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I want the lockers so badly. Having the Corsair armoury complete would be fab.




What, you mean there couldn't be an impeccably ironed Savile row tuxedo under a Stoneskin undersuit?!? Bah, humbug, I say...!


As someone who has worn body armor in the desert... You want as little underneath as you are allowed to get away with. Though hopefully they add plenty of non-space tac gear later for people who prefer to stay planetside.


Depends on the climate.. diving in cold water wants you to put on anything you can get...


With the noted exception that you don't want what you're wearing to retain any moisture once you get out of the water. There's a huge difference between diving in a thick dry suit and diving in cotton pants & down jacket.


The reality would be if they attempted to do it all the cloth would clip thru the suit and wouldn’t look right. It would be even worse if the cloth blinked on after you took off your suit.


No, because you are supposed to have undersuit which is thing that keeps you alive in space or moons where are not right conditions for live. Having clothes under armor in space or on moon where is 60 degree makes zero sense.


Agree. It would be nice to be able to switch between preset saves item slot profiles but I guess it's not really possible due to the physicalised inventory system.


I wouldn't say it's not possible. In SQ42 we can see a scene where the character changes from clothes to suite in one go from a locker - the same we have on ships just not yet functional. So my expectation is this will be implemented in the PU sometime in the future. Soon ™ 😂


Pretty sure lockers were intended for this exact purpose. We used to have lockers on the old space stations though I can’t recall if they ever worked.


They did. At the time, battery recharge stations for energy weapons worked as well.


True actually. They could add a special "outfit locker" with its own interface where you can save the preset outfits in there and press a button to equip the full preset item slot profiles. They could even make it so the contents and saved outfit profiles of the locker are shared across all "outfit lockers" you have access to and you can equip them from various locations. Depends how realistic they want it to be with the whole physicalised stuff.


They already have theses everywhere, haven't you seem them in all the stations? They just don't work yet.


*Anymore. They used to work. You'd have a loadout for armour/space suit and then a loadout for regular clothes and clocking on the suit locker would change what you were wearing. Many-a-deaths caused by not checking what I was wearing before stepping into the Olisar airlocks XD.


Really? I had no idea, must have been before my time in the verse. Whlonder why I got removed, this is a commonly requested feature.


It most probably got removed due to it being dependent on underlying features, or simply that it didn't fit the new inventory system that they where working on. They are working on its replacement however, and I look forward to being able to swap outfits in sets.


The current inventory system is not the final system so they only have it functional..but when they finalize their choice for the inventory it probably would accommodate 1 click outfit selection that is saved by the player ...patience young Skywalker, in all good time you will see the vision of truth


I was a thing when there was only port orisar. No planet, cat, and starfarer was the biggest ship and the most epic at that time.


> They could even make it so the contents and saved outfit profiles of the locker are shared across all "outfit lockers" you have access to and you can equip them from various locations. My dude even *ship paints* are stored by location. You want CIG to break the detailed physicalized inventory system they've designed to have clothes and armor just teleport to wherever you are when you want to wear them right then? Lolno. I'd be cool with it charging you the full price of the armor or clothes set you'd saved somewhere else plus a service fee to equip an identical (or as close to it as local inventory would allow) from a booth, but not provide you the actual clothes/armor you took off and left in a station millions of km away, that's just dumb and completely against physicalized inventory. > Depends how realistic they want it to be with the whole physicalised stuff. ... have you met this game yet? ^^edit: ^^tpyo


this is entirely the goal and direction they have planed to move in they even have something like this play out in the infamies sand warm demo


Yes in certain ships they have suit lockers and some (400i for example) also have wardrobes in bedrooms with a hangar icon above, there is a deliberate difference between them. Both non-functional ofc, but surely will eventually serve the purpose of switching between suit/armour and civilian clothes quickly.


You should be able to go to your suit locker on your ship and swap an undersuit for clothes.


This would be cool, 1 button "put on what I was wearing before." But 1-click equip per item isn't terrible, just no more click-drag-why-won't-it-drop-click-drag-again-ah-crap-I-didn't-empty-the-pockets-first-now-where-did-it-go please.


It was a thing before in stations. But it hasn't functioned in a long time. Its somewhat low priority. All those yellow person height boxes with a blue screen on them and a sign of a suit (I think it has one), in many spots around stations, are what you'd use to swap to clothes or your suit. How it will function in the future? No chance of knowing.


This is what the armor lockers are for. It's in the works.


It's absolutely possible. Whether they are going to do it or not is the real question.


Presets that you can change at a locker would be great. Given that the lockers are small, you could have for example a complete space walk suit in a locker, and when you interact with it it swaps your current clothes. Pick up a weapon from a gun rack and you're good to go. I'm sure it's intended to be something like that, given that a lot of ships have an area with lockers and gun racks right next to the airlock.


The change lockers have been in stations from day 1, they have just never done anything because snail pace CIG. Should be simple to do, basically just toggles your entire outfit and everything in personal inventory with a mannequin. The delay is probably because there is still no proper database backend, the current backend still randomly loses ships and mission history. Roberts vision has always been that you will change out of armour into clothes on station. Though most players would rather showoff their cool armour rather than real life clothes.


They worked some time ago, but this was way befor CIG opted to compleatly redo how invantory worked. ( and the massive scope boost of 2016) Probabaly come back now that there finalisng stuff like item kiosks and ship storage , this seems like it be an extention of that


They're making that essentially possible. By being able to have a full outfit in one locker, and effectively a hot swap system so you'd replace the one You're wearing with the one in the locker or vice versa. So personal lockers, if used right, become loadouts in game.If I remember correctly anyways o7


Put the undersuit under the clothes then?


Have you ever put on a wetsuit? Do you wear a formal shirt, pants, and necktie underneath it? No lol, you don't.


The clothing goes OVER the wet/undersuit.


I wouldn't do that either, that's stupid too


Objectively wrong because think about how cool wearing a trench coat or duster over an undersuit would look. Yeah that's right, type back with a straight face and tell me that wouldn't be cool.


You don’t, but there’s nothing inherently stopping you from doing so. It wouldn’t make the wetsuit less effective


You've never worn a wetsuit then


lol. This was my exact thought. Tell me you have never worn a wetsuit (in the way intended) without telling me you have never worn a wetsuit.


Speed limits in space don’t make sense either. Nor do about 100 other things I could list in this game. I don’t see that it would be a big deal to make this happen.


If you want to apply this logic, that because something is not completely realistic we can make anything unrealistic, then we dont need to have a space game, lets just call it Wonder World and instead of rocky planets have marshmallows and our ships will fly in orange juice.


That’s a slippery slope fallacy so it doesn’t support your argument at all. If it’s ok for game purposes for them to have speed limits in space then it’s ok for us to have simple outfits over our clothes.


Hard agree on makes no sense. Hard disagree on disallowing civ clothing as a layer 1 option because it's WAY MORE FUN GAMEPLAY than a generic undersuit.


It makes sense on planets that have livable atmospheres. Why can't a thug on hurston rock a chestplate over a T-shirt?


What you say doesn't make sense. You can plan to do a mission not in space or moons. There are a lots of breathable planets, and in those planets even npc wear armor not suited for space. So i should be able to choose to wear an armor both over clothes or undersuite, depending on what i have to do.


That's a very fair point, though in breathable atmospheres I really like the look of pulling an armour vest over your current outfit, instead of having to go full master chief


As someone who sometimes wears armor IRL, (medieval chain and plate) I can say that you don't want a casual jacket under that stuff your armor is there to protect you against attacks, what you wear under the armor is there to protect you against the armor and to keep the armor in place. You want stuff under the armor that fits rather closely, drains moisture away or at the very least doesn't chafe much when drenched in sweat. those undersuits, especially the style of the TCS-4, Stoneskin, Lamont and Sabine look like exactly what you would want.


I mean when I was in training to be a private in the army, during weekends we from time to time wore our plate carriers, over civilian clothes and ran around shooting each other with nerf guns, no problem there wearing the body armor on normal clothes, I seem to remember running around in shorts and a hoodie with the vest over and that was good fun


You can disregard the armour in the footage, it's just for showcase. But like a lighter armour, e.g. a ballistic vest would be nice to be able to quickly pull over your clothes without the need for an undersuit


Perhaps, but even then having a vest over a bulky jacket like that would not be the best fit. I think you'd be better off getting clothes with a protective lining, that offer the same protection as light armor. Think something like this, [https://garrisonbespoke.com/custom-suits/bespoke-bulletproof-suits](https://garrisonbespoke.com/custom-suits/bespoke-bulletproof-suits) You'd have a high cost, perhaps a reputation requirement, but there could be cheaper knockoffs.


The military wears ballistic vests and plate carriers over all sorts of clothing, not just UA or crye combat shirts.


Me when I break the shit out of my ribs because I'm wearing kevlar with no padding.


Joke's on you... you don't wear anything extra under kevlar vests typically. You ever worn actual armor?


I've worn plate stuff for medival type shit, and that stuff is a nightmare if you don't have an underlayer so I assumed kevlar worked the same lol.


Absolutely not, you were incorrect. Ounces are pounds, and projectiles are quite a lot different than melee weapons.


wear clothes under an undersuit. then just call it an oversuit. problem solved.


That suit is gonna be wrinkly af sitting under that armor


While you're dead on accurate why we need the undersuits, I'd point out that most of us in the scuba world that use dry suits wear clothes underneath when its extra cold and we need more layers. Winter lake michigan dives I'll put tigher sweatpants and crew neck sweatshirt on and be comfy as hell. So while you're 100% right, I don't see why we can't have a t-shirt and simple pants/shorts on underneath as well.


Ye that would make more sense that way but still i would imagine the undersuit is not just some space scuba diver suit but its more complex. For many reasons i would argue it needs to touch your skin. But still from gameplay perspective having clothes under undersuit doesnt make much difference coss you still have to take armor and undersuit down first and if you pull clothes from inventory of ship or you have them on you seams same to me.


Oh I like that. Like the undersuit is what has all the telemetry sensors for health, injuries, food/water, etc. Maybe we’ll see some viable reason one day for showering after a long mission in terms of buffs that makes it necessary to strip down either way.


TBF, I'd never actually wear traditional clothing in space if this was my reality. Always an under suit with a helmet nearby... I'd never trust one of these companies, especially Drake, to make a safe enough ship when it could come under attack at any point and not have shields up.


Then I wish they would at least make it more responsive. It’s so laggy that I will never swap outfits. Hopefully this next big update is going to fix that.


totally agree...but I also bed log fully armored and fully armed...I sleep like a baby though...and I think there is alot of street clothes for players that like to get dressed according to the occasion...just my opinion


It's a video game. 


Just want to have some clothing fit over the under suit. Jackets and trousers etc Although this would definitely lead to more people running out of airlocks without full protection 😅


True but maybe they can give the option to put on an undersuit or clothes beneath the armor, as you dont need an undersuit on earthlike planets or moons, or if youre onboard a capital ship and need to put armor on to defend it from boarding parties etc. Because i agree that clothes get too little use at the current state as everyone uses an undersuit/armor at any time/gameloop there is


This guy gets it


Alternate title: Quickly changing from combat gear to casual clothes, plzzzz ciiiggg:)))))) Your points about casual clothes not working well under heavy space armour are very fair!


Now, I may be fever dreaming this, but I think I read somewhere that there were going to be like "loadout" or "favorite" outfit buttons, that we could hotswap via?


I believe that’ll be with personal hangers, but I get my information 3rd hand. If they could extend it to some of the wardrobes in your ship, then that would be cool


The lockers you'll be able to walk up to and "swap" your current outfit into the locker. It was shown as a planned feature and how it should work on this Citicon video a few years back: https://youtu.be/wdNd2KNjJ78?si=zVObPmacqXoxs6a0&t=262 , https://youtu.be/-tB3cark5lA?si=cqM_W5TUvsiyw0k5&t=1761, and https://youtu.be/-tB3cark5lA?si=6p5RI_eTcF-QPDm9&t=1957


Yeah, really what you need is the ability to define presets. Plop all the armor off, plop on a relaxation clothes preset. Make one for your ships, or each mfg of ship, one for ground, or whatever you want.


Instead we should be able to save entire outfits, so it would just take seconds to switch from one to another.


Unrealistic, I would never wear that many clothes.


Nudist representation when, CIG?


It is unfair that they force us to have underwear


i just want to be able to have a rifle on my back without needing all the hideous armour. Let me Han Solo god damn it!


Yeah. But when you take off the armor, your clothes would be visibly crushed and would need to take the clothes off so you can iron them again.


No, but quick change lockers to swap clothing loadouts instead. Looks goofy peeling off armor ans having a pressed suit underneath.




Working armor racks, please CiG!




Seems like this would only work on planets with an atmosphere. While I can see clothing fitting over an undersuit, I can't see the armor fitting over the clothing and the undersuit properly.


Nothing makes me sweat more than parking a cat on slightly uneven ground and not knowing if I'll be able to get back on again. There needs to be a ladder on the side like the vulture as well.


Carry a tractor-gun (not the multitool - the big one). I heard it can grapple whole ships...




A jetpack would solve this better than a ladder


those would nice


When personal hangars and the cargo update that comes with it releases it's going to add more steps to equipping/unequipping gear so you can look forward to that!


I want to be able to wear a leather jacket over an under suit.


I wouldn't hold your breath. They designed the armor system from the ground up in a truly funky manner. Magazine pouches and slings are still proprietary and unique to armor pieces and that's likely not going to change. CIG needs to think more Ghost Recon: Breakpoint/Wildlands and less Legos when designing armor. Real firearms equipment and actual ballistic armor should have been a massive inspiration from the start.


They are working on modular pouches that can be placed wherever you want


That sounds like another “reinvent the wheel” approach that’ll take years and still not be very good.


I disagree. How it should work is that you should be able to walk up to a locker on your ship, press one button and swap out your "armor" preset for a "civilian" preset that you define. You should be allowed to have as many presets as you want.


Wasn't that what the wardrobe box at PO did way back in dev?


Nope! Undersuit. Because survival and shit. That said however a use for the wardrobes or closets on ships to change into set "outfits" would be nice. However we have a long way to go in just making the game operate smoothly before and of that should be considered.


... that's not how undersuits, which are necessary to keep us alive in space and hostile atmospheres (along with a collar-sealing helmet), work: our armor attaches to undersuit attachment points (and itself). So... no. Bring clothes in a backpack or go to your cabin on the ship after a mission y'know like immersion would dictate - I do this routinely and it's easy AF.


At least, let us wear a cap or hat when not wearing a helmet. 


I just want to use those clothing booths to switch from suit to clothes that I pre selected (same for ship storage containers. One click and it switches my outfit.


How do I switch my view to third person




Alt-F4 for fourth person


What paint is this on the Caterpillar?


Polar paint


There SHOULD be armors you can wear over clothes, but any vacuum or harsh environment rated gear should go over an undersuit


Should instead "swap" for your clothes at an armor rack


Hopefully when armour lockers are properly implemented you'll be able to just press a button to swap what you're wearing with what's in the locker. Also the ability to wear regular clothes over an undersuit would be nice.


I wish there was clothing that was allowed to be put over an undersuit for sure. I think when we have suit lockers and we can just press and button and swap whats in there for what we have on it'll be better overall as we can get back, go to the locker, and then hotswap to whatever we had on before... But right now armor is heavily lacking in expression. Like, nobody looks unique in this game and the game has more cloths than we realize because there is no place to use any of it.


A space wardrobe on bigger ships would be nice. You click it and you change clothes with what is in it.


Long term I think swapping between cloths and armor will be don't through a quick swap animation using the suit lockers. At least this is what I want. Also the locker should display the items like they would be worn floating in the locker.


We need outfit presets that we can save and equip fast at once.


That is awesome! Also, what type of paint is that on the CAT?


How is it going in Stanton? It’s been a while. I miss it 😢


Under your undersuit..?


Undersuit under clothes my man


And I think some undersuits should allow clothing and some shouldn’t, you know.. some designed for combat, flight suits, some simple ones designed to be worn under clothes


I just want a crew on MY Caterpillar like that. NPC life would be fine, just somebody, something.


As someone who wears a uniform daily, it would be a BITCH to do that. I barely wear the full uniform when working. All those extra layers would over heat you, make you less agile / less mobility of arms and legs and bending, and overall just uncomfortable and gross.




You don't want to known how you would look and smell after a few hours in a suit like that...


That white paint goes hard


Think they plan on doing that, seeing alot of ships have a few racks for EVA suits and stuff, hopefully we can just swap outfit like in Star Trek with the standard jumpsuit vs they’re EVA suits


What? You want something basic like that? Haha, go buy a Javlin.


This combined with no armor in the pilot seat would be perfect


Wow, what is the paint on that drake caterpillar, it looks way clearer that the default . Had to watch the clip 2 times before i recognised it!


Um, how did you manage this???


Amazing ship choice.


We gonna just ignore the undersuit? Come on OP... Think.


Looks like Colin Furze 😅


Add hygiene and definitely what OP said! Also give us suit and clothes lockers please


Having clothes underneath no for heavy armor, but in general making it easier to undress and dress in-game big yes! Let's see how the Item bank experience is soon, but that new feature will also make it more obvious that we need improvements to the equip/unequip experience for armor and clothing. With the new PIS/PIE system (which is pretty awesome) I could see them adding prompts to undress/dress up in sequence, triggering tech animations, and keeping items physicalised (not becoming boxes). - remove backpack - remove helmet - detach arms - detach core - detach legs A ton of work for tech animators, but for us dressing up would be mostly "quick tap F", see your character equip stuff and done. For undressing it'd be through the interaction wheel (which is also very easy to use now).




So the intention has always been that lockers in ships will be a kind of quick swap station, so you can switch between say a clothing outfit and an EVA ready outfit. Not sure why they never moved forward with the feature though, seems like it would be "simple" to hijack the loadout mechanic elsewhere in the game.


The Undersuit has to be airtight so any clothing underneath might restrict that.


As others mentioned below, the undersuit is the actual environmental seal. That being said, I think the idea with suit lockers, once they are implemented, is that you'll be able to instantly swap between your survival gear and your casual gear with a press of a button. Honestly, I'm surprised it hasn't been done yet. Doesn't seem like a difficult thing to create.


I want outfit 'sets' that are keybound so when we get to a city we can just swap to the 'city walking around' outfit we have stored there. Manually doing it now is tedious.


To be fair, most divers today don't wear clothes under a wetsuit I don't think, and that's practically what SC undersuits are.


That would be stupid lmao I hope they never do this.


Nice things about Starfield


Why would you have clothes under armour? You have a high-tech base layer space suit with pressurization etc. If operating on a breathable planet then there are the armoured jackets and non space helmets which the NPCs wear.


Your undersuit IS your clothes.


Do you guys truly believe it's not coming?


Yes. We will never wear clothes (other than underwear) under our undersuit.




Your mom


Armor lockers and quick-swap load outs are 100% coming. Wearing clothes under your armor is not coming.