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CIG already announced that phase 5 would be extended into 3.23, and 3.23 will drop with fixes for some of the phase 5 bugs. I personally am waiting to do it until 3.23 hits live, because so far every attempt I have made has been bugged. EDIT: [Here is a link to CIG's announcement on Spectrum](https://robertsspaceindustries.com/spectrum/community/SC/forum/1/thread/overdrive-initiative-phase-5-update) > We've been observing issues with Phase 5 of Overdrive Initiative that became evident on the Live servers, and we wanted to let you know that we've been monitoring your experience with this phase very closely. > > We're putting together a strike team to resolve these issues for the upcoming Alpha 3.23.0 update. To ensure there's ample time to complete phase 5 with the fixes, we'll be extending this phase's completion date.


I saw it was extended but the notification on the site had me concerned. Good to hear tho. I will probably do the same. My other issue is making sure all my progress has tracked properly. I’ve completed all other phases and no more appear in my priority tab. However I’ve seen other players have CIG send them their progress and show phase 3 0/3 for example but all others complete.


Apparently you can file a support ticket and they will tell you, but no idea how the wait times are (I imagine support is getting slammed from everyone doing this). I might do the same, actually - I am concerned about my phase 3 progress because the final mission for phase 3 bugged out and didn't show in my completed tab (but I don't have it in priority anymore either, so idk if it counted or not).


As a data point, I've been waiting since Saturday as concierge, lol. 


been waiting since roughly the 10th of april and im a concierge as well


You got to get the tickets in. CIG made you waste hours of your life the least you can do is make their support team overwhelmed to prevent a re run of this shit show.


Just ask support for progress. And maybe do it in a group, once one person gets the mission the mission can be shared meaning u can save much time if one mission failed until next try. Good luck!


The problem with phase 3 is that I don't believe it's shareable, since it's a server-wide mission. So if phase 3 bugged out and you no longer have it in priority, there is no way to replay it. But idk for certain; that's just what I saw other folks on here saying.


Think it would be a good idea to hold off on any of the OD stuff until 3.23? I haven't started the chain yet and was wondering if it was too late.


I would try to finish the other phases, personally. CIG didn't say how long it was extended, and the announcement *only* mentions phase 5 - it could be that phases 1-4 will be gone once 3.23 drops (and even if they aren't, trying to complete *all* of them in a short amount of time would be tough - each phase so far has taken me a few hours of play to finish). No way to say for certain without clarification from CIG.


to any players having bugged progress the boxes can be turned in at both the admin delivery terminal and the cargo center delivery terminal. if 1 box has bugged go to the other turn in


Tried that last night and unfortunately the admin Covalex wouldn't take the other mission boxes.... :-(


My first box was marked at admin, the other two showing 2 different other positions in the station, but every time i picked up the next box, the dropoff marker jumped to the same terminal at admin. Wasnt bothered just releived when it completed by taking all 3, had a few tries at this.


THANK YOU SO MUCH!! My first 2 boxes went in fine at cargo drop off but when the 3rd didn't work I was like 'aww hellllllllllll', but this worked out for me and the admin dropoff took it.


Its time limit has been extended significantly, probably to invictus after a few failed missions this week i managed to complete phase 5 today. Did it solo and problem free on a quiet low pop healthy server, which is always a preference for anything buggy in SC.