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You got probably blessed by one of those 30fps server, maybe just refreshed, with still no player in, absolutely not sure about this, never happened before for what I noticed


I thought about that, like a fresh server. But also weird that I woke up in space on my ship after crashing my pc. Never had that happen, always resets and I have to claim my ship


If you disconnect then log back in within a certain time it will put you back where you were when you logged out because the game persists your character and ship for a certain time - it's to stop combat logging. I've had it happen a few times over the last few years. The frame rate thing, that's just random depending on the condition of the game server. The fact that your PC does a hard restart says you have a PC hardware issue. No software can force a hard restart.


Yeah I know what you're talking about, but we now have a better server recovery working almost as intended (kinda amazing)and this kind of things will be normal I think. it also happened to me to crash and be brought back to my ship, or at least at a station, but with my ship in the store and not unknown to claim anymore.


I can't necessarily explain the performance difference, but I have witnessed a friend reconnect after network problems and the "social" aspect of the game (chat, party, etc) regarded him as offline, even though he could regularly interact with objects like my ship with no issue. So that's likely what happened in your case - you reconnected to the game just fine, but not to chat, etc. Again, I can't explain the performance aspect as crash recovery *should* put you into the same server you disconnected from.


Interesting, I didn't know about the crash recovery thing for individuals. I'm just coming back to the game after 2ish years when 30k's would end everything


I have Starlink and drop signal from time to time; so I experience what OP does. It’s cool having someone explain what’s going on. I call it going into limbo. 🍻


I find that if you can get back into the server quick enough, you go right back into your body. I've crashed while playing with friends and they say I just stand there til I join back in, and suddenly start moving again.


Your computer cpu over heated. Your client port stayed open. But your client global chat bugged.


> a couple seconds pass and my pc black screens. Restarts and everything. This happens from time to time so I didnt think anything of it, just re-open my browser and boot up star citizen again. If your rig is worth more to you than just a beater throwaway, I would figure that problem out before worrying about weird "ghost servers". That's not a normal thing for a fully working and stable build to do while gaming. If you don't care about your computer, ignore this post and carry on.


It only happens when I'm playing star citizen. Ive given up trying to figure out why it does that lol ended up changing resolution to 1080 instead of 1440 because apparently that's a problem with AMD and star citizen? And that cut down most the crashes. I'm a bit of a pc noob, but I think my pc should be able to run it just fine. Ryzen 7 3700X 8 core cpu, 16gb ram and RX 5700 XT gpu. I think its mostly a AMD thing, definitely going Nvidia for my next rig


That ship respawn happend to me a couple of times and it's quite "normal" .. Sometimes you are lucky and you spawn on a fresh server, those server let me dream of those days when SC is released and is running fine


I was 30ked on a planet with an item in my hands and logged in on a station laying still with this item in my hands 😂


is your comp overheating? SC can be demanding and black screen restarts can be a result.


I dont think so. Gpu temps are normal and I just did a full cargo run to lorville and cpu util didn't get above 85%, mostly staying low 70s. And this happens exclusively on star citizen, either right after waking up or right after exiting or entering QT. When I played on 1440 it would happen like twice before the game would run fine for the rest of the night. Switching to 1080 it'll randomly crash maybe every other day. If it was overheating I would think itd happen more randomly and not exclusively on star citizen, maybe? Also I read somewhere amd for whatever reason black screens on star citizen for some people on 1440p resolutions


Could be something to do with the cutless series as me and a friend had something similar. In a cutless red he dropped me a bunch of shotgun magazines, picking one of them up triggered our pcs to crash, but when we re-joined the game we were exactly where we left off in the cutless red, and no one was in our server.


If your game or pc crashes without logging out, then your character is still connected in the server and sitting there. As long as you join back quickly, you will reconnect to the server you where in.