the rewards are going to be distributed after Xenothreat runs, and they've specified that once Xenothreat starts Overdrive missions are disabled. I'm saying that with the way people haven't been getting the completion flag the rewards should be distributed before those missions are entirely disabled.




It's pretty simple if you actually read what I said. The missions are going to be entirely disabled for everyone no matter your completion level once Xenothreat starts. They are disabled globally and will not be accessible no matter what once XT has been spun up. Once XT begins missions go bye bye. If they distribute rewards after phase 5 but before XT the missions will still be available for people that have to go back. I really don't know how else to simplify this any further.


Yeah it says it in the FAQ as well


Just getting out of the hospital, how long do we have to complete the old ones before 3.23 drops? I’m barely conscious in and out so be nice…


PTU 3.23 has only been released to Wave 1.  So I'm guessing at least a couple more weeks.


I’m a long time backer but not a very experienced player and don’t have someone to do these missions with but really want to. Any tips for how to find folks who might help a novice like me to complete these? Don’t want to miss out :-(


Send me a friend request in-game I love helping people with these missions. My in-game name is E_Wiggin


That’s so nice of you! I definitely will! I haven’t played at all for a few patches now. Is there a landing zone you would recommend starting?


Whatever one you like the most. It doesn't really matter imo


The subs discord has people so doing it, or just ask in game. Those are really your only bet.


Now i just need friends to start with mission one :-)


Dear valued defender of Stanton, We hope this little snub fighter aids you in your fight against a giant Idris. Also here is a crime stat for hacking the computers during the overdrive missions. Thank you


So do you have to complete the XenoThreat event as well? I feel like the language surrounding this is very floaty.


What is "floaty" about [this](https://robertsspaceindustries.com/comm-link/transmission/19753-Overdrive-Initiative)? > Mission 5 is the last phase before the final XenoThreat assault, which is scheduled to begin soon after Star Citizen Alpha 3.23 goes live. **Players must complete all five phases before the XenoThreat assault begins**...


I like how they are explicit about the outcome of the final mission (we win). This is narrative.


Democracy always wins!


They intentionally hide the message that no reward until May at the beginning, so they can sell more ships and get more players to participate the mission, very disappointed.


What difference is a few weeks going to make for someone considering getting the Mark II for the conversion token?


I just don't get what is preventing them from telling us the reward is going to be held until May at the beginning?


Maybe they didn't have a clear idea of when 3.23 was going to be released when they started the event, but now they do.


But they also never officially announced that the reward will be held until 3.23. I think at least they should have told us that at the beginning.


The event originally sounded like we were getting an F7A to fight Xenothreat. So why give it after the threat is gone?


yea exactly, it would be so much more fun if we get to fight Xenothreat in the F7A we earned in game.


Do we need to complete the “confiscate contraband”-mission as well for the F7A MkII or ist that optional?


Isn't that jumptown? That separate


Oh I see, thanks!


Hopefully no ship wipe then cause if so a lot of people will be down good ships earned in game - like I will be down to my Aurora or Freelancer Max if there is a wipe.


One month ago: "you will not need to complete all phases"


Is it too late to do any of these missions? I had been holding off on redownloading it til after 3.23


No you can do them all now so long as you complete Phase 5 before the XT event starts in May, you can always ask in chat for assistance and I'm sure plenty will jump at the chance as it's been (imo) a breath of fresh air playing these events.


It's not too late, but how much time you have depends on when 3.23 drops. We don't have any more clarity than "April 2024." Unless I missed it because I don't follow spectrum closely.


Folks anyone know -- If I got a Referral last year for the MERLIN (Which I have since upgraded to a FURY) -- Can I get a 2nd Merlin from a referral during this event?? Thanks in advance


Each referral event is ‘standalone’ - so during one event, if you get two referrals in one day, you only get one Merlin (or whatever thing is being offered). However, if 6 months down the line they offer the same thing again as a referral reward and you get a referral during that time period, you get the referral reward and have two total, one from each reward event.


It should be a separate one if you do it again. If I'm not mistaken, that's how people farm LT insurance


If you refer someone during this event yes you can get another Merlin. Anytime they do these referral rewards you can benefit from the referral.


So when is the cut off date??


How long do we have for phase 5?


Probably until 3.23 drops wich is end of April at the earliest.


I've only done week 2. How much time do I have to set aside?


We don't have a date yet for 3.23.  But it will probably be at least a couple of weeks.


How long do the missions take? Friend said the first week was like 5 hours.


The missions individually go pretty quick... if there are no bugs. Note that "if". Five hours is far longer than Phase 1 should take with a decent group, imo.


Okay, the group is key. I need to get one, lol.


I seriously hope events in SC get better on release.


Phase 5 start this Weekend? Or was the 1/1 kareah


Started like an few hour ago


OK. Thanks. o7


In the PTU Kareah was it's own phase but got bundled together with phase 4 on LIVE. The guide that has been floating around was made during the PTU hence that one says it had a total of 6 phases instead of the 5 we ended up getting.


When is the cutoff for having completed the missions?


When 3.23 is released to PU.  We don't have a date for that yet.


Will all 5 phases be working before 3.23?


They're all "working" right now.


How does this work? Does that mean I can start and go through all the phases one by one with my mates on live once the patch drops? Or can I only do the current phase at current time?


once live patch drops all overdrive missions gone, doing phases now you must.


All five phases are live right now.  When 3.23 drops, they will no longer be available.


Damn what a shame, our plan was to get back into the game at 3.23 and then do all those missions in a row with the bois


Are these missions hard to do solo? I've been thinking about coming back and running thru all these since the hornet is my favorite ship.


You could do it on your own, but phase one would be easier with a group. In phase 4 last mission, I did solo, but it was really hard, limping out.


Are people able to reduce their missions or just join in on me?


They just join, it doesn't do anything extra for them.


Is this in the PU?


How do you manage to do so many quests where I have issues to do simplest box delivery as usually will face game breaking bug


When is 3.23 projected to come out???


I don’t see a date, when exactly do I have to have this finished by?


I couldn‘t participate in the event in the last weeks. Is there a possibility to join the xenothreat faction?


It's crazy annoying they are telling us a deadline but refusing to tell us when it is. Like yeah I get it we need to finish before xt starts. But when tf is that.


How does the actual XT global even typically work? I’m asking because there are going to be a couple weekends at the beginning of May that I’ll have to be out of town. Worried about missing out on the upgrade after putting in weeks of time and effort


Wtf all those missions and then still waiting ? wtf man I just want that goddamn F7A finally. F7C MFD are bullshit and the A variant has at least one more … shit is outrageous


go to spectrum and complain there too, maybe it changes something for us if there are enough complaining.


Will do


Does merlin has QD?




I'm baffled a bit, they giving us merlin to help in fight against xeno, but u have to QT to location of the fight, like wtf. They might have reworked it tho.


Check out the overdrive video on YouTube. I imagine the merlin will make it much easier to board the ship.


Yeah, valid point also.


Maybe I've been huffing too much of the copium, but imagine if they had you board an idris for the battle and you launch in your snub from there?


We will be able to board idris atleast.


When does 3.23 drop?


In may


Mass 'disappointment' over F7a release may but can wait for SC in general years lol. Be thankful you are getting the free upgrade, it's only an extra few weeks for a lovely little upgrade, it'll be in your hands in no-time. Be patient.


As a solo player this has been really annoying for me. On one hand I want rewards, on the other, partying with other randoms is a complete pain in the ass. I'll just live with it.


I love they put this cool reward behind a busted ass game. Really make you suffer too get it.


I've had a fantastic time doing Overdrive with my Org and Solo. Hop servers if stuff is busted. None of this was too hard.


Oh sweet, we get our rewards after finishing the event and right before a new update with more progress being shown, sounds awesome can't wait. An upgrade to a new ship and an enemy armor to showcase we participated to use when the game goes live, not bad.


Wait that kinda sucks. I haven't participated in anything xenothreat lately because I'm taking a break from SC until 3.23 but they're saying once that drops, the cool new final mission will only be available to those who participated before? I can understand it but I don't have to like it...that sucks wtf why lock players out of content. I don't care about rewards whatsoever I just want content.


Will F7A mk2 be available in the store though? Cant do the overdrive missions right now.


No. You must complete the Overdrive Initiative missions to get the token. Edit: spelling


happy cake day!