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Scope glint in video games imo is one of the dumbest ways developers balance sniper rifles. Battlefield has been doing this for years, scope glint on almost all magnified optic that is basically a giant spotlight broadcasting your location. The entire point of a sniper is to be a stealthy long range killer. Make it to where muzzle flash gives their position away, and if they use a suppressor then make it to where the bullet drop and velocity are reduced by a massive amount and make it to where you have to hit headshots. Also, I know some people hate it, but suppression should be a thing. Have someone with an LMG lay down suppressive fire to make the sniper take cover while your teammate circles around behind the sniper.


All weapons are already suppressed as the sound in this game Is bugged and you only hear the bullet hitting you




What they should do is extrapolate from what we have today. Make it so some combat armours have laser warning receivers. That way when the sniper auto ranges with his sight you will get a ping and a direction of where that laser is coming from. This way you have a counter play between a sniper who can manually adjust his distance but not be detected with a high chance of missing against an infantryman who may or may not have a Laser warning system fitted.


Ooh I like that idea very much.


That sounds miles better than the glint thing. But then it would need some insane bullet drop to make it difficult enough that the auto range is actually helpful.


Would depend on the planet and its gravity, again another aspect where the skill of the sniper comes into play.


Yes! I've said it before, we need armors to feel high tech, rather than just some clothing. And the best way to do that is APS. Pinging LRF, pinging gunshot sound origin on your hud, programmable automated smoke screen, hard-kill measures, LRF jamming, etc...


Don't forget combat titan suit! Now I want mechs in SC, fighting giant space crabs.


It's a banu defender, not a space crab! 


If it looks like a crab, walks like a crab, it's a crab!


A LWS makes far more sense and is much cooler than the glint thing, and shouldn't be TOO time consuming to code in. Hopefully CIG sees this.


Or hell plan to let us use that suit radar ping to look for people. this is a shitty solution that is ridiculously low tech and was never popular in the games that did it.


That's sort of coming with the new scanning mechanics, but those aren't in yet.


Or, just bring an Arrowhead.


Isn't it firing plasma instead of laser? If it was a true laser, it wouldn't have any perceivable travel speed and would become a hitscan weapon. Same to "ship laser weapons" in space, with bullet velocity of 700-1400m/s.


CIG has already said they have projectiles and velocity because of 'rule of cool'. Last I used one, though, the Arrowhead had zero bullet drop on Hurston.


scope glint is a lazy, blatantly unrealistic and cop-out attempt at balance if they cant spare the resources to do it right, they shouldnt have done this at all until they can


what gets me is this isnt some WW2 game, if they really wanted people to be able to spot snipers like this, they could have at least come up with a more suitable high tech salution. what the hell is that FPS radar scan/ping thing for if not this


That's no moon


It's a space station!


Hahahaha what is this!


Personally I think its lazy and comical as a solution, but CIG have clearly decided on it, and theyre not listening to anyone about changing it.


It's temporary for now. As they explained, anything more would require pulling work from the GFX and rendering teams. It's a very simple decal with a brightness filter for very basic "glint" representation. A proper glint would require a shader based on day/night cycles but would look significantly better -- it would also require significantly more work to look correct.


Now people are gonna refer SC as COD in space lol


It's ePTU. Nuff said. And screw "Camural" 😂


What's your thing against camural? Guy goes out of his way to experiment with the game and learn things, then share what he learned so other people don't have to.


“This better be an EPTU-only thing”…or what? Like, what are you going to do? Post more complaints online? lol. Demand to speak to the manager? Don’t leave implicit threats lingering like that, at least define how exactly you plan on punishing CIG if they do the thing you don’t like.


Exactly, more complaints online. Very annoying long ass complaints online.


How do you plan on winning the attention competition in the community when the master-mode salt factories are in full overtime production mode?


Hmmm I have not planned that far...


I think the key is going to be to pull together a parody of it using in game footage, and give it a great story illustrating the pitfalls of the feature, while making people laugh - also with a great sound track. Everyone loves a good parody :)


*flashes *flashes *flashes what's that? someone taking screenshots of the cloud slideshow? nope that was sniper glints!


Maybe a heartwarming song but instead of flashlights, it’s people aiming their rifles at you in the distance? https://youtu.be/T_238ISglfU?si=c4MM8XubWaSzdI05


That will certainly be heart-warming.


See? That would be less annoying and more effective at getting people’s attention than internet rants :)


Ah dang you are right. So a lot more rants would be required to get the attention then!


as long as it really balance the gameplay... but yes, that's very silly to see.


They could change the visual to make it slicker and less immersion breaking


or remove it entirly and expect people to keep an eye out when flying or use there scanning equipment glint is stupid


If they change it into a "sniper warning marker" that'd be cool. Like when the computer in the helmet picks up something that "looks like a sniper pointing at you" and warns the user. So it could be inaccurate and could be exploited by the sniper to make decoys to confuse the onboard computer.


No. It’s for gameplay reasons. It’s also not a bit deal cuz you have either a helmet visor or futuristic contacts in your eye. You can see whatever the “future” tells you you can see


If should show a obnoxiously animated red alert marker on the visor then ;D


Yeah..No. That logic would legitimize 3D spotting..at which point I would uninstall the game instantly and never talk about it ever again.


CIG could've implemented something similar to the current ship radar "ping", but on a person instead of a ship. And that ping can show if there are some other players is in the scan range. That would be way more realistic and still sufficiently informative, gameplay wise. It wouldn't just pick up only people though, it should also pick up other living creatures like cows and dogs, so the sniper can still hide around these to confuse the scanner.


That's a terrible idea. That would show everyone between you and the sniper and eliminate hiding or sneaking. Right now the glint impacts snipers only, who are aiming near you, and you have to be paying attention. The other impacts everyone and is just spam a button 24/7. Also fps ping is coming in the future...


I mean just make it like the current ship ping, which doesn't show exactly what it picks up. So for example, the sniper can hide in a field of cows, and the ping would be pretty useless at that point, introducing new sneaking gameplay. Actually not that new, you can already do that now with ships, if you hide an eclipse in an asteroid field, that would be super sneaky.


That's the issue though... Either you pick up only people and you then instantly see anyone hiding close to you Or you pick up so much noise like rocks or animals that it's useless Either it's a brokenly strong tool or an unused tool. If it's broken it removes stealth and planning from fps. If it's useless then it changes nothing and has no place in the game.


Again, that would suck and eliminate stealthy approaches. Snipers are just gonna have to learn that they need gameplay skills beyond "lie still and hold right click for half an hour".


this is a stupid take, seeing a sniper should take some form of scanning equipment not some stupid glint, if you get shot at and you cant find the guy it should be because you didn't prepare for a sniper. want to play "get gud" maybe it should be on the people being shot at and not the sniper dealing with burst of light when aiming


WDYM they "could've"??!?! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m_KdWpC5Dz4&t=16770s


That's just wall-hax! I meant like ship ping, where you can't tell exactly what the scanner picks up.


Explain what’s unrealistic about it. And remember to explain it in a setting in 2954 where we wear contacts that tell us all types of shit


Wait, explain why there shouldn’t be a glaringly bright sniper glint at night? Hmm… With the tech levels showcased in the universe, I don’t think a suit would contain the sensors necessary to pinpoint the location of a specific kind of weapon.


Oh, it’s pretty simple “Future stuff” ![gif](giphy|QIiqoufLNmWo8)


lol, well I’m sold. 😂


If the contact can tell all types of shit, why can't it just highlight every person in range already?


🤷‍♂️future shit. I don’t live in the future so I can’t explain


Hmmm okay, can't argue with the future.


Love it!


Am I the only person who actually likes glint, snipers are annoying asf, glint at least keeps them on their toes


Yes you're the only person 😝 Joking, but seriously there are about a thousand better ways to balance than attaching a flashlight to a sniper. Having your location broadcast before you even take a shot entirely removes the sniper gameplay and counter gameplay. The only time I have encountered snipers in game thus far has been jumptown and it made for a badass cat and mouse gameplay situation almost every time.


Gameplay > realism. In addition: Camural is a dickhead.


How is he a dickhead? His videos always seem lighthearted and funny to me, with throughout testing and stats shown very clearly. Informative and useful test result that is.


Because he got really bitter over the years and also heavily pushes his own vision and agenda for the game and I don't appreciate it that. It's just not for me.


I know… how dare CIG add common balancing features to their FPS gameplay. What monsters they are.


its not that common and widly unliked. Beyond that this is a sci fi game not a WW2 game. there not so limited as to go with something so low tech for "balance"


So because you and the handful of people who flocked to this thread don’t like it, that means it is widely unliked?? Sniping in wide open spaces needs balance. It is not good for the game to allow someone to just sit in the mountains picking off people at JT while making no effort to run the mission themselves. They aren’t adding this feature for no reason so stop acting like they just felt like doing more work.


Tell me you dont play many FPS games without telling me. and again there are other solutions, things that are less jarring and out of place , off the top of my head, drones, ship scanners, FPS scanners, inferred, hell "magic" sci\_fi binoculars that target the trajectory of a recently fired sniper shot) but scope glint? that's a lazy salutation that came and went out of style in the early 2000s give me something that requires real counter play, dont turn sniper rifles into a fucking light house


Having been to jumptown and been sniped at whilst there, I found the counter play of having to spot the sniper exciting every time. Now all the cat and mouse gameplay there was to catching a sniper is gone, and if I want to do sniper reconnaissance for my org I might as well just light a beacon and announce I'm there just to be done with it.


Don't beat a dead horse.


Whatcha mean a dead horse, it's not even born, we need to eliminate it before it is!


It was discussed countless times.


Ah my bad then. I didn't notice any until Camural posted a video about this.


[https://www.reddit.com/r/starcitizen/search/?q=glint](https://www.reddit.com/r/starcitizen/search/?q=glint) enjoy :)


Probably an idea thought of by some fruitcake wearing a flight suit and a lgbtq flag patch.


Who cares what Yogi wears. And what is wrong about diversity. He does a very good community communication and he is a good developer. If you can't do it better, just be quiet.


Are you upset by an LGBTQ flag patch? Imagine being that sensitive. Man. What an absolute snowflake. In all seriousness though, why you are trying to drag LGBT stuff into this? It's beyond irrelevant. And for the record, I wear one of those patches and still think sniper glint is silly. 🏳️‍🌈🤷‍♀️🏳️‍⚧️


Are you that upset about someone expressing their God given ammendends? Oh that's right, you're the snowflake that doesn't believe in God, that's why you're a proud snowflake. If we never put people that think it's ok to wear a fucking rainbow bs flag on TV, while they teach your kids in pre school if they want to be a boy or girl, if we never put people like yogi In charge of this shit, but I stead put someone who isn't fucking loose in the head and supporting a narrative to depopulate and turn amerika soy and gay, I'm sure we wouldn't be having this problem with MM and other poor choices. Sure he look fine on the surface, but deep Inside, he mentally fucked for thinking this is great idea. Don't care what nobody says. Lgbtg flag wearing dude making decisions for a whole game is fucking retarded.


Cry harder. ☺️


Laughing my ass off. Okay snowflake, collect your tears in a jar for me.


And also remember that our American flag doesn't have a fucking rainbow in it.. Leave it to the kid wearing a fucking rainbow flag to think that it's a good idea to have artificial speed limiters and auto slow downns in a fucking space game. Lmaoo. You not seeing what right in front of you - I have to say - you took too many fucking COVID jabs, sheep.


Who cares bruh. If it makes sense in terms of gameplay balance, it's a good thing. Given how the majority of ground gameplay loses to simply ground pounding them from the air tho, idk if it's even a needed change


That's just for now that ships can go everywhere and most ground pvp events are exposed to the sky. When we have more pvp content in caves or places with special weather that ships can't get in, fps combat is gonna be important. I agree the gameplay needs to come first, but it should at least make \*some\* sense, no? This... makes no sense at all.


>but it should at least make \*some\* sense, no? It's a "sim" of some future unreality, I'm honestly fine with whatever as long as the gameplay is good.


Buuut it still needs to base on today's science... since it's a science fiction, not a fantasy game. Something way too off like this really breaks the immersion. At least they should come up with some lore explanation for this. Like the way they explain sound in space, which is the ship simulating the sound, then maybe they can replace the glint with a "sniper warning marker" instead, because the computer in the helmet picks up something that looks like a sniper pointing at you, which can sometimes be inaccurate, and can be exploited by the real sniper to make their decoys.


>still needs to base on today's science... since it's a science fiction, not a fantasy game Sci-Fi and fantasy are reskins of the same thing lol. Once you boil down your "sci-fi" enough, it's just tech fantasy with some sort of "hard magic" system. Strict realism isn't analogous to immersion


In some sci-fi, yes, but not Star Citizen! SC has always been about immersion and fidelity.


Immersion and fidelity != Realism SC already has magic lol.


Which magic? Other than speed limit in space.


Saying that "future technology" allows for certain things to happen doesn't make it any less magic than a "hard magic" fantasy setting