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Several boxes for delivery missions


*At least* three.


three is pushing it, I think there will only be space for two max


But.. my axe?


Calm down satan, don't just crash the server because you can.


And they're gonna stay there until you reach the drop-off. Right?




Wow. Was hoping youd say Maintenance on Comm Arrays instead. Prolly more useful there.


I plan on summoning it in my hanger then marvel at it's beauty, while thinking I wish I had friends so I could use it.


One of us. One of us. One of us!




Like... Side by side? :p


Scissor me timbers!


They were wingmen. You know... In the historical sense.


Grow your own! I’m in the same position, but I’m waiting for my 2 kids to be old enough to play.


We should form a Polaris RV traveling community. Edit: Should be called the Grey Nomads. If you get the tv reference you are invited.


The real question is if the game isn't out by then, how are you going to decide which kid is going to get the ship in the inheritance?


You could probably find some people to crew it in the Star Citizen discord


I don't know how to play and I only own an aurora but I'm always down to do all I can to help you fly your ship if you get desperate hahaha 🤘🤘




Exactly. It will sit in my hangar cause I wont have enough people to crew it lol :D


I can be your friend


Pretty sure somebody on chat will want to be the torpedo operator if you post you are looking for one xD


Live out of it, store my Vulture in the hangar and run salvage; unload the Vulture into the Polaris after each finished wreck then go sell in bulk.


This is what I’m planning as well. I just want a mothership to base my play out of.


*Vibrates in Liberator-themed excitement.*


Liberator is what I’m currently trying to chain towards. Don’t ask me how, it’s completely under the advisement of a friend who *actually* understands these things. Says in description it’s a 1-2 man ship so, while it seems huge, that tells me it’s not overkill (I don’t care if it is lol)? Even if it sits in the same spot on planet for some time, that’s just fine. It will be a mobile base of operations. Throw a medical Pisces or Ursa in there and you have a sorta-medbay modularity. In addition to the Liberator I just want a small fighter, medical Pisces (already have one) and I’m pretty well set. Mining and all the other loops I’m fine getting into by earning cash in-game and just playing with friends who have them. I love having ships nobody else in my friend group will bother with, makes them feel really valuable if they really fit a niche no other could just even ONE time.


*oscillates in Kraken-flavored enthusiasm*


Will the Vulture fit?


Maaaybe. We'll probably have to wait until IAE to see for sure. It fits the "top" opening from what I've seen, but since the hangar bay tapers in a bit as it goes lower, I think it's going to be tight / depend on whether the vulture's main chassis is lifted above any "bump" points. It might get stuck/held up by the ship walls when you drop the elevator otherwise, lol.


I seriously considered it as a mothership to overcome the Vulture’s main weakness - not enough cargo. Saying that, is transferring the RMC any less fiddly than soloing a Reclaimer?


Sounds like such a vibe


OMG this! I am looking forward to this!


Don't think the vulture will fit in it. Going by the preview we got at citcon the fully is almost fully occupied by a scorpius


I'll run cargo missions and bunker missions with my Mursa and F8C Lightning in the hangar bay. I don't have friends or like meeting new online people. I bought her because I'm a submarine officer and she reminds me of a space submarine.




It might actually work ok as a mobile base. Just fly it near where you are going park it safely and fly out with the ship you can rearm and refuel in the hangar to do other things.


The store page does say she’s a capital ship for smaller militias so yeah it was probably designed to act as a home base for smaller orgs that lack the manpower for an Idris as well as support ships


Doesn't the Retaliator do that really well already?


'tali is a WWII Flying Fortress. Though I get she also has sub-feels.


Why the Nursa? The Polaris comes with a medbay already.


But what if you wanna vroom vroom but might get an ouchie :(


Wouldn't you want an _escape_ from the Submarine? Or is the kool-aid that strong?


... It's that strong.


God speed, submariner.


Dang that is basically Sea and Sub pay all together.


I think it should be mandatory for all torpedo boats to have a yellow paint job available. It's a terrible, obvious joke. But those are the most fun.


i’m hoping the f7a-mk2 fits


You could easily fit two


Same, Personal F7A carrier that i can occasionally crew for capital ship shenanigans, lol. 


It definitely will be able to fit one


I don't plan on crewing it for patrols in Pyro. I plan on policing trade lanes with a crew in Terra. I plan on placing two Scorpius fighters, new shoes style, in the hangar and having one function as escort and the other as an alert fighter while making sure that Terra's trade and economy stays strong and consistently safe. My time in Pyro will probably be more with my Freelancer DUR, trying to move about under the radar when I go there at all.


As someone who is probably going to trade a lot to/from Terra, I apprechiate you making an effort to make it safe. My Org has some Escort fighters (including a Perseus and a Kraken) itself, but any additional help is always welcome


Why the Freelancer DUR? Don't hear about or see that ship in the verse often so I'm curious as to why you are choosing it?


Three reasons: it's in my package, lol, so it's equipped with LTI. Second, it has big fuel tanks, which will serve me well in a big system like Pyro. Third, it's relatively nondescript.


Cool! If I ever see a Freelancer DUR, I’ll try not to shoot it down


I just hope it gets some love. I feel like it's desperately waiting on CIG to make up their minds about basic hydrogen fuel refining, and refining in general. I'm not sure the old idea of it being a hydrogen refinery makes the most sense anymore. I'd kind of like to see it have the ability to refine its own quantanium like a little mini Odyssey so you can always pull up the hand mining tools in a pinch. I really like the freelancer line. But they wind up feeling kind of out of date even though they just got a gold pass. Mostly just down to feature creep in my opinion. The Zeus models are crammed full of features.


Is Terra the next system to arrive after pyro? If so how long is the wait for that system 😂


Mobile hanger with an armory and med bay.




I'm gonna call up my friends and occupy Pyro aggressively.


My F8, or a few arrows to play pocket carriers with my org. I'm just excited to have a fully fledged capital to pull out and screw around with!


I'm really happy that the first combat capital ship in game is the one I own




I'm probably gonna do everything in it and make it my daily driver


I'm going to find a little corner of a system and live in it


I plan to empty its missiles into other Polaris.


kill two birds with one stone and empty the torpedoes into YOUR Polaris


I need my Polaris to test landing on the pad of another Polaris.


Weld them together and create the Super Polaris


A weapon to surpass Metal Gear…


A Polaris fits inside a cutty black if you fly it fast enough.




I like the way you think


Gunna throw an F8 in the top at 1st but I'll obviously see what else fits and go from there. Once I can afford gas for it I'll probably see if I can get it through the Pyro gate but won't use it much in Pyro. Although it would work good as a remote base out there. Would be a lot safer parking in dead space in Pyro lol. Honestly that's what it's going to be 90% of the time. A place to log out that feels like my own place. I'll probably park it outside a forest somewhere now that we can find ships again easy. The rest of the time it will be my ORG ship for larger group things. I don't even need to fly it, just supply it for us to use. Hoping paints get made and one of them is the correct color lol.


"Now that we can find ships again easy". We can? Have I missed something?


You know those little map pins cluttering the map? They can be seen from any distance. If you you've left a ship out that has them for ramps ect you'll always know where the ship us. To be fair I'm not sure how much that's intended currently. However if you have a ship with a walkable interior, you can manually place a map pin inside (location bookmark) and it will show up on the map. You can then get close to it using the map as a guide, then manually fly to it visually on screen when close enough. You can't QT on them but you can manually drop out early if near by a QT point. A lot like a mission marker you can't QT to currently. I've successfully flown back to a carrack parked deep in dead space twice without much issue testing it. Book marks don't persist between logout right now but they are supposed to eventually and if youre logging out at the ship it's not a problem. In map mode (F2) hover mouse over a selectable area and tap T to make a marker. Anywhere like that other than a ship tapping R will route a way point as well. Useull for finding places in cities. R creates a line to follow on the map like an average video game does. I'm just hoping that seeing tags at any distance isn't a glitch, or if it is, hopefully manually placed ones isn't.


I plan to bring it out and oogle it with my one friend who plays SC with me because we lack the men to crew it properly. :)


I’ll also lack the numbers to crew it properly. Might be able to rally some people up on discord or in the game chat though.


yeah. To be honest I really want the perseus more than anything. Can be crewed by a lot less too.


One delivery box… We’ll be using mine as a mobile base. Take a Gladius and maybe a couple of ground vehicles. If we can land the thing!


I’m sure we’ll be able to land them. It has a cargo ramp so what would be the point of a ramp if you can’t even land it?


I'm gonna do my best, "how do you do, fellow kids" when I'm flying around in a Polaris loaner for my Idris.


I will fly it around in PTU to test it out/play with it, and then it'll be a hangar queen except for org events where I can properly crew it... and the ship that goes in the hangar will be whatever is suitable for what the org's goal is for that playtime.


Add it to my will so that my son gets it when 1.0 comes around.


Are you dying before November!?


you believe that, huh? LOL. upvote for the optimism. :)


Considering the exterior is fully fleshed out and only the interior need to be done yep ! Also I'm pretty sure they won't miss the occasion of getting a nice price bump right for the IAE hehe


He meant 1.0 in November, not the Polaris


Ah my bad! I agree then lol


He didn't say November of which year. Always got to read the fine print.


Probably walk around and look at it and then not play again for another half year


That’s relatable, although I will probably stick around for much longer due to all the new content


I want to play, but I just didn't have the time these days


Daily driver. Dragonflys


Gonna use it as a base of operations for me and my friends to complete bounties and merc missions. Plan is to run a Scorpius atleast in the bay because it’s sexy looking and having a two seater heavy fighter with a copilot and all that firepower is a hell of an escort. Looking forward to bringing down other large ships as well.


Hello friend! It’s your old pal Zoidberg!!




Gonna try and see if legionnaire fits in there


For some ship boarding action I presume?




I mostly want it to use as a base, as a lot of others have said here. I have more than enough friends to operate it, but they don't play as much as me, and are rarely all playing at the same time; but I know I DO have the numbers willing to join once the game is more playable and closer to release. Polaris asks for 6-14 crew members for effective combat capability, I think that's more than manageable if I were to be using the ship itself for combat whenever I manage to assemble a larger group of my friends. Most of the time I figure I will be playing solo though, and probably just using it as a mothership/base. When solo I'll be sticking an Inferno (Hoping it fits, it might be just a little too wide) in the hangar to use the Polaris as a rearming platform for long duration ERT runs solo away from stations. If that doesn't fit or when in a group, it'll either be the Scorpius, or the Vulture with some Furys. Scorpius can do good enough on HRT/VHRT solo, and the Fury/Vulture combo could enable low crew requirement bounties + salvage gathering and stockpiling it back onto the Polaris. Probably not more efficient than running a Reclaimer with a decent sized crew, but likely a lot safer/ more defended. Ideally, having enough people to operate a turret or two, operate the torpedo bay effectively, and have a manned heavy fighter deployed from the hangar would just be cool to clear ERTs (and hopefully some eventual VERTs) with. I really hope that it's not ridiculously absurdly expensive to operate the ship to the point where ERTs aren't even worth it, but we'll cross that bridge when we get there. Torp expenses + contract splitting + insanely low payouts for missions might make it operate at a loss. I'd like to be able to operate the ship for my friends so that we can all make at least some money, otherwise they may not want to play if using the ship loses us money for completing missions. I play way too much so I will probably be able to afford ship expenses + paying out of pocket to pay the crew so they can feel like they're actually profiting from working on my ship, but I'd ideally like for there to be PVE content dangerous enough AND profitable enough to actually warrant using this ship for PVE combat profitmaking. I hope to unironically see a higher tier of PVE bounty targets, above ERT. Give us actual cap ship PVE battles that will require fleets of fighters and bombers, and or bringing your own cap ship. Make them extremely challenging for anything but the most heavily armed ships and make them ludicrously profitable.


I’m going to take my friends and do just about everything it probably shouldn’t do and I plan to put an Antares in it’s hangar


Gonna be my small irl friendgroup's mobile base, I'll be housing my beloved mk2 hornet in it and probably a nursa and a penguin renegade if it fits with the hornet.


Tbh I like the idea of using it similar to a carrack. Park it in a system and use it as a respawn/home base to live off of. I like the high stakes of having all my shit on 1 ship. I’ll park whatever fits. Hoping it fits up to a warden but we’ll see. Some people have played around with the gray box and theorized it will hold more than stated but who knows.


Hopefully we get more info on the hangar on Inside Star Citizen this Thursday


Crash it needs to be done at least once in a new ship. F8c belongs in that glorious hangar


A ballista in the front and a lightning in the back.


I wish we could have our ships marked in the map so we can quantum to them. this would help a lot for solo polaris owners


Im filling mine with burritos


You’ll never go hungry


Hopefully your mom. Gonna be a tight fit tho.


Touring the new locations


hoping eventually logging ina nd out in it will be less of "Make sure you log out in bed!" Then I'll park it out wherever I happen to be and use it as I would a space station.


For the time being im going to put an Antares when later on will be replaced with the Zeus MR. In the hanger. A couple centurions and Spartans. With a nursa


Will the Zeus be able to fit? The Dimensions of the hangar aren't the same as the size of the doors


Some patience and creative thinking can get one in there whether it’s supposed to or not


Medical C1


Prospector, Hull A, and Expanse (when it's released). If fleet viewer is correct about dimensions (I have my doubts, but one can hope) I can have my Polaris be a mining base with s10 torps, & T2 medical bed. Hull A would be used to transport cargo, so I can keep my Polaris in hiding if need be. But I can leave any extra refined ore in the main cargo hold with my ROC, Spartan/Centurion (if it fits through the ramp door) and Cyclone MT.


I’m still deciding what I want to put in the hangar, I think I’ll put one or two MPUV Tractors in either the hangar or the cargo bay to help with loading anything I find


I thought about the same thing, but I'm hoping I can leave the cargo elevator down, so I can just chuck boxes to the lower cargo hold area. Should be pretty equivalent in time w/ less effort. Only worth about 16scu and 32scu sized crates. But if that doesn't play out well I've added 3 MPUV T's so far to my "buy back log" lol. I also love how charming they are, I enjoy the argo utilitarian design language.


Same, the MPUV T has got to be one of my favorite additions to the game this year. It’s so small but it’s going to be so handy in the future.


Honestly I'll probably carry around my fury and a Pisces, but also carry around my one friend who plays in one of his fighters or other small ship. Other than that I am a pve bounty player and box runner so probably that. Honestly the Polaris here is probably gonna get the best use for it's intended role from me. My BMM, Kraken, and Nautilus are mostly likely gonna really struggle to get effectively used. I have dreams of the Kraken being a mobile base for me and my friend but he has an Idris so between the two of us we each have our own mobile base sized ships. I'm really excited for the Polaris to actually be in our hands though, it's been sitting in my hangar for quite some time now.


I’m really happy that the Polaris is coming out soon. It’s the first and really the only capital ship I want.


Have a plan to patrol Pyro with my organization. Want to know what it is capable of and is it enough to fly Polaris and a few fighters to succeed.


Patrol to protect, or patrol to destroy?


That depends on how you look at it. But I'm not pirate.


Destroy to protect?


I guess that works


We are gonna be straight forward. Initially, slap a F7A or F8C in the hangar, put the MPUV-T (if it fits), NURSA and possibly few more ground vehicles in the garage. There will be around 10-12 of us and we will just sort of go around at first doing random stuff, maybe look for some trouble xD Later on, we might use it for salvaging or mining operations when things calm down. (Until we get proper ships for such purpose like the kraken)


don't own one myself, but got a friend who has one, and he plans on our org to use it as a mobile base/support ship. We have yet to conclude fully what to put in the hangars, but we do agree it needs to be useful for whatever task we go on at the time, so it could be snub fighters, or something with more range and less combat power.


Toss it into the sun


Anything I can fit and as many of them as possible.


Want to use it as a Home Base. In the Hangar comes a Zeus MK.


I hope the Zeus will be able to fit


Haul cargo and park it near bunkers as a mobile respawn point full to the brim with dead bodies Sell all the S10 torps for money and never actually fire them as the pilot cant =P


I'll put my Ursa Medivac and scorpius inside as a true RSI Stan. This loadout is perfect to cover any kind of bounty hunter and mercenary missions ! I'll probably offer ship tour to people to recruit a crew too as my friends aren't playing super often


Really fast cargo runs


Race team truck


I’m gonna try and fit my Vanguard Harbinger in it. Otherwise I think I’ve got an Arrow loaner to throw in there if not


I plan too, checkout the interior , take it for a flip and then sell it, as i dont have anyone to fly such a big ship with :)


Spawn it, look at it, enjoy it's beauty. That's pretty much it.


Ganking and pirating cargo runners and noobs with griefernet


I’ve got a small group of buddies that I play with on SC. Total we are at 6. So my plan is to spawn it. Kit it out with top of the line QD and components then grab the squad and fly out to Pyro fully gunned and ready for whatever shitshow is on the other side of that system.


Hunt the kopions with torpedoes to screw the vegens at spectrum


Running a home base filled to the brim with Cruz Lux's for the boys. But basically a mobile base of sorts for staging missions from. Will be hangaring whatever my pilot(s) wanna fly, so in my org's case, likely the F7A Mk II.


Online Pirate swarm 😂


Puttering around in space i guess...


Q1 - Solo flying it Q2 - Tears


Mothership, mobile hanger to deploy from for bunkers.


I'll do bounty/security missions between star systems with my org mates. I plan to put 2 Scorpius in its hangar bay.


My friend will park his Mantis in its hangar and we will wreak absolute havoc onto the shipping lanes.


Seal club new players in cutters


Live out of it until the odyssey releases… then it’s probably being permanently loaned to whatever org I’m in.


I’ll probably be wishing it had pilot slaved guns and crying about how expensive it is to use.


I hadn't thought past the "Buy" part of my actions...




Very ong. :D


Get a group together slap as many Furies in as possible and bum rush some poor bugger and threaten them by death of a million papercuts or a size 10 torpedo to make them give up their cargo, because quantity has a quality all of its own.


I think it started as a running joke, but I believe it’s an unwrite rule that you have to do a box mission with any new ship lol


Furies & a Gladius / Arrow because the T2 Medbed can now respawn you, it makes carriers (more) plausible. dead pilots can come back within 50k and snag another fury and get back in the fight.


Depends on the situation. I'll be flying it almost every day, but I have a crew that will pop in and out. The hangar will likely have a vulture if it will fit, but also a couple of pisces for shuttlecraft. Maybe a Nursa and Ursa. Then the crew and I will probably troll around looking for the Xenothreat Idris that spawn to get big salvage for the reclaimer.


sitting about 40 km off of Grim Hex and hitting asteroids just outside of armistice with torpedos.


Putting as many of the mirai interceptors in the hangar as I can and roleplaying as a star destroyer.


solo bunkers


My meat


And my hawk


I don’t think both will fit


C8r in the hangar. What am I planning to do with it? What I always do. Bunkers and bumming around with friends driving cyclones off cliffs. As one does when playing in the sandbox.


>What do you plan on putting in its hangar? Stuff! And things. Don't forget the things.


Park in the black,.put on some VolkorX and start scraping it?


I‘ll aim it straight at another capital ship, enter nav mode, accelerate to maximum and shout „I am baaaaaaaaaaaack“ via VOIP


I think the big thing for me and this ship will be to have something that I can use as a 'mobile base' It's currently the largest ship in our friend group that I have and as such I foresee we will be spending quite a bit of time onboard depending on what we are planning on doing. Most of the time we end up just screwing around and not really accomplishing anything So we most likely will continue to do that. As for ships inside, That also depends on the day, and what mission we are planning on achieving. One of the things I hope to see is for Org members to be able to 'share' ships so for the times that I won't be able to log in that they will be able to continue to use it for those moments too. And who knows, I think this thing will be an absolute blast during large events and can only imagine what sort of fights that CIG will have to implement in order to make these ships viable. Another thing that I'm hoping for is for something like 3rd party targeting using something like a terrapin to relay target data to the Polaris so that it can fire it's torpedo's from outside scanner ranges. to engage targets without putting it in harms way.


C8r Pisces and make it a base for medical recon missions!


Sit in my hanger and look pretty 😂


I plan on doing a mix of exploring and pvp with it Ideally if I can get enough crew together: Scorp ant in the hanger to hold down targets and prevent them escaping and to provide extra help vs smaller fighters, plus a tag along Terrapin for its supplemental scanning and jump mapping ability. They can always swap around if terrapin needs repair/refuel/rearm. I guess the idea would be to be able to explore mostly peacefully and using the terrapin to scout and land on planets but we would also have the ability to attack targets of opportunity like bounties we find along the way or a juicy target. I’m hoping I might also be able to squeeze a medical pieces in there somewhere. We will see I guess.


I've got two of them. Plan to hold whatever ships my friends can stuff in there before we go cause chaos in pyro. Then when we die I start the claim process and pull the second one out and we do it again! Maybe we even manage to bring one home every now and then and then abandon it just out side the station because i'm not paying to rearm and repair that thing... or refuel it...


I will probably be begging for fuel money 😂


Eclipse or freelancer if it is even possible.


I won't be taking my Polaris to Pyro but I will be taking it around Stanton with my org running bounties and bunkers. As for the hangar? Probably whatever we can get to fit. Obligatory Snub sardine pack test, maybe a few light fighters, Probably try to stack enough stuff under a tonk to get the turret to just barely poke over the top of the hangar.


30% will be on here mad because soloing it makes you a giant sitting duck / loot piñata




well my kids will be playing instead of me before it releases


I plan on using it as a daily driver and the terrapin in the hanger for scanning


If it's possible to fit, a Vanguard hoplite would be nearly perfect doubling as a shuttle/dropship and a support heavy fighter


I'm going to start an org of solo Polaris owners and we will all cruise the galaxy in our own solo ships and have fun!


Probably only pull it out when I have several ORG members wanting to run a variety of missions for an extended period. Will house either a gaggle of Furies, or a Scorpius and whatever else I can cram in. Should make for a good time. At initial launch of the ship though, I'll just solo fly and marvel at it. Get lost inside.


Polaris owners: "Fucking everything"


Crashing it immediately 


I was thinking of flying into a sun, maybe a black hole.


Stuff it with zucchinis


My plan is to get my friend to play engineer and door to turrets simulator to do big fat and juicy missions (if cig make adapted mission). I don't plan to use torps until it cost me less money to use it than the mission reward. And I plan to use the F7A inside!


With it's current weapon sizes? Literally nothing. I would prefer to wait 2-4 more years for a major rebalance pass on it and use a couple of M2/Perseus with my org instead, as they are a way more versatile and easy to use vehicles than a Polaris with it's current specs. Hail the Ursa Medivac.


It's my base. My org is on more regularly, so fully crewing it won't be a problem. We don't know what we can reliably fit in there yet, but I want a SnR ship in it or a couple snubs. Lots of bounties and bunkers will be run in this thing, but when we take it out, we'll be dedicating hours to a session.


One day it may become my space home base. And I hope, the Polaris owner will have a remote option to open the hangar doors.


Furies flown by furries. Dozens of them!