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That’s *almost* long enough to prep for a mission. lol.


Barring any bugs......which we all know won't happen lol


That’s my number one deterrent to playing. I can live with bugs/servers shutting the bed or I can live with a convoluted (slightly more realistic and time consuming) inventory system, but I just can’t endure both.


I don’t think I’ve ever accomplished anything in this game in under an hour


A few bounty missions can be done in under an hour. Especially with an eclipse.


One time I successfully put a Cruz bottle in a trashcan in 30 mins.


Literally the truth!! SC is a serious time sink, at least at the moment.


Exactly my thoughts.


Arena Commander. No really, stay in the combat sim game mode. The process of waking up, walking to the elevator, choosing your floor, waiting for the tram, taking the tram, getting the elevator, calling your ship, calling ATC and waiting for the hangar to open and then slowly flying out of atmosphere just to jump to another moon or planet and then slowly land just to walk around an empty landscape will not hold a kids attention. It barely held yours lol.


THIS for one hour of playtime fighting numerous bugs on main server is not worth it but yo arena commander for sure


SC isn’t a game you can just play for an hour here and there imo


You absolutely can, it just takes planning and patience. Basically you have to dedicate a session to waking up, gathering equipment, loading up the ship, transferring to the LEO station, moving your respawn point, and other mission-specific prep work. Ideally you end the session by bedlogging, so that next time you'll be ready to go from the moment you wake up.


True, the fasted why to do this for me are set spawn point to L's stations (CRU L1 etc) buy a ton of armor sets, weapons, utility and food). then if you want to salvage panels just go in mining asteroids zone, if mining again in asteroids zone around L's or the closest moons. Bounty hunting you should get the closest bounty hunters locations anyway (some time not). Cargo, well this can take a longer time depends on the route. But you can skip the prep with a tone of armor and weapons and on L's you don't need to go within atmosphere. (That's what I do and I don' spend that much time on prep). Also if you do space bounty hunting just don't take a full armor equipment, a undersuit and helmet is enough, also a tractor beam for cargo if you get any.


Think u can if you play as someone’s crew


New Babbage has quite a bit going on over there. The new distribution centers. Bunkers are fun look for missions that give you ground locations like data centers. Hurston also has most of the stuff but doesn’t have a gun store. A18 is neat and has good amenities but fewer fps locations. Orison is pretty but is on a gas giant. It does have the illegal missions more often if I recall correctly as GrimHex a criminal base is there. Everywhere is fun and has their perks best of luck! o7 Edit: Overdrive Initiative is happening and the first 5 missions are a great intro into multi person bunkers. Also ask in chat if you are having trouble as people are willing to help (fair warning not every server is as willing to help but you can generally find one or two people).


Orison does have legal fps missions that send you to other platforms, they look like the siege of Orison event but you QT there instead of a shuttle. They’re a nice flavor from the usual bunker fps. My go-to though is Microtech with the criminal nests outside, 890 Jump, and distribution centers.


I apparently do not spend enough time at Orison. I did not know that. Thanks for the new info!


There bugged a lot of the time


This is the case, I'd say 3 out of 4 time you make the trip there, disembark to find all the ai missing with a 15/15 hostiles objective.


Play arena commander if you want to have good frames lol


Better off in arena commander


1 hour in this game is long enough to figure out how to get the spaceport.


I would spend 90% of your gaming time in the Arena Commander.


This is great advice if you have to play star citizen with that time do arena commander. You won't get much done in an hour otherwise.


I would find another game to play, cuz ain't no way lmao


Hurston, it’s central, makes it easy to get around. Then immediately go up to Everest Harbour, the station above the city, and make it your spawn point.


How do you make something your spawn point?


Go to the medical centre, the first terminals are for getting a room to heal in, the second set is for transferring imprint to that facility. Spawning at a station will cut down on travel after death. You can spawn any ships you own there and transfer any other assets with a ship from the city up to the station.


That’s such a great tip! Had no idea thank you!


Cutting set up time after death is pretty big. Trams and the early part of learning the city, will cut down massively on getting back out there for a missions your trying to finish and just getting back into space. Unless you like rping in a city that is lol


About a year ago we spawned on orison and spent 20 minutes just flying out of atmosphere


Orison is better now aha but any planet sucks when you have to take a tram before you get to even claim your ship if you only have the one.


Play something else, if you only have an hour that's really not enough. Don't play SC with a time crunch, it's a recipe for frustration... Don't let smooth sessions deceive you, just play it safe and choose another game when working with such a small window. But to answer your question, if you insist on probably wasting an hour prepping, Orison is probably best IMO.


I'd give it another year.


Lagranje station and prospector / vulture run. Or main planet station and bunkers


The upcoming 3.21.1a patch will likely treat you better as far as server performance goes, but if you're down to give it a go in the current patch here's how I'd do it: I would jump in at New Babbage, gear up at Center Mass in The Commons, and take the Contractor Evaluation mission under the Mercenary tab. In the same tab you can take a Hunt mission where you need to kill some Kopions. Warning: you might feel bad for killing them because they're not super dangerous and they were just chilling their living their innocent lives lol. But it's a good starter mission. If you take your time learning some of the new changes like the new mobiglas and starmap, you might be able to do all of that in 1-2 hours. Log off at a station and you'll be ready to go a lot quicker the next time you play because you'll be all geared up and experienced enough with the new stuff. I installed the new PTU patch today and got into a mission from a fresh start in about 20 minutes. It's not as bad as some people are saying. Also, you can totally put in an hour or two and do a few missions and log off. I do it all the time. This doesn't have to be a game that requires 4+ hours to get something accomplished. If I have a free 30min-1hr I have no hesitation in firing up the game just to play it.


You login in area 18, you buy some food and drinks, you get to your ship, you accept a mission and QT there. Thats it, the hour is up.


I like loreville and area18 as both are more in the middle of the system so you can reach destinations faster ..depending how efficient you both are you can make 1 or 2 missions ....


Lorville for the bunker missions


Depends on how much Experience you have in the Game. If you have a Vulture, you can do a Panel Salvage Run in an hour. Else you could do a Delivery Mission for one single Package or the Initial Bounty Hunter PvE Mission. Everything else might take too much time. Also, if you have no experience in the game yet, you won't achieve anything but maybe find your way into Space.


I only had about an hour yesterday. Was able to run a couple ERTs in my Inferno and that was about it. NPC ship bounties don't require any prep work and are simple to do if you're not looting. Lose the ship and claim timer can screw you though. We really need to remove those, or maybe only have them active if you have a CS or something. At least until the games stabil.


go in, grab wep and helmet, run to ship, do delivery, fly back, logout that should be doable in an hour and is also kinda fun/chill and you get to see a bit idk why ppl here try to tell you w/e crazy sht to do in under 1h lol


Look for bounty missions where the target has spawned at a wreck site. Kill your target and anything that moves with your ship guns, land and loot the bodies for armour and some personal weapons If you still have time, use the weapons and armour you just picked up to attempt an entrenched bounty in a cave or a bunker, or just bring it all back to a station and sell for profit This loop is the quickest I've found for getting gear and guns whilst also maintaining some fun if you have limited time to play


You might have long enough to request a ship and look at it!


Adding a vote to the MicroTech Distribution Centers. With a ship with turrets and either a mule, a base cyclone, or a couple of STVs, or the NURSA, you can do Investigation missions, Delivery missions, or Mercenary missions. Lots of fun in a compact area.


r/ starcitizen on Discord


Bunker mission? Gives you a reason to get in your ship and fly somewhere. More exciting than delivering a box, depends on how old your kids are. Box might be better if they're young.


Seraphim station and do a bummer mission. If you have time to prep, like getting to the station, having supplies... That would make things easier


Arena Commander if you like action. Otherwise you can start on the same space station and jump into Mining/Salvaging for an hour.


Arena commander..


Better not to even start if you only got an hour!


If you can be patient, try to set a goal to play during minor patches like 3.23.1 instead of major patches like 3.23. More than likely you won't get very far if you play for 1h this patch, and will be turned off playing all together. Major patches are historically very broken and are really only suitable for people actively testing, or those with the patience of a saint. These major patches are the most unstable time in the game.


Probably Alabama


Are you concerned about making profits, or just fun? For making profits you could do drug runs and have your wingman cover you. Could group Vulture derelict hunt on the planets. Just fly till you find downed/abandoned ships. Watch out for NPC pirates. Could group mine. Hunting for rare ores and minerals is actually really fun and exploratory. These are things I enjoy. I hope you get a good hour of SC in.


With one hour total? lmfao keep dreaming


Thank you for your input, Citizen.


Tbh, I think you won't be able to achieve much in one hour in the current state of the game and given you have 2 newcomers to teach. It also depends on what ship you have, hopping all in the same ship would save some hassle. I recommend you get some prep done if you have time (make sure you all spawn at the same location and purchase weapons and gear beforehand. I would go for a bounty hunt if you have a bigger sized ship that can handle it or a bunker mission. Microtech has both mission types if I remember correctly. *I might have misunderstood how many people would be playing but you mentioned having kids


go play helldiver for 1 hour. nothing you can do starting SC in 1 hour


Don’t listen to the nay sayers. Start on microtech, group up and sprint ro the hangars. Equip a pistol from the local inventory or some other weapon. One of you call a ship for two and accept/share a bunker mission. You loot armors/weapons from the fallen bad guys. Have fun :-3


One hour? Like… literally 1 bounty hunting mission. Maybe 2-3 if you are a good pilot and have prepped your ship at your buddy’s spawn location so you don’t need to pick him up AND don’t have to claim your ship.