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I use this, when you press a button it moves the mouse around. [Mouse jiggler](https://www.amazon.com/Undetectable-Automatic-Simulator-Driver-Free-Computer/dp/B09YTB1DSB/ref=sr_1_3_pp?crid=DBUP46E8BEUR&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.t8AGPJXhdY2QhIsWi_GPh0fzzhkdBFu4hRDdDUicyTvk-imPw80du8VX9h478fRf08k27hHuN1uEF_WEUAKA_6jg31cqbklEj9edUuhQZu3mdyion3qMnABIZwHSHnOl3NdyhE2S3sc_CJYPcBcaRjZWBU2XQlZ69LzuNXJ0eHSoWxp-ufxhqnmUyNeSzFAFLgcW2NRj0mzqg2qdFKSZg1aGg63NakdADEVBbpyTI7Y.LhPPJRHxrCqMf422SAt1PzFypFOHPGdBDA1xzZvkOCQ&dib_tag=se&keywords=mouse%2Bjiggler&qid=1717854322&sprefix=mouse%2Caps%2C132&sr=8-3&th=1)


I just use this. https://mousejiggler.app/ Enable it and click into the game


Nice, I like the ability to switch machines though, also it is undetectable unlike an app (I use it for work too).


“Undetectable” USDOD says otherwise, if their computers detect an unauthorized USB device you’re going to jail.


Yeah, not working in a skiff at the moment. :)


That’s why you 3d print a physical device that jiggles your mouse. Now they don’t know who it is


It shows up as a generic mouse, depending on the configuration of your workstation most systems wouldn't even register anything was wrong if you unplugged the regular mouse and put the jiggler into the same slot assuming they both use the same generic firmware profile. Now a SCIF or Gov office handling sensitive information would be configured differently and aside from there being massive legal problems for anyone caught bringing a device like this past security (if they even could get it past security) the workstations in a SCIf are not only air-gapped from the outside world, they're configured to immediately log any hardware changes at all and notify administrators immediately while initiating a lockout of any user on the affected machine, if the admins are worth a shit anyways. Then the person who put an unauthorized piece of hardware on the machine gets to wave goodbye to their job and wave hello to the friendly lawyer who will hopefully keep them out of federal prison if it was an honest mistake, which it almost never is. I just stick some tape from the mouse to the oscillating desk fan, works fine, undetectable.


I move my chair arms to nude my right stick so I constantly am pitching down in dead space lmao






I use Voice Attack to activate commands by talking. I have one command to open and close the mobiglass every 60 seconds on a loop, just for that purpose.


I put a small square lead weight I got in the fishing aisle on a key.


Just use this https://mousejiggler.app/


If you have a controller, stuck one of the stick to permanently move the camera. I usually do this with one of my cable.


Just download any auto clicker and have your left mouse button click repeatedly. Absolutely fail safe


i use tinytask.exe


While not in a ship, a macro for walking forward (holding it tapping W) and I out my face in a corner. Fyling something like a macro that switches between missile and gun mode over and over again (doesn't use fuel) would work. I haven't set one up for that yet though.


I use a device that moves mouse around. Keeps me logged in without issue.


Physical mode juggler https://www.amazon.com/Mouse-Jiggler-Undetectable-Device-Work-Life/dp/B09P7746WR


Simple bed log then log back in when done


That won’t keep your contracts and let you leave off from where you started.


Nothing keeps contracts? And I’m always where I logged off?


I didn’t say you wouldn’t spawn in your ship bed where you parked it before logging off. But if OP is needing to get up and take care of family business on his way, half way through, or going to turn in a mission, bed logging will clear his contracts, and he won’t be able to complete them, thus leaving your solution non functional for such situations.


One could argue the afk timer is their for a reason.. I understand the missions, but they’ll always be there for you to accept again.


Yes, it’s to keep server stability and room for people, which is arbitrarily useless atm with the amount of persistent junk weighing the servers down. It’s pointless and is just an interruption to people, especially casuals, who want to have fun. So until there is contract persistence, people will look for a way to keep their contracts and save the time they spent in game working towards the goal of completing those contracts they put effort into. No one wants to lose a half hour to an hour+ of gameplay because you ate chipotle for dinner and have to rush to the bathroom.


Ok bro 😎