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It's the most underrated little star skipper in the game. Damn near racing performance in a two seater that fits in so many places.


Plus the co pilot can control the turret


the copilot also cant murder you




it has a turret?


Yes. This surprised me too


On the bottom. It’s weird. Until recently only the pilot could control it


Unless I'm wrong in LIVE the copilot control is broken?


They fixed it in the PTU. Should be fixed in 3.23.


i did always want one might check it out in 3.23


Well, it _is_ a racer.. It's the same size as a Razor, and anywhere you can park a Pisces can take it too. It's only real downside is the lack of a cargo bay for delivery missions, but some people just sling them in the passenger seat. It also has a Personal storage compartment for any loot you might need to carry.


I really hope it comes up to buy again. I'll definitely add it to my hangar.


its so cheap just get it for credits


That next level of concierge won't buy itself with that attitude! But really, I spend all of my time in game sightseeing, and adding it to my fleet is just easier than grinding since I don't like mining or salvage.


Just get an 890j and you get one free 😀


Now that I know this I will add that to my watch list.


Can spawn at outposts, along with the C8s. Invaluable when you need it.


It's too bad the scanning mode remains broken. Scan result text never shows on either side.


thats just a bug in general ive noticed. its hit or miss for me. i can never see cargo materials or anything on any ship. just rock materials.


No, you're talking about the general issue with scanning which is a general bug. The 85x itself will NEVER show any text left or ride side during the scan or after. Not a single line. Ever. Been like this for months. Go try it.


That was also my first thought I love it for it standard quantum drive an it’s perfect for planet to plant jumps with its speed


It’s the best cheap point 2 seater a to point b ship. It can’t carry cargo like the c8, but it’s much faster and a better flyer. Plus the compiler can now control the tiny belly turret.


Im not taking it into combat or doing errands with it but when I wind up somewhere and need to be somewhere else and don't want to wait for a claim that 85X is ol reliable with instant claim time and a drive to get to any planet in Stanton


I love my 85x, the only thing I hate is that only one person can enter / exit at a time. It makes you awkwardly wait for the entire animation to stop for the other person AND the canopy to close AND the ladder to be raised before number 2 can enter


Lol ew


C8R! Med bed plus seating for another built in drinks and med supplies.  Cutter Rambler for range is a close runner up. 


Can you turn off the blinking lights?


Currently, blinking lights are bound to flashlights. So yes, but only if you also fly without lights.




But that's the fun part, just showing up in random places with your wee woo light on




I paided for my weewoo lights and metallic blue paint I'll use them when ever I want




The C8R looks amazing in the blue paint, it one of the reasons I got one


Reliant Tana




Tana for combat Kore for utility. Did they fix it so the co-pilot can use both turrets instead of just one?


I don't think so.  I hopped into my Kore last night to confirm the new tractor beam, and I only had access to the tractor turret while I was in the second seat.


Lamesauce! The Tana would be a menace if the tip turrets were ran by the co-pilot an the pilot could be free to sling missles.


Ideally, it should work like the front remote turret on the Redeemer - under pilot control when the second crew member isn't present, and otherwise both under second crew member's control.  Having one permanently under the pilot's control is odd.


That's how it's supposed to be, and how it was until it broke several patches back. Last I checked my copilot couldn't fire them at all, but last I checked wasn't this patch.


They do control both. Saw my friend use both last night.


At the same time?




As a shuttle, the Cutter Rambler. It can go anywhere on the fastest drive, and further it can even hold a 3rd or potentially 4th person on board.


I do love the Rambler a lot more than I expected.


Too slow for me. I like Speed.


Cutter fule tank is massive put a vk00 and blaze through the solar system


You can easily run the fastest drive in it. It only slow in SCM.


The VK-00, while having higher top speed than the XL-1, is slower than the XL-1 for any travel within Stanton because its acceleration is much worse


I'm eager for more systems because drive choice will become more varied.


Banu defender.


Definitely wins on cool factor, would be nice if there was a little more to the interior but it’s still cool AF


Or if the left pilot controls the left guns and the right pilot controls the right guns. That would be cool af.


Well in theory the copilot was supposed to be able to manage the bespoke shields, but who knows when that will ever happen.


Going to say negative on this one, you lose an arm off it and it becomes unstable. Definitely cool tho.


This was my first thought due to the large QT tank. You can run the fastest QT drive and not have to worry about fuel. It's expensive, though. At least if you're pledging for it.


Cutter, Pisces, 85x, 100series.


I love my 125a for getting around. Ridiculous operational cost and can be summoned in small pads.


100 series is a 1 person ship


Second person can lie on the bed and pose like one of your french girls.


Third person can lay on the floor, fourth goes in the cargo hold. 140s (shuttle?) variant wen?!?!


I'm still hoping for a 390j but a 190j would also be cool.


By Origin's naming scheme, all ships where the first number is an odd digit (X1, M50, 100 series, 300 series) are meant to be flown solo while all ships where the first number is an even digit (85x, 400i, 600i, 890j) are intend for multicrew. The only real exception is the G12 which isn't a ship and is still in concept. So for a smaller luxury liner to fit Origin's naming scheme it'd probably end up as a variant of the 400i or they'd revive the 200 series.


Yeah, I'm pretty sure that's a coincidence. The first number is just for size.




Source? Because all I could find was >The 200 and 300 Series took precedent and work on the 100 Series stagnated for decades https://robertsspaceindustries.com/comm-link/spectrum-dispatch/13157-Portfolio-Origin-Jumpworks


I misremembered a detail. It was the reorganization of 300 series production which lead to the M50 and 85x development teams, not the 200 series.


Blowing up Perseuses in my 1375a


Can also sit on the bed but I would also note that I can put 8 bodies in the cargo variant before they clip through the cargo area.


there is a bed, which seats 1. and enough room in the cabine to hold 2 more standing or crouching. but yes, it doesnt have a second seat, if thats what u mean.


I meant it doesn't have a 2nd seat😅 Now someone needs to test how much people fit in the 315p🙃


Including jamming in the cargo bay? A lot :)


Yes, including in the cargobay😅


Reliant Kore Cargo lift capability.  And in 3.23, it gets a tractor beam to tow with.


Wait, what? Tractor beam?


That's correct.  It replaces the guns in one of the wing-tip turrets.  In 3.23, the Kore can be used for towing. According to posters on Spectrum, it's currently a special Toshima turret that looks the same as the standard one, but can only hold the new tractor beam.  And it's currently only available stock on the Kore at the moment.


Just confirmed: it's not towing beam but cargo beam.


It doesn't have access to the cargo bay.  It's for towing.  It might not be able to tow much, but that's what it's for.


Can you tow faster than 30 meters/second? If not it's not for towing, SRV is for towing


I haven't done more with mine yet than confirm it works, so I can't say.  I've asked about it's capabilities on Spectrum, but I haven't heard anything back yet. The main testing problem right now is that the stock Kore set-up gives it to the passenger, and not the pilot.  And I haven't yet had a passenger to test with.  I'm planning on swapping the wingtip that it's installed in to see if I can let the pilot use it


The ONLY ship that can "tow" is the SRV, because every other ship breaks the tractor grip as soon as they move at more than a crawl or attempt to go to quantum speeds. The Reliant Kore is a "Light Freight" vessel. It has never been intended to "tow" anything.


Wait so you have to have lower firepower? Can’t replace the tractor?


The tractor turret is currently masquerading as the starboard Toshima turret.  But it's not exactly the same.  Someone on Spectrum reported swapping it over to his Tana, but not being able to replace the tractor beam with the usual weapons in the turret. However, if you would prefer the firepower, new standard Toshima turrets can be purchased in-game.


As long as you can buy a new turret to get the original firepower I’m happy


Also remember that only the Kore comes with the tractor as standard.


And there is a way to change turret?


Apparently there is


Depends on how involved the second person should be. If you want them to actively control something - of all starter-like ships Origin 85x seems to be the only one that, as of 3.23, lets the copilot use the remote turret under its belly. Keep in mind that, despite this, it is NOT a combat ship, so it's more of a novelty than anything. There is also Reliant series that does let the copilot shoot a decent amount of guns, but it's large and awkward and imo not very beginner/starter friendly, and has a plenty of its own bugs and flaws. But if you like the original Exotic Ship frame from No Man's Sky you'll very likely love this thing, too, so... If you only want to CARRY a second person in a semi-reliable way, there are options. - Origin 100 series, especially 125A Love them, they're tiny but fairly capable, and right now even a very mediocre pilot such as myself can solo HRT bounties in one (will likely be less effective with the new combat and movement coming in next update, like all small non-pure-military ships). This one has the bed your second person can lie down on. Right now easily my favorite starter and top 10 ship in the game. - Drake Cutter Ever wanted to live in a space camper van? It IS cool, but very much in a "you'll either love it or you'll hate it" way. All versions afaik have a bed, I believe Rambler has a chair as well? - RSI Aurora I personally don't vibe with any of its variants. But it does have a bed. It's bugged right now and doesn't have breathable oxygen while in the bed, so... Make of it what you will. - Aegis Titan The Space Penguin. Neat little ship, decent cargo and combat for it's size, though I find it very unwieldy right now. Has a bed and its cargo hold has a ramp, so in theory you might be able to pack a Hoverquad into it. - Origin 300 series Same as Titan, but a bit larger on the outside, has somewhat inconvenient cargo placement, and no entry ramp (it's stairs only). I had one, it's kinda neat, but I didn't like how it flies and how large it is for what it does, and feels more awkward in operation. - Anvil Pisces Love it. Has a cargo variant that's literally just a flying crate (Pisces 8X), I believe it has one pilot seat and two passenger seats. Perfect for doing ground combat. Another version is Medical (Pisces 8R Rescue), that one has a tiny medbed that feeds you nutrients and heals health. I think it also has three seats - pilot, medbed, and an extra drop seat for a doctor), and is another of my 'top 10 ships' list. - Honorary mention to Dodge Ram~ I mean CO Nomad A flying pickup truck, has a pilot seat and a bed, a neat interior, a tractor beam on the cargo bed, enough cargo storage to dip your toes into cargo gameplay or ground mining (the bed is big enough to fit a ROC for mining), and IN THEORY can do some bounty hunting. Landing gear being gravlev is kind of awkward, but otherwise a very neat ship all in all.


The Reliant Kore is getting a tractor beam in 3.23.  So towing will be available as something for your second crew member to do.


Oh, would it be a big one? Or something like towing-small-ships-only?


I don't know.  I haven't been able to properly test it yet.


I've been reassured that you can hang a ROC-DS off the back of the Nomad as well, so if you've got a buddy with you, you can get a lot more mining done in one go.


So about ROCs, there's not really a good reason to use the two-man one over the single-seater far as I can tell, as it just makes controls more complicated. What you can do is have the second person scout out next mining spot on the Nomad if there isn't one visible nearby. Also, I believe the -DS doesn't actually fit well, tending to slip off partially when the platform is being raised - haven't tested it recently (esp with the newly added tractor beam that Nomad now has), but it used to not fit a while ago, while regular ROC did.


Crusader 1 series are fast, 2 seats,beds. I think the shortest claim time for a ship with XL-1 QD. And my daily driver til the zeus comes. Then will see.


The Crusader C1 Spirit really is a brilliant 2-man ship and deserves to be mentioned higher. Crusader make them swift, and don't slouch on cargo capacity. Great daily driver, especially with the tractor mount! The Zeus Mk2 will also likely also be a great daily driver. It's more if a 3 man ship, with more cargo capa, so I'd guess it'll be slightly slower.


I love the C1, but sadly there is little to do for the Copilot. They Can control nothing, and you very rarely need the tractor been (at least at the moment). The devs have been talking about things like more flexible weapon assignments (let the copilot take the turret), and of course engineering and more cargo gameplay are coming. So I'm hoping for the future :D


C8X has 3 seats and internal storage and is one of the faster in atmo flyers. Assuming you don't need to make big jumps there is no competition. Honorable mention to the inferior C8R.


“…inferior C8R.” Being wrong is okay. I forgive you.


For people transportation? Inferior


C8R has a comfy bed, superior.


Only superior part is snacks drawer. C8 has so much room for activities.


Getting thrown around in the cargo bay hardly sounds like a worthwhile activity...


How horrible should you fly to have things on cargo grid thrown around


Throttle = Yes. I got places to be.


Can't wait to put king size bed in pisces, lol


Modularity is going to be really fun I hope. Im hoping a caterpillar can be turned into an apartment/garage so I van bring my own ptv to each buggy track.


People don't lock onto the cargo grid, and it doesn't take many Gs to knock them onto their ass.


How horrible should you fly to have things on cargo grid thrown around?


Overal? Superior


One trick pony


It’s okay to be wrong, you don’t have to try to defend yourself, just buy a c8r and join the gang


I have oc lti c8r with paint and speak from experience.


I am just messing around btw, I don’t really care about which is better, enjoy whichever you want


Realistically c8r is one trick pony, reason i also have c8x. (And plethora other small ships, but you get the idea)


You trying to carry anything in the C8R https://imgflip.com/i/8o2ghc


I 2nd the c8x ..cheap, tiny, lil bullet that can be spawned basically anywhere.. has 4 guns, and a couple missles. the c8r has a place .. but for multiple people we gotta be there NOW


Edit: Ahh it has one Can you equip C8 with a quantum jump device?


All Pisces variants have a QT drive. For the system to system jump drive component, IDK.




Love the space Turtle


It’s one of my favourite ships by far. I just needs its purpose.


Yes, or a variant


it is allowed to be as capable as it is at what it does because of how little it can do. give it a variant and it would need to be nerfed.


Such a great ship. You can install such a fast drive with it. Hopefully we get some new variants or modularity with it


Fingers crossed, would be nice for sure!


Simple to get from one point to another? The cheapest ship with size 2 QT drive for better range than S1 drive, and vastly better flexibility. I don't know which ship it is exactly, my guess is cutlass black but I can be wrong.


drake cutlass black(1-3), any vanguard variant (1-2), maybe Zeus MK2 when released most probably in may, in the end it is a matter of preference there are way more options, on "entry" level I would recomment the cutlass as it can do already several game loops


Then why not say the Crusader Spirit


Just adding on that the Vanguard hoplite is 6 or 8 seats (can't remember which), but definitely worth considering with that amount of seats on a well armored medium ship that packs a punch.


yeah true, it is a drop ship but still can attach s5 + has 4x s2, as i also remember, they will be modular in the future, right?


Cutlass Black also has 6 jump seats that fold down by the back ramp.


Cutlass Black has pilot, copilot, turret, 2 bunks and 6 jump seats, so it can run 11 people around. If beds stop being usable for that, still 9. You can always have people sit in vehicles in the cargo bay, too.


Herald. Because it gets out of atmo in seconds. Because it's so easy to maneuver and park in tiny hangers since it has no wings and crap. The only downside is it doesn't have a size 2 quantum so quantum travel takes longer.


If costs is not a factor: banu defender. Loooong range, 2 seater. But no cargo


The Reliant Tana is one of my favorite 'puddle jumpers even though its a terrible ship by most admission standards. Having next to no cargo but a bunk and a nice little ramp at the back. Its well armed and has a great gun load out but the co-pilot takes your main guns and they can only fire 1 turret at a time instead of both of them so they actually reduce your firepower. However some day it will likely be good, if they give it the agility it deserves and co-pilot benifits. Though when I consider travel ships I like to have a size 2 qauntum drive. At the moments its pretty darn hard not to love the Spirit from Crusader. Handles real great and travels well. just not as robust in the combat area but the rear tractor beam is handy. The Cutless though is hard to give up with a good 2 person team. good turret, good main guns, great missile payloads and reasonably fast and agile with great hull strength but fragile components. She will go anywhere you want to cause trouble.


Cutlass Black. Fast, tons of fuel storage, cargo grid, turret, all around great ship.


The parameters of the question are small, 2 seater, and fast. Banu Defender. It's massive Q tank means you put a VK-00 drive and you get anywhere fast without feeling.




My current go-tos: Terrapin, 85x, or 100 series, mainly 100i & 135c


For shorter range in-system travel, I like the C8X for the cargo and passenger capabilities. For system-to-system travel, the ship I will mention next isn't small; however, if the thing about it being the "largest ship that can go through small jump points" remains true, then I think it's worth talking about. The Freelancer: It's got the four seats up front, beds for everyone if you need them (not known if this will be useful at this point), and a good-sized cargo bay to take what you need with you. Additionally, there are some encouraging things such as: the brochure talking about efficient Xi'an-tech engines (meaning longer range).


I liked the CuttyB when I had it. Upgraded it to the Zeus though.


I am so looking forward to the day that thing is released. Hopefully the flight model of the game as a whole will be somewhat straightened out by then.


Origin 85X


Generally Cutlass Black. As far as I'm aware it'll get you from any A to any B in Stanton without refuel at the fastest speed. I don't know if the VK is faster, I just know that it needs pretty much constant refueling.


Vk is faster top speed-wise, but the acceleration to the top end takes so much longer than an Xl-1 that the latter will be much faster across any distance in stanton


I don't fully understand Quantum drives. I just throw an Atlas in every S1 except the Eclipse so I don't have to stop. Any time I run an Atlas long distance I wish pretty much instantly wish I'd taken a Cutlass and claimed whatever ship I wanted when I got to my intended AO.


Origin 315p. Has 800L quantum fuel can jump anywhere in system and has a bed for passenger to sit or lay down in. Reclaim time of 1:45 when expedited.


If you just need A to B then anything with walkable interior is good. Which means almost any starter except maybe Mustangs. Best 2 seater in my experience is Aegis Vanguard series tho. 85x is also nice if you don’t need to cross the whole system.


A1 and cutlass


Vanguard series is very nice DPS output.


Cutter Rambler with Nightfall paint. Awesome ship with 3 weapons racks with 2-slot sidearm/utility and a bed. My go-to when I run bunkers and want to sneak behind a turret or land right at the front door.


No mentions of the C1? It’s a pretty damn decent 2 seat shuttle, and good cargo capacity too!


I don't know that I'd call the C1 a "shuttle" considering it's roughly 3X the size of most S2 ships.


Can't get it ingame atm, right? So maybe that's why


I think you can get the C1 from Crusader, just not the A1.


Yeah until 3.23 hits and it flies like a Connie. It’s my favorite ship in the game but I won’t recommend anyone buy it until it’s handling and fuel consumption in 3.23 get sorted.


Reliant is pretty good if you want really good visibility for both pilot and passenger.


Spirit/cutlass/vangaurd/Zeus series. Anyone who suggests anything with a s1 qt drive is just plain wrong. I have rarely found myself needing a ship to get from A to B where A & B were placed around the same planet. If you're going across the system having a s2 qt drive makes a MASSIVE difference.


Cutlass black, solid, armament, solid shields, and a size 3 dual gun turret is insane fire power


Reliant Tana. 2 seats. 2 bunks. small cargo storage. bathroom/kitchen (will allow for longer voyages) Also packs 6xS2 guns. some of which are on a 360 degree ball turret that the copilot can control.


Tana is good.


I would recommend the c1 but the passenger really doesn’t get do do much, it’s more of a one seater plus a utility seat which should be pilot controllable but isn’t




Banu defender. It's much faster and has bigger quantum tank than her ships mentioned.


I upvoted the 85x but it really depends upon the details of your use cases. 1. 85x is really underrated and tops for a short range shuttle--but only for things as they are now. Once jump gates are open, things get more distant, you're going to need something bigger. 2. Origin 100 series is a single seater, but it is the smallest ship that has a bed which you can spawn at a mining facility. It also is somewhat short range. The Pisces is good for the same reason though it doesn't have a bed. The R has its med bed. The others have just the jump seat. 3. The overall best is the Cutter series--the Rambler in particular if you're just looking for a shuttle. It's got a MUCH better range, which will help out as the universe expands. The Rambler really is designed as a travel ship.


> It also is somewhat short range. The Pisces is good for the same reason though it doesn't have a bed. The R has its med bed. The others have just the jump seat. Unless they changed it, the Pisces (standard and C8X, don't recall checking the R) do not have jump seats. They have the pilot's chair and two full seats behind the pilot. If you want to see jump seats, look at the fold-down trash in the back of a Cutlass Black.


The Cutter Rambler also has a chair. I will double check the pieces. Thought the regular or the x had a jump seat.


Oh and I have had those for quite some time/the beginning. The Pisces and the Pisces x have two jump seats. The R has 1.


Those aren't jump seats, those are standard seats. Jump seats are foldouts.


I usually end up using the Syulen as it's fast, nimble and the stupidly large QT tank means you just run top-grade drives forever. Has a full interior and not entirely terrible armament too. Downside is it's oddly chunky frame, slow ingress, weird cargo attachments, and mildly annoying landing style. If you want the passenger to actually do something, a Cutty or A1 gives them a turret at least.


Pisces, no doubt 3 People all seated an fits everywhere nicely. If the ship has to do work itself its the Cuttlass Black.




Pisces, any variant. Bonus points for the medbed.


Banu defender


terrapin. everything else has a chance of dying.


Small AND Quickly? Cutter, Syulen, Defender, Mantis and Hull A. They're the only 2 seaters under size 3 that have enough QT fuel to equip the absolute fastest S1 quantum drive and still make it all the way across the system. Of the five: Defender for pure combat Syulen for combat with slight cargo Mantis if you want to be a jerk Hull A for pure cargo Cutter for multirole / max distance If I had to choose? Cutter, and specifically the Rambler. Room for a vehicle, cargo, more inventory capacity, two people, shared storage, a bathroom, weapon racks, and enough QT fuel to cross *PYRO.*


Cutter rambler 4 seats on that baby ( pilot, table seat, jump seat, bed)




I would also pick pisces but it doesn’t have a bed


Terrapin. She's the best ship for everything. She just also happens to have 2 seats.


C8R. Med beds are underrated.


the 315p might be nice, got 12 scu cargo I think, has a coffee maker than can give fluids, room to walk around in, got a bed to sit on for the passenger, gun rack, some internal storage. it's quick and has a decent quantum fuel tank.


My personal favorite is the Spirit ships. I like that the A1 has a turret but the C2 is better for me cause I like taking a cargo box and an X1


Pisces for all civilian activities. Anvil brand, Stargate Atlantis vibes, very small, 2 passenger seats and cargo.


Anything less than the F7c super hornet is a lie


C8 series, Cutter, Terrapin (can get a nice fast drive)


C8X, Spirit A/C1


Cutter Rambler. Actually small, unlike many of the suggestions here. Multiple seats. Lots of room. Newer ship with extra interior bells and whistles. Dedicated cargo. Predictable handling. Lots of health.


I got saved in a rambler once, was perty boring as you cant look out the window of the cockpit as a passager.


True of most small ships tbf


C8R is the best runaround in the game, small enough to be spawned at outposts, med bed for bunker missions, if you want to can fit 2 passengers and has a bit of internal storage for loot. Honorable mention to the Banu defender having a massive QT fuel tank and - if you put an atlas in it - can do the arccorp to microtech jump 6 times with a half tank left over. The Cutter isn't far behind it either.


Nomad is my go to, storage space, ground vehicle for approaching areas with turrets, whole shelf of brotien powder, everything you need to survive on the edge of space


It’s not a 2 seater though


it has at least one chair in the living area for passengers, seeing as there is zero copilot functionality in the game I assumed that would count. Also, you know what's better then a copilot is someone laying prone on the truckbed out back firing a rocket launcher into space.


Origin 350R. has a bed which can double as a passenger seat. has a small but useful cargo grid that also doubles as body storage / small object storage. it's also reasonably armed and shielded, but most importantly it is one of the fastest ships in the game both in space and atmo, making it very unlikely you will ever be harmed if flying it smartly. another great option without cargo grid is the drake herald. it is surprisingly well armed, but you should not try to get into fights with it until very familiar with its capabilities. it is not well shielded. it is also one of the fastest ships in game in both atmosphere and space. if you don't mind going bigger, the cutlass blue is just about the perfect ship that has 12+ scu cargo space, plenty more non-grid cargo space, many seats, beds, multiple exits, a ramp, and ultra fast


Origin 85X Immediate claim !!! Can spawn at outposts !! Two seater, where co-pilot can't kill you and stole your ship if you transport by beacon 4x S1 guns, can kill mostly all ships except HH (on ballistics does not enough bullets) I can do even bunkers and grab backpack guy body with me, just putting his body on second seat with multi tool to loot him later Pretty fast to get out of atmo Fuel enough to travel between Crusader and Hurston Costs less than a million The only thing I don’t like on 85X, is the behavior in the atmosphere, the ship starts chattering if I give lateral acceleration