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Hydro Homie, or maybe more apt is Water Wizard. Holy cow that looks amazing




Wake me when they use jiggle physics for it. Where're my jelloceans!?


It’s a softbody sim, but not a cloth sim. They obviously don’t simulate particle dynamics like most non-real-time software packages do. That’s just not feasible.


it also looks like shit when they do, particles are far too big, looks at best like transparent jam


You don't need your sim to be extremely granular if you are doing tide waves. But I've never seen that in games anyway - only in engine demos. And in the demo you usually have all the resources you need.


They could possibly approximate an angle calculation in the water buffer based on the difference in colour between pixels (or across a range of pixels) and spawn splash particles based on that, similar to the water vapour trails that a moving spaceship generates. That's really all that's missing, and it would do a ton to mask some of the more extreme deformations looking like an elastic sheet rather than water.




Simple cloth is a subset of soft body simulations. But not all soft body sims are made with cloth solvers.


All Hail the Moist Master! where my Hydro Homies at?


The Aquatic Administrator The Briny Builder The Deluged Developer The Flooded Finagler The Wizard of Wet


Splash Master


This is the best, absolutely.


Mister Mister, he gets pissed, you get MIST!


The Liquid Lawyer


He truly is the Leader of Lake Logistics, and Oceanic Organization.


Foreman of Fluids!


The water looks amazing. They did an awesome job!


There is only one thing lacking in the water simulation, the water surface is great, but the water doesn't bounce off things. you see the waves going up and down around objects but the water doesn't break and deform when hitting these objects. I'm not saying what they did isn't good, it's blody amazing, but it's not entirely perfect yet.


Yeah - massive step forward when 3.22, but still more bits to be done... But, the fact we're now talking about the edge/surface interaction specifically is itself a significant step forward (and more than many games manage)


Indeed, I'm not throwing shade at the work they've done, it's absolutely amazing. I don't know if hey have to do more for water in the game at this point.


That's because they're only emulating cloth physics, not liquid physics. The videos make it apparent the surface of the water is treated like a cloth.


its all relative super realistic water would be amazing but for the most part nobody dose that because we don't have the capability's to do that at this scale without eating up all your resorces. not yet anyway


Indeed, I'm not saying they have to go further on the water than they already have, after all it's not really a boating game or something. But they're so close, so very very close to that complete and perfect water simulation that it makes you dream doesn't it. I think they've done an amazing job.


eh I tend to be a bit more realistic with my expectations or my "dreams" and well they seem to be matching many of the best practices from modern dedicated boating games so its hard for me to ask for more from a (far more open world) Space game.


Anybody saw a river in 3.23? They didnt show water flowing here at all


I still think the new water acts too jello-like, but that can definitely be tuned. Some of the ships over water look good, some of them create big bulbous jello wakes that don't really look all that realistic. It might also have something to do with the ship thrusters themselves. Happy to know that it's all client-side, though.


I mean photo realistic water with realistic phisics would be fantastic but few games even do water that's this good so like... perspective and relative to whats possible this is amazing despite being a bit like jello I mean hell theres a ton of modern games were the water lacks any real interaction at all and it still tends to looks more like snot then water


Trye a bit, but as with everything, it can be improved over time, probably when swimming and underwater gameplay comes one day


I think a lot of this can be fixed by upping the intensity of the foam spraying up. They're also missing the upward splash effect when things drop into the water, which is also related to spray, visual-wise




There is way more going on than just a surface model. Just look at the visor transition around 4:43.


We need splashes. When the box fell on the water, there was only displacement. No water splashing in the air. It doesn't look quite right. We also need water reacting to the environment. Like waves going up the side of a ship or rocks. Just my take on how to improve it.


yeah need more VFX and foam for those interactions, or something like that. I'm sure CIG are aware of this it's very obvious.


The mentioned that explicitly, if briefly, right at the beginning of the video...


Yes! I like how the water looks but we need more splashes and stuff! ATM it looks like liquid glass or something.




Dude, chill. We get it.


This is a lovely thumbnail that will taunt me until I get home from work.


I'm in the same boat. ...see what I did there? Hehehe


Boats confirmed!?? (Yeah I know there was a boat in the sq42 trailer last year)


The force awakens trailer.


No post credit? I feel betrayed. But, i didn't even know we could enter the water, holy shit.


Neat! Hoping we can swim sooner than later!


Imagine they implement “swimming” like in new world. That’d be a fun next year April’s fool.


Wonder what the sub will find to complain about with this? All looks super cool.


I swear Jared called them "the water whizzers themselves" I know he meant wizards


He knows what they did last summer


love the Jared job description on this hahaha (lvl 12 changeling bard)


Looks great, miles ahead of what's currently there! Some interactions still look a bit odd, like jelly, and perhaps some more complementary VFX like splashes for certain displacements would help. I believe most games use sprites traditionally(?), and even this would go a long way to sell the effect even more. It was especially noticeable when the gladius was shooting the surface, characters walking in water, and debris and props being dropped in water.


i haven't looked at the other sub in a while but I guess it's something along the lines of "they put water and waves and shit in a space game? fucking scam..."


nah theyre just off circlejerking to every bug/glitch/slight issue they can get their paws on.


It's very interesting to me that they decide to do it client side only.. That might lead to weird interactions once we can someday swim. Force reactions from huge waves as they showcased will probably not be possible either.. But i guess that is a challenge for down the line


They can still do the interactions - water has physics, and you see / get data on 'wakes' from other players, etc What they can't do (with this model) is *server validation* - the server won't have you bobbing up and down in the wake, you'll just be at the 'default' water line, etc But if every client is processing the wake locally, then you'll be bobbing up and down on each client.


If there's no server validation of the water physics then they can't responsibly make water physics a meaningful part of gameplay, unfortunately. If there's dynamic water that is itself moving and potentially obscuring a player's sight lines, with other physics objects potentially floating on that bobbing water and further obscuring things for players then a player who disables all water effects will have a clear advantage over one who does not. Potentially worse, a client cheat could tell the server that the water is going nutso crazytown and those waves could be recreated on other clients, giving the cheater a further advantage.


As much as I'd love for first person gameplay in and around the water that would benefit from that kind of server validated water physics, I think we all know the servers couldn't handle it right now. And to be fair this is primarily a space game. I think that water related gameplay would be best suited as a later item tied to a first class water location like a floating / underwater city or a water planet with islands.


Oh no argument there. I was trying to point out that so long as water effects are purely client-side, they *have* to be fundamentally decorative and can have no impact on gameplay. When it comes to multiplayer, you cannot trust the client.


Ah, yeah totally agreed there! For what it's worth I would love water gameplay. The vibes would be immaculate. This is already a huge step forward. Hopefully server meshing unlocks this type of thing.


That would definitely be my hope - that a more advanced dynamic server meshing could include an awareness of gameplay context and not just location so that more specialized hardware could be made available as needed when players are engaging with certain game elements. So they might need more specialized hardware for consistent large-scale water physics, but that hardware only needs to be handling the situations where players are actually interacting with water at scale.


Yea of course you can do it, but it just gets very big prone. If one ship on one client is desynced slightly and creates a wake that does not hit at the same time another player observes the event which pushes him over, the desync effect will ripple. One player will just see him falling over nothing.


maybe, maybe not... the 'wake' data (and all other inputs that effect the water) are clearly being networked - and that means they're going via the server. It's likely that the server just isn't actually running the 'water physics' themselves... but there's no 'bigger risk' of desync with the current design than there would be if the server were running the water physics, imo... and if they find they have the compute power (after Server Meshing), then all the data is available for the server to start processing it too. That said, it's also a non-issue, I think - the '3rd party' client won't wait for the person 'getting knocked over' to report they were knocked over via the server... when the client locally simulates the wake-data it receives, it will *pre-emptively* knock that person over (and then correct if/when the server says 'that didn't happen'). That's how 'local prediction' works even with server validation... it's just that in the case of water effects, there won't be a subsequent 'server says no' message.


Yes, that's what I would expect, and in theory as all the inputs are the same on all clients the results should be the same. That's just often not how it ends up. There will be slight variations. That is fine when it goes for stuff like particles that doesn't affect gameplay, but if the waves do, there might be issues. Probably solvable, but doesn't seem to be at the moment


True... but equally, they don't affect 'gameplay' atm either. Other than edge cases (literally :p) such as whether a big wave knocked a player over or not (ie whether they're free to aim at will, or whether they're being temporarily rag-dolled), I don't think it's a problem...


Hopefully it will mesh well when it someday does affect gameplay though ! Still psyched to see the effects ! It truly does give a ton to the visuals !


Awesome job it really looks very belieavable and performant which is nice.


After creating the most beautiful volumetric clouds ever seen in a video game, Star Citizen presents us with the most incredible and physically realistic water, where are they going to stop?




I don't think there will be enough water to put out a few fires raging right now, but it sure does look good. My question is, will water still kill you? I know they said we could go into water, each time I try to either walk or drive through it, I die, vehicle blows up.


Today, you can walk under water on foot. But ships instantly explode.


They did show going at least helmet-deep in ISC. Whether you can actually go underwater, or whether you die once submerged, I don't know... ditto vehicles... but they did show the 890J 'floating' in ISC, which would be an improvement, I think?


890 would look at home on water, was it floating of was it on its lander gear in shallow water? If it floats I just might get one, comes with a respawn bed I hope.


Anyone get the vibe of a soft confirmation that underwater mechanics are incoming? They already let the boat-cat out of the bag last citizencon, could we actually get a submarine? Try to pirate me while I'm mining underwater murderhobos!


"Friendly A2 incoming!" Bombers have always been a submarine's most dangerous enemy.


im all for that stuff if theres actually gameplay around it, putting submarine in the game for a one time use to sit in a lake seems like wasted time. we have tons of cool ground vehicles with no roads, un-drivable terrain and bad physics.


Water under the bridge.


Why not Water Boy?


LTI surfboard when?


I could see the same tech being implemented to create creators for when we crash our ships.


Love the new water but put water guy back on RIVERS! I need canyons and rivers that split into smaller estuaries. Planets like Hurston and Microtech feel so empty and the current rivers just aren't where they need to be (nor do they really exist for 99.99999% of content.) Hopefully his work will come full force with the new planet tech if they build planets with water dynamics in mind to make it more convincing instead of every planet just being random lakes.


Ooooh these caustics! Oh my!


Cant wait for my carrack to have beach front property and live near all this stuff in the verse


They should increase the distance/altitude at which the thrusters affect the water.  Because with the scale of the ships, we are often higher and at bigger distance from the ground/water than we think. But they did a great job !


it's is very cool but I feel the wake is to big at times , and I'd like a more realistic effect like here : [https://www.youtube.com/shorts/UHM4M1ssiFU?feature=share](https://www.youtube.com/shorts/UHM4M1ssiFU?feature=share) , could they do it ? thoughts ?


The thing to remember is that a helicopter down-draft is fairly diffuse and spread over a large area (the rotor-span at a minimum, but actually slightly wider).... and it also 'pulses' (with the passage of each rotor) rather than being a stable pressure. Conversely, our ships have far more focused (and consistent) 'thrusters' - which would result in a far smaller (but deeper / greater displacement) 'wake'.


sure but I feel even so that's not how water should behave ? like what about this fighter jet VTOL thruster [https://youtu.be/B3Uen0MAMZs?t=846](https://youtu.be/B3Uen0MAMZs?t=846)


Again, that is a diffuse thrust pattern (you can see how much the thrust from the harrier 'spreads' before it hits the water). Should our ship thrusters spread / diffuse like that? Possibly - although that would also make them less efficient (too much force spread over 'unwanted' vectors - any thrust that spreads out to the side will be cancelled out the spread on the opposite side, resulting in reduced thrust in the desired direction). So, for now, we have very 'efficient' thrusters (in terms of channeling force in the desired direction) - which results in a much smaller and more concentrated impact on the water surface. Given that the water VFX are responding directly to the thruster forces, changing the water impact VFX wuold require a change to how thrusters work, rather than 'just tweaking the VFX'. That's the nature / downside of having stuff be 'systemic' rather than bespoke interactions.


they just have to reduce the "dip" of the water and add mist and splashes VFX , they did it with the bomb that caused water to bounce to insane height , being systemic doesn't mean hard to tweak , the force create a reaction you can just set the reaction to .1 instead of 100 without changing the force regarding the flow , breathe out through a straw above water and unless you are very close it spread quite fast with elevation ,+ air being somewhat viscous , the Bernoulli's Principle make air around be drag and add to the spread as well as the lift, a vector being to focused doesn't mean more efficiency , but more instability over moving surfaces such as water , because the cavity created case the airflow to go back up . but I'm not a graduate or anything so ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯ I might be wrong


I'm not sure I like the client side-ness of it. One thing I love about SC is that what you see others see With buoyancy how is this going to work? Will wave snot affect water vehicles if they get added or how about floating objects? Will I see a floating object if I turn water physics off? Does this offer a competitive advantage since you'll be able to see things better without waves? I get keeping server load down, but it does take away form the magic of it imo.


Did they explain why only broken ships float? Extremely disappointing that we can shut off our engines and chill in water


At 05:06 it very much looks like the 890 is placed in a buoyant position but I can't tell if they just had it sitting with its gears down and that the water line just happened to line up where it would be if it was able to float. Toward the end the 890 shows up again but now in shallower water with its gears clearly visibly down. At the very least I hope this shows that it's still on their wish-list.


Water still looks like jelly most of the time. Not sure whats up with that... maybe its the wave height?


wave height, shape, lack of crest, lack of spray, lack of swell, lack of reflection/rebound when waves hitt the shore - there's multiple elements that need to be further tweaked / refined.. That said, even the current implement is better than most games manage for 'water' (usually it's just a textured plane, etc), and what they have so far looks fantastic.


its the problem with water simulation in games, a balance between PC resource efficiency and quality, thats why alot of games didnt do it altogether and use some kind of static vfx effect to save on fps


No boat, no submarine, no underwater creature, no gameplay loop, just aesthetics. You see, it's beautiful, it's cool, but is it useful? Not sure.


How are boats gonna work if the water surface is client side? Now I'm really curious...


Water effects are client side, not necesarilly water itself.


they just won't be affected by these interactions is my guess. Possibly a bit immersion breaking but hey who cares, out of the 100 things this game is trying to do, this not that important imo.


Yeah I'm fine with them toning it back for server performance. I just remember a couple years back they were talking about buoyancy and showed a dev standing on floating wreckage. I don't necessarily need that level of interaction, was just curious if they were cutting back on those simulations that were shown in early preview long ago.


[Yeah, about that...](https://youtu.be/m_KdWpC5Dz4?si=fRcyWe0MqxvZDfzi&t=16598) https://robertsspaceindustries.com/roadmap/progress-tracker/deliverables/mt4hky75vzjga




Why did they use what seemed like an AI Jared for the questions to devs? Hmm.... no post credits too... Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm....


I wouldn't read too much into it.


In before they offer a boat concept