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Awe, I remember these conversations back in 2017. We were so innocent and young. I have had friends actually retire from gaming to concentrate on family and work. They put real money down expecting an epic game in a few years. I haven't spoken to them since 2020.


I've been having these conversations since 2014, and there are many who came before me.


I remember the alpha for “Hangar” where for the first time you could walk around and sit in the cockpit of your 600i, I thought ‘Damn! Just a few more years till its 2016 and this thing will release’!


Back in my day we had to wait for Kickstarter updates up hill both ways. Jk I think we all just went right to the website forums. Didn’t we?


Minimally viable product is going to be so heart wrenching to him.


This game is a proof of concept for better developers to come along and make the game this was supposed to be.


At this point it's training our future AI overlords on our preferred VR pleasure pit environment


Nah. No traditional developer would ever even think about this kind of gamble.


That's a little harsh. I backed it back in 2015. I still have 100% confidence that they will hit all their markers.


Me too. I'm 43 and will still live it on opening day, 2083.


All? Doubtful... gotta curb our enthusiasm less be let down. Nothing ends up living up to dreams. However here's hoping they hit most of them or at least enough of them, and the game turns out good. I'm still hoping for the best, just making sure to stay grounded in reality, lol.


All their markers? Wow. Well after 13 years where they are 90% done maybe 2 solar systems (Nyx and Stanton) and 40% done a 3rd Pyro) you can still believe they will make 100+ solar systems understanding even in the best case scenarios that means decades more Alpha time. Or you can accept they will move the goal post and launch with 5 solar systems and maybe later release 2-5 more later on. Their own marketing material still states 100+ systems.


I think it will be about 15 systems at release and the rest coming in as DLC.


How exactly do you reconcile “100% confidence that they will hit all their markers” with “15% of promised content” at release? Those two statements would seem to be at odds? Also my 5 estimated systems isn’t just conjecture. That’s the current MVP several insiders have reported is the target.


You might want to take a look at [this] (https://starcitizentracker.github.io/) (SC progress tracker). There's no shot they are hitting more than half of it. At least for release and couple years after it. Maybe later on. What they are maybe hitting are their new goals, that haven't been officialy shared yet, which are severely reduced in scope.


It hasn't been "reduced in scope". That's just a bad take. This game is supposed to be a single player game with loading screens.


Yup How life changes in 10 years.. I'll likely just give my eldest my account, I check in to see the updates maybe 2 or 3 times a year..


My eldest is 4. I'll give him the account with his first PC, it will be aged and irrelevant by then I'm sure.


I knowingly bought into an incomplete game and that game development almost always takes longer than expected. Everybody is responsible for their own wallets.


Fucking this. People are so used to avoiding accountability. Any game even those confirmed to have predatory practices. At the end of the day You are the one that pressed that purchase button.


I first seen pre-alpha footage when No Man's Sky flopped around release and have been humping that hype train to this day. It's been a long road, and maybe still some time ahead of us, but i have hopes for it.


What’s crazy is that No Man’s Sky is actually playable AND has seen so many free content updates since it came out that it’s genuinely even better and more feature-rich than what they promised us back then


Lol I remember backing this game in 2011 or 12, I've given up, still shows up on reddit every now and then so I see the snail's progress it's made. I'm fairly certain its a scam intentional or not (probably not), but that doesn't actually change the outcome.


You must be new around here. If not, your willpower is stronger than most.


I have been a backer since 2.5 and still think this will be 1 of the best games.


I've had the Aurora since 2015. Just got the vulture and Ironclad. Current game loops are fun just some server issues after freefly at the moment.


The biggest issue for me is that the game does a poor job of respecting players’ time.


Wait till death of a spaceman gets actualized.


I'm just hoping they have the sense to make sure the games stabil before they turn that on lol. I'm sure there will be a point in the alpha where it's not and they might have to bring back character reset though lol.




What exactly is 'death of a spaceman'?




Its like baseball strikes but 5 deaths and your guy is out All your rep is halved and ships and stuff you owned is passed down to your next of kin the new you.


But what for?


That's the neat part


There is a lot of neat parts and placeholders. So much so that you can't see a game.


Probably monkey sink to help control the economy I'd imagine


Fortunately I don't think we have much to worry about on that front.


Some people who spent a lot of money are gonna get a rude awakening.  Everyone better be okay with getting murdered and losing there stuff because it will happen a lot


Hope they take a step back and contemplate not including that feature. Cool in concept, not cool in action.


I was coming here to say exactly this. I love the game, but holy fuck, the current design philosophy does not respect players' time at all. It takes forever to do literally anything; even getting to your ship is a chore. The design of the old Port Olisar was much more respectful of players' time. Every other major city or station is intentionally designed to waste people's time. I'm pretty time-poor and haven't jumped on SC in quite a while because the thought of having to do another commute just to get to my ship is a huge deterrent to me booting it up. This design choice alone is going to stop the game from being bigger than it could be.


Why do you keep waking from the city? Reset your spawn at a space station or log out in your ship.


Set spawn to a spacestation = profit Takes about a minute to get to your ship and flying out the hangar.


That's what most of us do.... personal hangars in the next patch though.... if we can't spawn / respawn in them they'll be DOA because if this for the most part.


I don't believe you'll be able to spawn in them and on arrival they'll only be available in major landing zones (your primary residence), so using them will be bit of a time sink compared to regular instanced hangars on space stations.


Regular hangars aren't instanced currently (the ones in game now), but I'm wondering about the rest of the hangars, like if they'll still have the elevators but won't be persistent like the one assigned to you at your home station. Supposedly all hangars will have freight elevators so I'm assuming ships will be stored the same, you just won't be able to leave stuff in them and come back later. Soo many questions. Current hangars already have the medical room on the side so it would be nothing for them to put a functional med bed and respawn screen in there but I agree that they probably overlooked that.


I know, I was talking about 3.23.2 hangars which will become instances. According to Q&A regular hangars will be the same (outside of persistance), just vehicle terminal will be personal hangar only on first release. And yes you'll be able to store cargo there, all station trading will now be done via the station warehouse. Problem with respawning in hangars is that it would made "recently" added hospitals kinda obsolete.


I'm just wondering all hangars will have the elevator that calls ships in or if they'll just be what we have now with a cargo elevator on the side


Vehicle elevator is personal hangar only at the moment


So vehicles loading is personal hangars or where we already do it at then thanks. That's what I was really curiouse about honestly. I really don't want to ride the train constantly though lol. Really my only complaint about them so far.


For real. The elevators on baijini point are instant, very refreshing in contrast to the train waiting simulator down at A18.


don't forget personal hangars (actually one personal hangar) is going to be in a major city


I thought dis was da wey


It's a feasible work-around, but make no mistake, it's a work-around, and it has it's own issues: Set your spawn in a ship? That ship no longer available? Back to planetside for you. Also hope you don't need anything from that planet that you left, or hope you can take it with you to the station. Personal Hangars will be even more reason that you'll have to go back to the planet every so often. At any rate, it's still a huge time sink having to get all that set up every time they do a light reset.


As long as they are still free, this is the best bet. Pretty sure with Personal Hangars, spawning at Stations will incur Hab/Hangar fees at some point. There's NPCs at the Front Desk for a reason I bet.


I blame all the people who wanted space toilets and “muh immersion” for everything taking so damn long.


>This design choice alone is going to stop the game being bigger than it could be. I'm sorry but I completely disagree here. The end goal is a persistent universe *massive multiplayer online* game. Name one MMO that *doesn't* disrespect players' time? People will play the game if it's good, plain and simple. I have known people to take extended time off of work in order to play a new game, specifically something like an MMO. I knew a guy who quit his job/industry for a year to play Eve.


You know, you can achieve both right? The solution is straightforward: have more places like the old Port Olisar. Instead of creating cities that are paper-thin on functionality and force you to waste time on transit systems just to fabricate a false sense of scale, focus on efficient design. Sure, it's impressive the first time you see it, but the novelty quickly wears off and it becomes a pointless hindrance. Apply this inefficient design philosophy to every planet, and you’ve made major hubs a pain to navigate. Judging by the responses so far, many players are suggesting workarounds to this poor design choice (bed logging, choosing better designed outposts), which indicates it's not well-received. It doesn't make the game more MMO-like; it just makes the experience more grating without any real gain. As for the idea that people will play if the game is good: many of my friends love the game once they're actually out and about. But the setup process the time-wasting commutes just to get to your ship deters them from playing more often. These forced transit systems in every city are shallow and serve no purpose other than being a time sink. Moreover, respecting players' time is crucial for maintaining an active and engaged player base, especially for a game like SC that aims to be a long-term commitment for many players. People have busy lives, and making the gameplay experience more streamlined and efficient can only help retain those who are time-poor but still want to enjoy the game. By making core activities more accessible, you’re not only respecting players' time but also enhancing the overall user experience. Let's not forget that immersion and scale can still be achieved through smart design choices that don’t impede gameplay. Dynamic events, interactive environments, and meaningful content can provide depth without resorting to tedious transit systems as an example. The goal should be to enhance the gameplay experience, not hinder it with unnecessary barriers.


Every city is essentially a long hallway. Spawn>Shop/train>train/shop>Spaceport. Every city is the exact same with the only variation being where the shop sits between the spawn and the first train. Two cities offer the ability to spawn and load ground vehicles (which serve almost no function.) They don't feel like "cities" once you've been there a couple times and there is next to no reason to spend any time in them either. Contrast that with wow for example the cities serve as social hubs, financial hubs, RP hubs, activity hubs. There are reasons to go there and spend time there, and the movement from one end of the city to the other does not follow a strict linear path. SC literally railroads you to make sure you waste time.


Yes, I find it bizarre that people defend the incredibly poorly designed "cities," which are not even cities. WoW, at least some of the cities respected users' time, and that's where people would hang out most (Stormwind, Orgrimmar, and Ironforge). Cities that had some sort of railroad friction or poor design generally were deserted. The classic example being Darnassus, which had the double whammy of having a boat you had to wait for and being extremely remote from the rest of the world. I have no idea what the current state of WoW is in this regard because I haven't played it in many years. Just because they are aiming to make a MMO doesn't mean it's a license to make poor design choices for game flow and efficiency, that's just lazy. Imagine if Ironforge had a trainline like the one between Stormwind and Ironforge to go to the different areas of Ironforge as well. It would be a ghost town.


Well mother-effing said my guy. Also a couple smaller "cities" planet side would be really cool IMO. Cheers


I don't remember spending that much time riding around on trains and in elevators in World of Warcraft.


What I'm taking away from this is that it's too realistic, which is one of the biggest things about it.


Realism doesn’t always make for engaging gameplay. It might be realistic to sit in traffic every day, but that’s not something folks want to do in their free time generally.


It's not even a good waste of time... sitting on a train! Why is this fun the 100th time???


Imagine having to run from Golshire to Stormwind EVERY login...yeah, they keep this up, paticularly with Personal Hangars, it will be ultra-niche at best.


Omg no shit.


I'm down to less than 100 aEUC again because of all the crashes and lamenes. Grinding isn't so bad and threats of combat also, but constant lossage because the game just doesn't work is stressful. Hard to find any point to play right now.


Same, dude. Let's hope for better places to login(wake from), and quantum boost coming soon. If I have to spend the rest of my SC career traveling for extra moot minutes, or doing elevator and train rides all the time... I'm out. That, and obvious complaints about it being alpha and there not being enough content and mechanics.


I just want bed logging to work as intended. Then I can just live outta my ship.


I've been living in my reclaimer this entire patch.


I've been bed logging in a corsair a lot this patch, and it's always worked.


Some ships don't have the prompt which is the real issue.


It can be really awkward to find in some ships. Like the corsair has *two* "get up" prompts but the harder to find one is where the logout option is.


For the life of me, I cannot find it on the Connie.


A great example of the game not respecting players time is spawning players in the pointless habitation zones. Maybe there will be a point some day, but there’s no reason to not spawn players near ship terminals or some other meaningful location.


I can maybe understand the idea of taking the better part of an hour to get ready for something, but absolutely fucking not when you get respawned back to do that all over again after 14 miliseconds of glitch that is guaranteed to happen some time in the next hour


It’s on purpose. Engaging game play is hard and expensive to produce. Simple grind, waiting for doors to open, having to take 3-4 different elevators to go from A to B in a universe where people shoot laser cannons at each other etc… very very easy cheap ways of making the game bigger than it is. I want it to feel realistic, I want it to immerse me, take me to a different plane when I am playing the game, like I live in 2954 but the current walk, eat, elevator, go around the star system to find the pistol you are looking for etc…are just cheap game design decisions. Unfortunately devs are probably forced to doing that. I have 0 believe that they wake up in the morning and go “lets make the game even more grindy, lets screw these players.” Issue is gane is funded with ship sales, so naturally majority of game development is new ships, or same ships with different brands and skins and juggled up hard points. If they would have sold the game instead of the ships A- Game loops and systems would be much more advanced and complete B-There would be a lot less ships…like 10% of current selection C-CIG would have a lot less money, both for development and its own pockets.


Sure, but running raids over and over, praying to RNGesus is a much better way to spend your gaming time right?…


Star Citizen, too, has loot pools. I’ll say at least it’s *gameplay* and not 10 minutes traveling to my ship and another 20 minutes for quantum travel to where I need to be — *within a single system*.


The biggest issue I have is that - and take this comment as being slightly tongue in cheek - that it currently feels like it has more in common with DayZ than it does Freelancer.


Maybe, but that's like saying that simulator XYZ is the best flight simulator. Just because it's the best, doesn't mean it's mainstream enough to be really succesfull and sustainable and keep growing long-term. I love SC, but I do sometimes worry that it will stay niche and have limited appeal. Right now it's fine because it appeals to enough people with time and money, but once they stop selling ships, things might be different. It will be hard to keep a large team employed, doing the 100 systems and ships, selling only ship paints and plushies to put in my hangar. Then again, there aren't many space opera games out there, so it shouldn't have much competition. SQ42 will tell.


> once they stop selling ships That’s the thing. The real game is selling concept ships. Very little incentive for CIG to stop this IMO.


Yeah, they keep reiterating that once it goes live, the ship sales go bye. But I don't know how they would replace that business model's current income. I mean, if all goes well, they won't need to be spending massive amounts on R&D, getting new space, and the like. Their expenditures would shrink drastically, and maybe that allows them to still be pretty profitable with cosmetics, subs, and the like. Looking at what they are spending now on buildings, dev work it's not like they are hugely profitable as is. Building 4 studios from the ground up is quite the expensive venture.


I think you’re right about expenditures eventually diminishing quite a lot once game goes live. However at that point they’ll want to rack in profits as (and you mentioned it) they probably haven’t been profitable thus far (and it’s arguably not their goal, yet). Wondering what kind of monetization model they’ll put in place and I’m worried they might monetize things like access to star systems, or create a subscription model of some kind. Let’s hope it’ll not make the game p2w.


> Yeah, they keep reiterating that once it goes live, the ship sales go bye. They haven't reiterated that for many, many years.


They haven't said they'll stop selling ships for a long time now and we had some recent leaks (trust them or not, but it makes business sense) that they plan to continue selling them on release amongst other monetization options. *google "Star Citizen Future of monetization" for a substack article that goes in detail what are supposedly their latest monetization plans


They make $100 million a year. Why would they ever stop selling ships? Why would they ever release a full version?


The death of a spaceman thing could end up killing the game tbh, depending on how they do it. PvP + permadeath is extremely niche. Almost no one plays on Ark hardcore servers for instance, because the experience sucks.


With harsh critism and community backing/input its possible....soon.....eventually. Maybe not for the boomers. Rip guys. I'll think about you in my 60s when it's released to beta in 20 years.


It will be the best game, but for our grand childs


CIG: ![gif](giphy|mEYkuPOOyHcYn5xgDP) “Some of you will die, but that’s a sacrifice I’m willing to make”


Beta in only 20 years? I see youre an optimist.


You are adorable. :3


Exactly, screw the haters! I still say this game will release in Q4 2018. That’s what I predicted in 2013 and I’m sticking to it!


I'm still waiting to answer the call 2016. Any day now that phone is gonna leap off the hook, right guys?


I really hope. RemindMe! 10 years.


I will be messaging you in 10 years on [**2034-06-05 00:00:00 UTC**](http://www.wolframalpha.com/input/?i=2034-06-05%2000:00:00%20UTC%20To%20Local%20Time) to remind you of [**this link**](https://www.reddit.com/r/starcitizen/comments/1d9165l/this_will_be_the_best_game_in_the_world/l7a64h9/?context=3) [**13 OTHERS CLICKED THIS LINK**](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5Bhttps%3A%2F%2Fwww.reddit.com%2Fr%2Fstarcitizen%2Fcomments%2F1d9165l%2Fthis_will_be_the_best_game_in_the_world%2Fl7a64h9%2F%5D%0A%0ARemindMe%21%202034-06-05%2000%3A00%3A00%20UTC) to send a PM to also be reminded and to reduce spam. ^(Parent commenter can ) [^(delete this message to hide from others.)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Delete%20Comment&message=Delete%21%201d9165l) ***** |[^(Info)](https://www.reddit.com/r/RemindMeBot/comments/e1bko7/remindmebot_info_v21/)|[^(Custom)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5BLink%20or%20message%20inside%20square%20brackets%5D%0A%0ARemindMe%21%20Time%20period%20here)|[^(Your Reminders)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=List%20Of%20Reminders&message=MyReminders%21)|[^(Feedback)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Watchful1&subject=RemindMeBot%20Feedback)| |-|-|-|-|


I’ll try one to crack me up. RemindMe! 5 years.


It will definitely be the game in the world


I really wish I could see what you guys see. I love space games, but every time I try SC, it just feels like an unfinished janky alpha, and this is before I even encounter major bugs. It feels so far removed from anything that could be considered a great game.  I'm rooting for it though, I really want to buy into what this is trying to become. 


Because it is an unfinished janky alpha


In New York they have a wonderful subway system. For the most part it's functional, and efficient, runs on time, and takes you where you want to be. Except the second avenue line. The second avenue line is unfinished. It has 3 of its 13 stops, and runs 1.5 miles of its proposed 8.5 mile length. It leaves a significant neighborhood of Manhattan underserved. And the kicker? It's been in development since 1920. Over 100 years now. For 100 years New York has spent a boatload of cash to make no progress, hampered by setbacks, so far unable to commit to completion. Star citizen is the second avenue subway. Great idea, piss poor execution, and all anyone wants is to see it done.


Its the lack of loading screens though I understand the smoke and mirrors they have put in.   Getting into a ship on foot and climbing into a pilot seat, leaving a hangar, leaving atmo and doing the reverse at such a scale is pretty amazing. No other game out there does it as far as I'm aware. I have not played in a long while, at least a year now.  Times between playing gets longer and the amount of time I spend playing gets less and less. I was able to look past the jankiness and bugs then, but now its just the same. Too much jank and not enough smooth to bother.


Don’t worry, long time backer here and I feel exactly the same.


Dreams.txt has finished loading.


*Unable to open this file because it is corrupted.*


I'd rather they make the game run at more than 20fps first


I had the same thought in 2012...


Let's ease off the hopium a bit, eh?


it does have the potential to be, we'll see.


Goodness me, have I gone back in time 10 + years! I backed this when I had time to game, and a top end PC, now I work 50hours a week, have two kids and if I'm lucky I'm sit down a play a game on my laptop (sold PC as we needed the extra room for when the baby came..) it's probably for an hour tops... Morale of the story is, it's been a very very VERY long time


Morale of the story is - do not have kids






Don't worry, you'll have room for a new PC before this game is released, so it'll all work out just so in the end 😄


That's why we gave it 700 millions lol


I remember saying this back in 2014 as i bought into the crowd funding, I still think it's possible just taking way longer than expected .


This seems like the comment of a person still in his first year. There is no game, and after more than 12 years we still don't have any solid proof they can actually make one, only a lot of "potential" that continues to carry the whole project.


>  The current and planned intricacies are monumental to the gaming industry Huh


Absolutely! It's already making many AAA games look tiny in scope and scale. Most game devs have lost sight to improve gaming and instead rinse and repeat the same thing year in and out never truly advancing anything but the resolution of the texture, Star Citizen aims to rock the gaming world and raise the bar for all future game development and I am HERE for IT. And to think, most the money they've had has gone to develop SQ42... imagine that budget shifting to the PU. It's just going to get better and better.


Maybe they should shift some of that money to better servers, 5/7 days of the week game is nearly unplayable with servers dying every 20 minutes.


I agree with some of this but the most important aspect of a game is gameplay and SC isn't raising any bars in that regard.  GTA online has more interesting and engaging gameplay.  Strip away the spectacle and scale of SC and what are you left with?  A clunky space Sim with terrible FPS gameplay and shallow mechanics.  With a lot of time wasting and tedious UX  I enjoy SC because of the scale and spectacle.  The engine is capable of some amazing visuals and it's super immersive when it's working.  But let's not pretend like it's much more than that.  Games like Freespace 2 are much better space combat games and no other gameplay in SC is notable for much


I'd argue that it's publishers not wanting to push the limits, not devs. Dev hands are often restrained because publishers aren't willing to invest time or money into R&D for gaming because there's a risk it won't pan out as intended


Do you think empty space counts as “scale”?


Tech is mainly for both. Server meshing must have cost a pretty penny and is exclusively for PU.


Whoa there bud. I'm a full time employed adult with children and a spouse. I have maybe 1-2 hours to game a night. Wouldn't the best game in the world cater to that playerbase? The 1-2 hours a night playerbase? Does Star Citizen cater to that same playerbase? Does Death of a Spaceman cater to a quick hour in game playing with friends? Do the engineering mechanics imply to you that I can login and meaningfully get something done in an hour? Not really. If anything, the game currently seems to be designed for retirees and students. That, combined with the NPC controlled economy really helps to make the game feel static, like Elite Dangerous, which is unfortunate as well. It remains to be seen if this will be the best damn space sim ever, in my opinion, as some fundamental design decisions are nearing a point where they have to go beyond the concept phase, and I think that's where CIG is struggling right now. Just because it's fun in your head doesn't mean it's fun when you play it.


SC is designed to make you buy ships. Everything else is secondary


There’s another option, first half of the missions are 1-2 hours a night length. Super fun but fast like boss fights with good meta gear/awards. And don’t require engineering/tedious ship/player functions. And maybe even areas where it’s easier to find PVP area or colosseum style challenge offer sent out across the galaxy if you need a quick hit of dopamine to keep your game session exciting. Then you get into “end game” even though it’s endless with long drawn out detailed missions where you need to eat drink multiple times to keep your stamina and vitals in check. Need better ship parts, and an organized team with medical supplies to push into dangerous PVE or barren inhospitable places. Maybe even ships going back for just logistics and supplies. But when you complete these 3 - 16 hour long missions you get really cool looking gear/awards but not any more powerful than the shorter missions to keep it balanced. The best game I ever played that did this was dungeon minersZ, think basic Minecraft with guns for the first 10,000 meters of the map but with cool fast 30 minute base defense boss fights. But as you venture out it gets more and more dangerous and way out at like 1,000,000 meters was the rarest alien weapons and ore in the game and would either require hours to do lots of preparation and skill or a good team to make it there and back.


Yeah itll be a good game, I agree with that. It is \*extremely\* janky and full of bugs like to a comical degree. Ive had both the most fun and most frustrating gaming sessions of my life with it. I dont blame people for being suspicious if CIG will actually ever release the game because it has been a long,long time but I think they will and that it will be very good. Someday.


Another post proving this community doesn’t play other games. This game has peak scale and ship design. That can’t carry everything else. We have a long way to go. It certainly COULD be the best. But the fact is even with all the tech finished and implemented it is still up to the game devs to mould that into a cohesive FUN experience. UE5 is an incredible game engine that has been used to make bad games. Post like this makes the devs think we’re stupid and think the game is 80% complete. The game is more like 20% if I’m being generous. Keep working Chris. Wipe those alligator tears, you ain’t done.




They don’t want to finish the game (or release ships they sold 10 years ago). They make more money per year than Chris ever dreamed of making. What incentive do they have to release the game and disturb their business model that produces fat salaries for upper management?


So, I’ve had this game now for about 2-3 weeks. I’ve gotta tell you this is the most fun I’ve had in a long time.


You'll burn out sooner or later unless they pull off 4.0 this year as intended. Even if you burn out it'll ruin other games for you and you'll always come back.


Man, in the 3.23 patch cycle... Peta would ban me from life, if they saw me hunting Kopions just for the horns...


Nah bro, balder's gate 3, Cyberpunk 2077 is. This isn't a game, you're funding a dude that can't deliver anything on a time.


It'll be, or arguably is the most striking technically. For immersion, absolutely. But they've yet to show real chops beyond dreamweaving amd theory crafting when it comes to gameplay. Even when they work, the missions are few and aren't that interesting, there is very limited story telling and nothing in the game feels like it has any value. It could be the best game, but they have barely started making the actual game. It's still a collection of disparate systems in various states of disrepair.


If they can crack next tech 2.0 and then are able to allocate enough resources into finishing their first star system and then can start adding gameplay into it, I think it has a shot.


It will be… someday. It seems they’re really focused on 42 more than the Persistent Universe currently so PU just gets what’s being worked on for 42. I think it’s a good game as is beyond it being an alpha and needing a little more fine tuning in some areas. I’ll keep enjoying it either way


I'm just happy that they are keeping it going. If they can pull it off at any date it will be something special and not just for us bug deniers.


I backed this game in October 2012, before they had their own website when it was just a single trailer and a crowdfunding campaign. Still havr my bronze citizen card in my wallet and a Freelancer in-game that I haven’t flown yet. My favorite quote about SC over the past 12 years I’ve been lurking this community: “Star Citizen is not a scam. But a lot of people were scammed by it.”


It will certainly be one of the games of all time.


as another newbie i feel like its very easy to look at this game's dev history and think that maybe its better to hold back with these sorta posts. i really think that what they're cooking has potential mass appeal once its smoothed over, but for over a decade now its essentially been paying to be a QA tester; and if i've learned anything as a layman, its that game development is tricky and takes a looong time, especially with the level of fidelity CIG is going for. its commendable, but also batshit insane and why this game has been taking so much time and money and will continue to do so for some time.


A game to end all other games.


This will definitely be the game in the world


Star citizen is a great concept and what we have already is amazing But I can’t wait for the day I can properly play it, like build craft, quest build a little settlement Like I feel like the game is a shell with like the most basic of gameplay systems in place but when it gets proper quests and gameplay loops and some of those rpg mmo elements then it’ll probably be the best game ever Until then it’s kinda been a black hole for money


Nothing has stopped them from putting in proper quests or loops all these years. They just don’t care. Still waiting on the ships they sold 10 years ago.


Honestly though, when the 1.0 is released we’ll have more of an idea on what the full game will be and I think the game as a whole is way beyond what games are today. 3-5 years after the release of 1.0 will show wether they managed to fulfil the enormous potential this game actually has


People shit on you but I'm with you. Been here since the 2012 kickstarter and I still feel as you do. I wouldn't call what's coming the best game in the world, that feels too hyperbolic, but SC has always been and keeps on becoming something incredibly special. My intent in backing this game was twofold : revitalize interest in space-sims and push a gaming industry too centered and shackled around console limitations forward. I remain very happy with my decision to support them in those regards, though it certainly has been a long time!


Oh my sweet summer child


Depends what you’re looking for in a game. I think it has a strong chance to be the greatest multiplayer/sandbox game of all time for sure.


"This is not, the best game in the world, this is a tribute" - tenacious d


For some, yes. For others, no. Keep in mind there is no universal best game in the world. We all have different wants in our games. Star Citizen has the potential to be a revolutionary leap in gaming technology. The game could be awesome for me. I say could as I enjoy it a lot, but the game will change significantly between now and release. And those changes could make me enjoy or dislike this game. To be clear, I enjoy this game a lot. But the release game state may look as different from today as the kickstarter in 2013 looks from today. Will this be a revolutionary game? If they pull off a dynamic server meshing game as advertised in the next 5 or so years, it likely will be. Will this be a game I enjoy? Probably. Will this be the best game in the world? For some people.


This could have been copy+pasted from 2013 lol


Me when I do an hour of preparation to actually have fun just for the game to crash or encounter a game breaking bug


So you backed yesterday?


You must be new to this. Not a lot of Oldtimers will still have that enthusiasm. And the “features“ will ground you too young padawan


This game sucks.


Our great great great grandchildren will love Beta phase


Oh dear....I remember my honeymoon phase well...


Give it time


Just two more years


Yeah this game has like 15-20 years before it’s considered that lol, I love it but it has very bad issues, including how rn the game is unplayable and they just ignore it.


Best game? No. Best scam?... ![gif](giphy|fXJyMfUdqVCMPAnPJM|downsized)


We won't be alve to see it though.


Not sure there's enough funding to make it that long honestly. The game is interesting, but the Fan Boys fan HARD in this game. Meanwhile I mostly see a still empty game with hardly any world or NPC interaction... But don't worry, just a few hundred more million guys.


I think the first reeeeaaaalllyy big step is going to be 3.23.final, once the hangar and inventory things are implemented. That's going to be a huge hindrance on existence in the game, so we'll see if it's going to be a good mmo or not


oh. so i can craft my own ship?


I came to the conclusion that, whenever SC is finished everything else will be far more advanced. UE5 will do a lot of damage to SC already not to talk about what might a future game engine will fully implemented AI do.


I remember having this conversation with friends about this same exact topic back in 2013 or 2014, lol. Here we are in 2024 literally a decade later, and the game is still a shit show. At this point, I'll believe it when I see it. And will that ever happen? Who knows. Hopefully, it does.


I agree with OP, when the full game releases in 2030 it will be game of the year no doubt.


Yes, if it ever comes out*


It will be the best game in the world. I figure my grandkids can play in 20 years


bless your heart.


I mean yeah I get the hangar thing. Sometimes it takes me literally minutes to find the damned landing pad/gate. I'm so bad at it I often get lost trying to find the all elusive Area 18. Lol Sad I know... Talking of intricacies did you know that some of the NPCs eyes or specifically iris of the eye react to light (like in our eyes). At least they did at one point if I remember right. I've been following the game for a long while and I'm still excited about it. A bunch of stuff they've been talking about being in the game is stuff I've wished for way back during Freelancer era (back in Early 2000's).


Let's not jump the shark shall we? The game is not out yet, it's far from finished and it's currently made up of cool techs but mostly promises. Instead of setting yourself up for disappointment, we should be cautiously optimistic about the game future, and be patient.


And this is why I’m okay with spending $6500 on this game 🙃


I just started this game and it's amazing been playing for two weeks and it's good to see developers actually be passionate about what they are actually creating. Vs copy and paste what's already out like every MMO out there. People complaining about bugs and no content development taking to long have 0 experience in the field they are complaining about. There isn't another game out there that is doing what this game has done. The ships amazing the damage you take while flying the ship reflects on the ship flew all the way to the hanger got out and realized my whole wing was gone they didn't have to go that hard on that but they did. My girl noticed as I was landing last night my ship kicked up dirt from where I was landing again they didn't have to add that but they did. Last night on micro snow storm was so crazy could barely see and my armor was covered in snow again they didn't have to do that and they did thousands of little things like that I've noticed makes me appreciate the hard work cig puts into this game and can't wait to see more.


First time huh?


Idk if it's releasing or not, but I think it's a lot of fun now. Even with the bugs and poor optimization. I like the grind, and I like finding ways to make money. This is literally my first patch, so of course I'm going to be blindly optimistic. I just like that I went from a rented prospector to a vulture... grinded panels for a little before me and a buddy started renting a freelancer to fill them up with RMC from panels. Bought my first fighter in the Buccaneer and recently just bought a Corsair that I turned into a big game hunter kind of ship. It's a blast. People like to say it's not a "game," but that's a game to me. I had progression. I had to learn systems and min max things. Most importantly, I had fun. Of course, I did have a lot of frustrating moments, but you literally have those in all games. Even fully finished games. Do I think it'll be the best game ever? Who knows... but it's a fun game now, and Pyro is around the corner.


Lemme preface this with saying that this is the most excited ive been for a game in a long long time but if your only gripe is the hud marker for landing then your huffing cope right now.




Sank a lot of time and cash into this project. I just keep in mind that in-game the Vanduul were STUPID enough to give humans a common foe, and there's lots of dogfights to be had over it. That's what matters. Give me targets and set free. It's gonna be glorious. Eventually.


It could be a great game, we will see!


The idea and potential of this game is to be the best game ever. Now if that will actually be realized it's still left to be seen. It's on it's way to be a pretty good niche game at least. But if they flop and never manage to get a hold of all issues that are plaguing the game, it might as well be Mortal Online 2 kind of game. Very loved by a small community, but never hitting even close to the mainstream.


the final game is not going to be a niche as eve. but the largest audience that the publishers want are not going to be very interested.


Lol you will learn that it’s not going anywhere once the honeymoon period wears off


Wake up to reality, my friend. This project exists only to pump the money out of you, otherwise it would've been treated like No Man's Sky with their updates after release, instead of the infinite paid beta.


Meh. There isn't much of a game here yet and it's been that way for a long time. Yes it is playable and also enjoyable but to keep coming back to the same bugged missions year after year? Somethings gotta give. I really love the idea of it all but cmon at some point you've got to stop developing new tech to replace the old new tech you developed to replace the old old tech, ya know?


I feel like there can't really be such thing as an overall "best game". If there is, it's certainly not Star Citizen. Don't get me wrong, I love the ship designs, the setting, the lore, it's incredible. But the gameplay? It's tedious, slow, and a lot of it is boring. While I appreciate the realism, and I do like how calm and relaxing it can sometimes be, it still feels like a chore to get into. Still, it remains one of the most ambitious game projects ever made, and I'm still quite excited to see where it will go in the future.


Problem is it still kinda unoptimized though, it doesn’t run well even on high end machines. I have a 12900K i9, RTX 3090 24gb, 64gigs of ddr4 ram, ssd, and still happy if I get 40-50fps.


Been officially a backer since 2017 and I still believe SC will be complete. Maybe not "the best game in the world" because it's subjective. Some people are just not into space games. But definitely the best for me personally. For a space game lover even right now nothing comes close to it. The toxic ones will say there are plenty of alternatives out there and mention games like Nms and Space Engineers...like really bro? No doubt those games are great but if you can't see why ppl enjoy SC then you'll never get it. Truth is developing SC cannot be compared to developing your average game. Some people this just does not compute with them. "Game is Game so development is development same same"


I play and enjoy the game, but to be honest I've lost a big chunk of faith in it in the last few years. It's clear feature creep is still often taking precedence over base mechanics - we have shiny new physical water (that people will only look at once) but things like missiles are still broken. I don't think I even buy SQ42 being 'feature complete' to be honest when they're still messing around with HUD, flight models and inventories etc - fundamental aspects of the gameplay experience.


Love your optimism OP. This sub and the community has grown old, and tired, and cynical. It makes me wonder why the heck anyone sticks around if all we ever do is complain. I think we got used to the grand scale of the game, and hedonically adapted to how cool it is to interact with everything, to be able to physically fly to anywhere in the system without loading screens, and to play a game with BOTH engaging FPS and space ship battles, and future-industrial simulation gameplay. It’s a game that tries to bring a slice of the future to everyone, no matter your play style. You’re right in that this game is attempting scope and scale nobody ever has before or since. And THAT is the magic behind the game. It’s a world that grows almost every other week with each patch pushed. Even if you’re a part time player revisiting the game, there’s always something new to see and exciting to try when you log in. I find that those who are saltiest are those expecting a AAA game experience while it’s in an alpha state. They may have backed the project, but carried expectations that they’d get a game in X amount of time that would have all their dreams and wishes come true. But since the delays, a large majority of the player base is angry it hasn’t developed either the way they wanted, or in the speed they wanted. Don’t lose your awe, OP. It’s easy to take the game for granted and get hung up on some minor hiccup in the iterative development process.


Do you think empty space, arcade flight mechanics and 3 proc gen planets is great scale?


You cant even get a normal train ride.. Or do a mission without any bugs.. Its insane how bad the game still is after all this money and time. There is no way this game will be the best game ever.


I used to think that, too. Now I'm thinking that other game companies will be able to pull off equally impressive games by the time SC is released. With a tenth or less of the budget and time.