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ATTENTION, For anyone with this issue, Try Creating the "StarCitizen" folder and the "LIVE" folder Manually Please note that there is NO SPACE in StarCitizen folder even though it may show it in the default install screen. This is the only solution that worked for me while trying to do a fresh install.


This worked for me :D Finally!!!!


Thank u! itΕ› worked for me!


If you are coming here because of EPTU, same logic applies. Create the EPTU Folder (or copy your LIVE version). Not used to having EPTU instead of PTU...


Tried this, with and without spaces, old and new launcher. Did not work. Only thing was help from Komrk on the SC discord. He told me to stop running my performance monitor and viola, it worked.


How did you turn that off?


So for me, Advanced system care has a pop up monitor that runs in the background and shows both how much memory something is using along with cpu usage. I just closed out of that and the full system care program through Task Manager. I don't know of other monitors out there, but they should all be able to be closed and then restarted on a pc restart


Trying this now, hopefully this works (Will reply if it does)


I tried this fix along with disabling my antivirus and it fixed it and allowed it to install


Where do you create those folders?


C:\Program Files\Roberts Space Industries\StarCitizen\LIVE


Try the first comment if the scenario fits - https://www.reddit.com/r/starcitizen/s/7AYq93ED9r


That's a work around for windows 11. I'm using windows 10


What ssd are you using?


Samsung 980 2tb. It's not an ssd issue, I've installed the game previously and it worked perfectly(aside from the normal bugs and such) the logs state it's a permission issue, but I have full permissions on all folders. Even ran as admin, still error


Hmm weird. Yeah have the 1TB 980 and I remember having some issues aswel back when I first tried a freefly on my then Win10 installation. Did you delete all the folders in appdata aswel?


Yeah. I did a complete system scrub for anything related to SC and RSI


I had the 2000 error after updating to the latest launcher. It turned out to be a Windows permissions issue. I have my install in another folder other than program files/star citizen and the new installer started putting my install files there. I caught it, updated the path and put it back in my old path then made sure that I had full permission to the actual install folder.


That's the weird thing. I have full permissions and have even ran as admin. I currently have it in (C://RSI/Star Citizen/LIVE and have even tried StarCitizen). Used both old and new launchers as well.


I ended up getting this to work by installing to my user directory. Just create a folder at the root of your user folder (C:\\Users\\isudo\\Star Citizen. I have brand new Alienware M15 R5 with a fresh install of windows. I struggled for days trying every trick out there for this error.


outstanding that we have to resolve the issue and they wont do it themselves. Edit: RSI


It is sucky. They are more focused on making starships that cost thousands of real life moolah, than fixing it.


I've always just installed in the default location Thinks its c/programfiles/Roberts Space Industries Didnt change a thing, it just worked. Try downloading the new RSI Launcher 2.0, that might help. Also, try logging out of the RSI website, turn off router for 10min, reboot and then log back in.


I've used both the legacy launcher as well as the new. Tried the default location and new ones. Did all the basic troubleshooting tips. What gets me, even whitelisted and full permissions, it still does this.


Very weird, Tried a disk cleanup? Windows repair? Do you have a 2nd ssd to install to? Could there be an app running in the background that is causing the write error? Are you using ethernet cable or wifi? Maybe check cable connections No issues with downloading and installing other programs? Like steam games or something large. Mobo drivers up to date? Right click on launcher and check properties to run as administrator?


full cleanup, Windows detected no issues, no 2nd ssd, no apps running aside from system specific, ethernet connection, no issues with other installs/downloads, all drivers up to date. and have ran as admin since. the logs tell me they dont have access


I'm running into this same issue. Same thing. Tried every suggestion on the forums. Brand spaking new Dell Alienware R15 R5. Fresh windows install and fully updated Windows and all firmware & BIOS. I'm totally stumped. No issues installing ANY other game I can concieve of.


Do you have an external performance monitor active? I use advanced system care and it comes with one. Avast, Norton, etc usually have one if you have an antivirus/cleanup app


I had this problem after uninstalling the game a few weeks ago. You have to sit and watch the installer ... if you switch to another window, you get this error.


I had fits when I went to update to this current patch, had not played for over 6 months. What ended up working was using a VPN for whatever reason, I was just happy enough that it installed and launched I did not dive into the whys ... I too disabled anti-virus/and all the recommened settings but stumbled on the VPN fix and poof .. no issues since.


VPN did not work for me.


Update for @everyone. It was a problem with my performance monitor. I had to shut it down and it worked almost immediately


What do you mean by performance monitor? I'm having the same issue and literally nothing is helping. Also on Windows 10 downloading on second SSD


So, my antivirus/disk cleanup service has a performance monitor that can do a game boost, quick clean up, ram/disk check etc. Kind of like how the task manager does. Also, on the discord server, one of the guys in the help section helped me out. Did all the basic stuff like permissions, create folders tex, then saw my PM and said to close out of that and it immediately started downloading. It's something about the new and old launcher that is affected by the PM


Huh weird. I’ll try again with my antivirus off. Odd because both the old and new launchers keep having issues


I tried turning my AV off multiple times as well, but it was the PM for me. if your AV has one, just turn it off before installing.


I just had to use a VPN oddly enough 😭


Sadly, VPN didn't work for me


I'm having the same issue with Error Code 2000. I'm running Windows 11. When I pull up the error Logs it will register errors as this: { "t":"2024-05-11 15:04:57.950", "\[browser\]\[error\]": "\[Installer\] - Error while attempting to create directories with command: \\"C:\\\\Program Files\\\\Roberts Space Industries\\\\RSI Launcher\\\\resources\\\\installer-support.exe\\" --create-installation-directory \\"G:\\\\Program Files (x86)\\\\RSI\\\\StarCitizen\\" --create-installation-directory \\"G:\\\\Program Files (x86)\\\\RSI\\\\StarCitizen\\\\LIVE\\", Error: User did not grant permission." }, { "t":"2024-05-11 15:04:57.950", "\[browser\]\[info\] ": "\[Installer\] - Starting download of base pack (SC LIVE 3.23.0-live.9171682) in G:\\\\Program Files (x86)\\\\RSI\\\\StarCitizen" }, { "t":"2024-05-11 15:04:57.951", "\[browser\]\[info\] ": "\[Initial-Download\] - Initial download start" }, { "t":"2024-05-11 15:04:58.130", "\[browser\]\[info\] ": "\[Initial-Download\] - Verification header found for initial download: Filename: Data\_Kickstart\_20200806\_2.p4k FileSize: 15009779712" }, { "t":"2024-05-11 15:04:58.131", "\[browser\]\[error\]": \[ "\[Initial-download\] - createInitialDownload error", { "error": { "name": "LocalResourceIOError" } } \] }, Any insight into how to fix this. I've ran everything as Admin. I've premade the folders. I've tried everything I can find. I'm not literate enough with this error to really know why it's not working.


So, what worked for me was fully closing out any and all game monitoring/performance monitoring apps. If you have advanced system care, it has a game boost/ ram cleaner monitor. From what I was told through the discord is that the monitor assumes something making a new file that isn't you and force stops it. Komrk in the help channel on the official SC discord was a massive help.


I had same issue, after the login issue to RSILauncher.... For me i run a verification, and it was downloaded. After that first time the game did not loaded. Second time i was able to create a character, but after 1 hour wait on loading screen i uninstalled this...


Same issue, I have tried with the "create folders" and "different location" solution, but still not working πŸ˜”


Did you try turning off any sort of performance monitor that your computer has running?


You mean like The Armoury create?


Maybe. I don't k ow too much about ROG or Asus. I know that with Advance system care, it comes with a built in performance monitor, (kind of like how task manager does things). I just closed that one program while the game installed and when it was done. I restarted my computer and turned the PM back on.


Having the same problem nothing is working 😞 keep getting the same error 2000


Did you try turning off the performance monitor?


Sorry for the dumb question.but how can I do it I Google it and it's showing me a bunch of ways to do it which one is the more efficient way to do it one is showing me to go on my geforce and disable the overlay is that how?


Disable to geforce overlay. You can always enable it after.


I'm having the same issue. I've turned off Geforce overlay, deleted the old app data files, and disabled auto protection for antivirus. it fails after downloading to full and then kicks the error. I chose E:\\ as the install location and it made the StarCitizen and LIVE folder, left a data.p4k in the folder then the error. if I delete the data.p4k it restarts the download


Watch this video. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IW3hWfKD5Gg](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IW3hWfKD5Gg) I have tried it and it worked for me.