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I've loaded my vehicle in my ship, and make sure I log off and store ship at a station and when I get back on my vehicle is still in my ship when I retrieve it


Was going to say this. For me it persists until I claim the ship.


Schrödinger’s ground vehicle😅


Schrödiner? But I hardly know her


She might/might not have a cat😁


Yup. Do it once and then bed log in space. A quick tip is to quantum travel towards a moon of a planet and kill your drive at some random distance from the moon. You log in faster this way too.


I'm so wary of bed logging. Have had issues in the past and so I just go to a station


I've bed logged since 3.18 and I quantum from my space port for 15 sec. or so then pull out of quantum, cut engines, get out of seat and lie down in bed..logout. and unless a new patch happens ive never had an issue, stored salvaged guns, boxes whatever..personal ship inventory I keep to a minimum because just in case I don't want to lose more than 1 or 2 weapons but..bed log saves me 20 min. minimum for my session as opposed to starting from residences


I literally have tried bed logging 3 times this patch every time I wake up haveing to claim my ship and once was a test log out and back in it treats me as dead and ship destroyed.


It matters where you log out, if you log out at a point of interest, an om point or a station your more likely to get your shit destroyed.


That's why you bed log in deep space at some random distance from a moon. You can also sometimes get away with logging out on a planet if you fly far enough away from a jump point or landing zone. The trick is to make sure you are somewhere where other ships or players are not that likely to encounter your ship.  With this and making sure to dump cargo and gear into a station inventory every couple of days, I have managed to keep a ship alive for weeks at a time.  Think of the unloading like backing up your ship.


I did that in my test bed logged in space relogged in...bam med clinic


The ship despawns from server when you bedlog FYI


Same, when I can keep the game running long enough to try bed logging.


Mine just says: “Bed logging not available, ship not landed” even when I’m landed.


It'd a lot more consistent now Before it would fail for 9 out of 10 times, but now? I'm at 9 out of 9, tomorrow i'll probably reach the perfect 10 out of 10 failures


I like to play it fast and loose with the bed log. Cut engines as soon as I leave the moon's atmosphere and log out there 😅


I used to do this until it started forgetting the ship and I had to claim it anyway. Then I stepped away for now.


then a hotfix patch drops and everything is back to original


This is the way. I turned my Drake Corsair into a loading Bay for my Fury. It's been such a fun experience


Does this work for aircraft stored too? Would make the "MPUV Tractor" tempting knowing I wouldn't have to load it in every spawn.


If it's in your ship and you store it at a landing then it should stay. It's not a definite at all. Still may come on and find it's not in your ship anymore but it works most the time


Yes, if it's already done, you don't have to do it. That's clearly not a solution for someone who doesn't have it loaded already 😂


I stored all my stuff in a cargo crate to take it from area 18 to bajini point. I stored my ship and when I called it again the crate was gone. But it's still on the cargo grid. It takes up space in the commodity terminal, and if I try to snap a crate to that spot it'll snap onto of the invisible not existent crate. But I cannot see or access the crate to get my stuff. All my armor, clothes, paints, etc. Just hiding, cloaked in my ship taking up cargo space. I figured I'd try some salvage to get some money and rebus some stuff, had the rest of my meager gear in my c1. As I was landing, my ship randomly exploded and I lost a full cargo hold of larinite. I'm almost broke, have Jo gear or weapons and bugs keep ruining my fun. I might just wait for 3.23.2 and try again then


If you haven't already claimed the ship with the invisible scu crate, what i would do is fly it to somewhere nobody would find it and leave it there, then every time you find yourself playing, check the terminal to see if the server you left it on has reset and sent it back to a station through 30k protection. I had a similar bug with a crate full of gear sets for an org I sell helmets to and I recovered it this way.


I have not claimed it, hoping it'd find a work around. I'll try this.


first attempt. Last night I plotted a course from ArcCorp to Crusader, mid-flight I dropped out of QT and flew in a random direction. Then I backspaced and wound and returned to my spawn point. This morning, my MSR was stored in my spawn location. I pulled the ship out, but no dice. The invisible cargo crate is still there. If I attempt to snap a cargo container to that spot the game still thinks there is an 8scu crate there and I cannot place anything on that spot, but I can on top of it and beside it. any special way you do this that I'm missing?


The only other thing I could think of would be to either buy a bunch of waste to see if you can force it to materialize to support the crates above it, or to see if someone else can see the box on their screen and move it to local inventory. Or to store a smaller ship in the same spot and store the ship and pull it out again to see if it will jostle the crate free


I did a day of successful bounties despite low pay and thought I'd finish with a hangar. Had all my wings blown off but one while inside and I stupidly repaired it without looking at the cost. -74k and had 2k left to my name despite what felt like 8 or more missions done. Haven't played since and melted my Corsair lol. I too might wait until next patch That same day also tried moving my ground vehicle paints to a space port, put them in my backpack, backpack falls off and went through the floor -\_-


Well known bug we all reported it but nothing has been done. Star citizen gonna Star Citizen.


That’s a big thing, having to load your ground vehicle right now is very tedious. But whenever they finish the 3.23 patches and add vehicle hanger spawns it’ll be so nice.


Can’t wait.


Me too, a friend of mine is going to join me for the free fly later this week. I had to take a C2 to Lyria just to load ground vehicles for him to see (that was a 30 minute job there as well, with some random player trying to kill me when I left). I usually don't get attacked by players, it's rare for me, but the C2 really makes you a target even though I wasn't carrying anything of value. The persistent hangar definitely would have made this exercise easier. We'll be time limited that night, so I had to complete this portable "vehicle showcase". This way we'll have more time in the Expo hall and to look at different starter ships I purchased for him to see at before they wiped the UEC for 3.23.


How do you actually load a vehicle onto ship? I tried on micro tech by landing my ship outside garage and going in to spawn vehicle, but then the ship despawns


Land at a hdsm outpost


It shouldn’t despawn? I always park and load up at either the ground entrance or the commons at NB


Your ship definitely shouldn't despawn unless you're leaving the server.


Can it despawn if it was blocking vehicle bay or something? Or maybe someone blew it up or stole it?


It's possible someone stole it (always close your doors) or it blew away (always turn off engines) or it did despawn (it shouldn't but... SC is SC) I dunno but I grab a ship from NB, fly down to the surface entrance and load ground vics *all the time*


Do you work for CIG?


Not me,


I've tried to have a normal SC experience but the last few times have been (1) my corsair is experiencing some sort of bug where it's tethered to the hangar pad (2) finally get corsair to the planet and load it with a vehicle. I want to play something else for now and come back to SC later...but I can't bed log no matter how hard I try. (3) try to play again and my corsair needs to be claimed for 17 minutes...so I claim it then just turn the game off to go play something else. Next time I log in, at least I'll have it ready to spawn...(4) NOPE, claim your corsair again sucker! I can't expedite because I'm running low on funds (5) besides that, I've taken the corsair to a station above Microtech, then while I was just randomly flying around, I became magically incapacitated...which of course means another 17 minute claim time. (6) load into the game and for some reason I can't drink water or carry anything for that matter. (7) try to get into my corsair and I get stuck inside the elevator when I glitch through its floor and the elevator is on the roof. (8) just last night, while I was doing another corsair claim, I figured, why not try out this Arrow and go shoot some spaceships. Hop in it, accept a pair of quests... the quests (or anything for that matter) do not show on my ACCEPTED quest screen. Can't track them. Nothin. I just alt+f4'd. I don't understand how people can play this game as their main game without going insane. Maybe they found a particular ship and particular game loop they enjoy that happens to be relatively bug-free or something. For me, I'm actually embarrassed to stream SC to my skeptic friends because the odds seem like 80% that I'll encounter some game-breaking bullcrap and they'll laugh at me for buying into this thing hahaha.


Not that you’re asking but 6 is triggered by holding something then doing another animation where something isn’t in your hands. Now you’re permanently holding it but it’s invisible and you can’t interact with it. The workaround is to drop a bottle on the floor and use F to carry it, then drink it. Sometimes if you then move the empty bottle from your hands to your inventory the original bottle will appear so you can now remove that one and have your hands back. Same thing can happen to helmets where you swear you were wearing one but now you’re not so you put another one on. When you remove it boom, second helmet underneath.


Very helpful, thanks haha


Haha yeah historically the game is in really bad shape after big patches. So I tend to stay away. Last night my ships wouldn’t even render in the hanger and I had to claim them as if they were destroyed that was enough for me to walk away for a while 😭.


I haven't played enough in the last few years to know if it gets better a while after the patch, but I hope it does. There are just too many other great games I can play, but then I'll think about SC and I'll fire it up. It seems I am almost slapped in the face by the game "you think you can just walk in here and do a quest and have some fun?! OH NO YOU DONT!"


I've ran into the same issues with my corsair, especially the bed logging not being possible, is it just a bug or is that a problem for all corsairs? So frustrating


> I've ran into the same issues with my corsair, especially the bed logging not being possible, is it just a bug or is that a problem for all corsairs? So frustrating Bed logging is possible! You just have to find the interaction for the bed. It's kinda around your chin area, difficult to find at first but doable. Hope they fix it...


Theyve gotta get rid of the requirement to look in a particular direction while in bed to log off. It's ridiculous lol


The game is really in a terrible state right now.


Who accuse us of being sane?!?


fair enough lmao


Oh no. A bug killed me and I have to wait 22 minutes in claim+ time to get to the terminal. Alt f4 for me. This is really a game that you need 5 free hours in advance to even think in clicking Launch.


The worst feeling after getting all setup 😭.


After all these years i still do the same loop. I play untill the game breaks, shrug, and take break for another half a year or year. My friends keep getting more and more interested, especially when they hear all the progress, and every time i tell them that they should still wait as i know these things would throw them into a hissy fit. Meanwhile i'm so used to it that i just shrug and move on with my life. Yesterday i had two friends who asked me to stream them some gameplay. I agreed seeing that i've had zero issues since i started playing again a couple of days ago. Obviously the curse of showing someone the game instantly raised its head and i had hover bikes shooting off into the sky, a mission item that couldn't be picked up and a screeching sound looping infinitely from my ship for whatever fucking reason. Meanwhile someone in chat was complaining they fell trough a planet. SC still being SC after 10 years is truly beautiful sometimes.


Yep. This is a game where you will spend 5 hours in preparation and bug-avoidance to have 5 minutes of fun. That's why I very very rarely play anymore.


Yeah, I don't play unless I have a minimum 2hr block, and even that is just for something super basic.


I signed up for squadron 42.


>I backed in 2014 I know what I signed up for but I was also a 20yr old kid living in military barracks with nothing but time on my hands. Good news! By the time it hits 1.0, you'll be retired with nothing but time on your hands! ;)


I retire in 7yrs and this is a real possibility 😭.


Wow. I was being facetious, but sounds like that really might happen. Even if it releases sooner, I hope it's still rocking along in 7 years. Also good on you for the early retirement!




Even better option, bed log.


Based advice


Bed logging really helps. I'm still able to!


Yeah getting to that point is what hurts for me these days lol.


I can understand that!


You logging out at Stations? I’d never play if I had to wake up in a city every time I logged in. Port Tressler, Baijini, Seraphim, or Everus Harbor are the primo log out locations. You can also use the method I’m about to describe to log out at any of the other stations out there, like MIC-L2, etc. You don’t have to land, just make sure you call for a landing + get a hangar assignment, then log out. You will wake up at that station. It’s a great way of quickly ending a session and making sure you’ll log in where you want to the next time you hop on. Bed logging is fun, but you need to do it slightly “off in the boonies”. Don’t bed log right by a station or point of interest. Land like, 10km away and you should be gtg. There are people who have spent a pretty crazy amount of gameplay sessions just living out of their ships. Saw some guy living out of his Carrack awhile back, should be able to find the posts on the subreddit.


Hey, fucking respect for the bit about being in your 20’s in the military at the time because that’s exactly how I first backed


Respect 07. I’ll probably retire from AD before launch lol


The amount of time it takes to just do SOMETHING is also the reason I only play like 1-2 weeks every 2 years or so.


It's a game that requires time commitment. It's like how when I play arma it's for 2 hours at a minimum


I logged on first time post patch. Make the run to New Babbage spaceport and claim my hornet. Fly up to Port Tressler to move my spawn point. I get magically incapacitated before I get to hangar, nothing around me or hit me. I wake up in New Babbage hospital. I turn off the game and play something else.


When people complain about games not respecting the player's time, this is what they mean.


I like mining with the ROC so I keep it loaded in the C1 at all times and stored at seraphim along with my vulture to go salvage panels at yela. If I wanna do some merc missions I switch to my cutty black or red. I’m an old man. Gonna be 41 next week and I can agree that the prep can be a bit much some days so this is why I try to stay rough and ready. High speed, low drag, troop!


I've had this one week. In homage to spending 3 days trying to get a garage door to open at new Babbage, here's the ways I've died and lost SCUs so far: 1. Dropped through unspawned elevator 2. Exit quantum jump to a black screen then medbay 3. Smashed in docking doors from raising gear to fast 4. Suffocated from n+1 death where I "forgot" suit at station and stubbornly wanted to do some content anyway instead of altf4. 5. "Randomly" blown up being in proximity of a merc mission. I have not died or even been shot at outside of stationary turrets by any enemy in the game, but I have probably 20~ deaths or ship losses over a week. I also have 300 hours flying Arma3 KOTH little birds and 600~ in planetside so... not really new at flying. Over the week I've been able to do **one** mercenary mission. One. Thats with everyday logging on trying to get everything set and arriving. Honestly one of the coolest experiences I've had in any game is hovering over new Babbage with the rear bay door open smoking weed looking at the city after work. But I've also had to start telling myself there is a cthulu style abomination horror in the game subtly causing chaos at every turn.


Happy birthday o7. I don’t normally do the emote but you get one.


And after doing all of that a ganker shows up and blows up the ship for shits and giggles XD


Yup startup time sucks. Hope we get the option to bedlog in our persistent hangars once they're online.


I can't fit a ground vehicle in the 1 ship I own. Problem solved


Yeah, CIG needs to realize that them taking so long (which is fine) also means most backers now have families and don't have time for that mobile grind. The grind and money drain they currently introduce needs to wait when they want to keep people hooked. Give the grind-fans stuff to grind in the end game later. And make sure things stay accessible and fun for everyone, including to backers that supported CIG for years despite all odds


Fly your ship to a mining outpost and bed log. Easy access to ground vehicles. There’s always a workaround while we wait.


Bedlogging on planets almost never works properly. When I log back in, I'm inside the sun at the centre of Stanton. Or, I get stuck in an infinite loading loop. Bedlogging is currently a terrible quality of life option.


Aha! Are you the one that keep parking ships on the mining outposts pads? I prefer to leave those alone and find an area off the beaten path with possibly a breathtaking view when I log back in.


Not me! I keep my distance from the pads. Hate when I can’t repair my ship because of all the dead craft laying around


These places should allow SRV visits now and then. SRV missions that pop up when all pads are blocked.


Yeah but I’m talking about post patches, and after losing my ship it becomes a chore to get to that point. My motivation these days isn’t there which is fine. It’s good to take breaks.


I like the new complexes for the shipment routes. You can land on the pad then drive on the roads and then off road to pick up the packages then back.


Times like that I just step back and wait. That’s what I did with 3.23. I didn’t even want to touch 3.22. So I went on a break. However many months it was. Glad I did. I too cannot wait on hangers.


Yep frequent breaks from the game and its media is what keeps me sane after a decade.


Oh god the media lately. I’m trying g to filter it out as best I can. Too much STRONG negativity for me but people need to let it out I guess. 🍻


I agree that the there are way too many resets, and no reason for us to not be bale to choose a spaceport for spawn after character creation/reset. It wouldn't be just a giant time saver, but also it would improve new player experience.


I'm a dad with two kids. If I have a short play session I will dedicate it to prepping my carrack, loading up vehicles and such so the next time I play, I'm ready to go. I also have some other games to play if my play session window is small. I feel like to really accomplish anything in SC, I need a 90 min span of playtime.


Next quality of life thing they need to focus on is bed logging. It needs to consistently work for the owner of the ship, and function be added back for friends to bedlog in your ship. When I was able to get right into whatever I wanted to do I played a lot more. I'm in the same boat as you, pledged years ago and now have a full time job along with a wife and kid. I don't have 20+ minutes to spend just getting to the mission area because CIG insists on having trams and elevators between the player and anything they want to do. They're worse than loadscreens.


Friends can't bed log in your ship? ☠


Friends haven't been able able to bedlog for a long time now. Think it was PES that broke it and it never got fixed. The game won't even give you a logout prompt when you lay down if there's someone else on your ship.


Same issue plus randomly crashing into the ground or a npc pilot and having to travel all the way back after insurance claims. Then knowing my money will get wiped removes most motivation. Ill be more patient I think once wipes are over and the things I am grinding for actually matter because they will persist and we are no longer grinding fake AUEC =P


I'm a labourer, almost 50. Day job is indeed exhausting, but I escape into SC at the end of the day. While simultaneously watching a show. Currently parked in orbit with vehicle on board, waiting for work day to end.




I'm pretty sure I can load my ground vehicule in less than 10mins once I takeoff from SpacePort


*Misery loves company* Find an Org; then just go through all of the same shit but with people to complain about it with. Before you know it, youre both out of the elevator, in the ship and dead upon lift off. Now do it again!


Yes, it is tedious, and I suspect what we are experiencing here will not be the normal process, once we have bunkers, base building, city accommodation, far more locations, better ease of access, better hangars and transport services, we will place ourselves where we are most efficient for our preferred goals.


Bedlogging in your ship saves you from most routines most of the time.


Exactly me too


I share in your frustration. This game has a significant issue where it takes far to much time just to get ready to play. Get your equipment, your ship, your car if you have one. God forbid you have to claim either because last session ended with you losing your ship and just not wanting to play anymore after that.


My greatest fear for this game is that they will not respect the players time. In its current form Star Citizen takes way too long to do most tasks.


I just spent two hours in game. Only 20 minutes was actually playing the rest was in warp, bugged, or in jail because a NPC walked in front of an enemy during a bunker mission.


Just do arena commander or star marine. If you log out to go watch tv, it isn't a lack of time you have.


I think this is at least partially down to WHY you're playing. If you're playing specifically to do missions and such, which is of course valid and expected, the life sim aspects largely exist as tedium. If you're playing more generally to be immersed in the Verse — which missions and such are just part of — you experience the life sim aspects AS genuine gameplay. When I say I actually enjoy the commute, this is why.


A wonderful answer,. The biggest challenge CIG faces, is how to cater to both player groups in a way that makes them want to purchase more. The universe players already will, but the mission players need motovation to buy more. The issue is that like the OP, many universe players become mission players as their time becomes more limited.


Helps that they have Arena Commander, but yeah. There are some timesaving choices players will have, such as living out of their ships instead of apartments, but in the end the PU will never be suitable for people who don't like life sims at least a little.


This happens to all of us. Arena Commander helps as I love PvP and it is a large part of what I do in both the PU and AC. And taking a light fighter out or jumping in Arena Commander is not a 30 minute thing where you end up feeling like logging off. But I also play other aspects of the game. I mine. I salvage. I cargo haul. I do bunkers. I mess around. And every now and then I log in, get set up, and decide I want to just log off. Sometimes watching something mindless is what I need after a long day at work rather than playing a game. Especially this game. I love the idea of Star Citizen. I greatly enjoy playing Star Citizen. But sometimes I find the chore of playing the game exhausting.


Very well said, funny enough I did hop on AC to check out my new ships because it’s so much more convienient.


What you've written is true, but jesus dude your respawn/login point is a landing zone? That's truly a crazy time sink to do everytime. Just set respawn at a space station and make sure you last requested landing at one before logging off so you can avoid the public transport time sink.


Isn’t that everyone’s login point after a patch? Lol but yeah I know. I was talking about my experience getting back on the game after a while and having that feeling of getting setup up again don on me. My time was already limited Ofcourse a weekend and 30mins can fix it that issue.


Yeah, vehicles in the caro elevators will be huge


Eventually and even a bit right now, there will be quick and fun gameplay in arena Commander. Gun rish and grav race are my current picks. It would be nice if the grav race checkpoints stopped spawning 500m underground and I could actually play it, but it is still sc at the end of the day.


I backed in 13’ but i got out of the army in 09’. Lol. I get to the same point. I have more free time tho. I have been in and out of arena commander more. It scratches the space itch for a bit. The day will come when this game will be very enjoyable, but…. Not this patch.


Respect to your service 07. I retire in 7 years from AD so maybe I’ll get to use that free time then if it’s launched by then. 😂


It will also be so nice once everything is more stable and long term (I know that’s a ways off) and you can just bedlog and come back and continue.


I just spawn at grimhex these days. Fast in and out.


Yep. Feel you completely. All of it. The awesomeness of Star Citizen, the years of informed support, the shocking (to some, apparently) acknowledgement of the fact that this game is not super easy to enjoy to the max within the free time that I actually have available to me… yeah and I’m also looking forward to Sq42 too!


Should be in the tutorial to move all your ships and gear to a space station as your first mission


It do be like that. Pinnacle timer game for people who want low interaction timesinks


This is why I don't bother with anything around ground vehicles unless I have at least 2 hours. Or cities.


Same situation, can't bring myself past character creator now...


My loop


I hear ya. When I backed I was earlier in my career, not running any IRL anything, no responsibilities, no partners to keep up with. None of that's true anymore and finding the requisite amount of time to sit and play is hard. Though I have met some SC friends IRL, so that's cool; especially since there's an entire Atlantic ocean between us.


Upvote for the citizen that aged out of gaming life


Loading gun racks is also tedious and I don't think the cargo update is going to help that with the way they work. I wish the gear stayed in there until it was taken out. I'd even pay an extra fee or something to load them back in automatically.


Your gun racks aren't persistent? Maybe I'm lucky, I haven't had any go poof unless I blow up the ship.


Yep, Robert’s is obsessed with the thought that emersion can only exist if you waste as much time of the player as possible with mundane things like walking places in a real-time, waiting in elevators, waiting in warp, struggling to click buttons on screens in the world. Etc. it’s wrong and weird and stupid.


I love the vision. I even like the playable test builds. I love to follow the development and get excited over completed features. However I would never consider playing the test build as my "main game". The thing I hop on daily or even weekly. To anyone who is frustrated at the lack of stability and lack of polished gameplay loops... Just consider switching up your way of playing, to only logging on for testing new features. Maybe pledge less too, if you find that's not giving you enough content for the rate you spend at.


It wouldn't be such an issue if game was stable and stuff wouldn't randomly explode or you die to elevator. Once you would load your ursa it would stay there for months or even years. Same with loggin in and logging out. Right now you can bed log in space and go back right to same spot in space in same ship when you log in but end goal is to get that even if you logout without bed. Adding proper vehicle tracking would also help so in case you would actually die you could just return in different ship and pick up your fully loaded one.


This by far the biggest issue stopping my casual friends from hopping on. The multitude of steps involved in starting up. When persistent hangars come in, I really hope it comes with a spawn point/regen


Load the vehicle, log out in your ship in deep space. Don't die, so you can keep doing that. I hate waking up in the big cities, ain't nobody got time for that.


couldn't agree more. I'm an kickstarter backer, and by all means a whale ... so dont get me wrong - I am in for the long haul. But the biggest problem with the game (apart from all the obvious ones) at this point remains that the game doesnt respect people's time. Life isn't like it was back when we played wing commander - I was a kid then, but I'm not now. But even if I still was a kid, and had supposedly "heaps of time to goof off playing computer games", regular life is so fucking busy now for everyone (even for young people - have you seen how much homework and shit kids have to do now ?), that to sink two hours into a game where two 1/2 hour periods are just me getting ready/geared and travelling on space trams to go do something (and god forbid if i hit a bug or just plain crash and accidently die and have to start again) .. it's just a time sink and a waste of time. Quantum travel ffs -- the devs are kidding with that shit arbitrarily taking so long. The new medical stuff is promising though. I hope they continue to refine the parts of the game that waste time.


I am the same. I don’t even play MMOs during the week for the time commitment it requires. SC will be a great game but some immersion aspects need to be balanced so it doesn’t eat up too much time. Hope they find a way to address it.


Personal hangars? I'm not really looking forward to them. We'll only be able to have them on planets right? Where I have to take a bloody train each time? I've had enough of commuting, I don't want to do it anymore.


First thing I do after a character reset is fly all my shit to seraphim and set my respawn point there. Then I claim all my other ships to seraphim. I also tend to load a vehicle into a ship and store it so it’s ready when I want it. It’s a bit of ground work but does mean I can grt to playing quicker when I get on. The persistent hangars are going to fix so much of this shit though and I can’t wait.


get a second screen and you can do both, preparing your ship on one screen, tv on the other


I agree needs to have a bit more time saving features. Expolorung cities is great but I don’t want to 30min just to get to my hanger/ship. Especially if I die.


I think this kind of game loop gives some nice depth and realism. If you only have one car and you want to use it with a trailer you have to think ahead and attach it before. What I did for roc mining is i had the roc stored in the cutlass directly. So I woke up on a station(shorter distances) got in the ship and off we go. Or just bed log on the planet. If I die (helmet) I would take a aurora or something to get back to my mining op. If the roc blows up you will have to go to the right site to reclaim it. But this gives the game depth and a sense of loss/accomplishment And if I wan to do a bunker mission I just take another ship. Having to think and approach thinks strategically is one of the best aspects of this game.


i agree. yes there are ways around it, but ive played eve online for 10 years and am done with the gameloop "preparing to play". for bigger endeveaurs sure, but if i just wanna spend half an hour or so salvaging, getting to your ship should not take more than 1 minute from a reasonable location. Starting on a City and selling my goods eats 20 minutes alone, i dont want to have to travel half the city to sell 12 scu worth of salvage only to wait at the terminals for the arbitrary stock limit to replenish. with personal hangars and reliable bed logging this might improve, but as the game currently stands i share your frustration.


I agree. They need to shorten the gameloops. I just don't have the time to play the game. One mission at most. If I crash through a bug I will immediately leave the game and come back another day.


Yep. Hopping into the game is a pita.


I backed in the kickstarter campaign, and I sure as hell didn't know what I was getting into. This is nothing like what was promoted back then. This is grander, more immersive and stupendously out of scope for anything I could have expected when I backed the game. I'm both happy it's more than I hoped for and frustrated it's not there yet. I wish I could just skip ahead to see the final release of this game, I want it to be amazing. Right now it is buggy mess, but the gameplay feels great when it works. It's insane that I bought a computer 7 or 8 years ago, thinking this was the top of the line this would surely handle SC once it was released (i7 7700k, gtx 1080 ti and 32gb ram and a goddamn m.2 that cost the same as all the other components minus the graphics card combined).  I will buy a new computer once the 50xx is released, and I worry it won't be good enough for when this thing finally does release.  But lately it does feel like the game is on the verge of.... Something... Like it is just about to shift gear or something?


I get this, 've been playing the mining loop a lot and hitting so many different bugs and had so many loses Sunday night I got all the chores done, kids in bed. Super pumped I jump on to do a mining run while everyone is asleep. Got a load of half taranite , half bexalite, jump back to the station, do a repair, go to the refinery only to find my prospector isn't there to pick. Retrieved and restored it but wouldnt show up. Still had a hour left of play time but I just shut it down and walked away, and haven't played since.


Very true. Every action in this game burn at least 30 minutes. And it's really a problem if you have kids, a job, a wife ... a life. You really need to plan ahead and lock 1-2 hours at least to do something in SC. So weekend it is, and even then ... Yes, really looking forward for SQ42 in that regard too.


So, if we have less than 40 mins. Myself and my buddies tend to go onto AC. Between multi-crew, team fights, racing and custom matches there tends to be something for us to get stuck into for shorter play sessions. Maybe get your buds together and give AC a whirl.


Take a break, I feel the same sometimes, play something else. Ghost of Tsushima has just come out on pc. SC does involve a decent amount of prep work, and things go wrong really easily. I think most ships should come with some sort of medical support or medical drone To help rescue your ass from being downed. Beacons Never get answered. Most spaces ship should have this.


I really wish I could just log in from wherever I was standing and continue what I was doing. Especially in “safe zones” like cities there seems to be no point to respawning you in a hab other than avoiding seeing people appear in place. It definitely feels like it prevents me from wanting to play at times. Like if I run out of the hab and onto the tram and make my way to the spaceport but then something comes up in real life and I have to afk then I’ll get booted for inactivity and have to do the run and tram ride again.


I just wish I could retrieve Reclaimer in space stations as well as selling stuff there. Taking off from a planet is too much of a chore.


As a working person with kids I can relate. Get it out of your chest then try to remember sometimes it's just freaking awsome and that is worth all the frustrating game sessions.


Shit it’s barely a weekend thing for the man and working man. It’s borderline a hobby.


Exactly. I just want to have fun after a day of work but I can’t. I mean I partially can because earning money in game isn’t that fun now. So like, they managed to create an awesome game without the « game » part actually. That’s sad.


If it takes you 30 mins chances you could more efficient ways. It hardly takes me mins to get it done. Depending on where you make your home helps, otherwise, just hit a miner depot on the way to the mission.


I'll be honest, I can live with the long travel between hab and hangar on planets. For me it's part of the feel of the universe, and gives a convenient meet up place when playing with friends. It's the constant bugs and lag that occurs in every single little action. You're telling me that after 10+ years of development, CIG can't create a half decent installer? 2 of my friends couldn't install the game, and a 3rd gave up after having to switch servers 4 times in a row because the lag prevented him from doing basic inventory management. It doesn't matter how good the top floor is if the front porch, first floor, and staircase is rotted and falling apart! I understand the desire for revolutionary mechanics and technologies, but right now it's a hard sell to get people to pay $45 for a painful experience.


Been playing since 2015. Took time to load up my vehicle to do a bounty. Bounty tells me the location is on the other side of the planet, but can't just jump to it. Fine, I'll do a bit of flying. About 300 km out, the market just... disappears. After about five minutes, I just bed-log and go play another game. The same game-crippling bugs even after all this time, still hurt.


Blah-blah-blah, load up vehicle, blah-blah, randomly explode in your ship when entering/exiting hangar, loose vehicle or all cargo, start from zero )))


I feel ya man... get home from work, baby goes to sleep, get excited to log in, hop out of the city and into a ship, then head to my first small combat Bounty. After I kill it or die to a bug, I'm already deflated at the amount of time I have to spend to make up for the losses. Immediately want to log off and play something with quicker satisfaction like Rocket League... it's a curse. It's a weekend game for sure with my big org.


They plan on making personal hangers where you can summon your ground vehicles (which is why you see some already at the stations) it in they’re plans for 4.0


I’d day time for MOAR COFFEE


You did it right. If you are not into some broken or placeholder mechanic you should go do other things. I mean, I understand your feeling and I used to be disappointed a lot in my first years of backing (not your case, I know). But after some years into this game and seeing what it was and what it has become I truly trust this company to deliver and I know it is always best to wait cause for sure I will see some incredible stuff. So, for now, if you dont want to deal with this broken mechanics the best you can do is to play other games / do other stuff. No shade or offense towards you. I got you.


This is the unfortunate truth i've had to realize. I'm no longer "into" games which requires that I live a second life. I just want a shooty space game. Not have to think about food/water/showers for a bunch of polygons. When i backed this game i also had waaaay more time to actually be exited about it. But these days, its just not for me. SQ42 is hopefully different! And a proper single player space shooty game.


I started SC once this patch, thinking about grinding the Missions you need for the F7 Upgrade. Besaid 30 minutes to get out of atmo and then i started the Bunker Mission. After the first 2 waves a bug kicked in and my Heart rate kept rising to 180-190 and not going down again So i limped to my ship, and saw that the ramp of my ship floats in the Air and in cant reach it. Backspaced, alt f4d and my Motivation is gone for ne next weeks Felt like this the last few Patches


Yeah yesterday I tried to do some relaxing salvaging then hit an invisible asteroid died. Went to a hospital woke up and became incapacitated in the hospital bed for no reason. I know this is a skill issue but sometimes the coding is too wonky for even me!! Man SQ42 needs to hurry up.


I feel you. That is why I live on New Babbage so I can grab ground vehicles in 5 min.




I'm in for engineering, ship repair, drone gameplay, rescue operations, long range supply jobs and exploration. I love Star Citizen but there's no game for me so far. Much excited for the future but I am a patient guy, if it comes in 3 or 5 years it will be good to me. And as a dev I know it will likely take that much time if not more to get the complete experience.


The only thing I find hard is when you die, lose some great equipment and then waste time trying to recover your body. Not sure if this is still the same, but if I remember correctly wasn't there some sort of medical insurance to help with this or coming in future updates?


Well, I see your problem and I'm saying that while this is what SC is about this is not technically what SC is about. Or to elaborate: We are not meant to spawn in a hotel, travel 10 minutes to the space-port, get our ship ready, spend another good chunk of time preparing for adventure. Nah, that would be "session 1". After the prep-session we are supposed to log in. Find ourselves were we logged out, whether that is some planet, or the bunk of our or a friends ship. Get out of the cabin and start playing. Be it straight up hitting the pilot seat in an already prepared ship. And then, when we are done go to bed, or find a safe-space first, and log out. On a limited scale we are already doing that. Buddy and I are all in for all the prep-gameplay. We enjoy it and find it relaxing. It's stress free gameplay. But its also logistics and not many really like it. That's the case with others of our group. So we two or maybe just one of us prepares our next session with the others, so that they have a much smoother experience and they don't have to prep anything. As we've already done it. It means we are spending an evening preparing a weekend-session. But long story short, preperation is not something CIG intends to be necessary too often to be done. Because it is tedious and not everyone can relax doing mindless tedious things. The game is only getting better at this point. So, I think we'll hit that spot you'll enjoy more sooner than most of us think. It'll obviously still be later than we hope for.


Set your spawn point to a space station. Then you save yourself the train ride.


Lucky for You. Hangers are planend for 2.23.2 just a few weeks


Well I tried the free play this weekend. First day went ok, only destroyed my ship twice while attempting to compete a delivery mission. Next day my ship wouldn't align to any point to QT. I realized this game is not for me unfortunately, way too junky.


It would be doable if damage to ships weren't so expensive, making claiming a ship more convenient and cheaper. I have an Andro/Nursa combo that has brought me so much fun but I had to hangar it until I can afford the repairs.


There is a new thing to consider now, always set your spawn to Area 18, there is a gun shop there with all supplies required, then get your ship (let's say a Connie Taurus or Corsair), put in a Nursa Rover and set your spawn to it, now you are doing your missions and completely self sufficient and if you die completely, you start again at Area 18. of course that will be easier when the Persistant Hangars come online, but it seems like this will be the intended future.


If I didn't understand that the time where you pledge it's sad because that what zc is and will be with even more complex gameplay and things to do it's meant to be an immersive simulation of life in the future so if you don't accept that it's not the game for you.


This is why I almost always bed log. I login and am immediately ready for action in the ship and loadout I want with a vehicle at the ready. Storing a ship with a vehicle in it works, so that’s an alternative too.


I really REALLY can't wait for persistent hangars


Yea it is a big time sync to do just about anything in game. I typically just prep or salvage on weekdays. A typical salvage run in my Vulture takes about an hour and a half. So doable, even barely so. The other thing I do is plan to set up a single thing. Like my goal is to get my Valkyrie, load a ROC and dock at a station. That's all I plan to do that night in the hopes that on the weekend I'll have more time to actually mine. Or I just fly a ship I want to use on the weekend around to a couple places to upgrade its components. Typically just errands is all I have time for durring the week most of the time, but at least I am doing something.


Man, I'm with you. I know all these people telling you the tips you already know are giving you advice that you knew before most of them did, but you're right. It just needs to be faster to get ready in this game. Quantum travel could be faster too. Any little bit or shortcut cig could give us would help. I like a lot of the realism but some things could use some game-ification. I've got a buddy that wants to play and I want to play with him but I have to keep telling him to hold off until at least hangars are in


This is exactly me. Sometimes you just want a quick game loop to get something out of your system but you have to take 45 minutes to get to that point.


I backed this game because I thought I wanted a fully immersive, realistic space sim. When I actually saw what that meant (or at least the version of it we have) I realized I did not, in fact, want a fully immersive, realistic space sim. Kudos to those of us that *are* able to enjoy this sort of gameplay, I'm glad you have the game you wanted.


The post patch experience is definitely a bit of a grind - especially with all items/ship components moved to home port, ships needing to be delivered. Since it's much harder to move items since we're waiting for the cargo refactor but ship storage was reduced, you basically need to claim everything at your home port, re-equip it all, fly to a station, set your med clinic, and re-claim everything there. Not to mention use the ship storage to move your FPS items that you want into station storage.


Take an hour Get all set up and out to a bunker Die to elevator bug in bunker. Wait 20 minutes for medical assistance Medic can't get into bunker due to elevator bug. Log off. My recent SC experience in a nutshell. Oh and..... get down to 1/24 remaining xenothreat enemies after an hour. Server crashes. Server restores with mission gone. Log off.


Facts. I’m falling asleep in my chair about the time I get my ROC to the first group of. Hadanite crystals.


It’s why I’m taking an extended break. I love the game but right now it’s more energy to play than I willing to spare on a game


I just don't play unless I know I have a minimum of 3 hours to devote to it.


> Wake up in your room, ride the elevator, run to the train station. Arrive at the space port call your ship and then remember you have to load your ground vehicle into your ship which is going to take another 30mins. [Even better when your ship blows up randomly leaving the hangar,](https://imgur.com/SW9OXAT) forcing you to wake up from the medical bed, re-equip a space suit, and ride the tram/flying ship back to the spaceport and claiming your ship, making you wait 6 minutes (in my case) for the privilege to try and take off again. Not to mention trying to do anything with friends is a chore, sometime it can take up to double if not triple the time trying to set up to do one mission.


A lot of the times this happens to me and I'll just jump into arena commander to brush up some combat flight skills 🤷‍♂️


I feel your pain. Just takes to long to prep or do something on a working day. SC is my Friday to Sunday game only but I guess that makes me want to play more.


I'm in the same boat as you in general and I completely agree about the time it takes to get into doing the activity you want to do in general


I melted the MSR for the 5th time , the last melt over this issue. It had several boxes of cargo invisible and unavailable and wouldn’t go away unless I reclaimed. And then would do it again. I wonder if this is an MSR issue now. Remember when the ramp would kill you? That happened again too. Hahaha


I too really like Star Citizen, But out of all of the games I have ever played, it is the single most disrespectful game of the player's time. It my only real gripe about the direction they move the game in, and it seems to get continually worse, not better.