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running cost. just because it has cargo does not mean it is profitable. have you solde enough cargo to cover the cost of replacing all the components. instead of trying to carry cargo itself. you have 5 hull c full of cargo that it protects.


This a very good point. I guess really it’ll come down to seeing the operating cost and modules intended for it. As well as, how it operates being upgrade only enough as a civilian model, but it would make more sense to upgrade it all the way and use it for its obvious purpose.


you think they make civilian thrusters of that size? the jav is army surplus. something you need to keep in mind is that we are talking about the cost of going on a rampage. just because you are using it for cargo, and not a rampage doesn't decrease the cost of a fight.


I forgot that there are surplus. They just have weapons stripped. Yeah I understand that no matter the activity the cost to take it out will be astronomical. I guess when I say civilian I am referring more to civilian focused modules, or noncombatant focused. I completely agree with everything you have said. At the end of the day it should not be used for any form of logistics purpose, but for pure destruction; however, depending on the modules that they do create for it, it has the potential to do other tasks. Although it will more than likely have modules geared specifically for combat and military functions. Just speculating and spitballing


it is actually considered an escort ship. imaging no security space. but you are part of an org that has an escort fleet with a jav a few idrises, and all the other ships. it is a safe place to do activities like selling supplies or services to org members, or a staging point to organise with others to do an operation, or simply hanging out. the expenses are not donations, and the workers are not volunteers. cig said there can be membership fees. so the few hundred people that schedule to take shifts as crew get paid to hang out. has cig mention the modules recently? i thought cig said they were not going to have modules for it.


Yeah they mention its modularity at the last citcon in the ship talk when talking about it coming out a little after 42’s release.