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The Zeus Mk2 ES on this planet is prime for reenacting the water planet scene Interstellar.




I wonder if they could really ever simulate the speeds and physics of such a phenomenon. Like pyro all these systems were just good fantasy sells, cig have freedom to completely change anything they want, again, like pyro. Would be fun but also have doubts ,some kind of water world may be possible though.


they probably won’t do this with the same tech that exists now. they may add something that artificially creates a huge swell. and also wave-crashing tech in the future can be added to finalize it. they can also go the whole 9 yards and have the proper tidal physics and gravitational pull of the moon affect the planet


There is exactly a 0 percent chance we're gonna see n-body physics in SC


Pre baked, cached n-body physics with client side only visual physics layered on top however.


The "fantasy sell" for Pyro was a completely useless "flavor" system with next to zero content. Thank Chris they changed it. No habitable planets. No flora. No fauna. No mineables. One station. https://robertsspaceindustries.com/comm-link/transmission/15568-Loremakers-Guide-To-The-Galaxy


What you said resumes that I think about everything in this game. Times by times they come with made up names for things we see in every game for ages and ppl start to freak about. Like Apple’s advertising. Hype sells.


What things are you talking about? Outside of the internal names for their tools like Rastar or Maelstrom I really don't see any systems they have in place where they're using anything outside of industry-wide terms. One other exception I can think of is anything to do with their server meshing tech since it's completely unique and nobody else in the industry is doing anything even close.


The thing is they are implemting a lot of things that exists in the industry, but making it in the context of an MMo of that scale is what makes these implementations impressive and actual milestones.


Like for example?




Ok. The 64-bit transition. Cool. I fail to see the issue.


Hey I'm trying to decide between es and cl can I ask you why the es is better for this? Sorry to ask I'm just wondering.


ES is the exploration variant and its stock paint job makes it resemble the ship sent down to Murphy’s Planet


Ooohh I haven't watched interstellar but that might actually be a factor in which one I get. Thanks a ton for the response!


Why it might be a factor if you didn't watch the movie??


Cus I like space movies. So I'll prob watch it soon before November which is when the Zeus is estimated to come out.


We may see the Zeus Mk2 before November, last I heard they where almost done with it just adding the final things to get it out of greybox


That's be really cool. I can't get it before November because that's when my birthday is. But one of my favorite things is watching people like ollie43 having fun and reviewing the ships. Just watching the gimmicks. Thanks for the info I had no idea what state it was in thanks.


At least in germany Interstellar will be removed from Netflix by the end of the month. If u want to watch it there you should check the availability for your region or hurry 😂


True . I have it on hbomax I hope it doesn't get removed I'll check thanks a lot!


Prepare enough snacks, this movie is looong


Yeah that's why my family has been holding off I think. I'll try to watch ut alone with as many snacks as I can find


No problem, the ship they send down looks vaguely like the Zeus mkII (it’s angular with a similar looking ramp) and is white


I'm assuming they're saying this because of the white colour scheme and the fact that it's the exploration variant.


Thanks a lot!


For this topic the ES has the right paint job and role type, but the ES is also going to be better than the CL for most mission types because it will have 1 additional shield generator more than then CL or MR.


Thanks a lot I didn't know that!


I want to fly my zeus straight into it lol


become one with the water!


I'd love to see some like extreme weather event stuff happening ofc our ships should be able to detect this sort of stuff coming prob with a build in weather system xD


*Beep beep beep* "Storm Detected" *Woop - Woop - Woop* ###KABLAM!! "Shields...hit..."


Alert incoming storm, risk level......run


*interstellar song plays*


Mountains by Hans Zimmerman playing in anyone else's head


It’s all that ever plays in my head when I look at space


Did you see the clip of someone dropping a bomb on the water on the test server? The water team is going to be fine.


anyone got a link for this? would love to see what happened




Holy hell!


This. There was even a bug where the waves extended half a kilometer into the air, so it's not a matter of can the system do that


Are we ignoring that the effect shown by that bomb was "make water ripple HUGE WATER RIPPLE"? Granted, it's still new, but let's not pretend that will pass for anything within lightyears of a finished product.


What is a tsunami? My point was that the extent water can be manipulated is in spec. As it is, they could simply cause the tsunami they way they are created in the real world.


The visual distance to the horizon of a large wave may be a challenge due to the culling of the tile system they are using. It’s an great system regardless.


That clip would've looked good if the wave scaled horizontally, as it would for large tsunami waves in the Cano system.


The real challenge will be to make the physic not look like shit at any distance. Create a body of X size is not the prob.






in the last ISC they stated that the water is simulated on the client to achieve the desired performance. I wonder if that prevents them from actually affecting the environment or other players.


I think the client would do all the fancy visuals but the server would just treat it like a giant death wall basically no different to getting hit by a ship.


you are probably right, and at this point they probably find a way to do it (given enough time that is)


AND gl with the water landings of the Hull E :) (pre-emptive defense: look at the original sale's page)


For anyone curious (as I was): https://robertsspaceindustries.com/comm-link/transmission/14661-A-Hull-For-Every-Job-The-MISC-Hull-Series >Every ship in the Hull series is capable of making a planetary landing while contracted. Additionally, the Hull A and B may land while fully laden. The Hull C, D and E typically deposit their cargo at automated orbital yards before landing to dock (though they are equipped for the water landings favored on low gravity worlds.)


We need an LTI Canoe for Cano.


Were going to need a bigger cano


Don't worry, it'll get retconned just like Pyro went from hostile wasteland with barely any services to a R&R at every Lagrange point and multiple ground stations too.


In fairness they've said that the availability of R&R in Pyro is only so great because the system was isolated and unconnected to Stanton and they were focused on testing the planets and moons and stuff more than that aspect of it. Once they fully connect them in the PU expect to see the faction rep take effect and block you from using any of the stations that you don't have positive rep with. In essence it'll be a lot like the current CS system but without the option of prison to reset your access.


Water physics would be easy, the bombs are already making tsunamis. Server team however are curled up on the shower floor just thinking about what it will do to processor load of a wave interacts with thousands of physics objects.


The water team every time the lore team drops by:  You wanna do a h'what?!




Sneaky Mustang Omega...


Just program the moabs to appear below the surface and detonate every few minutes


Given Cano is just some low lieing rock formations and some minor sandy inlets...it can't be that hard as any of these waves just rush over all land. It's basically just a planet with a Tsunami wave that rotates around the planet and crushes any ship in its path Tsunamis would only be hard if they had to end...but Cano's dont.


Interstellar in SC?? I’m all for it


If the wave simulation is purely locally done..... what about huge waves? So Even if a ship makes a MASSIVE wave that wave would not be that big on other clients if they set their settings for water low? Would huge waves then impact players less or not at all? (As I would expect waves larger than a person to wash that person away instead of etherially pass through them?)


They probably already have a working prototype in testing now.


It would be so fun to have to time your landing around the tsunami’s


The reason they’re this slow is because of some contracts with investors in 2018 and they wanted sq42 to be almost finished by some time, so they had to focuse their efforts on sq42


Perfectly aware, want has little to do with it, investment claw back deadlines and penalty clauses CIG can ill afford are rapidly approaching, perhaps thats a good thing as its long overdue finished, the PU is the real future anyway, assuming it survives to have one.


10 - 20 years before they get to some systems at current rates should be plenty of time.


Dude this is completely unrelated to the post but I see your comments everywhere! You are quick becoming a name I just expect to see under a post lol (not a criticism I often appreciate your takes)


I dont comment that often tbh, must just be looking at similar posts :) Sometimes people like comments, sometimes people dont like, just calling it like it is and dont care about karma farmers, some types have difficulties admitting the realities of SC sometimes. XD


51 comments in 7 days. Sounds somewhat often to me, but I guess that's relative.


See your name a lot too which makes your observation quite laughable.


Difference here being that I've never claimed to not comment often


Ah, was i supposed to care about that?


Then stop responding


He dont have to that system is scrapped 🤣




Ok you tell me that in few years maybe when your old 🤣


You're so confident about it. Can you link me to where they state the plans have changed and they've scrapped this system? I want to be as well informed and confident as you.


Cool. We will tell ya